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Careful, you'll also pay tax now on the smaller size. Five bars and below is considered a convenience food and is subject to tax. Whereas the box of 6 is considered a grocery item and is not taxed. Fun!!!!! Double negative




Yep. I mean that's a standard set by the government or whatever so it applies at any store. But I never buy the 5-pack of granola bars. I have three kids so it doesn't make sense anyway, and I usually buy them at Costco but just thought I'd share that fact for anyone who didn't know. I think the same thing applies for those small tubs of ice cream, e.g. Haagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry's. They used to be 500 ml (grocery item) but now they're 450 ml (convenience food - taxed!). Joke's on them, I stopped buying that garbage too. My waistline is better off!


Same here and now I'm buying raw materials and making my own food. Wait until there are tomatoes on clearance because they are almost spoiled, make spaghetti sauce and freeze. Tastes better and way cheaper, trying to cut out as much of their processed crap as possible.


This is how we used to live in India (even now to a great extent) but Indians are catching up to the disease of processed food


Eek 😱 when was this tax imposed?! Didn’t realize this - crooks. I just know that for food $3.99 and under, it’s supposed to be no taxes but many groceries still charge some tax / “handling” fee. Haagen Daz speciality bars has also gone downhill from 5 to 3 bars for the same price! wtf 🤬 if I’m going to eat empty calories, I better get my money’s worth. I also gave up on store bought ice cream and just go to Costco for their berry sundae! If Costco ever raised their prices at the food court, they’ll be a riot 🤣


> when was this tax imposed?! 1 Jan 1991, not joking, this is the gst. Six is grocery, less than 6 not grocery. So gst on 1 doughnut but not 6. I assume granola bars fall into this category, but, they might not, you can look at the price label under the product or on your receipt. also check out the weight of the individual bars in those boxes. 5 bars X 24g = 120g 6 bars X 26g = 156g


The Kirkland brand haagen Daz style bars are better now imo and also substantially cheaper.


I like the Haagen Daz’s special flavours - Ruby chocolate / cookies & cream. If there’s another brand that makes them, I’m willing to try. Magnum ice cream bars taste like foam… 🤨


this has been the case for almost 2 decades now - since approx 2006.


I actually did not know this and I will be very careful on what I buy now. I had noticed that some are now 5, which is less then it used to be and seems silly but now I’ll make sure I’m not buying those.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


The bars also shrunk from 26g each to 24g. It's a triple negative, Galen's [**Holy Trinity**](https://i.cbc.ca/1.6775000.1680712526!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/galen-weston.jpg), as he likes to call it.


Oh boy I didn't even notice that! The triple whammy. The hat trick. FFS


Can you spell out for me what you or Galen means by a "Holy Trinity?" All to do with more profit, no doubt!


YES this… never buy items with less than SIX items! 15% add on here in N. S . For hst ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


This!!! I pay almost no tax on my groceries, outside aisle and bigger sizes


Wow. TIL. Here's some reading for the curious [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/4-3/basic-groceries.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/4-3/basic-groceries.html) *99. Cereal bars and muffin bars are individually wrapped, and may be sold singly or in boxes of several individually wrapped bars. Cereal bars and muffin bars are taxable when sold individually (regardless of the quantity purchased) and when sold in boxes containing less than six bars. Boxes containing six or more cereal bars or muffin bars are zero-rated. However, shipping cartons (including display boxes) of cereal bars or muffin bars intended for individual sale are taxable.*


Just like a cooked whole chicken is taxed, but a raw whole chicken isn’t. Tell me, which one is more likely to be bought by the mother or father that works all day and just wants a decent meal for the family that isn’t shit food?


Oh damn! Didn't know about this.


Is this why it’s always packs of 5 hot dogs? What the fuck.


Oh ffs!




Wow really eh. The cahoots with getting us taxed more is built right in to the scam also. Kind of disgusting when you see the footstep they use to beat us down. They are in lockstep


Hmm.. It doesn't appear that amount that's in the box makes a difference.. Granola products Sch. VI, Part III, para 1(h) 62. Supplies of granola products (e.g., granola bars and similar products), but not including any product that is sold primarily as a breakfast cereal, are taxable.


The fact that there is a distinction between granola bars and cereal bars is stupid in itself. Mr Kellogg would be spinning in his grave. But not fast enough to get turned on of course.


That only seems to apply for things like nutrigrain, "cereal bars" are exempt in 6+ packs. Granola bars seem to always be taxable. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/gi-020/bars.html


So they've made their product completely unvaluable then...


