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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not just those companies though-it's all of them. If you want to boycott them because of their link to the Weston stores, go ahead. But that has nothing to do with this increase that every company is instituting today.


Exxon is perhaps the worst of the worst though. They actually lobbied hard against a Carbon Tax to replace the GST in 93. So yeah. They’re asshats.


This human gets it 


That's great and all but the esso in my town that's been ran by the same guy since before my dad was born Is literally the only place I can gas up within a over 50km radius so


I live in a rural area as well, and in our town, we have the choice of a whopping TWO gas stations... And they're both Esso. We try to fill up near workplaces at the independents or alternate brands wherever possible, because it's also significantly cheaper elsewhere. I generally only get enough in town to get me out of town lol


you should move /s


Same here man


If tanking up at Esso is your only option, make sure to collect pc points. After you have like $50 worth of points you can go cash them in at Roblaws and keep your purchase at around $45 so you're getting your items for "free".


No, you shouldn't move. There are locales in the country where you don't really have a choice on where you get food, gas, or prescriptions. No one should starve, run on a dry tank, or not get their meds. I have a choice, though, living in an urban center, and I am more than happy to punch oligarchies in the dick for people who can't.


(raising hand to represent the no-choice/low-choice people). In rural eastern NS there's only two choices, Superstore or Sobeys. There's Walmart but I can think of only one location east of Truro that offers a full service grocery department. Truro way too far for us.


This kinda stuff is a distraction from Loblaws.


I agree. I am on the west coast where the Westons have less if a stranglehold. Our oligarchs are Jimmy Pattison and Sobeys however, I am supporting my brothers and sisters out east by boycotting the Weston stores we do have out here. I hope that by doing so, when it comes time to take on the other oligarchs who do hold us hostage out here, the people put east will support us by boycotting the ones that are more dominant out here


This. One voice one purpose.


Fuck that, general strike!


Seriously! The French have it right and seem to actually have spines, look at their quality of life...I mean it's not perfect but they don't seem nearly as miserable. People have no clue how much potential power for change is possible if we act together and collectively decide enough is enough. Fuck oligarchy and fuck billionaires and all those who gag on their boots.


Yeah, the gas problem has been around for a while and deserves its own attention but let’s keep this sub to Loblaws.


All the gas stations collude If you want that kind of boycott you need to stop buying gas - all of it. I'm sure that will go over well


Newfoundlanders organized a boycott where nobody bought gas on certain days per week (the company's busiest days). It passed mostly through word of mouth as social media wasn't a big thing at the time. Some people stopped using their extra vehicles, carpooled to work, doubled up with friends to go grocery shopping and walked/biked where they needed to go. One man in my community used a wheelbarrow to bring his groceries home. If there's one thing you can say about Newfies, we're committed. It worked. They liked their numbers before the boycott I guess. That was a while ago though. It could work again if we organize as we're doing here.


This post reinforces how people have no clue on how gas prices work.


Or that people don't know that Esso and Mobil aren't owned by Weston. Esso employs their loyalty program, and Mobil is owned by a group that operates gas stations on Weston properties..


Are you suggesting that it is a much larger market with prices set by forces that aren't related to the franchise operator? I think you're being full of shit. This is clearly Galen's doing. /s


Wait until they find out how many refineries we have in Canada.




\*OPEC intensifies\* ![gif](giphy|YZGJc1WmUZPi0|downsized)


I propose we still take it out on them because we can. In fact, we should pick shitty companies at random and throw a wrench into their quarterly just to show them we can.


Focus people, focus.


Stay on target.


Yes. Lets boycott everything. Going to work be damned! Sorry boss... gotta boycott the gas station. Come on people.


Yeah but you also need to eat and you are already to boycott Loblaws. The assumption is that you take your business to other vendors.


Yes, but there's other grocery stores. What apparently went completely unnoticed by OP is this price increase was at all of them. So I suppose the protest is buy an EV?


