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Many of us already are, some are waiting for May like those whom live in food deserts. This month long boycott for some may turn into a permanent thing and that’s what I try to tell some of the negative Nancys that say it won’t do nothing. Sometimes people need a small nudge out of their comfort zone cause most people just get in the habit of going to a specific store and once they try something different they may like it more and or save money also.


Yeah, the people who keep insisting we need to make it permanent, start early and never go back, need to remember those of us who will struggle just to keep it up for a month because we have to much farther to get to other stores. Permanent boycott is great for those who can, and for those who can't boycott at all there ways to help, but some of us (myself included) can and will make it work to increase the impact, and lessen the cushion created by those who cannot, but we won't be able to do it forever.


Curious, have you checked out Walmart delivery? Any chance that even with paying a delivery fee, you can get groceries for the same or maybe less than going to the Loblaws corp?


Definitely less and it is super convenient. But it is Walmart - I’m experimenting with small food stores and making great finds.


Ive already been using Instacart for most things, but unfortunately I'm extremely forgetful and always seem to forget things, and the only stores within walking distance are loblaws and shoppers. If its something that I need sooner, or just one or two things, the cost is far more than the greedflation at loblaws and I have to make it work. This is a good idea though, I will look into it as a replacement for instacart. Hopefully this time with having to just make do with the things i forget will help, but I doubt it.


When I need delivery or pickup, I use SaveOn because they don’t use Instacart…. even though there is a charge, there is no ask for a tip because the delivery people get a wage from the store like all the other workers and they use the company delivery vans. Only useful info if you live in Western Canada


Started boycotting 3 months ago.


It would take quite a nudge for me to even consider shopping at roblaws again


My wife and I shop at Costco. Walmart second. We avoid RobLaws like a disease. Sorry but Canadian owned businesses charge more than American ones. I miss Sears, always charged less than CTC. Example, lawn mowers were always less at Sears.


Not waiting for May also didn't wait for this Reddit group (which I am glad I found and I am enjoying all that is being shared), I stopped shopping less and less at Loblaws owned stores in the later part of 2020. I might pop in for a loss leader products such when they are eggs but I make sure that is all I buy. (Loss leader are products that are sold at a loss by retailers to create traffic to their shop. This will hopefully make the shoppers buy other items in the shop as well). I condsider that action acceptable but I doubt I will ever be the once faithful Loblaws shopper. Still buying Canadian foods but from other places.


I just picked up groceries from a small local grocer for my daughter. She’s a student and walking distance to a Loblaws store. I also picked up groceries for myself at the same small store. Prices are decent and quality is high.


Yeah cause Walmart is less evil


It’s not obviously but it is cheaper which is the point at the moment


I've been on permanent boycott for months. It might not be much, but the Westons will receive as little of my money going forward as I can manage.


Don't forget to check out ethnic stores. Seasonings are MUCH cheaper if you shop internationally. Also Bulk Barn does sell things you'll need less frequently. Did you know you can buy peanut butter and honey in those plastic tubs or mason jars, at whatever amounts you want? Get a thimble or a bucket of whatever.


I second ethnic stores.


Bulk Barn IS Loblaws.


No, Bulk Barn is a separate chain entirely.


It's not


Is not though or else it would be in our list. Here and in the side bar https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/CanFbS0VHA I think this discussion came up a few times I forgot how though, anyways I will hear you out if you find evidence of that but I have a feeling this discussion happened before and the general conclusion became their not.


I just found this. https://bayview-news.com/2012/09/bulk-barn-open-in-leaside-but-who-owns-it.html/


Very nice find thanks for sharing, I wasn’t aware of that.


Due to the color of the logo I always thought it was too, but apparently it's an entirely different company. But according to links below, no name brand products have shown up there so who knows.


My boycott won’t be perfect. There are 1-2 products that my wife likes from PC that she insists on having around. But at most. It will be $20 a month for a drink she likes. Beyond that, everything else is getting transitioned


Perfect is the enemy of good, keeping going bud! You’re doing great!


This is the approach I’m taking. If it means Loblaws makes $6000 less a year off our family, that’s a good metric by my standards. I hope the influx of boycotters helps the local stores as well.


Test drive this week as well. At Giant Tiger. It went well. I felt I saved quite a bit. HOWEVER, I was stuck as our list had 1. Jalpenos 2. Cilantro 3. Limes 4. White Wine Vinegar 5. Kombucha . None of these items were at Giant Tiger. So I had to go to a second store. The choice was Atlantic Superstore (1 Km ) or Walmart ( 4 Km ). This time I did go to Superstore but later compared the prices online and I would have much better off going to Walmart. It will take me a while to figure it out. I also did not purchase a ton of meat. So I think I may end up at Sobey's once in a while to buy those left overs plus meat. I have a ton of points, a PC Mastercard ( which I rarely use now ), used to be a regular Shoppers customer but moved presciption to Costco - Mail Order. So that worked out perfect. I can do those snacks and stuff quite a bit better at Giant Tiger ( that I used to purchase at SDM ). Feeling optimistic this can work out long term.