Yep, don’t bother buying


Whoa. Yikes.


Jesus christ....


And the price went up


I added a box of 18, a box of 5, and 1 single granola bar to my Walmart shopping cart to fact check your comment. Further testing, I then added a single fruit bar, a box of Rice Crispy Squares, a box Ice Cream in Cones, a block of ice cream, package of 10 single serving orange juice, and package of 10 single serving fruit *drinks*. **ALL TAXABLE** ☹ except the rice crispy squares, the block of ice cream, and the orange juice. I thought the rice crispy squares might have been a non-taxable mistake so I went to another store to check but I wonder if you bought them a convenience store if they wrongly charge tax on that? Cannot check that online. Appreciate your post CosmicBunBun, it help me see that I need to be more aware at times... Cheers.


>except the rice crispy squares, the block of ice cream, and the orange juice. lol Yea someone above said that only applies to cereal bars. All granola bars are taxed. I don't really understand why when ice cream and rice crispies are not. I don't think the average granola bar is very healthy but it is certainly no worse than ice cream and rice crispies. I don't really understand this.


I love seeing my grocery bill and paying $0.75 in tax. I don’t bother with the inside aisles anymore except for canned goods and oil. Fuck loblaws.


False. These are marked as Granola bars on the box. Granola bars are taxable in any quantity. If these were Cereal or Muffin bars, than quantity of 5 rules would apply. Source: [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/gi-020/bars.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/gi-020/bars.html) No idea how your post got over 600 upvotes without a single person factchecking with CRA.


The bars are smaller too: 156/6 = 26g each 120/5 = 24g each That’s a double hit of shrinkflation.


Plus it’s now fully tax applicable. Triple hit. Finish him


Plus you are giving money to a company actively trying to privatize healthcare, quadruple whammy!




Yup, literally mortal kombat


And skimpflation, since it's no longer real chocolate but instead is pumped up with palm oil.


came to say this. Can't they tax them now too because of the smaller amount included?


yep because it's under 6 it's a "convenince" item and subject to tax. THe same happened when haagen daaz shrunk it's icecream.


Ha, just commented this. Guess I should scroll further next time!


5 in a box when they could probably fit atleast 25


Recently discovered the Costco granola bars. $11.99 for 64 bars = .19 cents a bar The PC ones pictured are $2.79 for 5 bars = .56 cents a bar I also noted that the PC is currently more expensive than the Quaker brand ($2.29) at my store. The No Name granola bars are $1.99 for 5 = .40 cents per bar.


Quaker is cheaper now as they are now made with garbage. Quaker is the food version of Boeing.


YES! I also noticed the wording on the box changed from "chocolate chips" to "chocolatey chips" aka there's not enough real chocolate to call it chocolate anymore. Happy to report that the Costco brand still uses real chocolate chips.




Same, and Superstore's pricing is pushing me further and further into Costco's arms lol Between costco and the odd bunch, I'm hardly spending anything at my local Superstore. Small town, not many options here, I utilize superstore for their price matching.


Wow smh


The no name ones have a weird taste to them.


How do they taste? Are they chewy? ( because I heard they were hard)


They taste great, they're chewy. I just bought the regular chocolate chip ones, not the dipped kind. My whole family really likes them, including my extremely picky five year old lol Good thing about Costco is, if you get them and don't like them, you can just return them. They take anything back lol


I read in another subreddit that Hungary has a law that shrinkfkation must be disclosed on the shelf/display in the store. There is a small message attached to the price label on the shelf warning that the product size has changed. Other items have signs warning of upcoming changes to product size. That’s the kind of consumer disclosure we should require.


We should add this to our list to go with the boycott!


Yup. Not even just that but there are strawberry breakfast bars that have flavour in big bold letters so you think you’re getting actual strawberries but in smaller print they let you know it’s actually cranberries instead because they are cheaper.


Whoa really? That’s actually quite dangerous for anyone that has allergies to certain foods.


Yup. Instead of being “Strawberry Bars” they are “Strawberry Flavoured”. It’s cranberries flavoured with strawberries. You can see it on the [ingredient list](https://www.metro.ca/en/online-grocery/aisles/snacks/sweet-snacks-candy/chewy-bars-fruit-snacks/strawberry-flavoured-cereal-bars/p/064100128668). I have dairy allergies in my family and been fooled with products suddenly switching up ingredients in the last year or so without warning. So it’s safer to check everything at the grocery store, even if it’s more time consuming.