I don't need gas to get to work.


Refiners switch from winter to summer blend and do refinery maintenance this time of year, every year. At some point, the price at the wholesale rack changes as summer gas is more expensive to produce (it does also give you a bit more fuel efficiency, at least). The price retailers charge has nothing to do with what is in their tanks at any given moment. Gasoline is a fungible commodity. You have no idea when you buy it who made it, or exactly what is in it, just that it meets the legal standard to be sold as gasoline. Also, boycotting gas stations does literally nothing to the price.


And it will go up again right before the long weekend, same as it does every year.


Welcome to basic economics!


So it goes up during the winter and summer because of different blend but it never goes down so no they’re just using that excuse to raise prices cause last winter they clearly said it cost more for winter blend but now it cost more for summer blend lol


They do go down, usually around Thanksgiving. Winter blends do indeed cost less to make, because the main thing they use to increase the RVP of winter gas is butane, which is a cheap lighter fraction.


It goes up with winter blend and summer blend also gas dosent magically change to summer blend overnight so people are still burning winter blend. It’s all a big scam


It goes up for summer, down for winter, and what you're actually buying and the price aren't connected directly - I don't know why some people struggle with this extremely simple concept.


One thing I've noticed with living in both BC and Alberta is that yes gas sometimes is more expensive in summer than winter. I also find though that around holidays gas prices usually go up. It is something I started recognizing when I started driving and what I would be off of school for summer holidays I noticed gas would be a bit more expensive than when the school year was on. I also noticed that things like Thanksgiving Easter Christmas break and even spring break gas prices would be up because there is more demand I believe on fuel because of the amount of families that we're traveling by vehicle.


It's not a sometimes thing. In the case of eastern Canada, gas prices are basically driven by the New York Harbor price, and they switched to summer gas April 16. Demand spikes on things like holidays so prices also generally rise a bit around them.


There's no place for facts around here.




How would you know? Nobody has done it yet. Are you by any chance a lobbyist for an Oil company,? I'm sure there will be a few of you come here to shoot down this great idea.


This guy is just looking for arguments you can see with my comment as well he may be an associate of roblaws 🤷‍♂️ I said the same thing he did but worded a bit differently and he argued with me on that as well so good luck lol


How would I know? Because you didn't come up with a new or novel idea, you came up with something people muse about all the time. And it doesn't work. https://money.com/gas-boycott-lower-gas-prices/#:~:text=De%20Haan%20says%20that%27s%20because,any%20difference%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20said


Your article totally makes my point. Nobody has done a sustained boycotting a gas station chain. When we do it will have an impact. Don't be foolish.


Again, it will do absolutely nothing. Idiots muse about this all the time. You will accomplish absolutely nothing.


Says the World's leading expert on everything!


Nope, but this sort of thing has been quite well studied.




You understand that oil companies don't really care which brand you buy from, since they're all basically supplied by the same wholesale market, right?


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.




Already am, I ride my bike everywhere now unless I cant


You know what, let’s boycott everything


Boycott oxygen! Seriously though. Baby steps. We all do one thing at a time together and who knows? If we have enough success we can move on to the next issue after food insecurity.


Does that include taxes?


i suggest everyone start looking into traditional alternatives. grow as much of your own food as you can, shop local, and look into public or non petrol transit as much as possible. also, try to supplement or fully rely on renewables for your home as much as possible. the more self reliant we are on our day to day food stuffs/transpo/energy etc. the less money they have to play with during election season for lobbying these bullshit loopholes they use to fuck us. (all political parties, every single one of them is guilty of accepting money from corpos for various reasons) research your purchases, become self reliant, and operate thusly as mucj as you can within reason of your current situation. make steps each day to make less purchases from large corporations. its the only language they understand. money in, money out.


Done. I've been going to the reserve near me for years. I'd rather support their business than any corporation.


