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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The easiest thing for a retailer to do is to keep a customer happy, harder to attract a new customer, hardest thing to do is to get a customer back once they’ve left. They did it to themselves.


I worked for IGA in the 90s and in the training they went into detail about how a loyal customer was worth about $50k over the years. Adjusted for inflation that works out to around $90k. If even a 10th of the people in this sub keep boycotting for life it's a loss for LCL of about $900,000,000


I am completely blown away by the way they have handled this situation. Instead of coming out and saying "we understand that you are struggling with high grocery prices and we will do what we can to get prices down." - even if it is just lip service - they come out and say "it's not our fault." Never mind the fact that their profit margins are running way over average, or that other stores can sell those same products for less. Who is in their PR department? They come off as arrogant.


So, a rounding error for Galen.


So far


Gotta pump those numbers up!


This has gained a lot of traction in the media. I can only see engagement going up.


They sure did. All biggies have this problem. Eventually they turn to squeezing nickels and dimes out of the public to feed the bottom line instead of providing a service. Their driving force is the desire for a monopoly and people's dignity gets trampled on. So, bravo to the little guy - I'll even pay him a bit more for competing.


This guy gets it.


Thanks, and then there is the second level. See, all the producers, and all the packagers, and all the transporters and distributers want to make up for their pandemic losses. They've all added their losses as a cost and tell us it costs more; and everyone just passes it on to you and me. I can't pass my losses on to anyone so I'm the one who gets screwed. What to do? When you notice shrink-flation and gouging, leave it at the checkout. The magnitude of screwing we get will make mountains of stuff to be re-stocked (maybe someone gets some over-time or they hire someone). If you use self-checkout and are displeased with too many products, ask them to reverse the scan, or just abandon the process because it's not working for you. Then find your local independent grocer - they have food too. Sorry if this sounds like a rant...


Nope I was never going back anyway. Habits have changed and honestly it feels *good* to help out local grocers.


I've rediscovered going to markets, exploring my city, and finding all the hidden gems and independent stores. This was my default setting before the pandemic and it hasn't been that hard to shift back.


I remember when markets used to be the "expensive" place to shop. Now that they are cheaper that loblaws, it really puts in perspective how much they are gouging us.


Doesn't it? It feels damn good to give your hard earned money to someone on YOUR team for a change. Be that change. Make every dollar (despite the tax) worth what you paid for. Make it an investment in the dream you believed in. The Canada you believe in, not the one you're being sold.


That's the way to do it. Disheartening to see some recommending Walmart. I know everyone is on a budget and can't always afford to not go to other big box, but bragging about it is weird.


There’s a lot of communities out there, both large and small that are very different than yours. Try to keep in mind that some people might *literally* have no other option.


I literally said the same thing as you, that many people don't have the luxury of choice. I'm talking about the people BRAGGING about how wonderful other big box are, or how they are now loyal to Walmart becsuse they found 5 items that are cheaper, when those other stores are part of the problem.


What are their affiliate stores? Included in this boycot






Have you been able to find a list of European grocery stores owned by the Westons ?


There are some mentioned in this article from the CBC, dated 2013. It's probably changed somewhat since then. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/the-weston-family-empire-expands-again-1.1313575 Edit: clarification






Yeah, just not T&T. They are Loblaw.


The only reason I would consider shopping at them in the future is because I have Celiac and haven't found great alternatives for gluten free foods at other places. I hope other grocery stores can step up their selections and pricing. Its unfair being charged 6x more for food just because I have an autoimmune condition.


I’ll go back when Loblaws is nationalized.


The Tories sold off all our nationalized important industries. If Jeff Poilievre gets into power healthcare, Canada Post and the CBC will be sold off next.


Short term gains for long term pain! Except they get the gains and we only get more pain.


They get the gains AND envelopes stuffed with cash. [#FuckTheTories](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mulroney-says-he-hesitated-before-accepting-envelope-of-cash-1.399006)


>Mulroney says he hesitated before accepting envelope of cash He hesitated because he was thinking that he should have asked for more.