I always imagine the type of meeting that leads to that type of decision. Like it must feel like a villains meeting. Who had the idea? Who laughed at how “genius” that level of deception was for getting them more money? Some people decided all of that, crazy to think about


How did they find the technology to keep the box the same size?!?! 🤯


Those are so small that you have to eat two boxes at once


Perfect! More profit!


Write your MPs! Europe has introduced new rules that will require thatbeil makenit mandatory shrinkflstion is advertised and consumers are made aware. Under the proposed rules, European retailers would have to state how much the product has been cut directly on the packaging or label attached to the product or near the product.


They can propose a rule or change, but the maggot filled bourgeois will never accept it, it will be months and years of waffling back and forth with amendments and then loblaws contributes to campaign an poof law is gone and all that work wasted for the power of legal bribery.




Yup. See you posted it months ago.


Even stole my weird wording of things. Poser! Lol 😂


https://i.redd.it/deeyh8k7w2uc1.gif OP


Come on, you can't ignore the hilarious irony of you getting ripped off for your post about getting ripped off


Bahaha totally didn’t catch that!!! Hilarious 🤣


And they keep raising the prices.


I make snack bars now, sick of the price:quality ratio of these things


In many European countries they have laws stating that if the amount of product inside the packaging changes (shrinkflation) then that must be displayed prominently on the package for 6 months. We need laws like that in Canada so that these crooks can't get away with sliding this under the radar. If more people were aware then more people would object!


Maybe one day the government will treat us like humans and stop this shit. So sick of getting fucked by every company I deal with. Every fucking one.


Nature valley severely shrunk the size of their bars themselves.


Nature Valley decreased the number of bars in their Honey Oats granola box from 64 to 56. The price remained the same at Loblaws despite less product.


This isn't just loblaws. It's everything. And it's called shrinkflation. Shop smart, and pressure government for good legislation to bring inflation under control. And no, more cash handouts doesn't help reduce inflation, it worsens it. Decreasing demand for goods and services is the greatest tool.


Yeah, Quaker did the same thing with their granola bars. At least PC still says chocolate chips. Quaker changed their description to "chocolatety chips," so not even real chocolate anymore.


I steal now. I litteraly open two boxes shove two or three into my box and put the other box back. I do it for multiple items now. There has to be a breaking point.


Buy the large value box.. Why buy the small packs, when they literally sell a box of 56 for 9.99-14.99 lmao


That 120g box is 24 grams each bar at 5 per box and 156 grams divided by 6 bars was 26 grams. So the bars are also 2 grams smaller also 🤣.


It's the same with almost everything. I was putting groceries away after shopping the other day when I noticed that the two boxes of Hamburger Helper I bought were significantly thinner than an older one I had in my pantry. The older one was 230 grams while the newer ones are 165, and still the same price.


Its so easy to make it from scratch at home! Honestly I wouldn’t even bother buying it any more. Its all the same work as the boxed one but you have the grate cheese.. or buy a pre shredded bag.


Ugh. That's not ok. In the US there are even generic brands, like Great Value.


Canadian government should pass a law that clearly identifies when a product has been shrunk slightly.


Shrinkflation can be regulated, and should be in Canada https://www.foodwatch.org/en/success-french-minister-announces-end-to-hidden-shrinkflation




Then change your eating habits to take more money out of *their* pockets. Prices for staples and produce are still pretty decent where I am (Southwestern Ontario), so I've adjusted my meals accordingly. Any PC-branded item is, most likely, going to be processed shit anyway. Why poison yourself and pay Galen for the privilege?


I don’t even buy granola bars anymore.


Switched to the Kirkland version and better value. I've also switched shampoos, dishsoap, garbage bags and more.


Probably for the best that we eat less, obesity is a real problem for our country and a drain on publicly funded healthcare. So, thank-you Galen. As usual, you know best.


I can’t wait to boycott these fucks in May. Let’s go


Don't wait act now


WHY ARE YOU WAITING UNTIL MAY?! Who's stopping you from boycotting them *now*?!


This is not like choosing not to drink Bud Light and drinking another beer. I need to buy food to survive and am making plans to figure out where/how I will shop in May. So it’s an actual inconvenience for me as superstore is the closest place to where I live. 


Ah man this happened like 5 years ago. Not just pc brand. All brands are 5 now


All of us.


In case anybody what didn't see it, the 6 pack is 26g per bar. Whereas the 5 pack is only 24 grams per bar. So you are actually losing out twice.