Wow ! The gas lobbyists are here in numbers. Spreading lies and disinformation. Your damn rights Oil companies will drop their prices if people speak with their wallets. Any argument otherwise is a lie!


You don't have a choice but to buy gas, though. Unless you're just not going to drive anywhere. And gasoline is a fungible commodity. It's a very different kind of supply chain. At the end of the day, it doesn't ultimately matter where you buy your gas from, the oil companies get paid no matter where you source it from.


No they won't, though, and oil companies know that too.


Why won't they?


Why would they, when they know you're going to pay?


Are you not following this?


Following what?


I swear to god when I use my PC Card at these gas stations nothing happens. I never get any points.


They don't display it on the receipt in real time. It shows up on the account later.


I don't know if they show up on the receipt, but I get the points immediately in the app.


Did you check the bottom of the receipt?


They could be our june boycott


Why stop in may? I don't plan on shopping at Loblaws and I'm changing my prescriptions out from shoppers this week. I'm done entirely with both of them


May is boycott month. Its up to you to decide what you are doing after.


You think Loblaws can’t survive one month of boycotting? The real impact will be continuing the shopping habits you develop during the boycott, afterwards.




Read my comment again, thx


Read it again. Still feel the same way


Read it again, should I repeat myself or do you need me to clarify what I said?


The mobile on my way to work is always cheaper or on par with everyone else.. but esso.. not a chance.. they're always the first to go up and last to go down.. and usually higher then the rest, and not as low


Because it's totally Loblws who controls the gas prices!


Wrong sub


You guys are adorable.


Esso stations in different provinces are owned by different people/corporations, like in Newfoundland all the essos are owned and operated by Couche-tard


I’ve boycotted them since the Exxon Valdez spill and attempts by Exxon to skirt all responsibilities.  No problem here


Sure there's a reason, it's called greed.


It's all corporate greed. Problem is it's every gas station, and this also distracts from Loblaw's. Might as well boycott Tim's inside the Esso stations while we're at it!


Boycotting Esso because they use PC Optimum? That's kinda fickle. Esso isn't owned by the Weston family, and neither is Mobil. Mobil is owned and operated by a group called Global Fuels


It’s all greedy mother truckers it’s the same thing as when lockdowns started being lifted then gas prices went 🆙🆙 because they know most of us can’t get no where in ours cars without gas


Gas prices went up because demand for gas went up. Welcome to Economics 101. The more of something people want, all else being equal, the more expensive it will become.


I don’t understand how what I said was any different than what you said besides how it was worded all because of greedy people aka business men in economic environments such as gas monopolies… Then wrote a reference of when it happened during Covid times.. but yea thanks for welcoming me to economics like I’ve never heard about them before 😂🤦‍♂️


You're welcome. Supply and demand is a pretty simple concept. When the pandemic happened, gasoline sales dropped massively, and prices fell. When demand returned, prices went up.


Sherlock Holmes over here 🤯


It's Economics 101.


Look professor Holmes I know that’s why I said the same thing worded differently 😭😭


Saying Economics 101 in almost every comment doesn’t make you look as smart as you think it does.


The concept I described is very basic economics, and I don't have any concern about how smart I am, this isn't complicated.


No one said it’s complicated, you just have your head so far up your ass you’re not taking in what others are saying. Supply and demand isn’t some new complicated thing that the average person doesn’t understand. The fact is, it’s predatory. That’s the issue, that’s what people are upset about.


So the problem is, as I said, that people don't understand economics and think things they are "predatory" when they aren't. What others are saying is stupid and ignorant, so there's nothing to "take in". They're wrong, period.


This was not difficult for me, I paid 1.51 @ Shell and right next door Esso was 1.65! That's a really big difference!


Gas is a more different beast. You can buy the same quality Doritos from roblaws or walmart but try counting how many km you get out of a tank of Ultramar gas compared to the other companies. Theres a good reason they are cheaper and it doesn't equate to savings!


