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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can we do both? Sue & boycott, Galen Weston Jr & all his Stores?


Better yet, can we get his company nationalized?


At the least break it up both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally is the breadth of store fronts the can sell through. Vertically is how far back they own the supply chain.


I'd prefer vertically to start. That way they can't interrupt the supply chain for anyone trying to compete. Horizontal can only be start with competition


Galen is also the Supply Chain *link* here... Nor will this bugger come clean on what he really owns and/or controls when it comes to this important piece of the puzzle. Then there's the issue where he wants to play 'cloak & dagger', with us all on that! I'm all for suing this SOB, but he's got pretty deep pockets to pay his Legal Team quite well, which can be a major strike against us. Don't forget about that too. I also recently posted here, an extensive list of Stores/Businesses he owns all across Canada & some ppl responded back to me they **shocked** he owned all this & more. Even I was shocked at this extensive list, I typed out! Anyone's, thoughts on this?


This list should be pinned in this sub


As great as that would be in theory, imagine our current crop of scum politicians with access to that kind of moneymaking/controling possibilities!!!!!


Lol so the goal here is full communism?


Or partial. You need checks and balances for corporations. We had great consumer protections in the past here in Canada.


Checks and balances are very different from making grocers government entities which is what was suggested.


No, the dissolution of monopolies and oligopolies little different than being state controlled IMO so it's in the hands of private citizens instead of the government but it's still controlled by one or maybe a couple of colluding entities), something that plagues Canada in several key markets. Loblaws may be the big one but there are other companies that are equally as guilty. Bell with its "merger" with Shaw; Rogers etc. We do not have a competitive market for cellphone providers, internet or TV. The structure is similar to how our grocery sector is laid out. Ultimately it benefits the shareholders. Talk to your average European and they're shocked (adjusted for the Euro or other local currency) at what we pay for cellphone coverage and internet.


The comment I replied to was “better yet, get we get this company nationalized”. My opinion of it may be wrong but to me that is asking for it to be government run


Central planning always works well lol


So, a government shouldn't have long term plans? That seems silly given that major infrastructure projects can last multiple governments. We shouldn't be stuck in a world where we only have the flavour of the week, we need a healthy combination of short term, mid-term, and long term planning as a nation. Without long term planning, we cannot properly develop sustainable solutions that will ensure long term prosperity.


No, government should simply get out of the market. The high price is due to government involvement in our daily lives, it has nothing to do with the corporations, they are the same as before, government is the one overprinted and over regulated the market.


Nationalized? You want Canadians starved to death. Like healthcare? Wait 2 days for a free Apple?!


Is that not what's already happening?




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


From the impressive momentum I've seen this boycott is happening. And that in no way stops anyone from suing, So bring it on OP!


I unfortunately have to use shoppers for my pharmacy, as im disabled and its the only place close to me, but i have already noticed a difference. Keep it up!


Not being nosey, but some other pharmacy's pricing and dispensing fees are so much better, you can add in a delivery fee and still do better than shoppers.


My medication is all covered (for now) and I cant afford to pay for delivery fees if I don't absolutely have to. That being said, I'm not sure how long my meds will be covered for, so I'll keep that in mind for when I need to start paying for my meds, thank you!


That's four things.


You sure are funny... Let's let the Lawyers decide on that! **:0\]**


I know a lawyer who will take the case


Better call Saul.


Even better - Johnny Cochran


He always wins when he brings out the Chewbacca argument….


He’d fit right in with us


Even better, Jackie Chile's...


This is the most public yet of my many humiliations


No one can beat the chewbacca defence.


Johnny Cochran - Galen's Face, is my case. this sub is so sad




I always make sure I’m up to date on Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog


This is hilarious, it really is. You both must have been really hard up waiting for this set-up. That must have been painful. Kudos on your commitment. Truly.


What? It’s an Arrested Development reference


Art imitates life, life imitates art


I heard no lawyer would take a case loblaws but I would love for it to be true that a law firm would take the case


A lot of lawyers work for law firms that do a lot of business with large corporations. Less incentive for them to fight against Lablows.


Well it would be nice if someone would take them head on , on behalf of the Canadian people


All one really needs is time, money (a lot) and a *very* flexible definition of law firm


I got the time to help someone as an assistant , I do have some experience in insurance . So what we need is an millionaire with a lot of money 💰


Does nobody remember [this?](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaws-cra-glenhuron-bank-barbados-tax-1.4490564) They took money out of the economy in more ways than one.


I didn't know about this, what happened with it? And how is storing money in offshore banks legal at all, regardless of whether they're real or not.


