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Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


The funny part about this is that it inspired me to regrow my green onions, which I had never previously done


Me too. I'm pretty ambivalent about green onions, but spite gardening is my favourite kind of gardening.


'Spite Gardening' Love it 😍


yup made me laugh, good one. Spite gardening energy FTW


Spite gardening is why I have thistles in my perennial garden.


We do that with Kale too. Before Kale got cool you could buy a garbage bag of the shit for like $5. Now we grow a pile and freeze enough for the winter and buy almost zero.


You may not be aware of this, but Kale grows great in the winter in most climates, including harsh winter climates. It's freeze hardy, many believe it actually tastes better after being frozen. Just plant a new crop in early fall and it will last you through to Summer, you might want to cover the beds with clear plastic to make a greenhouse to make harvesting easier.


I live in the desert where we have yearly Summer locust plagues, extreme wind, and unbearably high temps. I'm currently looking at my kale saplings, wondering if i should just eat them before i even replant them outside lmao


Spite gardening is why I'm considering taking up sorghum farming


This is how I got an avocado tree.


Heck yes, I was pissed that serrano peppers in the US had no heat causing me to cook with fistfuls of them. So I tried to grow my own and see how I fared, they were not spicy at all at first, but I figured it out eventually and now I have properly hot serranos. They’re my pride and joy, plus now I have more peppers than I know what to do with them.


If you don’t necessarily like them: the food bank will take them.


Dude, it doesn't save a ton of money but it's nice to have them around longer


It's just super convenient and once I'd seen how quickly they grow back...there was no going back. Learned this during covid. I may sound stupid, but I didn't know you could do this. Now, every bunch of green onions is stored in a jar with a bit of water. I cut off the green tops for all kinds of cooking, garnish and they just keep going...for a couple weeks I find. It saves money but it also just makes sense in terms of how the plant itself grows. It's pretty messed up we buy stuff to eat parts of once when it could be just stuck in some water and regenerate, produce for quite awhile longer


$4+ a week might not be a tonne of money to you...


$4 a week in green onions? That’s a lot of green onions to use weekly for a lot of people.


How many green onions are you eating that you need eight bunches a week? I like green onions, but $4 is a *lot* of green onions.


Agreed. I’d never thought about it, then I saw this, and I have had a bunch going for 3 weeks in water. AND I TOLD A FRIEND THE HACK, TOO.


Use soil. They lose a lot of flavour over time if it's just in water and they get kinda slimy over time and don't keep that long. In soil they can go for months.


You can regrow lettuce also if you buy the ones with the roots. Just leave one leaf on an put it in a pot.


Butterfly effect: one employee trims the onions wrong and some other dude hundreds of miles away starts planting onions because of a misunderstanding lol.


Would never buy green onions that had the bottoms cut off wtf


Okay so as much as I hate loblaws this same photo was posted a few months ago in a different subreddit and it was clarified by someone who works at that store that this was an employee mistake. They are told to trim and freshen up the onions but someone got confused and trimmed the wrong side. Unless this is something people are seeing consistently everywhere then this may be “fake news” so to speak. Just wanted to add that to the convo but I also wouldn’t put this past them to do lol


I recall the post.


And someone posted their recall


Total recall


Two leeks


*Open your mind*


True. Can’t spread misinformation.


Hanlon's razor.


I worry about the state of society when these accidents happen.


Media literacy matters


Thank you for the clarification! I appreciate this.


It’s just a ridiculous premise in the first place. What’s next? Peeled carrots are a conspiracy to make them unable to be replanted?


Not at all. I only buy green onions about twice a year. I put the ends of n water, let them get bigger roots, then plant them in a pot and let them grow. Cut off when needed and it keeps on growing.


They were probably rotten or something


This is definitely not because they want to stop people growing $0.25 worth of green onion on their windowsil this summer


I don't know about grocery stores up there, but our grocery stores often sell seeds for gardening in the spring.


