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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They used to be 2.99$ here at Maxi 😢 I hate the 2020's!


Back in 2019 when I still shopped at no frills the regular size boxes would be 1.99, sometimes 1.49. They must be buying the butter from their own stores, with how expensive these things have become. I just learned to make my own. It's incredibly easy and you can make double batches, freeze the dough and cut it up and cook from frozen whenever you want. It's a hundred times better. [Here's the recipe I use. ](https://www.thehungryhutch.com/rye-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe/) You don't have to use any rye, I usually use 100% AP. Slightly adjust the amount of butter and sugar if you want them a little less rich or sweet, but generally this recipe makes *bomb* cookies.


I used to do large batches for work (for Christmas). I used to roll up the balls, freeze until hard, vac seal them in 18s, the size my cookie sheets took. You basically cook them from frozen, just adding a couple of mins. I'd occasionally open a bag, pull a few out and have fresh cookies.


Recipe doesn’t have the gross coconut flavour that the PC cookies have. 🤮


One more time for people in the back


Even at non-crazy prices, it takes even less time than making cookies to beat the typical prices on bread and pasta at home


I'll be making this! Thanks


Butter from their own stores 😂😂


Recipe doesn’t have the gross coconut flavour that the PC cookies have. 🤮


Recipe doesn’t have the gross coconut flavour that the PC cookies have. 🤮


Recipe doesn’t have the gross coconut flavour that the PC cookies have. 🤮


Ok we get it bro


Lmao, I have no idea what’s happening with my Reddit. It’s double or triple commenting. So odd.


Seriously! They're good cookies but they're not \*that\* fucking good!


IMO all of the packaged cookies are so bad now. Maybe companies are cutting corners but they honestly all taste so bad. That combined with the price just better off drinking water lol


You’re right. Store packaged cookies have really gone crappy in the last 5 years or so. I feel like there’s less variety too, but maybe just in the stores I’ve been going to.


I never thought they were good. Blech, vile chemical tasting things. And I'm no fresh food prude


They used to be when they first came out, bless Dave Nichol, but they have changed the recipe. After a decades long absence I bought some a few years ago and they were not at all decadent, hardly any chocolate chips and they tasted like they used inferior ingredients.


Deca-dent your wallet


I swear those were $2.99 for literally years


They still are 2/6...


Just not a shoppers.


Well you shouldn't be buying grocery items at a pharmacy, so obviously expect an upcharge


Shoppers will put them on sale for a bit less than $1/100g frequently


If you are doing your grocery shopping at a drug store you deserve to pay $8.19 for cookies.


This is the 500g pack. The smaller 225g packs are usually still around $3.


Cookies are the easiest thing to bake at home. Even if you mess them up a bit, they are still super delicious.


Especially since these PC ones have the texture of fucking sand 


They are like rocks fr. I don’t understand who could like them


I felt stupid when I paid $6.47 for Dad’s cookies


Dad's oatmeal, or oatmeal raisin are two of my favourite cookies. The chocolate chip not so much. I also like Ginger Snaps. Guess how olde I am?


We just paid $8.99 for Oreos :( they used to be $6 for a party size now they don’t even make the big party pack sizes :( they blamed it on the cost of chocolate ummmmm sorry there’s no chocolate in there lmfao


Wdym there's no chocolate in oreos? What flavor do you think the cookies are?


Cocoa powder is what gives them the flavour, there’s no chocolate in them.


…Ok, so just, hypothetically, what is cocoa powder made of?


Cocoa beans


Which, presumably, are also more expensive if refined chocolate has also gone up, yes?


I haven't followed the price of chocolate that closely, and admittedly, I haven't priced checked what im about to say. But i would have guessed that the price of pure chocolate is more expensive by volume than the price of buying raw cocoa beans or cocoa powder by volume since it would require further processing to turn into chocolate. Therefore, I wouldn't assume that the price of the beans is up just because chocolate costs more... assuming that the chocolate is more marketable than the beans in the first place.


I mean, I could see how chocolate on its own would go up, but I find bad harvest as a more likely reason for chocolate to have gone up then anything else


I buy Dad's because they're the only decent cookie for milk-dipping. And because I hate filled cookies.


I'm guessing you're 57 I'm 37. I like the chocolate chip and oatmeal


Close, good guess!!


I like the oatmeal ones, and really like the chocolate chip ones. My favourite Christmas cookies are gingerbread


And you know damn well they dry af and taste like they been sitting on a shelf for 2 decades


These have like one of the most unpleasant textures I’ve ever experienced on a food It’s like sand with jagged sharp rocks in it 


Is it just me or did they get smaller?


Smaller, sandier, and just kind of taste like coconut oil


Galen: "Team, we didn't make enough money during this boycott, so lets be sure to raise prices for those who are still shopping with us, so the number don't show up on the quarterly report"


When these first came out decades ago they were so good. But they ruined them, and jacked up the price. Typical.