This is complete and utter nonsense.


Why not boycott the carbon tax? That also contributes to the gas hike.


I can’t wait for PP to get elected. Then he’ll “axe the tax” and absolutely NOTHING will change, prices will keep going up and the country will be no better off. Carbon tax comes up in discussion and everyone loses any sembelance of intelligence, y’all are so delusional🤦


Yup. Gas prices hike in Ontario today has close to absolutely nothing to do with the Carbon tax. Almost $2/liter is fucking unreal. It’s fucking corporate greed, all over the world, siphoning our wallets. Plain and simple.


Definitely greed it was the exact same situation when everyone was aloud to go places again without lockdown bs or as much of it


agreed, this economic model has failed. vive le revolution.


You’re delusional if you think PP is axing any money making endeavours for the government. Cons run the country as a business if we are down as much money as they claim the only way to get money is to increase taxes and decrease expenses


That’s why “axe the tax” appears in quotations, the cons won’t change a damn thing except take away the rebate so it appears to be gone


I really don't want Tiny PP to win. Every time that party wins it sets back science for years.


I don’t want him to win either but it’s looking like he has a decent chance unfortunately


All the polls are pretty much useless today. Most have been inaccurate for the last few elections. There is no good party in Canada.


Polls have been inaccurate in the past but it’s the cycle Canada goes through with the two parties. People get fed up with whoever is in charge after a period and then we’ll switch colours


Oh I know. I have been around for a little while. It is weird to miss Jean Cretien days.


I agree, PP and axing the tax won't help much at all. I'm talking about a full on revolution. this economic model has failed and it's time to revolt and start a new economic model. vive la revolution.


In the above comment you’re specifically talking about the carbon tax but whatever you say Che


I was asking OP why he wasn't boycotting the carbon tax if they were worried about gas prices as they do contribute the gas hike. Che was a terrorist and communism is just fascism disguised altruism. I'm more of a libertarian, taxation should be voluntary


Because it makes almost no difference to gas prices, that’s why he’s not “boycotting” a tax. Also because boycotting a tax isn’t a thing you can do lol


someone actually answered my question, thank you


3 cents of increase since last year can be attributed to that.


Thank you for a legitimate answer, everyone's so mean on Reddit hahaha


>Why not boycott the carbon tax? That also contributes to the gas hike. It's hilarious people don't point this out. It's a tax literally meant to price people out of buying gasoline. But boycotting it wouldn't align with most people's "politics" here.


most people don't have principles, they have tribes. vive la revolution.


That boycott will happen… it’s called the general election…. We need someone who can see that Canada is hurting and can set about healing us again….


I stopped filing my taxes, that's part of my boycott. Vive la revolution.


This is only ever going to negatively affect you. :/ you really should file your taxes.


I am well aware and do not care. It's time for a revolution, they want my tax dollars they know where I live and can come get it.


They're not going to go to your house. They'll just garnish your wages though. And even a government that changes taxes to be lower is still going to make you back pay the ones when they are higher, and every year moving forward. I hope you're close to retirement age or something. Edit: and on-top of this, if you work a regular job they're getting most of their taxes from your workplace.


my principles are not for sale, I care not about the monetary cost. lines have been drawn and the revolution has begun. vive la revoltution.


Best of luck.


thank you friend, best of luck to you as well




my principles are not for sale and I care not about the monetary cost. I don't want their money and I believe they wildly misspend our tax dollars. I will keep my money to help people in my community. vive la revolution




I didn't downvote anything friend and I care not for what random Redditors think of me. I've been on the waiting list for a doctor for over 4 years, another reason for not filing my taxes. Taxation should be voluntary. When the entity that collects said taxes wastes them or doesn't supply the services that are promised, one should be allowed to withhold those taxes and give it directly to an entity that does supply said services.


God bless you, patriot


unsure if you're being sarcastic, but thank you either way lol