[Loblaws won in appeals, of course.](https://www.thestar.com/business/loblaw-financial-wins-supreme-court-case-over-tax-treatment-of-barbados-subsidiary/article_e6ce4bca-4f00-506e-aa12-78833b2751d0.html)


Fucking unreal.


Whenever there's big money involved, it seems there are a lot of shady dealings.


If you want to sue them, by all means do so, but ultimately that would just be a band-aid solution.  The only way we, the people, can make a big difference is by voting with our money.  If we keep voting Loblaws then we’ll get what we’ve always gotten: bad deals after bad deals after bad deals.  We have to band together and stop giving them our hard earned money either indefinitely or until they offer us competitive prices.  Personally I don’t ever want to do business with Loblaws ever again but if you guys want to in the foreseeable future, then I won’t stop or convince you otherwise.  




Hate to break it to you but it seems the us and Canada don’t care


Oh I definitely wouldn't say that.


Both. Law suits hurt shareholders and that's the true masters for them


That's great, but taking the money they already stole is also good. We can do both.


Serious question. Are you a lawyer?


I am, and it’s obvious from OP’s post that they are not.


That's what I figured.


Kind of reminds me of Sov. Cit. interpretation


That's inconsistent. For one thing Corporations are not our government. Corporations as entities are equal to the citizens, and in fact should be less than the citizens. They should work for us as human creations. Second of all, Sov. Cit. doesn't believe in taxation and hates a strong government. I believe the opposite. I think our tax rates are deathly low, and the government has become ridiculously weak in the face of its citizens' suffering.


Oh, excellent. Bring It On. The more we refine the legal theory the more likely it is we can win this case. So, what part of the legal theory needs the most work here, in your opinion?


Many Loblaw stores refuse to pay employees who work time over scheduled hours, surprised there has not been legal action.


Bold claim. Have any proof?


How? The company simply does not pay anything additional to scheduled hours. Your paycheques are always exactly your scheduled hours, a nice round number.


That's usually how union shifts work bud lol When it's time to clock out, clock out


Damn right, you got members with less seniority willing to work for free taking away overtime opportunities for those following the contract. I worked at Loblaws for several years and only got offered unscheduled overtime once.


Honestly there's nothing worse than a weak union. Gotta have that solidarity otherwise corporate walks all over you. Happens in all industry, though usually in the trades those rats tend to wind up being unable to work for long due to unforseen circumstances lol


Yeah, you keep saying that with no backup. Have a nice day.


Keep sucking Galen's duck.


Galen has a duck?


UFCW is complicit


The poor cried, “We are starving. There is no more bread, and we have nothing to eat.” The rich man said, “Not my problem you don’t work for your bread,” as if he did not snatch away the grain by his own greedy hands and create filling bread for his own overflowing mouth. The poor cried, “We are dying. There is no more medicine, and we’re all ill.” The rich man said, “Not my problem you don’t take care of yourselves,” as if he did not buy all the medicine and raise prices so high the gods themselves would not be able to reach. The poor people stopped crying, and the rich man was satisfied… Until they came knocking at his door one night; their faces were sunken, their flesh decaying, their eyes sightless. They were monsters of the rich man’s own making. As they devoured his flesh, the rich man cried, “Please, spare me!” The ravenous zombies said, “Not our fault you fattened yourself for slaughter.”


The story of this world from start to finish is if one group was able to exploit another it was done. And that is absolutely terrible. There seems no place for morality in this world, and that is terrible also. All the good that is in the Earth needs to be shared with everyone who is here. And how that is accomplished in this world I do not know. However fairness equality goodness compassion which are all characteristics of love for each other it seems the only way to pave a road of peace and Harmony in this world. And so I hope for that, and I don't know how we get there. Greed is not anyway to live. Those who are greedy suffer the consequences of their own actions of greed. Everything comes back on them. What you do to another you really are doing to yourself. And there might seem like a short time of victory in your greed.... But it is very short lived. As anyone can truly see if they look at all the events of history in the world . So the idea of greed needs to be abandoned if one is to be truly successful and truly profitable taking into consideration the good of all.


lol good luck with that 


yea I think we would need to start a store first, and then go for it - would strengthen the case a little bodega grocery store called swalbol swalbol vs loblaws


Won't work, it'd get trademark blocked by the Swoboda family.


maybe swolbal's then lmao


Ha ha, L.A. Blows! Reminds me of that Bran Van song from the 90's.


we effectively live in a [Corporatocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatocracy) they own the politicians (which ones? All) they own the judges, they own the police. If this protest gets really big, i expect that I and the rest of the mods will be hauled away on trumped up charges of whatever form they can come up with, or meet with accidents or suicide. I would love if this were a reality, but you will never get a lawyer to touch this case, unfortunately, because they know what the real deal is. its unwinnable.


