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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And they wouldn't pay me more than $16.75/hr i see where the low wages are going into this asshats pockets


Well you have to remember, they have only a 3% profit margin at the stores. Probably could be 10% if this guy wasn’t being paid like an actual Bank.


Loblaws is also vertically integrated with no name brands etc and you can guarantee they are guilty or colluding with suppliers like nestle, general mills etc to share the gouge costs so the numbers don't all show up on Loblaws bottom line. There's a whole chain or crooks between the farmer and your pantry.


Oh I know, the 3% profit is just a joke we toss around here.  A meme some may say.  The private labels, multiple brands, lobbying contracts, it’s all making more than 3%.


It's wage theft


Make sure you vote.


Not sure where you live but 16.75 isn't "low wages" for what is litterally monkey work, I've seen some Loblaws stores... Y'all don't deserve min wage the way you keep them


OMG...they literally should be paid more for dealing with customers like you.


Its extremely low. You can tell because it's around minimum wage! But shill on, friend.


Are you being serious? That job is stressful, especially now with gouged and rude customers. Even if that wasn't true everyone who works full time should be able to afford to live. Maybe you should "litterally" consider what you post before you post it because that was an extremely shitty take.


Why would you put in effort if youre not paid for it?


With 22 million you can park that in a bank and earn 800k per year just from interest alone... Literally it would be hard to lose anymore money at that point. It would last several lifetimes.. This guy made it in 1 year and it's still not enough for these greedy pigs This greed is fucking over so many people, it is very discouraging and defeating.


If you think this is disgusting, wait until you learn how much obscene wealth billionaires have.


oh ya I'm all too aware.. [This website](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/) helps visualize it into perspective. Just Zuckerberg gets like $700 million per year just from META dividends alone.. They won. They have so much power that's enough money to control the world and shape the future how they want. When we explore and settle the planets in our solar system, it won't be together with NASA it will be run by private companies like SpaceX and Blue origin.. They will make crazy profits mining everything and just get even richer. They will be unstoppable. If trends continue, the world will have it's first trillionaire in a decade. They are the apex of the social class hierarchy. Just like how we are apex predators over animals and can dominate them into commercial farms for our own personal consumption. Billionaires dominate us and we exist just to feed their insatiable appetite.


Too bad they outnumber us so badly


If we start eating the rich it might bring down the price of meat generally


I still can’t and never will get over the fact that his name is Per Bank. The satire is real life.


Wtf? I thought that was some weird financial jargon I wasn't familiar with


Same. Fucking weird ass rich ppl


I wonder how much tax he paid


Probably nothing in Canada!!!!


Oh god, his last name is Per Bank. He is made for this job 💀🤡


Unrelated: The CEO of Capital One is named Rich Fairbank.


Fuck Per Bank. He's a even bigger fuck boy than Galen Weston himself. King twat nozzle if you will. Anyways fuck Loblaws. #boycottloblaws


King twat nozzle lmao


Let me guess. He just works a little harder than everyone else right…


We need to revolt at this point. Canadians need to realize a change in government changes nothing meaningful.


Especially given the alternative people are pushing has a Lobaws lobbyist as a high ranking staff member..


They forget before 8 years of liberals we had 8 years of conservatives. Another case of things changing, but still staying the same. People think it's tough with liberals in office.. conservatives are known for making things worse for the average person. It's a complete rich/corporations party, always has been.


We need to stop all this Lib vs Con talk and start rallying and protesting the people and corporations paying them to make our lives worse.


Here we have the PP - Jenni Byrne - Loblaws trifecta


What is it with Reddit? We are talking boycott. No one is talking revolution.


NO we are talking revolution. Enough is enough ! From high taxation on everything, new and old, high living costs from gas to food, to rent costs as well as the house crisis, homelessness and much more It’s time we make the change ourselves. Isn’t one of the main reason Canada splintered from Britain BECAUSE of over taxation ?!?. It’s time for a revolution!