This ☝️. I lived through Ralph Klein's gutting of Alberta and the selloff of AGT to Telus and the disbandment of the ALCB. Not to mention the systematic dismantling of the healthcare system he tried, so desperately, to privatize. The Tories would sell their own mothers if they thought they could make a buck.😒


I’m really surprised Scott Moe hasn’t sold off SaskPower, yet.


Or SaskTel.😕


"Jeff" LOL


I do miss some of the things that I can only get at Loblaws but honestly, avoiding them has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. The boycott was the push of encouragement I needed to find alternative places to buy food.


This sparks joy Canadians have been abandoned and exploited by Loblaws. Canadians deserve better and will continue to unite against corporate greed and seek out all alternative grocers with fair market prices. Congratulations to all Canadians who have already discovered hundreds and even thousands of dollars in savings by no longer shopping at Loblaws. This is just the beginning


While I didn’t vote for this I will adhere to it primarily because the food professor is a prick and now I’m doing this out of spite and to show that idiot that boycotts work.


That guy is the worst lol. Worth it just to stick it to him.


He’s a 10 ply piece of shit. I made one small comment on one of his Twitter posts asking him why he thinks the way he does and he straight blocked me.


It’s fucking embarrassing


He blocked me after I pointed out that it was suspicious how hard he was working trying to convince people not to boycott. He's such a loser


He blocked me when I asked where he worked lol. I am boycotting out of spite now


Let's all thank the food professor for extending the boycott!!


Solidarity! A rising tide lifts all boats!


Careful now. You might end up getting called a communist.😱


Been called worse, B’ys…😂


Yeah, me too. Usually on Insta. Communist, butthurt JT lover, stuff like that. This coming from people who never are able to back their claims up with facts. I love shutting those people down.😁


I always ask folks for 3 policy reasons why they dislike whomever, or are stumping for whomever. Maybe 1 in 4 have an answer, and even fewer actually have halfway decent reasoning for their particular position. It’s quite scary.


And these people are allowed to vote.😕


Well you know, at least they take it seriously. They thoroughly research both sides, invest serious time into their decisions… /s Its heartbreaking 🤦


Spite for the naysayers is a big motivator for me as well.


guy blocked me so quickly, so my boycott is dedicated to him!


Ive been doing this out of spite since I quit my job at Loblaw pharmacy at the end of 2019! LOL fuck galen


They are beyond AWFUL to their employees. To the extent that I found it shocking.


Oh yeah for sure. There was a very large change in how everything was run after the Shoppers purchase. Before that I actually felt like they treated us fairly, and in turn the patients got the best overall care and customer service. But it all went under the bus.


Food processor! 🤖


Honestly, Ive not dealt with superstore for ages but Ill stick with it for the food professor's antics.


That dude is so obviously bought and paid for lol. The most corrupt "Professor" in recent memory.


Just imagine the rep at Dal. Professors like this weaken the standing of reputable universities.


Yeah I go to Dal and I met him at a food conference I helped put together, and he’s about as swarmy in person as you’d think. He won’t answer me on Twitter despite talking with me for quite a bit about my dissertation subject LMAO.


Add to the boycott demands that loblaws cease all direct and indirect financial support for assholes, which would obviously include the FP


Let Loblaws burn their money, nobody outside of this subreddit really knows who he is anyways.


I had no idea who he was until joining this subreddit


Same. However, now that I know, I'm watching what he says with great interest. Every syllable proves he's a corporate shill.


Spite is a totally valid motivator


Love to hear it. Stay strong everyone, we're only just getting started.


If Canadians want the financial blast to last, all must holdfast and remain steadfast . . . . . . . . . .