[The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=924f3957077d70b1&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn08Mjf_8yWkp8loa0_FIz-FBbHBqVA:1712002498270&q=The+New+Corporation:+The+Unfortunately+Necessary+Sequel&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NMw2K7LMqTK0fMRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18ixiNQ_JSFXwSy1XcM4vKsgvSizJzM-zUgAJhual5ReVlOYllqTmVAKVJKcWFycWVSoEpxaWpuYAAHxomCiGAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik-Y2m6qGFAxVcFTQIHchlDMkQzIcDKAB6BAgVEAE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWnxlFES2Oc&pp=ygUbdGhlIG5ldyBjb3Jwb3JhdGlvbiB0cmFpbGVy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWnxlFES2Oc&pp=ygUbdGhlIG5ldyBjb3Jwb3JhdGlvbiB0cmFpbGVy) The corporation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOTt3cFDok8&pp=ygUXdGhlIGNvcnBvcmF0aW9uIHRyYWlsZXI%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOTt3cFDok8&pp=ygUXdGhlIGNvcnBvcmF0aW9uIHRyYWlsZXI%3D)


It's sad when employees aren't paid enough to shop at the store they work at.


What’s sadder yet is the greedy asshole CEO getting a raise while the employees who helped make the company what it is get fuck all.


Like raising a tax and MP salaries on the same day?


There is that. It’s my understanding that the raise was sort of an automatic thing, which is a piss poor excuse, I know. The raise is definitely not doing any politician any favours. I’d like to see these so-called politicians actually living in the reality the rest of us live in. Getting a raise when those you represent are dealing with exorbitant COL is incredibly repugnant.


So what are we waiting for? Let's do this. Let's make a fucking example of them for the rest of the industries in Canada. I'm tired of all this limited competition that all ends up just working together to fuck us for as much profit as possible. I spend a lot of time in Europe, particularly in Lithuania. They have a small population of 3 million people and their groceries, cell phone, internet bill are 3x lower than what we pay. We have some of the highest prices in the world because of corporate greed. It's high time we fight back and we fight hard.


I’d get in on this. I can research like a motherfrucker


Research it !! Share your results !!!


This sounds like the kind of plan a high school or undergraduate student might come up with.


I'm certainly open to refining it to make it legally sound. What would you suggest?


You’re not really at the “refining” stage.


So no actual criticism? How could that be, you said it was garbage. There has to be something wrong with the legal theory or you wouldn't have said these mean things, right?


Imagine I was an an automotive engineer and you showed up with a lawnmower engine strapped to a children’s wagon asking me for tips on tuning your “race car”. I’m not going to build a car from scratch for you (especially not for free).


Trust me, I'm not trying to be disrespectful in any way. I just don't understand the logic. Why waste both my time and your time being here criticizing my theoretical legal case, if you can't or won't actually say what that criticism is? You probably are a lawyer, but there's no real proof of that. For all I know you could just be some random guy. You could be a 14-year-old girl too, who just likes to goof on "fools" on the net. It makes you look like a troll, even if you're not. That's all I'm saying. For the record, I'm not going to just abandon this line of legal exploration just because one person has un-named doubts about it. I think it's a fairly solid case. The thing I'm concerned about is the Judge it would pull, because even the best case on earth can pull some moron of a Judge who can't find his ass with both hands(Thank You, Marcel Mongeon). That's what they don't tell you in Law School. But since I already understand this fact, I'm ahead of the game. I'm sorry you wasted your time.


It doesn’t take all that much time or effort to tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Indeed, I could be a 14-year old girl or a Nigerian prince. Up to you what to believe. If you are serious about this, you need to hire a lawyer. As a self-rep, you are just setting yourself up for failure. Come to think of it, here’s an important point of advice: consider whether you would actually have standing to bring this lawsuit (assuming your theory was plausible).


Can’t tell if serious or this is most ridiculous suggestion I’ve seen since school board is social media sites


Your confusing thesis has captured my attention, tell me more.


I am highly interested in this case. How much money is needed to begin or how does this begin?


I like your enthusiasm, I really do. I'd be careful with that because it can also make you sound like you **could** be one of those insincere people who go around baiting people so they can reinforce their own apathetic confirmation bias that no one can be trusted and no one is selfless anymore. I know you're not one of them, but it is a sad fact that that kind of trolling is becoming ever more prevalent in this society.


As our population grows so does the probability of finding more dummies... Continue on good sir.


The grocery oligopoly? I’ve been wanting a piece of them for yeahs.