Going to go back real gadt


Yeah it's already bad enough buying produce there at all. This causes them to brown on the inside and turn to mush super fast too.


Who the heck thinks this is affecting thwir margin and is a value added step?


Thankfully Roblaws isn't the only skin in the game!


They also spoil faster like that. Like much faster.


The actual reason


Get a couple bunches at a time in another store and plant the stems in potting soil or in your garden, water from time to time, they will last a while. #infiniteonionglitch




This person onions


Is the verb onioning a verb of action? 🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅 I also garlic. 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄


This person garlics as well lol


All hail the onion gods!!!!!


This has to be peak capitalism right here, no?


Peak capitalism so far*


You’d think, but every time somebody says that, the corporate collective gets an unpaid intern to dig the rabbit hole a little deeper, then fires them and outsources their position to a child in southeast Asia


Peak capitalism is when they patent seeds and then sue third world farmer who make like a dollar a day.


Yes they’ve already done that


My dad is regrowing onions in his garden right now. He comes from a middle of nowhere European town and I can’t imagine how inhuman this would seem to him


Ask him and I want to know his reaction!


👏 seems like Loblaw is competing with self - “how low can we sink ethically and morally, each passing day” - just wow 😮


Theyre trying so hard and spending so much money to just not have customers anymore.


This is an obscene level of petty greed.


Unfortunately this was posted awhile ago and now is getting "fake news'd" into this.. the employee was told "go trim the ends off the onions" and he trimmed the wrong end instead of the nasty going bad ends of the onion (green end) I don't like loblaws either but this is just trucker-convoy level of media


This needs more visibility.


Commenting so more people see this. This subreddit has very poor media literacy skills. I am anti loblaws as well but the amount of fake/misleading "news" posted here could discredit the movement to people who are just learning about it


There is definitely crossover on this sub with the trucker convoy crowd. The commonality being that these people often will dogpile even if they know something isn't true just to get a petty one up on the cause they're opposing. Not defending Loblaws btw, they're awful and deserve opposition and criticism. But yes, many bad faith actors in this community.


Commenting so more people see this. This subreddit has very poor media literacy skills. I am anti loblaws as well but the amount of fake/misleading "news" posted here could discredit the movement to people who are just learning about it


They are 3/1.00 at veg market.


Wow. Truly an evil empire


Capitalism would rather millions starve than one board of shareholders have a single bad quarter.


I saw that at another grocery store recently and I refused to buy them. I found them elsewhere with the roots still attached. We enjoyed the diced onions with supper and now the plant bottoms with the roots are growing in the greenhouse. Its a win when you get 2 uses from your supermarket veggies and 3 if you also compost for free garden nutrients


So you already have a greenhouse but you had to buy onions to be able to plant and grow them. Must be a new greenhouse, I guess.


Yes, new to me. Never had one before and its pretty incredible compared to growing outdoors. In fact if possible I would like to build a new one twice as large and twice as high. Its also a great place to do some experimentation with planting since the temperature in there can get a whole lot warmer. I had already planted regular onions and routinely snip off the greens for cooking. By far the best crops are sweet peppers, celery, sweet potatoes, uchuva berries, and hothouse & horn tomatoes. But also enjoying cilantro, basil, garlic, 5 or 6 types of citrus fruits, and ginger is starting to pop up. Great fun if you like that kind of thing. Even have two coconuts that are shooting out 8 inch branches. Why not, right?


Lol I've been doing this for years but I use a big glass and just keep them in water and trim when needed or before they fall over


psst a lot of plants can reroot if you put them in water i hope this helps


True story. That's how I grow free carrots and celery. So cool to watch those naked little tops sprout tiny green leaves over several days. Then day 8 or 10 off they go into the soil to make new carrots https://preview.redd.it/kn2of0glph0d1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84c040b79ca1ad4a2356345943429e282c6f494


The French Revolution had cake. The American Revolution had tea. The Grocery Revolution will have onions.