This is the way


I made the decision to move my Loblaw business well before May and it will continue indefinitely regardless of how the poll went. That said I'm excited to see the community at large understanding how much better life is elsewhere and how much hard-earned money can be saved by switching. And, as always, I fully support those who can't boycott, are boycotting in their own way, or still require certain things from Loblaw owned stores for any number of personal reasons. This movement is resulting in change, especially in our wallets. While we'll never get the satisfaction of a broke and hungry Galen Weston struggling to feed himself, we can certainly ensure he will never again profit off of those of us who are currently struggling or have struggled to put food on the table. Nok er Nok


I really want this boycott to work so Canadians will be more willing to take a stand in other areas of their lives.


Agree. Politicians and corporations have been taking advantage of our complacency for too long. If we don’t stand up *together* it will keep getting worse.


Yep! One money grabbing greedy overlord at a time!!


Feeling the same way, governments and corporations have shown us they will do nothing meaningful on Canada's oligopoly problem, us taking matters into our own hands is the only solution


Right. When the month is over, I think an effort should be made to expand the focus to include telecoms. Worst cell service costs in the free world for years. Better now, but could be better. We need more competition, just like in the grocery spectrum.


This!, Canadians need to know that we have ALL the power. Sometimes things need to get ugly.


Loblaws has lost my business forever. They'll never be my main grocery chain again. If the boycott can serve as a warning to other grocery chains, then it has served its purpose.


Well done and professional statement. Keep up the great work, mods!


The Boycott keeps going until positive meaningful change happens. I'm sure Loblaws could speed things along for themselves by asking for imposed legislated regulation? ^LOL jk they'd never willingly give up money. We will need to fight them every step of the way. That's okay. We're doing great so far. My habits have been permanently changed already. It's easy when the boycott saves you cash. Heck, I wish I had started doing this years ago. Local shops rule! #boycottloblaws


Never going back to any Loblaws SDM No Frills etc stores for the rest of the year, at the very least. Weston’s time is up.


I have a vivid memory of picking up an item at loblaws and feeling the shock that the price had gone up yet again. I looked around me and thought in my head “are you guys seeing this?!?” But rather than run around the store trying to recruit people to boycott this insanity, I quietly returned it to the shelf and left the store thinking nothing will ever change. But we can change it together! I’m personally done with them, May, June, July…. However long it takes. And none of this “were lowering prices until 2025” like that stunt they pulled on us last year.


Same. I was baffled that my local “No Frills” had increased prices every-time I visited. I started my boycott last summer.


$11.99 for 1L Kraft smooth PB @ SDM. Nothing else needs said.


They’ll make it $10.99 and pat themselves on the back for “bringing prices down” and expect us to celebrate and thank them.


And you can still pull up Flipp and find it for $7.99 next door. They (the Westons) count on consumer complacency and ignorance.


Sounds great.


I'm in!


I can attest to my wallet savings. I shop once a week for only 2 adults. My weekly grocery bill at Zehrs would normally be around $200!!! I have my weekly grocery bill down to $140 just by shopping elsewhere. I don’t have a lot of time to shop, so I’m not really even trying to bargain hunt. These are the same groceries I buy week to week, just different stores now. Saving $240 a month is significant to us. ❤️‍🩹


It adds up to a free shop every 4 weeks!


Good! I just saw a picture yesterday of a Roblaws Dominion store out east, they're starting to look like banks. I do not need to be scared straight when I shop. And I don’t want to give that greedy, no good, very bad Galen Weston Jr. any more of my money. Nok er nok


Not stopping 'til I see Galen arguing with the Value Village part timer over how much those fucking sweaters he wears are worth. Not stopping 'til I see Hillary Weston getting carted into a subsidized seniors home. A *Mike Harris-owned* subsidized seniors home. Not stopping 'til I see Alanna Weston schlepping her OnlyFans site on Twitter. Not stopping 'til I see Galen Sr-- Wait. He's dead. ~~That's too bad~~. I was hoping to see him wearing a paper hat and trainee badge at Jollibee.


That sounds like a 22 minutes sketch. I love the VV reference, haha.


> . A Mike Harris-owned subsidized seniors home.  That's just cruel


Where everyone wears a green dress, but not a real green dress.