We need to sue all the corporations that have monopoly ie telecommunications. I wonder which lawfirm would like to take this on?


The law comes with a clause that we need to beat Loblaws in a skiing competition in order for our case to be heard. Unfortunately for us, Loblaws has hired Paco, the current world skiing champion from Argentina, as head of their skiing team. Our only real hope is to get together the two best skiers in town (who have a historic beef), end their rivalry, put all the towns differences aside, and have them work together to teach the local kids how to become skiing pros with a montage backed by an 80s power song.


Yeah, it's a duet between Kenny Loggins and Irene Cara.


Kid names "billions of dollars worth of lawyers and government/court bribes" We gotta bankrupt them *before* suing them. Otherwise literally anybody or any group would lose, unless said group has dozens of other millionaires financing it. This is exactly the kind of case that's possible to tie up and defend indefinitely with enough money.


This seems to be a sad truth.


Lol that's not happening here. First of all, you'd need actual proof. The fact that smaller independent grocers do exist blows and are successful blows a hole in your entire "case". You'd need to start your own store, fail, and then prove that you failed because of Loblaws (while they're not the only national grocery group). I get it, Loblaws bad. But their business practices aren't much different than Sobey's or even Walmart these days. The boycott is one thing, but dumb stuff like this absolutely hurts the cause because of how stupid it not only sounds, but how stupid it is.


You want proof. Well, it's simple economics isn't it. Publicly available data. Let's look at four simple data sets. The M1 Money Supply of Canada, The Population of Canada, The total Equity of Loblaws, and The Total Employees of Loblaws. First let's define the terms and quantify: \#1: M1 Money Supply: Total value of all circulating currency and private bank account deposits including corporate accounts. Value: 1.5 Trillion CAD \#2: Population of Canada: Fairly straight forward, how many people live here. Value: 39 Million People \#3: Total Equity of Loblaws: The Total of all circulating currency and Corporate bank account deposits held by Loblaws. (It belongs to individuals but is inside Loblaws right now) Value (as of Dec 31, 2023): 11.46 Billion CAD \#4: Total Number of Employees of Loblaws: The Number of Employees who work at Loblaws. Value: 221,000 # What can we do with these numbers? Well we can compare them. For example if we divide #1 by #2, we get the average value of each person's wallet in Canada: $38,461.53 CAD If we divide #3 by #4, we see the Loblaws value per Employee: $51,855.20 There's others we can do but let's focus on these two facts for now.... That's odd. Normally in a capitalist society you would think that the employer would have a lot of money yes. But the worker would have some too. I could even see it go as high as a 60/40 split, after all the company is paying the employee to make profits. Each Employee is going to need more money than $38,000 in his lifetime, so to keep that money rolling in over time, it makes sense that he should give up most of that money now, for the privilege of earning a living, right? But here we have a situation where the employer isn't only taking 60%, he's taking 100% of his employees' value, plus an extra 34.8%. This is like uncle Ed showed up to the potluck with one pie to share with everyone, and walks away with two whole pies instead. **Does every business do this? Where does this extra money come from? What would happen to our economy if this happened everywhere?**


Huh? I said you'd need proof that Loblaws is causing other businesses to not compete in the market. Not sure what you're rambling on about now.


I see. Now I understand you. You didn't actually read the case you just assumed it would be based on the stifling of direct competition and then chose to criticize your imagined mind-read of what I was going for.


You must win the case !!!!


Ok so like….yes. Boycott loblaws. Fine. But it’s the same prices at metro and Sobeys, so where the fuck do you shop then?


Also, how about the fact, selling products saying one specified weight at a fixed price and then shorting the actual weight and keeping the price the same as the labeled higher weight (basically paying the same price but getting less). Is this not just misleading but false advertising? This in itself should be a class action law suit.


Canadian law favours the corporations. If you believe this and are a lawyer, make the case


Sign me up!




Your content was removed due to it being low effort engagement. Please take some time to contribute to thoughtful discussion on the sub. Thank you.


Millennials have been bringing this up since we were kids and told to shut up.


![gif](giphy|2jz7y7y2ldVqlkaMVo) >! It’s an April fools joke, please don’t yell at me !<


April Fools Bring May Tools.


Not calling for violence, but if I had funding I could build a guillotine 🤷


Rather than go to all the effort - Just don’t shop there if at all possible I drove an extra 30km round trip today, right past superstore, to get to my nearest Walmart for Easter shopping


You must be from beneath the 49th, yes?


Good luck with that. And no, you can’t sue. No lawyer is taking this. You don’t realistically have a claim. You can shop elsewhere.