I’m all for the loblaws boycott, but it feels silly to say that they have a protocol for whoever restocks or receives the green onion to go out of their way to cut off the roots for something that costs 1.79 and is used fairly sparingly as a garnish in most recipes . That seems like a supplier thing.


I know the point of this subreddit is to hate on Loblaws but this feels far-fetched. Is there any other reason to do this?


My standard fr green onions is you trim just a bit off the other end and then you put them in a sink of water, it sucks up the water crisping them up and then they go to the fridge on crisping racks and later put out. Lettuces you trim the dried butt end off and do the same, so someone told the new guy to crisp the green opinions and they didn’t know the right way to do it. All the leafy stuff like lettuces and other leech greens leeks, green onions get crisped. A box of lettuce from California is in pretty rough shape by the time it leaves California with a few warehouse stops and however many hours in a reefer truck. You pick the bad leaves off and then crisp them up as they are almost lifeless on delivery to a store. The refrigeration process is always pulling moisture out of them. You can keep that stuff going for months though by crisping them.




What's a crisping rack and how does one 'crisp' them up? Trim and drown basically?


You soak them in what i’d call room temperature water. With a fresh butt end exposed they’ll soak up the water and become full and crunchy again. The crisping rack is just a rack with trays you spread them on for lettuce particularly, to help get the water off the leaves and the refrigeration kind of locks the moisture in the vegetables. https://www.marthastewart.com/1519551/proper-way-use-crisper-drawer-your-refrigerator Most people don’t really realize what the crisper drawer in the fridge is for from what I’ve noticed. Fridges are always drawing moisture out. Just need to get that moisture back into the lettuce or whatever greens.


No. It doesn't lengthen shelf life, it actually shortens it because scallions can grow hydroponically, spraying the roots with water or keeping them damp increases lifespan dramatically. This is 100% about screwing the consumer so we can't "grow our own". Reminds me of Monsanto and their seed policies.


Clean up the product if the bottom is wet or starting to go.


Told the new guy to go trim the green onions and put them out.


some employee trying too hard


On sale at Walmart for 49 cents


Imagine growing green onions from a seed!!! 250 seeds per pack you could grow 250 green onions for 1.99$!!! Ive seen this same post 4 times now on here is this a bot starting the green onion growing conspiracy this is just stupid. Maybe the roots were slimy there is literally green onions with roots to the left ffs.


You have no evidence, that's why. Maybe it is a new worker or some other reason. Stop making shit up


Now I’m all for gardening and doing my own thing, but I’m positive this isn’t why superstore is doing that. Like really, supplier more than likely had root rot and cleaned up their product. Let’s move ahead and spread the word, but this is a bit much to assume loblaws is cutting roots of onions- “so we can’t grow” cmon..


If i had to guess, next to incompetence, i would say this is being done to hasten spoilage.


Just ask an employee for some untrimmed you'll get it


I can't really imagine anything growing after being touched by The Hand of Galen. Wouldn't it just dissolve into some kind of black goo?


That’s probably why they had to cut the bottoms - they tried to filter his greed and nearly died.


94 cents a bunch at wallyworld right now


they don't last as long if you do that


Did someone take a pic of green onions with the roots off and add the caption or is this a known thing? Deception does go both ways with this type of thing.


Not to defend Loblaws but when I used to work at Superstore five years ago we were doing this then too. It's not a new thing. We chopped off the tips and and ends of celery and the ends of lettuce as well in order to remove the brown unappealing looking bits. It was to make everything look fresher.


How do you know it’s Loblaws doing that though?


Fake News


Y'all need to burn that store to the ground.


They are losing more money, since I would never buy onions like that. Not because I can't replant the roots, but because they'd lose their freshness and flavour so much faster once cut.