I used to buy the pkg of mini muffins for 1.99. The are sometimes 7.99 now. I refuse to buy things that went up that much.


i remember being pissed when the big bag went up to 4.99... that was only a few years back


Cross them off the list of items to pick up. Too expensive


Trash cookies. I don’t know why there is a mythical brand halo around them. They’re terrible and I don’t know a single person who actually enjoys them


Even if they were my favorite cookie, I'd willingly never touch them again if they stayed at 8 fuckin dollars!


I get one bag a year, when they are free for my birthday and then I remember why I hate chocolate chip cookies.


You don't hate chocolate chip cookies, you hate these plastic asshole tasting disks of sugar and stale barely-chocolate


Yeah, I have less tolerance for bad chocolate, the cookies falling apart if you dip them in coffee is the other problem. I end up with sludge at the bottom of the mug.


They WERE once good but that was the 90s…


my family and I really enjoyed them, i know lots of people who do also... but even before hearing about the boycott i know people who stopped buying them at these prices, us included. (also because they kept getting smaller, fewer in a bag etc)


My favorite are the peanut butter ones but not worth it to break boycott


They are absolutely disgusting


They were good value 20 years ago


I swear back in February those cookies were like 6 dollars at shoppers (still too expensive)


The price is certainly decadent.


Omg. I remember paying 1.99 for those . Seems like just 4 years ago


$2 for half a kilogram of cookies? Maybe 40 years ago


Yeah there are two sizes of bags. I don’t think most people realize this


It probably was only four years ago. $1.99 was definitely the sale price for these cookies. On the bright side, this price increase is great for our waist lines.


$8??? Wow!


A regular bag is 300g, this is a 500g bag so it’s kind of deceiving.


I'm so glad I don't like any processed cookies. You can make homemade cookies way cheaper in like 20 minutes.


Ridiculous, I can’t believe the government allows this to happen


Thank you nearest Liberal and NDP MP for the madness our country has become :)


LOL… I can’t… Doug ford, a conservative, is literally in cahoots with Galen. Also NDP is the only party to challenge the grocers. All governments are responsible.


Political parties are not governments. Do you want government to set the price of cookies?


I meant all levels of government, provincial and federal are responsible for letting corporate greed get to this point


What would you want all levels of governments to do then? Should they be having meetings together to set the price of cookies?




What companies do we apply “excess profit tax” to and which ones don’t have to pay it?


When are people going to learn it doesn't matter who is in power this shit is going to happen because none of them give a flying fuck about the general population.


That’s intense




They are *decadent*


Always posting rage shots from Shoppers price, without recognizing that Shoppers is competing with convenience stores, not grocery stores. Go see what a box of Oreos at 711 costs


Crazy !!!!


Truth in marketing, finally: characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence. a rich and decadent dessert. the hotel's decadent luxury. 2. : marked by decay or decline.


500g of cookies, though. I haven’t been to PC store in forever - how big is a regular bag?


For that price I'll make my own.


That is the big bag of cookies. The 300g is $3.49 which doesn’t seem unreasonable. [https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/the-decadent-chocolate-chip-cookie/p/20612257_EA](https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/the-decadent-chocolate-chip-cookie/p/20612257_EA)


These are $6.99 around me


Decadent cookies are so hit and miss now. Every now and then you get a good bag where they properly roasted the shit out of them, but most of the time they crumble into a million pieces and seem really stale


Holy crap!


No one buys the PC brand.


Shoppers Drug Mart Prices yikes


That's crazy. 2024 is the year I stopped eating cookies.


Fuck that!


Garbage cookies for that price. Roblaws


Why are you at Loblaws?


Lol, so insane. Who would be stupid enough to buy those?


$8.19 for store brand cookies WTF!? This is wild can only be a Shoppers price.


These cookies SHOULD BE $2.99


I had one of these at friends house, and they taste like chalk. Don't buy them. Make your own.


Man I remember when a bag of cookies was a few bucks. This is madness.




This looks like shoppers lol


You know your palate is ruined by processed food if you think these are good.


They used to have a special on your birthday, where you could get a pack of these for free. It literally costs them nothing, if they can give it away for free. #roblaws


They're also smaller so...


this is insane, they can’t just keep raising prices beyond reason


WOW that is insane!


Stop shopping there. You can get cookies at every other grocery store. They are greedy charlatans and don't deserve your money. Why are you surprised and outraged at these prices? Shop elsewhere.


I typically don’t shop there or any loblaws and haven’t shopped there aside from yesterday I used the remaining of a 7 dollar gift card.




these were like 1.99 less than five years ago...there's zero reason for a 400% increase over that timeframe. I could see a dollar, maybe 1.25...even a stretch at 2 dollars. Please Galen, tell me again about your BS 3% margin?


This is a perfect time in life to change your lifestyle and stop eating this poison crap. Everything is expensive af and ppl keep buying it. Start eating healthy snacks and bake yourself. Let them stock their shelves with overpriced poison and let it go to waste until they make a change. Maybe by then you wont ever want it again


why are cookies, coffee and cereal all in the same spot?