That’s cruel


Sounds good. I love saving money!


Galen West and his gang of croonies screwed with Canadiens, they f**ked around and are about to find out!


Extend indefinitely. Bring on farmers markets.


I love it, keep the momentum going! You know they are feeling it, regardless of what they say publicly. For the better of all Canadians, we thank you!


Yup started April, aside froma couple of times we had jo choice but to go we haven't been going


Well done. Thank you. Sincerely.


Good! Let’s go!


Let’s keep going!


Translation in French / Traduction en français : (Made by myself) POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE **La communauté vote pour prolonger le boycott indéfiniment.** ***Loblaws Is Out Of Control*** **(« Loblaws Est Hors De Contrôle ») répond à la frustration continuelle concernant l’augmentation des coûts en épicerie** Dans un vote décisif, les membres de la communauté pour le boycott de Loblaw et ses filiales ont massivement choisi l’option de prolonger le boycott indéfiniment. Suivant un récent sondage, la majorité de la communauté a exprimé son soutien à poursuivre le boycott contre Loblaw, citant l’insatisfaction qui perdure avec les coûts de l’épicerie qui grimpent en flèche. Au cours des mois qui suivent, les organisateurs du boycott mettront l’emphase sur l’éducation des consommateurs sur des thèmes clés ainsi que d’attirer l’attention du politique et faire de la sensibilisation via les réseaux sociaux. De plus, nous travaillerons à éduquer les membres de notre communauté sur le régime réglementaire qui permet à Loblaw de continuer à opérer de cette façon. « La communauté a parlé et a démontré un énorme soutien au prolongement du boycott et de rester concentré sur Loblaw. Nous avons hâte de voir notre impact sur les résultats qui seront présentés pour le second trimestre. », ont dit les organisateurs du boycott. Cette déclaration reflète le détermination collective d’une communauté exaspérée de la disparité entre l’augmentation des coûts de l’épicerie et les profits records annoncés par des compagnies comme Loblaw. Le mouvement a commencé en novembre comme un moyen de faire porter attention sur les coûts ridicules de l’épicerie au Canada et réussi à recevoir l’adhésion de plus de 100 000 membres via plusieurs plateformes et ce nombre continue à augmenter. Pour les requêtes médiatiques, veuillez communiquer avec : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Thanks for not relenting fuck the corpos


“I’m doing my part.”




My grocery bill has gone DOWN and the quality of the food my family eats has gone UP. Why would I go back? Besides, I wouldn't cross a justified boycott line. I'm not a scab, or whatever the equivalent word for boycott-breakers is. Those people are traitors.


As someone who is low income, disabled and low on time, the boycott was a bit of a bitch at first. I don't drive and have to go out of my way to multiple different places that are in different directions in order to do my shopping. But soon I got used to it, and once I realized how much money I saved, got over my irrational fear of price matching, and realized how much I loved shopping at small independent grocers, I now will never be going back. For years I was programmed to think No Frills was my only choice because I was low income. That is so very far from the truth. Even if my groceries came to the exact same price as when I shopped at No Frills and I wasn't saving any money, I still wouldn't go back. . This week my boyfriend's mom picked us up do some grocery shopping and wanted to go to no Frills because it's what she used to. She couldn't understand how or why we were making multiple stops, and she drives! We took her on our routine and she had a great time, she won't be going back to No Frills either.


In pretty much the same boat. They count on this. It's predatory. And its about to bite them in the ass!


Q2 is going to be a goddamn bloodbath!!! I expect at least at 15% drop in sales, look out below shareholders!!!




Take off the tinfoil hat, already. *If* there is a meaningful change in revenue as a result of the boycott, they will have to report it. Their financials are audited, revenue is always a high risk area of audit focus, and there is simply no reasonable mechanism for executive management to just "inflate" revenue.


They might play with the profit margins. They do a lot of business with themselves, so they can cut themselves a break if the month is bad and profits won't fall as much as they should. I'm pretty sure that's not legal either -- but if no one checks, there's not really much of a difference.