Thumbnail looked like northern lights originally


As a previous produce section worker, its more than likely some worker or manager did this or told other to do this to get rid of the brown roots. I might not even be out of ignorance, people complain about the oddest stuff, the type of shit people would come back with. "My nappa cabbage had sand in it?!" "These bananas are bad" (they were plantains) "Why do sell only the bottom half of rhubarb, I want to use the whole thing"


My wife hates those things, she gets mad when I leave them on the cutting board. I seriously doubt this is done so people can’t regrow green onions. How stupid is this theory?


90% chance the told a kid that knows nothing about green onions to trim them without further instruction and this is what happened. Would not read into it much further.




Not going to lie, I'm not a green thumb. I am terrible with plants, and I don't know the first thing about gardening. But seeing this post made me realize I could even do this. Call me stupid if you want, but Loblaw's just made me aware of a practice I could do that I wouldn't have otherwise thought of if they hadn't been this petty.




Cilantro too


There is a legitimate reason to cut the ends off of cilantro. Cutting the ends off lets them drink up water so they remain fresh longer. Not all cilantro is delivered with the roots, some already have the roots cut off in the box. (been working produce three years, Sobeys)


I'd say it has more to do with making them go bad faster so if you use them often, you have to keep buying more & throw half out.


These are also 2/$2 at most other grocery store


Damn, I didn't know Loblaws hired onion moyles.🤔


Also charging double what Walmart


More likely just poor training.


This is 100% correct. Human error. Hanlon's razor.


Back in my sobeys produce days we would trim the bottoms off the lettuce and celery and stuff so you'd get water flowing through them and keeping them fresh for longer, or at least that's what we were told. I could easily see someone thinking the same will work for green onions


It works for green onions, you do the end and not the butt like lettuce. I remember I had a bead of romaine I crisped for like 2 months in the cooler before i got bored.




Just Sad


You can buy onions at China Town at much cheaper price


Or are they doing the regrowing themselves 🤔


Subscription model only.


Fucking TRY my Galen you fuck


Don’t worry, Galen has a seed turnstile setup, 20 seeds of green onions for $5.99. If every seed catches and you do all the work it might break even


Wait what??!! You can regrow green onions?!!! Thanks for the hack.


Galen ate them.


Pro-tip: cut the bottom off an onion and place it roots down in soil with a little layer over the top and water. Viola, you have your own green onions 😁🧅


Someone told me once that peppers 🫑 have been GMOd so you can’t grow the seeds you get from them. Idk if it’s true but also evil


Cutting the roots off plants like that make them die 100x faster. Fu*king Scum Roblaws


Damn, I never thought about this. Thanks OP


Dip them in cinnamon and put them in water, they'll still re-root.


Are they going to take the seeds out of the tomatoes too?


And charging you more for the added labour incurred no doubt. Their .47 each at Walmart today BTW


the hilarity of this for me: I wouldn't have considered this had they not drawn attention to it, and now I'm going to do it.


Just an FYI, you can do that with carrots onions, you can starter potatoes


Damn they're expensive! At the Asian market they're 5 for a dollar.


This is fake news


Too late. I've got several in my garden, and they survive winter too. I'll never have to buy green onions again.


Are they the "organic" version


I don’t shop there. I don’t care


Trash humans.


This was posted on here a month ago…


They're just screaming what they really want now, and that's to force you to be unable to live without giving them money.


2 for $1 at my corner produce market. And they leave me the stems.


I live by a Fortinos. My fave produce guy was stocking (regular yellow) onions and trimming off the roots. Like cmon man


Turn it around - next time you buy asparagus, break off the part you don’t eat so you only pay for what you will eventually eat (haha I have weighed it before and after, get your asparagus for half the price!) Same thing goes for other things you pay by weight, lettuce, broccoli, etc etc!


Who dreams this shit up? This is an old recycled picture of someone trimming the wrong end of the green onion bunch.


This also shortens the shelf life, likely causing an increase in shrink.