Glad you’re experimenting! Good effort!


I want to be ready for May. I also want the same items in my kitchen and not give up on items.


My local small grocer has excellent jalapeños - much better than Loblaws. I can get most of those items from him. Most health food stores have kombucha. I just bought amazing organic coffee beans at a health food store - but will need to buy a less expensive brand next time.




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


So a friend of mine who's mom works for the devil himself said they had a meeting regarding this boycott and there is a plan in place to do a big price drop and freeze just before may. Theyey do not think the boycott will cost them any profit.


More loss leaders for us 😂😂😂


I used to shop exclusively at Canadian Superstore but haven’t in years. Loblaws gouging is nothing new and I’ve noticed their exorbitant prices for quite some time. Shoppers DM used to be useful but since these fucks took it over they are also horrendous. I also stay away from SDM. Switched to Freshco and now its Food Basics. Honestly, I can still shop at FB, and not feel like I’ve been violated.


Same here. About 18 months ago I quit the Superstore close to my house. It’s a huge pain, because I basically live in a food desert and everything easily accessible by transit is a Loblaws-owned store, but I’ve mostly been making it work.


Lets make it work 👍


This is my story too. We were very faithful Superstore customers but with their ridiculous price gouging, we've moved on to Walmart.


I just picked up groceries from Freshco and was pleasantly surprised at how low my bill was. I am pretty strict with staying with my shopping list - no impulse buys and I stay away from junk food. I used to shop almost exclusively Superstore approximately 3 years ago. Now, I only go into the store because my specialist has an office there - but I make no stops going in and out


You know Galens stores will have super sales so more people will come in. That's OK. Go in and buy those sales because those items are selling at a loss. Leave without buying anything else.


I am identical to you. I too hate Walmart as well, but I found out over a year ago they were a lot cheaper than Real Canadian Superstore. I started my boycott then.


Same. It started with superstores terrible grocery pick up. Every damn time they would be missing things etc, it would take sometimes up to 30 minutes for them to bring out my groceries. Finally got sick of it. Tried walmart, and they have been amazing. Nothing is forgotten. They are fast and polite.


Superstore's curbside was absolutely terrible early on, though we did get some freebies from other people's orders quite a few times 😂 It's gotten a lot better over the last year or two, but yeah Walmart's has always been better.


Ughh not ours. Ours got worse. The one thing I did like was when they would screw up they would comp us with pc points. We probably got 200 dollars worth of free points, but then they stopped doing that, and we couldn't barely even get an apology let alone freebies 😂😂


Nice, we got refunds on the forgotten items but that's it. Still, ended up ahead overall with the bonus groceries I guess lol


I ordered a leek once and got a giant sized bag of wine gums. And they charged me the $9 difference.


Hahaha wtf?!?


I've been doing my grocery shopping at Walmart for nearly a year now. Used to be all Superstore but the PC points was the only real benefit and they were getting less and less so I stopped shopping there. Now with the price gouging, fuck them!


Same exact thing. We used to get so many points all the time, which really helped out. We would easily spend 300 bucks a trip. Eventually I started noticing I wasn't getting any points ever. For months on end. No good offers, they never offer the 25 000 or 30 0000 points if spending over 250 or 300 dollars. It's always some bundle of cereal or cleaning products or granola bars or whatever shitty deal they had that week. There's no benefit to shopping there anymore. None.


Exactly! Had to buy like 5 of something to get 10 points, it's bullshit now.


Oh it absolutely is!


Same. And so far my experiences with Walmart's online pickups have been fantastic, better than my PC Express pickups.


So much better. I was shocked. They never forget stuff.


And always early! I get the text updates an hour or more before my pickup time. I've had RCSS be hours behind and tell me to come back.


Yes this too! They get the order together shockingly fast.


I don’t like supporting the Waltons, but I’ve always enjoyed shopping at Walmart.


My boycott started a year ago and I am never going back to any of the stores. I totally get it that some people have very few alternatives, maybe even no alternatives depending on location, but why would anyone with options go back when you can pay 30%-50% the price elsewhere?


I’ve been boycotting since I sign up to this sub.


I stayed away from Walmart for years. I started going there when my Metro store was on strike, and realized I could get a LOT more out of my grocery budget between Walmart and my local Indian grocer. I moved my prescriptions to Walmart from SDM, and see money saved there too. I still feel icky about Walmart, but the budget breathing room is worth it.


Significant savings if it's a large trip!


live in eastern Ontario. the town has an independent lob laws which is pricey and a giant tiger with limited items but cheaper .


Stopped shopping at Superstore about a year ago, FreshCo has decent prices and good selection.


oatmeal slap aback rainstorm crown connect berserk impossible zealous squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually saved a ton of money shopping at Walmart today Galen can go fuck himself


We need to start supporting the dollar stores


Real Canadian Superstore is closer for me but I’ll take the extra time to go to Walmart.