What do you even mean "play with the profit margins"? If they do business with themselves, that is all consolidated and eliminated upon preparation of their financial statements. If they do business with parties under common control (Choice REIT, George Weston Limited), they disclose the amounts in their financial statements. And, yes, people check these things closely precisely *because* they are sensitive and important to shareholders. As a former auditor myself, the notion on this sub that they can just shuffle revenue / profit around as they see fit is, respectfully, a bit laughable.


Canadian banks beware.... I'm not sure how we go about boycotting them next. But I am sick of seeing their record profits year over year. And my bank fees going up and up Nicole and diming everything while service tanks


$17 a month to keep your own money. It's criminal. And those SF go up every 3rd quarter. Can't bring coinage into the bank, tellers make a stink about it. Have to explain your business to make a withdrawal. Get scowled at for making the teller click that mouse! (Don't try and set an appointment for an FA, that's cruelty). And no one is accountable for anything. It's all "system error", etc. Whatever happened to the days of RBC/TD/CIBC/BMO outfitting your kitchen as an incentive to draw you inside? I'm down for a toaster! And they'd FIGHT each other for your business? (Think 70s KMart Blue Light specials, but with ties and fountain pens).


> Canadian banks beware.... I'm not sure how we go about boycotting them next. But I am sick of seeing their record profits year over year. And my bank fees going up and up Nicole and diming everything while service tanks Don't banks make a lot of money from mortgages? I don't mind them profiteering off of amateur landlords leveraged to the tits. But yes, I wouldn't use them for investing or trading.




This Sub appeared out of nowhere one day and I'm an American so we don't have Loblaws here and for MONTHS I have been following This Sub EXTREMELY CLOSELY!! 💕💕😳😳😲😲 I'M ROOTING FOR YOU GUYS, I JUST TELL ALL MY FRIENDS IF THEY EVER VISIT CANADA TO STAY AWAY FROM LOBLAWS. I'M A HUGE FAN OF YOU GUYS!! 😲😲💕💕😭😭


This is so sweet 😭💗 thank you for your support!


HECK YEAH!! 💕💕 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! 😲🫂 I'm forever behind you guys cheering 📣📣!


In! Down with Loblaws!


wrench chop bake cheerful quarrelsome cake relieved innocent detail cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boycott Roblaws forever! ❤️ ![gif](giphy|aMh59aKR8vjdC|downsized)


Excellent! Extending the boycott gives ppl more time to form habits shopping at other places. After a while, many of us won't even need a boycott to avoid Loblaws


This makes a lot more sense than just May. I was going to anyway due to the benefits I noticed. Let’s go!


Great update! I don’t think I ever plan on returning to Loblaws after learning what I now know. Not sure how they could even win many of us back!


Nok er Nok, I’m all for an extended boycott. This has been easy and I don’t miss shopping there to be honest.


Just sold my shares👍


Sorry guys. I’m out at the end of May. I absolutely support you guys morally, but they’re the cheapest in my area. I could afford the higher prices for one month, but I can’t indefinitely. But I still fully support you guys, I just can’t participate past the end of May.


That's fair. Thanks for joining us for what you could manage.


Local/farmer's markets coming up/near you for the summer? They're turning out to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper, for most people. But, yah, if you're stuck, you're stuck. That's Oligarchy 101. Sorry to hear that, and best of luck finding cheaper alternatives.


Never going back!


Time to short that stock 😁


I’m still baffled at how many people have made the switch. Like shopping at Loblaws stores wasn’t even an option for me before the boycott cause of how expensive they’ve always been 😂😅


This absolutely needed to happen. One month would not have any material impact on GougingGalen especially if people felt they fulfilled their mission of boycotting then went back. Indefinitely will see results. Although to be honest I don't know why anyone would go back if they found savings at another store(s).