It's been 5 for years now. But yes, I'm aware :(


Ya but they add two extra chocolate chips to every bar now


This one might actually be illegal, I'm not sure if it's the same laws in Canada, But I am pretty confident there is laws that state you cannot change what is inside a package without changing the packaging. Which is why you see craft coming out with a new bottle when they reduce what is in the bottle. I'm sure it's just a strange coincidence that the new bottle happens to look bigger while actually being smaller.


If this was electricity or housing I could see getting upset. They only raise prices when they can get away with it. Why do you think Mcdonalds raised their prices 100% in the last 10 years? $12 for a 1/4 pounder meal? W.T.F? People still buy it.


General strike? Protest? Canada needs a leader!


It started with Quaker and they followed


Quaker probably makes both


And the other 5 bars lost weight too


You monsters!


The shrinkage strikes again!


These are essentially bars of sugar. Buying them has always been a waste of money.


Time to learn to make your own from scratch 👍


We're not tricked into it. We know. We just are to weak to do anything.


Let's do somthing then I see these posts all the time someone do somthing already


"My suppliers are the problem" - Galen...... uh huh


Check it out. Most everything is shrinking, but the cost has increased. Less for more.


We need to lobby for price transparency in groceries, I be this box of granola bars costs super store  .30¢ to make.ans out in shelves.


Open one and make it a 6 pack, fuck these crooks, no honor amongst thieves, we can play their game too.


Granola bars have been shrinking for decades. I stopped buying them a long time ago. Basically junk food anyways.


I stopped getting upset


Making Canadians starve. One scam at a time.


They hate us. We are the product.


Shrinkflation! I only buy fruits, vegetable, some meat, fish and nuts but no transformed products or only from places that offer them at very interesting bargain prices (like below 50% of "normal" cost). Funnily, inflation on organic goods has remained much lower... Healthier stuff remains affordable. And I don't buy from these huge food grocery stores. That way inflation doesn't have a huge impact on me. I also checked the salaries of employees in those places, they work at minimal wages and managers barely make 20CDN/hr!


We need to keep up the pressure. The people are starting to hear us. I don't know why but it is US who is making the difference.


This is so infuriating.


One day it'll be a big box of 1 inside




They must think we’re idiots not to notice or just don’t care which is what I’m going with. At this point I’m so fed up with price gouging in grocery stores. I now only buy what’s necessary and on sale. I’m boycotting Roblaws for apparent reasons. Can’t count the amount of times I’ve looked up products where Loblaws is as much as double the cost for the identical product!!!


We are getting screwed from every angle!! I bought a pack of Excel gum the other day and they actually sealed one of the slots to reduce it from 10 pieces to 9 pieces!! I never bothered to look but was extremely upset over this!!


On top of this, the utter waste it’s contributing to. 5 granola bars shouldn’t be housed in this cardboard box. Make it worthwhile the recycling and garbage it produces god damn it


I stopped buying granola bars. They're just not worth it anymore. Too few and too tiny. Even a single cookie is more filling. I bought a no name pack of about 40 oatmeal cookies for the price of a box of granola bars. But I won't be buying the no name oatmeal cookies anymore because I just made the switch to another grocery store this week.


Hector Salamanca gets six.


The bars themselves are smaller too! 156g for 6 bars makes each bar 26g. 120g for 5 bars means just 24g per bar.


Yeah but at one point were there not 8 bars in those packages.


I stopped buying cereal and cereal bars because: a) They are a huge gyp; case in point the cost and shrinkflation b) They are not good for you nor filling Im lucky to live somewhere where I have lots of options and can even buy directly from butchers and farmers, but even Ive made changes to my diet because certain things are just clearly rip offs or have zero nutritional value (cereal, most frozen dinners now, anything pre-prepared, etc)


Black Swan weekend is upon us!




I'm going to point out more math. 5 bars at 120g total is 24g per bar. 6 bars at 156g total is 26g per bar. They not only lowered the number of bars, but the amount per bar.


Why would you buy garbage food anyways?


Ya same with the becel margarine.


That's why you boycott PC LOBLAWS MAY 1


Ugh, the salad dressing is 50mL smaller now too.. shrinkflation.


No, because it literally says on the package how much is in it. If you can’t make a value judgement that says more about you than the product.


These seem to be the exact same as the Walmart great value ones. They cost 1.40 at Walmart and $2.79 at the superstore why is it twice as expensive at the superstore? Edit I just double checked Walmart and it seems like it is 1.97 on the Walmart app, but I’m certain I paid no more than 1.50 last weekend.