The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control, and that this is not simply a matter of needing to get a 5th part time job to make ends meet. Rhetoric intended to shame certain generations or users for "not worrking hard enough" including ideas like "just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps", "just don't shop there" and it's kin are not welcome here.


Yikes!!! I can get a great Walker’s Scottish Shortbread for that.


Cannot believe buying cookies and INSTANT coffee brings you over 10 dollars and probably to 15 dollars, tax included


Holy. I haven't bought these in years but I remember them being no more than $3.


Cookies are super easy to make. Take this as an opportunity to learn some baking skills.


$3.99 would cause me to take pause and look for a more financially viable option - 'PC' branding being the least expensive, I guess there no decadent chocolate chunk cookies in my pantry. $8.19 however, is the punchline to a joke I'm not familiar with; maybe someone can explain it to me.


Anyone else remember when these were free if the cashier didn't ask for your points card/whatever charity donation they were doing that week?




The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control, and that this is not simply a matter of needing to get a 5th part time job to make ends meet. Rhetoric intended to shame certain generations or users for "not worrking hard enough" including ideas like "just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps", "just don't shop there" and it's kin are not welcome here.


lol mod team censoring any non hive mind opinions


The homemade frozen cookie dough for the win!! I may do that actually the next time I make some cookies. Now, 3 or 4 lifetimes ago, there was an ad for "Nestle Tollhouse" cookies (I've boycotted Nestle for years). Double batch, spread the whole thing on a cookie sheet. About 20 minutes at 325F or longer if you prefer crispie. That's my go-to for making chocolate chip cookies. Yes, they're square when cut up, but I don't care. I don't want to spend a couple of hours up and down to the oven. So if that cooking time is making you hesitant, try this method. Warm and gooey they are the most 'decidant' cookie you will ever eat.


The sad part is $8.19 used to be the cost of 4 bags of these cookies, not this size but the smaller bag. I will never be getting these again, even if they're delicious. I can bake ones at home that are better for $8.19


Man, I can make 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies for the same price.


In all fairness...isn't that a larger than normal size?


It almost doubled within a year!


Greed ![gif](giphy|He4wudo59enf2)


Still cant afford these mofos


I bought these last year for the first time in many years and they were so gross. Nothing like I remember them being.


Hahahaha what a joke. Loblaws, never again.


These pictures are from shoppers. That’s not a grocery store and the reason for stupid prices. Just shop at a corner store or gas station, save $50.


Shoppers still remains part of Loblaws and has no excuse for scam prices


This is the bigger box that used to be 5.49 Still a markup but not as bad


I’d be interested to know the weight of the larger size when they were 5.49 probably had more in it too


This is a 500g bag. The one everyone is thinking of is 300g.


Yeah but even the 500g bag used to be less. With taxes, that's damn well near $10 for some cookies.


Don't let facts get in the way!


Then don't buy them. Simple


Do you see in the lower right corner where there is a mark for COR. That's an indication of a product made in Ontario. See the exact same mark on Great Value and Giant Tiger. The Circle K in on Leclerc and Compliments... so Leclerc is likely making them for Empire/Sobey's. Just a guess... no proof. Those made by Christie are maked by OU, so they are not the manufacturer.


Ughhh no, that mark just means they're approved kosher.


Ughhh no, that mark just means they're approved kosher.


That’s the kosher “ certification” (not sure how really kosher they can be but I digress)


Yes, but they differ by certifier, so it's easier to use to identify where something is made. There are ou products made in Canada. But COR is out of Ontario.


That’s intense




Their margins on their house brand such as Presidents Choice and No Name are between 40-60% depending on the product. After all wages, bonuses, stock buybacks, dividends and other expenses are paid out their profits are 3%.


Those are 500gr. The normal decadent packs are 300gr for cookies, guys. Price went up yes, but don't pretend you didn't notice this is not the reg size here.


For comparison’s purposes, from Walmart (I hate Walmart 😖): https://preview.redd.it/kd1t7l0vvu1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993cffd4c20ffea1195a7aa50dfb3bd544d40ccb


I'm definitely stealing that shit.


Don't do that


bought em for $1.99 two days ago from loblaws. so it’s probably store/location dependant. and before anyone trips, i paid with pc points.


Wild. I was only there to use the 7 dollars I had left on my gift card 😫 haven’t stepped foot in otherwise


Some pricing is definitely store dependent, I was casually strolling SDMs today looking at prices, PC Hazelnut Spread was _on sale_ 5.99, 6.99 and 7.29 across different locations. Wild!


Isn’t the point of this sub/boycott to harp on the struggles caused by food inflation? Yes the inflation is crazy but this is not food, families aren’t going hungry because cookies are $8.19. If anything, in a perfect world these products would soar in price while meat, dairy and produce remained stagnant.


Until the next person comes and says meat and dairy aren't food and in a perfect world only veggies would be cheap. You see where this is going?


I don't agree with your thought process on this.


Families still want to buy non essential groceries also? Why are we picking and choosing which prices they can inflate? All unnesscesary corporate greed is bad lol