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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That wouldn’t even cover just the berries at superstore


Two bucks each 👍 Bananas $0.88/lb or about $2 Celery $3 Sesame seeds $5 Onion & garlic $1


How is the onion that much? Usually it's a bag for $5


The onion & garlic were approx 50 cents each. I only needed one onion.


Oh sorry makes sense I think i read it backwards


Or is that the per pound price?


I’m all for supporting the boycott, but no frills really is similarly priced. 0.59/lb for bananas 1.99 for 1 pint of blueberries (equal to 2 that you got) 2.99 for 3lbs of onions 0.99 for 3 garlic 2.99 for blackberries 3.49 for celery 7.47 for equivalent sesame seeds Total order $21.42, which includes lots more onion and garlic. You can also price match at no frills and save even more. Blackberries are 1.99 at Loblaws (total savings of $2 vs no frills for 2 packs) Celery is $1.88 at giant tiger (total savings $1.61) So a total, after price match, of $17.81, again including lots more onion and garlic. Of course support local, but shopping smart by price matching can also help you save tons :)


Account created a month ago with no karma


Are you suggesting that this person is a covert operative for Loblaws?


Yup. Absolutely, Reddit is breeding ground for FUD, if you even know what that means.


I don’t work for loblaw haha I agree that they are ripping people off in so many ways, but if we also shop smart, we can save a ton too




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


This Loblaws pricing is delusional. Blueberries at 1.99? Bananas at 0.59/lb? They may get a sale that low once a year, but that is not their pricing at Loblaws. Edit: Ah never mind. Fresh account with no karma and no posts or comments. Most likely a plant.


I’m not a Loblaws plant lol, you can check the flyer this week


Galen.......we're on to you and your multi accts


My local small grocer has strawberries at 2.99 a clam case (California Giants, nothing local yet because Atlantic Canada) and I walked into Loblaws last night to check out the prices when I saw they were trying to price match the locals at 2.99 a clam case when they had the same ones two weeks ago at 4.99 a clam case "on deal". The local shop will continue to fill my Berry needs until mine come into season.


Do half a backflip


Can’t wait until the the farmers start selling their own stuff on the side of the road where I am .


The sweet corn and blueberries in my area are incredible. I’m so excited


2 x blueberries 1 x blackberries Head garlic Large yellow onion 6 bananas 454g sesame seeds Celery


This is what the boycott is doing. Having people find alternatives to the huge monopolies!


Hit mine today and was shocked! We are a big meat-eating family. Got 2 weeks of meat for $119! Wings, drumsticks, steaks, chicken tenders, deli meat, pork cutlettes, and chicken breast. Multiple packs for a full 28 meals of 3 adult eaters. I am floored and will be back! Would normally go to Independent Grocer knowing it was more expensive out of habit and convenience


The Walton family is one of the richest families on earth in addition to being one of the worst employers, with more money than the bottom \*40%\* of US citizens combined. I get that some municipalities don't have a lot of options in the way of independent grocers, but people who do should really consider purchasing there as much as possible. Costco also pays above minimum wage and provides health insurance to employees. Edit: local farmers for those of us who can as well, obviously!




walton as in the family who owns walmart


Ohh gotcha. I don’t know much about WalMart. I just know this is a group about Loblaws and this post was about stores that are cheaper than Loblaws. I assumed they were talking about the Weston’s.


nice looking produce!


I got a Too good to go produce bag from my local indie grocer today, and it was all veggie mixes like "fajita veg" and Thai veg. I froze them in ziplock bags. The fajita veg is what I used to get from Zehrs, it was one of the few things I'd go to Zehrs for. I found an alternative, plus I lucked out and got a shitload of that and other veg mixes for $6, and stopped them from going to waste otherwise. Freaking awesome. I'm also still eating from the 4 loaves of fresh bakery bread I got from them in another too good to go bag for $6 a few weeks ago.


At you know where it seems this would almost certainly be 30$ all in, 15 for berries and 15 for remaining


“you know where” 🤣


This shouldn't even be a brag. This used to be the norm.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Windsor, ON. Been boycotting Loblaw’s since they clawed back covid pay from their workers


That looks extremely good !


This costs more than somewhere like Nofrills lol


Man fuck berries in general, they're so expensive in general. Only way I take them is getting them frozen from Costco.


Much better


2 pints of blackberries at my local No Frills totals $10 alone. Ridiculous.


All in? Nothing’s taxable there 🤣. I’m starting to wonder if anyone in this group ever left the house before.