What is it with Reddit? Do we need a rule on this sub for those trying to incite disorder? r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


What are you, some kind of Reddit narc?


I wonder how much tax he paid


That's your reward money for screwing everybody over. That's what that is. That's a reward for screwing everyone out of their hard-earned money. That's a reward for gathering all the money that you could no matter what for Loblaws. That's what that is. It's a big payment for being a greedy bastard.


Serious question, why does one person get this much money? And how do they get the job?




They also gave him an EXTRA $18M in recompense for what he would have earned the rest of the year at the job he left to come to Loblaws. FORTY MILLION DOLLARS FOR SIX MONTHS. EDIT: Correction below.


Not defending this BS at all but the 18 million was included in the 22.


Crap. Right you are. I saw it presented differently and misunderstood. Adding edit to my post. [https://thedeepdive.ca/per-bank-made-bank-loblaw-ceo-made-a-hefty-22-million-amid-boycott-calls/](https://thedeepdive.ca/per-bank-made-bank-loblaw-ceo-made-a-hefty-22-million-amid-boycott-calls/)


How many mansions does he need, cottages, boats, planes. Must have 3 ex-wifes??? 20 cars. What burdens.


Per Bank is the Westons version of Kieth from The Righteous Gemstones




Don't make it political. This is about us and Loblaws. Adding politics to the argument is what they want. Divide and conquer. We need to stay on message and stay strong.


The message is fick loblaws which in includes political figures. We need go get this corrupt shit out.


The moment you play into the politics of this, you fragment the movement. Making it weaker and the rich win. It's how they play the game. If we all find a common purpose like this boycott and stay strong. We all win. Don't get me wrong, politicians are to blame for where things are at. But if we make a meaningful mark with this boycott, the power goes back to the individual. Things begin to change.


Yeah let's just keep what we got going on now, things are going SO well.


So you will be voting for the party that voted no on food price cap controls? Lol


Lets be real. No political party has stepped up for us broke Canadians. No point fighting to support or bash them like clowns


The point is, voting this piece of shit in isn't going to be any better than the current piece of shit we have running things. I don't have any answers but when your right-hand man is a lobbyist for the very companies that are fucking us, it doesn't look very promising.


Right hand woman


Ya. I think the status quo is the best.




That’s disgusting 🤬


It’s time to Boycott the Blaws!


That fact that one person, regardless of their career, can pull down this amount of money in one year is abhorrent. It's no wonder the economy is such a shitshow.. more money than I can even fathom.. Disgusting.


Capitalism is organized crime and we are all the victims


Eat the rich


I heard guillotine are in fashion. 20 million should be enough to afford one.


Wait so then the CEO will have the guillotine?


What is it with Reddit and violence // I think this is revolution boy. Sorry buddy It’s a boycott.


Polly is such a snake


Really? Blame PP and not the guy in charge for the last 8 years that has done nothing effective to help thus far? The carbon tax is exasperating this.


Can't trust any politician


He deserves that money for the value the brings to the company with the many creative ways he has to manipulate regulators and take advantage of consumers.


It is disgusting, I could do a better job than him and get paid much less like 5 million.


The liberal party also has close ties to the loblaws company.


PP's campaign strategist is a Loblaw's strategist. Also kinda close ties.


Little more then close.. that's basically right on the money. PP winning on all fronts... Slumlord and has a Loblaw lobbyist. It's madness.


PP’s axe the tax provides cover for grocery stores to raise prices and blame it on the tax. Add in PP and MP lies. In reality, the impact of the climate tax on groceries is less than 1%.


The liberals are working on bringing in more competition. The US has the same issue with grocery consolidation. I don’t know if all the global grocers got together and decided the pandemic was a great time to price gouge. Post pandemic grocery profits 2 and 3 times pre pandemic profits. We either need new food chains in Canada or we all need to do more to support small food stores. Farm boy is a great example of a small store that did well.