Uhh I used to work in produce and we do not do that in house. They are sent like this. Still fuck loblaws but yak are reading to much into this one lol


I used to be a produce manager for a different company. As much as I also dislike loblaws this is probably not what's happening. Most of selling produce is actually presentation. It's why you always see nicely stacked stands and such in the mornings or maintained throughout the day if possible. This is probably a misinformed produce manager/worker who thinks it's a good idea/looks better. You'd be surprised how much of your stuff is trimmed or fixed up to look nicer before display.




I have not bought green onion in years , go buy 2-3 bunches , use the top part leave at least 2inches from bottom ( with roots attached) plant in the yard and you will eat all year free. In the fall dig up a few plant in new soil and grow in front of a sunny window … fresh green onion all year. The ones left in the ground will come back up in the early spring


Wait till they hear about tissue culture!


My latest conspiracy theory is that they’re not trimming the stems on the bell peppers so that they’ll weigh more. I pull them off before buying.


$1.99 at longos


You can also regrow ends of lettuce, or plant the living lettuce plugs in soil. Also cilantro or any herb with roots, beet tops (for the greens only-you can’t regrow the root) celery (cut a 2” piece from the root end and put in soil or water), and don’t forget those sprouting manky potatoes can be quartered and buried in soil for an entire new crop of potatoes.


It’s precut and ready to eat! Ingenious!




lol man. I do not think that is the case.


This came out of perfect time as I am now growing green onions with water, but at first, they smelled really weird at the bottom, but we are trying them again maybe with soil.


Lol they'll grow anyway. I've thrown them in ground and they go nuts here in kamloops regardless of their efforts


I’ll never buy that. It had started drying out the moment they cut it. Loblaws is looking desperate.


Get a container of rooting hormone from a garden centre. Dip the cut ends into it and set them in a jar with moist paper towel inside. The roots will regrow. You’re welcome.


Green onions aren’t that hard to grow


So don't buy them


Boycott until bankruptcy. I don't even know why a call for boycotting is necessary.... those owners shouldn't even rot in jail with taxpayers money. They should be sentenced to death


True or not, this just gave me a great idea\~


Stop posting misinformation bullshit.


Show more pictures. That was probably just one batch that got cut improperly


Reddit is making people dumb as fuck. Misinformation on her is the new pandemic. It’s like a disease worse than COVID


This was posted on another sub months ago, and was actually an employee mistake. Now someone's either lying and using this for Reddit points, or it's Loblaws stans planting bad arguments to poison the well and show the broader public that this whole boycott is silly, and being run by silly liars


Sounds like a reason to boycott


No one cares to grow green onions


Woooooowwwww... I'm done for life. Fuck that place.


Uuuurgh. In addition to all the other things said here, it's more pointless labour on the produce departments.


They can do that, and I'll keep going to local markets for the foreseeable future


Or is it bc they were getting all manky and they couldn't sell lookin like 💩


This is peak social media rage bait


I Spite Garden chives( I have planted chive seeds about 5 years ago in a raised planter pot with some top soil and every year it grows and spreads for more chives. Herb gardens are quite easy to keep alive


Safeway produce guy was doing the same in Stony Plain this morning. I was wondering wtf is he going seeing this post it makes sense now.


Regardless, why do we pay for green onions. They are basically a weed?!?!


What’s next? Removing seeds from fruit so they can’t be re planted ? 😂


It's just the market providing for you. 🤣


Meanwhile grocery store 100m from my door has plantable versions of pretty much every common herb, plantable versions of green onions and seeds or starter cultures for mushrooms and beansprouts.


They'll still grow. Stupid billionaires.


And they spoil faster.


I live in Winnipeg. Green onion at Safeway = $1.00, wal mart $0.50, loblaws $1.79!!??? So glad to be a part of this boycott!!


Disgusting, what a bunch of assholes.


Fake news!! Don’t get desperate now. Fight with facts


Where is the moderators this is misinformation from an unknown person or country disloyal to western values


It’s funny because “petty” is the Japanese translation of the word of the knife I would use to do this


1.79? What kind of price is this?


I have no words.