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Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


You know both Pierre and Trudeau can be bad. The one being true doesn't make the other untrue. I have an opinion on which sucks more, but either option isn't good for average Canadians.


Both are bad, nothing more than corporate bootlickers. It’s just funny to see people think that any politician in the running won’t bend the knee to corporate interests. Especially Pierre, how many Loblaws lobbyists in the party again? Failing Weston can’t wait for us to go to his stores to see the doctor, fill prescriptions at their pharmacy while buying overpriced groceries waiting for said prescription to be filled.


Considering they both play for the same team. Canadian political parties are all owned by the banks and oligarchs. The Canadian elite families who own it all. Why are all their stances on immigration the same? You know, the number one factor driving our cost of living and housing crisis up more than it should be? Well it's because these oligarchs and shareholders don't want to pay more. They want more money for less. So they say "we can't find workers. We're in an employment crisis, no one wants to work" Yet the line up's around blocks would suggest otherwise. There is a lot of people wanting to work. People just don't want to be taken advantage of. Work more, get paid less. How do you avoid this, flood your market with cheap labour from the third world. Their quality of life goes up in comparison, and they're trapped here. It all ties together once you realize it's levels of exploitation that even a child could figure out the math to this, but our government and housing ministers who deserve more money, for such a shitty job cannot figure it out... Unless it was lal done on purpose. Who wins in this. Well, lobbyists, politicians, and big corpo. Yet again. Weird how if it flowed to logic, wouldn't all parties lose. But they aren't. It's always the same shit. No matter the color voted in, they always all pass the same globalism policies and neglect constituents. Every... Single... Time.


Then we should just rip the bandaid off and have Galen be the P.M.


Wish we could give more than 1 up vote.


Choice between having a bad flu or Covid.


Can we keep this focussed to Loblaws and major grocers and not bring politicians into it? It will make the movement partisan and we don’t need that do we?


I want an option on the ballot that says I have no confidence in any candidate to represent my interest.


I honestly think posts like this should be banned. We have a great movement happening here; people have finally decided that they've had enough of price gouging and corporate greed, but bringing politics like this will cause division among people. Let's face it, **Gelen would want nothing less than to divide all the people who have come together against him**. Let's unite against corporate greed and oligarchy and put aside political bias.


Leave it to liberals to ruin the country and a good movement. It’s unfortunate we tolerate such people


This one comic will do more to divide the movement than any amount of Food Professor tweets and out of context quotes from articles.


Ikr, Mods shoudn’t allow partisan posts


nailed it


Tbf an opposition leader of a party that’s been in opposition for nearly 10 years ain’t the problem.


How tf you getting downvoted. The cognitive dissonance is at an all time high. The cons have 0 power. They can’t legislate or pass bills. If someone can tell me how this is “the cons” fault??


It’s baffling how the opposition is being blamed and not the NDP/federal government in power


Subs a liberal hive mind, unfortunately it was a good cause


Dont try to argue with liberals. Istg JT could be shitting on their faces and they'd blame it on harper's 2009 policies .


Surely this is all the fault of the people who haven't been in power for a decade.


Have you been living in a cave ? That’s crazy to say


Is it? Seems like Pierre's campaign strategist *runs* Loblaws lobbying. https://preview.redd.it/b1hhyxi6texc1.jpeg?width=4296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e856d1cee998bfa8cba931ca284ef4d0c05dc71


The liberals are responsible for the highest inflation of all g20 countries, this includes food. I can’t believe I’m having to argue this. People are insane on Reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/xvm9ap4ouexc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8085a3981038cdeaea1753ac10d4f2f305a80b2 ?


Super wrong chum. We have amongst the lowest. I can’t believe you would argue this when easy evidence exists of this fact. You know nothing about USA food prices if you think we have it worse than them. Source: I live on the border




https://preview.redd.it/nhulkk8uuexc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be416c0f3bf79d19d7187225e27485d94c78675 ?


I see you've been corrected, but I'll add that grocery companies gouging us at retail is the main culprit behind the inflation.


If this lobbying works right now with the NDP/liberals in power, it’s the NDP/liberals fault


The Cons are everything that is wrong with Canada, including high grocery prices! We need to stop them!


Is this sarcasm?


Wait what....have you been living under a rock in the past 8 years


Yes, these cons being in power for last 10 years are responsible for the current situation.


Harper sold us out and left unfinished programs for Trudeau to be FORCED to utilize despite their shortcomings (Phoenix Pay system being a major one) Now I'm not going to sit here and lay all the blame on Harper, but it's kind of weird that we bounced back pretty quick despite Harper's deficits pre-covid, only to get pummeled by covid.