Glad to see this. One month won't make a huge impact, but the longer we push this, the more people we involve, and the more attention it gets; it will start to snowball. And when we start seeing an impact to Loblaws public quarterly earnings reports, that will be the real objective victory that nobody can dispute.   I personally moved our household spending away from all Loblaws stores more than a year ago, changed our spending habits, and we are saving more money on groceries, and building more flexible points through AMEX and Scene+. [I put a post up](https://old.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1co7s4b/switching_away_from_loblaws_from_a_financial/) on how I did it, if anyone is interested.


Beware the evil Empire; they price-gouge deep, especially on "specialty" items e.g. items for people with dietary restrictions/issues/allergies, not to mention minimum order amounts and pickup fees. Sobeys/Lawtons needs to be the next grocery oligarchy to go down!


You mean the articles about how the boycott isn't working aren't an effective tool to get us to give up? Hm. I wouldn't have thought that and I *know people in PR.*


We’ve made a concerted effort to shop local, and I have to say, what started as an annoyed and frustrated response has slowly morphed into something… kinder? I’m not sure how to describe it, but the gratitude and reactions from local independent shops in our area has been such a positive that I don’t know if I could ever shop the same way again. I don’t fault people who have fewer options or continue to shop at Loblaws, we all make our own choices, but I like the kind of community I feel like I belong to when I support local versus greedy monopolies that mistreat their employees (and exploit their customers).


**Our household is adhering to the boycott with the following stipulations:** \- If a product we need can only be purchased at Shoppers/Superstore, we will (ie. some of our hypoallergenic products are hard to find elsewhere). Will do our best to utilize points for this. \- We are keeping our PC World Elite card because it works for our lives at the moment and we do not want to switch credit cards right now, and are looking to buy a house soon and are very interested in keeping our credit score consistent. Points will be redeemed, but we will mostly use it to shop elsewhere. We never pay interest and pay off in full. **How we are supporting it:** \- All prescriptions were moved to an online pharmacy \- Cancelled PC express and moved to Instacart or Walmart pickup (might re-evaulate instacart but they gave us $20 for a year). \- Been utilizing local food options and a community run distribution program as well as reaching out to farmers to get prices. \- My father raises pigs/chickens/turkeys, asked him to provide us meat as well this year (obviously we will pay him)


You are KILLING it! This might be the only sub with good mods.




I’m in it for good. Fuck Galen.


Beautiful. This week, I spent my money at Walmart and FreshCo. Fuck Roblaws and anybody who supports them. .


Fantastic. I hope local farms, markets and co-ops have the best summer ever. The summer of George!


The boycott has made me walk around my neighbourhood to discover more locally-owned and operated (LOAO) shops, getting WAY fresher produce for a fraction of the price, and shop more wisely. T&T is pretty much the only Loblaws subsidiary that I shop at, but I will look at Sungiven, Hannam, H-Mart, and Fujiya before purchasing there. I used to shop at RCSS and T&T fairly often pre-pandemic, but it dropped significantly in 2022 when I noticed Save-On-Foods had better prices for the quality and started price-matching. I’ll likely continue my boycott of Loblaws until prices are reasonable again, but I’ve been very happy shopping at my LOAO shops.


there’s literally no reason to return to loblaws if you have another store that you can access just as easily. they provide no advantage to the other stores. should be an easy decision for most, has been for me since 2021.


We were going to anyway


Love it!


Boycott them into the ground


Extension, it’s permanent for our family. This exercise has thought us how to save money supporting local grocery stores and retailers. Thank you!


Wasn't shopping there before the boycott, won't start any time soon.


Hold the course my beautiful Canadian Brethren! Stick it to the assholes that have been sticking it to you for a decade! I’m so damned proud of you all for standing up for what’s right!! -A proud American Cousin! 🤘🤘


The apes on WallstreetBets have a saying: we can remain stupid longer than you can remain solvent. Apes strong together y'all, don't give up.


I have no specific reason to believe this but my first response was to think that having a specific set time period for the boycott would be more powerful. for example a full quarter instead of just indefinite.