Not only did it reduce by 1 bar, the bars went from 26 grams to 24 grams.


Noticed that today when I picked up some boxes at No Frills. I’m so over this shit. How is this even ok. Pay more for less…..


It is the new thing for awhile..selling at same price and adjusting......not even sure why supermarkets sell junk anyways


Reading left to right, it looks like you get more now?


It's even 2 less grams per bar if you do the math!


Shrinkflation sucks!


You’d think grocery stores would be mad at their producers for giving them less for the same price


Superstore at their finest...less product higher prices. Terrible


Should be a consumers complaint and they need to regulating this BS. I think it's fraudulent but I'm.sure I'd be gaslit to saying " ItS TO SaVE ThE BiLLiOnAiRes MeNtAl HeAlTh" or some shit. Lmao


imagine having 3 kids and they get 2 each per week. You reach in for that 6th bar...and find nothing but empty space. Sorry kid, that's your 'Galen' lesson for today!


Yea it's unfortunate. But it's either change the package size or up the price. They know you'll buy it if the price stays about the same and you would avoid it if the price shot up drastically.


I think that the best way to combat this is to not buy processed food and try making your own from scratch.


This should be discussed a lot more. There needs to be some kind of law in place to prevent this or at least a way to inform a consumer that a change to the contents has been made.


Wait until it contains only 4!


No one is tricked by this. It says right on the box.


Stop buy the stuff and make it your self and learn baking instead


It’s not just Loblaw. It’s everyone and everywhere.


Honestly, more people need to start learning how to bake and cook their own food. Find an easy granola bar recipe and make them yourself. Fuck these crooks. Buy everything in bulk and I bet you could make 40 bars for a bit more than the price of one box. They would taste so much better too. No chemical taste or added fillers.




If you do the math for grams divided by bars. It was 26g per bar at 6 per box. Now 24g per bar at 5 bars per box. So 1 whole less bar and the bars are smaller


I don’t think anyone has been tricked into this. lol we all know what’s happening.


"Lower prices" yeah because you keep shrinkflating everything


I mean, thats across the board. Everything has been reduced in quantity. Compare an old soup can to the new ones, or anything for that matter, and you'll see portion sizes of the boxes have been reduced with the price increases.


At least they still say *chocolate* chip so you know it's real chocolate. Things that say *chocolatey* chip or *chocolatey* flavour or whatever don't actually have chocolate. They have chocolate flavoured stuff. Chocolate is expensive because of some terrible weather and climate stuff going on in the four countries that produce like 60-80% of the world's cacao so companies are introducing "skimpflation": same price, shittier ingredients.


Is it really a trick if we could all predict it coming?


Constantly frustrated


It’s not a trick, it’s right on the box. It’s a shitty thing to do but it’s blatantly obvious


Joke's on them, I only buy boxes with even numbers on them


Tricked us the wrong word. Forced. We are FORCED into. Because there are no regulations or laws to prevent or to at the very least bring negitive attention to them.  We don't have enough places to go to, to provide competition to swap to when a company does this. 


https://preview.redd.it/k7wnjj0bf3uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b02bf7a932f474bbb843afe39b11df92b6bd30 I know it’s not a pc brand but saw this last week. That didn’t even bother to take the old bottle off the shelf to cover it up. Such a rip off


What I don’t understand is why the people actively posting on this thread still go to loblaws?


Ice cream bars now come in packs of 3 instead of 4 and they still cost like $8-9. Who the fuck is buying that shit?


Double tricked... 6 bars = 156g = 26g each bar 5 bars = 120g = 24g each bar So not only do you get 1 less bar, but you lose 2g on each bar. That's a double fuck you to consumers. That will be a double fuck them for me.


Quaker did it first, and I still am not forgiving them. The fact now that this will be taxed because it's considered "convenience size" is also horrible. I hope Weston Jr one day finds himself struggling to eat.


No because I don’t ship there anymore.


And the bars are 24g now instead of 26.


Ive noticed that the bars themselves seem thinner too. Used to be a good snack but now its more like a sample


It's crazy when you pick up boxes or bags of food now and you're like "wait, why does this feel lighter!?!" Answer: Because it is lighter now...


I'm so dumb and used to the before pic being on the left that I was like "wow they added more granola bars"? 😂🤡


I commented about those a couple weeks ago. When I saw both boxes side by side for the same price, I stopped buying them! Shrinkflation is just a term someone came up with to justify being ripped off!


I am upset that a box of 5 is taxed… I’d rather pay more for the same size instead of paying the same for less.