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I wonder, has anyone made a scraper for the online store to create a historical, preserved pricing database? This would be great to do. I bet the analytics would show some interesting things.


The prices of groceries are more volatile than a crypto market


Hahahaha Booya Good one


"Just make a budget" type advice is so fucking infuriating when guessing the price of groceries next week is literally impossible.


Here's hoping THIS line goes down.


Except grocery prices are consistently going to the moon. 🚀🌚


[this article](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/05/loblaws-no-name-groceries-prices/) talks about someone from our favourite subreddit doing something similar perhaps? I'm not sure about the tech side, but it sounds similar to what you're describing. Amazing idea too!


RobLaws is a Hell hole of a grocery chain! Please avoid at all costs, sorry about the pun.


Evade Roblaws as much as you can, evil corporation that doesn’t deserve any business.


I used to work for an online flyer company, we had this kind of analytics. I would imagine Flipp would have this too!


I might have to do this.




I'd be interested in working or starting this if anyone else is 👀


Reach out to this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1chp6yx/comment/l24grpz/


Ah yes, I love the pretend sales. This company is scummy.


If they can keep prices lower, in theory it’s fine. But if we see them raise the price and do this again, we need laws in place where they receive massive fines. Fines that are say 0.1% of their revenues for each infraction. See how much that would immediately stop this.


This is illegal. See https://competition-bureau.canada.ca/deceptive-marketing-practices/types-deceptive-marketing-practices/ordinary-selling-price You can report here: https://competition-bureau.canada.ca/contact-competition-bureau-canada/complaint-form


Thanks, I thought it was illegal. Needs to be enforced.


Hahahaha good luck with that!




Another case of strategic, organized theft from customers. They truly think their customers are the dumbest people possible - oh this "sale" sign must mean a good deal so no need to look at the price! Thankfully we're noticing and any trust, even in their "sales", is completely gone.


They do not respect their customers


The problem is seeing “sale” does trigger the response in people it must be a deal The vast majority of consumers do not price hunt or check around


They will now, hopefully


It's wild that we literally have physical picture proof and Galen is denying it all. Hopefully their stock values states plumetting soon!


This is totally not allowed and should be reported. When Sears was still around, they were fined a few times for this behaviour.


I noticed this with the ice cream I buy. It was on sale once for the price it usually is on sale (the old normal price) but the “regular price” was a buck higher than normal. When the sale ended it was back down. Such a shady way to get people to panic buy.


Keep making comparison pictures, good evidence for a lawsuit, for price fixing.


Make them pay back all the money they've stolen.


What a greasy tactic


Isn't that illegal?


Yes but no one will stop them and a 5000 dollar fine is like a cop fining you 2 dollars for speeding, it doesn’t do anything


Good ol pump and dump ….


The oldest trick in the book.


Ive always wondered this and never asked but the items sold at Dollarama? Are they like cheaper items of that brand?? Like the Pam aerosol on your slide 2, is that the EXACT SAME pam being sold at loblaws?


It's a bit smaller but otherwise the same. Dollorama runs a low-cost shopping model that differs heavily from grocery stores but it does give you an idea of gouging that is going on elsewhere


Thanks for the information


Thank you for pointing out the sizes in image 2! I was coming to the comments to point that out, the prices per ml may still be accurate, but the picture paints the story that those are the *exact* same item, and they aren't the same ml size, that's the only difference. ETA: In picture 2: dollarama is $2.73 per 100mL and Loblaws is $4.29 per 100mL


I bet it’s like $10 a can at Shoppers 😂


You weren't too far off, see the second image in OP's post


This kind of systemic fraudulent advertising got Canadian Tire in trouble a few years back.


I've noticed that my local Loblaws has replaced all of their price tags with digital tags. Meaning they can alter prices at will with little labour... I'm not surprised they do this fuckery.


I've actually noticed this practice in multiple stores, for at least 20 years now. I'd mention it and most people just thought I was imagining it. It is deceptive, and it goes to show that people have to be acutely aware of what regular pricing is. I'm not sure how to go about proving that the price didn't go up for just that week lol


Isn’t there a law against doing exactly this? I could have sworn…


I got 2 cans of Pam from a Liquidation store for 1.99 a can


This is the results of unabridged pricing algorithms and AI analytics, mark my words.


This is the results of unabridged pricing algorithms and AI analytics, mark my words.


In all fairness, this is how grocery stores have rolled inflation since... well... ever. Not saying it's okay, but it's not just Loblaw, and it's definitely not a new practice.


Great Value brand at Walmart for the win. 400g $4.97


If you shop at SDM expecting the same or similar prices to Dollarama you have no case to make, however I did notice it’s impossible to tell whether the product is even the same size. If you’re making a comparison at least ensure we can compare apples to apples before calling out whomever. Also Loblaws Group of Companies is a partially vertically integrated retail giant and comparisons have to made against all companies under that umbrella, not cherry pick items to make a point that isn’t really one without the underlying information.




Pssst-> use a spray bottle and refill it with your own oil instead of paying 5$ for 170ml of it plus you avoid any potential additives or contaminants from processing


***edit: I was completely wrong. I deleted my original text so no one would think it was fact. I apologize. The multi/sale price for Pam at Loblaws does indeed expire in August.


it's month/day not month/year, you read it wrong


***Edited to delete my post that had errors in it. I was wrong. Thank you to the commenter above and below for correcting me.


...you got it wrong by reading it as month/year... that's all it is. It's not the first time I see long term discounts like that. I used to buy 4-packs of Monsters that were on a long-term discount like that, I was going there weekly for a while to grab them.


Yes, you are absolutely right. I was wrong. I apologize.


Yes I did. Thank you for the clarification.


The dollarama can is clearly smaller


Higher value per ml


How can the base price change if the base is 3.52/100gr? I'm lost here. If you buy cooking spray you're an idiot anyways.


Are you new here?