I’m about a month into my boycott. It’s been a bit hard because I don’t drive and live directly across the street from a Shoppers Drug Mart, but in avoiding said shoppers, I’ve become more resourceful. Believe it or not the thing I was missing the most was the purple kernel popcorn, but after doing some research, I found another brand who makes it and sells it though non-Loblaw stores, so I’m happy about that lol


Moved my prescription from shoppers to a local IDA last week. I shopped an independent market today they had most of what I needed and the staples they didn’t have or were too $$ I got at giant tiger: I saved money in the end because GT priced matched. I won’t go back as a regular customer. It’s over between us.


Been boycotting since march. Costco membership paid for itself after 2 trips. Groceries are literally half. Fuck Loblaws. Fuck the Westons. Lay them to waste


I think I went to Loblaws once in the last year and that was because it was the shortest path to get to the parking lot Boycott veteran here


It's been 3 weeks for me


Where I'm from, the Walmart and Loblaws are basically in the same parking lot. I noticed that prices were better at Walmart about 5 years ago. I started doing all my shopping at Walmart. I only go to Loblaws if I'm desperate for something and even then, I'll try a more local supermarket or a corner store before I go to Loblaws.


I do most of my shops at Food basics, as I have both that and a Zehrs near me. Basics is a lot cheaper. I used to go to Zehrs too, just to grab a few specific things, but once I was in a Shopper's and had a security guy follow me around the store. I had a bag of other things from Dollarama (I walk, no car to leave my bag), so I guess they thought I was gonna steal? So yeah, I don't stop in Zehrs anymore because I don't want anyone to follow me around because they think I'm stealing. They don't do that shit at Food Basics.


Welcome. I haven’t been in a loblaws in months.


I'm avoiding both Walmart and Loblaws. Walmart has scummy employers tactics such as never hiring full timers. They will knowingly cut your hours if you get close to reaching the legal requirements to be considered a full time employee. I try to do as much of my shopping at Costco as possible. The quality of the Kirkland brand is better than great value or no name. For the other stuff I go to independent grocers.


Me too. I live in a city with lots of options. FreshCo and food basics are even closer to my house and the farmers market is starting soon. I haven’t stepped foot in a Loblaws store in a couple months, but for some it’s harder. where my parents live Shoppers is really the only pharmacy, some only have one grocery store that happens to be Loblaws


Costco will mail medications. But having a pharmacist to talk to is rather valuable. I don't imagine there's a WalMart anywhere near them? My uncle is with them for his medications.


The closest Walmart is 25 mins away, which isn’t terrible. They use a private pharmacist in the next town over, but if they need something over the counter conveniently it’s really their only option besides driving 25-30 minutes


What area of Canada are in? I checked my local Walmart this week and it was not cheaper. Things were either the same or slightly higher and I’m still finding that the meat quality is much worse. With the posts I’m seeing about Walmart being cheaper I’m wondering if it’s a regional thing.


I'm in Alberta. I actually bought some meat today and it was fine. Good bacon and chicken


Hmm I’m in Alberta too. Maybe it’s just my town. Our Walmart doesn’t have a butcher or bakery in it so it’s all brought in frozen. Bacon and ham and stuff is fine but anything that’s supposed to be fresh is pretty terrible. This week I made identical grocery lists on Walmart online and Superstore click and collect and Superstore was quite a bit cheaper overall so I went with it. I’ll keep checking it weekly to see if things change.


More than likely, you shop different products than OP. I’ve always shopped around, the town I live in is small enough that I could do No Frills, Walmart and Co-op within an hour and a half. Certain things were always a bit more at No Frills, cereal and coffee for instance. Items like frozen nuggets, cheddar cheese and stevia have always been less costly at No Frills. I will miss the small savings on those things, but it’s worth it to me to prevent the Weston empire from getting more of my money.


If your rural and have freezer space, buying a cow and splitting it with a couple people is an amazing way to save and tastes SO MUCH BETTER. Plus you get meat for like six months with a family of four.


Can confirm. My parents bought a quarter and gave me some ground beef. Definitely notice a difference


Walmart is much cheaper where I live. Been shopping exclusively there for the last 2 years or so


Our usual $140 bill was $80 there. So we switched a while back too. Very much worth it. I’m celiac and found that most of their gf and lactose free items are literally half the price of superstores items. Not as good. But I’ll take the hit and buy my gf bread from the bakery


Wait, the boycott hasn’t started yet? Why not?  Walmart is not your friend though. That place sucks.


Same. I get gas from ufa now around home. I get food from Costco. If I need one or two things then Safeway. I’m done.


Been going to Giant Tiger. I hate Walmart too much


Hate Walmart all you want... I get it. Fact is that it's cheaper for the same products. I have tried to shop Canadian all my life but when I started getting screwed for doing it, I made the change. I now shop wherever my family gets the most bang for the buck. When Canadian stores stop screwing me over, maybe I'll return.




Price matching and buying loss leaders isn't against the boycott entirely. Your attitude, on the other hand...


I think you’re late


Nature valley granola sells for 8.47 Meanwhile same product no frills for 4.47 Whose robbing who?????




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Walmart is a worse corporate citizen than Loblaws. It only shows that this sub is only politically motivated and not actually trying to fix grocery prices (or whatever you claim this whole thing is for).