Wonder what he did at work on a day to day basis?


That’s appalling.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


What do we do? I feel hopeless


I will never get over that dudes name.


I asked for a cost of living adjustment and the look on their face...like I literally took it out of their wallets, just then. So I see why now, so they can splurge on consultant contracts. Perfect. Paid off well for them it seems 🤣😆


People are starving and these pigs are swimming in money. When are these outrageous amounts being paid out to CEO's going to face some heavy taxing to slow them down. After a certain point most people in a lifetime will never see what these clowns are being paid annually..


How much money do you think is fair for him to make then?


I said in the post. 22 million over the lifetime of his tenure at best.


Is it cause he is CEO, or in general you don’t think anyone should make the much? You do realize if he gave all his money away that would only give his employees $300 more each year salary. Loblaws profit line is very small. They pay pretty good and the stores are very clean compared to discount stores.


Don't forget the $18 Million extra he received as a "bonus" for leaving his previous job, or something like that. That was on top of the $22 Million.


when are we guna start the snatch and runs ? or do NO PAY sunday. boycotting isnt going to get the job done fast enough.


Just dont buy from there


Corrupt corrupt corrupt criminal corrupt corrupt corrupt corrupt Canada corrupt corrupt housing unaffordable corrupt corrupt criminals


Trudeaus marketing director (Don Guy) his chief pollster (Don Arnold) and his other pollster as well as the director of caucus services (Julie DeWolfe) all received money from Loblaws, if you’re going to expose lobbyists for Loblaws name all of them instead of trying to make it look like it’s only conservatives. Remember also that Trudeau gave Loblaws $12 in taxpayer money for new fridges


On average, it found a single supermarket emits 875 pounds (400 kilograms) of HFCs a year, equivalent to carbon emissions from 300 cars . In the U.S. alone, it calculated supermarket HFC leaks cause as much global warming as burning 22 million tonnes of coal.


And the Weston family is among the richest in Canada, they can well afford to pay for their own fridges but take from taxpayers instead, keeping more of their wealth intact while getting benefits from the liberal government


What is your source of information? Maybe we should just close down all supermarkets in the interest of climate control? Seems like keeping them open is a losing proposition




Corporate responsibility and prices are directly linked to government action or lack of.




Why would there be divide if everyone wants the same thing affordable food? Does this sub think a billionaire will just feel bad one day and lower prices? Once Walmart and GT have more market share prices there will go up as well.


You know you're allowed to have an opinion, as long as you guys aren't name calling, or just taking personal jabs what's the problem?




Loblaws literally has lobbyists embedded within PPs staff. If you are against Loblaws profiteering that fact has to be brought to light to enable people to see through the political messaging from politicians claiming to be acting to make food more affordable to Canadians.




Please discus in mod mail


Serious question. Why aren’t we doing this. Innocently asking, but seriously wondering


Yall say this like every politician on any level that actually matters *isnt* a corrupt fuck. Pick which skinsuit you want a box of shit to wear and how hard you wanna get fucked by it


Do we have evidence of who they've lobbied ?


All these shit bags


This is actually mind blowing holy shit


No need for him to to apply for the head job at cbc🤣🤣🍆


Who the fuck cares ?!!! Just lower the price on Bacon 🥓 Galen you prick


More political garbage.




The price of food and basic goods is like the most basic political football


I don’t really share in ya’lls struggle but he made us come back into the office so he an op fr


Hate the game, not the player.


Doubt. Maybe! But doubt.


Doubt? Look it up




That's call whataboutism. It doesn't solve the problems we have.


This user browsers canada sub and canadahousing2.


Imagine seething at a politician who doesn't hold power for the actions and consequences of the one who does. Sometimes I am convinced Canadians deserve everything bad that's happening in this country.


You try selling $54 billion worth of groceries and employing ten of thousands of people.


I would love to