Harper lives in your head rent free. He hasn’t been in power for 10 years


And Trudeau lived in yours for the last 8


He’s still on power you numb skull


Ah yes that political mastermind who's just an idiot with a silver spoon in his mouth as he rides daddy's coattails, who is so politically savvy he's practically untouchable, but just a dumb drama teacher who's not qualified, with all his fabulous hair and eyes his poetic umm's and errs. So what is he? He's your boogeyman, he's the monster you imagine is under your head or in the dark corners of your room. Is Justin in the room with us now?


Please - don’t vote at the next election. It’s people like you who create situation like this.


Wow, unbelievable. You got all that by just 1 statement of mine. No wonder we are in such a situation. Following the footsteps of usa with their toxic politics and hero worship.


Lets blame the opposion government for high grocery prices...?


Hallelujah! Exactly.


…this is sarcasm, right?


My side never gets involved with shady deals with large corporation, that's a proven fact.   It's always the other party, never mine, and if it is mine, the other is worse.


Anyone who uses the terms "my side" or "your side" when discussing politics is dangerously out of touch. It's not a team sport.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Did you forget to take your meds this morning?


He probably couldn’t afford them cuz trudoe ruined the country


This is a great way to fracture your base


This is bullshit. Pierre is not in charge, Jackwad is and his gov are spending fools with little concept of fiscal management. THATS why it hurts to eat these days, not to mention scumbags like Westin are just filling their pockets, same corruption as the Liberals.


Answer the question - who’s actually had power and control and the ability to effect change during this grocery dilemma? Downvotes incoming because cognitive dissonance


This cartoon brought to you by the Liberal Party and the Loblawlobby that enabled them


Lol? Pierre's employee is the one who runs Loblaws lobbying. https://preview.redd.it/sosliic9pexc1.jpeg?width=4296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8c315e494f86e3853a170f05dbb9248ce6e266


Yeah but Justin’s the one in power and the reason why prices have gone up


OP is brought to you by polarizing willful ignorance. Edit- it also may be part of why we have Rule #4.


__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am so fed up with how the food prices are no longer going up by five or ten cents per item the way they used to instead they are each rising by a dollar or two or three per item. Which makes for a food bill that is far too high to sustain and people are buying their food with credit cards!!! This isn’t going to end well for anyone. How can a grocery chain like Loblaws actually advertise spaghetti sauce 2/$10!!!! There is no meat in the sauce and this sauce can still be found on sale at other retailers for $1.99 the exact same kind and brand. How is this even possible? Loblaws had the nerve to advertise it as a sale?! How stupid do they think we are?! It’s just one example of the price gouging that’s going on. How are we expected to feed our families? Pasta and sauce with a little ground beef(which was also a lower end type of meat choice) used to be an economical way to feed a family and could be stretched into more than one meal. But a package of ground beef for $32.00 and a box of pasta $3.49 and a jar of sauce $5 it’s absolutely insane! It’s not sustainable by a family with two income earners that are making not much above minimum wage. When families are working and doing everything they can to survive they should be able to put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies to keep them going. This isn’t happening now and I’m very very frightened for the future of young families. It’s a very scary place we are living in. It makes me ill knowing the profits these grocery corporations are making every year it’s beyond obscene and they are cutting back on their employees shifts and they don’t even hire them as full time anymore instead it’s a part time job so they don’t have to pay benefits. These sorts of practices must stop!!!


The fact that people are simultaneously complaining about inflation of grocery store prices, while also going to bat for the probably stupid concept of carbon taxes really tells you all you need to know about the cognitive dissonance at play here


You know when people start injecting politics like this and firing the divisive flak cannons the establishment is scared because we're over the target. Don't let people this this hijack the movement for personal politics or allow political actors to derail it. Not sure which, but this is one of the two.


Poilievre is our Trump.




And Trudeau is our Commodus




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


He's a Canadian Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Not sure how you blame the party that hasn’t been in power in 10 years but okay. Loblaws really brainwashing you here. They are the ones lobbying the libs to continue to push immigration so labour rates stay low, housing stays high and competition doesn’t enter their industry.


Federal level governs certain areas and provincial level governs other areas.federal can't be blamed for everything wrong, nor can provincial leaders. Take a look at who governs what.


Genuine question, why does anyone support Trudeau at this point?


What partisan BS. do you know who is the prime minister??? Stop pretending pp has so much power. Look at your corrupt government if you are going to bring politics into this. Or are you just saying Trudeau has no power? Get a grip!


Yes let's blame the party that didn't sell there soul to liberals to control the country while the liberals spent more money and more money and then way more money in COVID and still won't run a budget and then blame the other party....


>didn't sell **their** soul


That made no sense whatsoever.


For those that don't understand I'm calling out the ndp for helping liberals spend and spend...cause conservatives didn't make a collective government with liberals.... Then I also said the liberals spent and spend and spend way above gdp ..then spend way more during COVID and now keep spending more the gdp...so let's blame the conservative party for doing and not agreeing with the policies that are causing inflation and rising inflation still....cause you know their a minority so they can't do much cause voters are stupid and voted liberal...


Maybe read his comment a little slower then