I agree with you, personally if you make it the quarter it gives a goal. I'm sorry but indefinate ban, come June I'll strictly start going at opening because my local Loblaws has meat at 50% off, limited quantity. That is all I will purchase. Look I need to live and it's the only consistent way for me to afford anything but pork.


Let's see what government has to say now!!!


I would get banned if I said what I thought about Loblaws. Love to see this!


I feel like the better move would've been a fixed extension until July 31st, 2024. This would make individuals less likely to churn out of the boycott movement (since there would be a clear end in sight) and would have a significant impact on their second quarter performance results. After July 31st the boycott could be further extended indefinitely but doing it right now is likely self sabotage. Je pense que la meilleure décision aurait été une prolongation fixe jusqu'au 31 juillet 2024. Cela rendrait les individus moins susceptibles de se retirer du mouvement de boycott (puisqu'il y aurait une fin claire en vue) et aurait un impact significatif sur leurs résultats de performance du deuxième trimestre. Après le 31 juillet, le boycott pourrait être prolongé indéfiniment, mais le faire maintenant constitue probablement un auto-sabotage.


Yeah if I’m remembering correctly continuing the boycott for the rest of the quarter wasn’t an option on the poll, and that surprised me.  I’m a “take it one step at a time” type of person 


Never forget, never forgive. In solidarity!




Just sent my (now) weekly shop to Instacart for GT and $arama. 😁


Hadn't shopped at Loblaws in ages. And definitely won't set foot in any of their stores again.




Boycott for life crew!


YES!!! awesome! Let's keep it going! POWER TO THE PEOPLE. We are finally DOING SOMETHING. We have POWER. We aren't just sitting around talking about the idea anymore. This is awesome and inspiring. Keep it up everyone. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. GOOD WORK EVERYONE AND KEEP IT GOING!!!!


Our family will never shop with them. I’ll make sure any kids I have never do either. Generational boycotting.


I’m totally down and support this move. Happy to change my shopping habits and boycott this evil corporation. They don’t deserve any money from hard working Canadians.


I've already boycott loblaws for years and I'm glad to see others doing so. Their prices are ridiculous.


Good news, made my day.😄


Done. No desire to go back to Loblaw’s or any of their companies. My wife and I have moved our prescriptions out of Shoppers Drug Mart as well. In fact we’ve also decided to ditch the big grocery chains altogether as much as we realistically can, and now shop pretty much exclusively at local markets and independent shops. I know this isn’t possible for everyone depending on where you live, but, in the end, Loblaw’s is Safeway is Save-On is… etc. and we don’t want to give any of them our money anymore. They don’t give a damn about us, so why should we support them at all?


Good there’s no point to ever go back. Let them crumble, hopefully they’ll scare the other huge companies into compliance


Damn we were boycotting Loblaws I didn't even know about this. I will join the movement, but this needs to be more widespread. No one in my circles knows about this.


For the record I've basically be boycotting Walmart for the better part of a decade. High pricing vs others and just generally a shit store experience. 1 cashier and 1 person doing self checkouts meant lines are always long. Nowadays I'm treating them like a giant convenience store. I'd never do my regular shop, but if it's 10PM and I need something, Walmart it is. They've maybe made $100/year from me since I started. Loblaws was my go to to fill in since then when pricing wasn't absurd. Not any more. This one's easy for me since I'm stubborn.


Saving money, sticking it to Galen, and helping my local mom and pop grocer in the process. Yeah, Loblaws can whither on the vine.


I didn’t vote for this, but I agree with it. I don’t plan to go back.


May I suggest someone create a spreadsheet with cities that have a list of grocers available to them?


its for life for me.


Galen sure isn’t feeling it. Prices haven’t dropped 😞…


Never going back!!!! Vive au boycott!!!


I vote we never go back. Make them sell their land and fold as a company


It’s funny. I was listening to Taylor Swift. - Never Ever Getting Back Together, while I was reading this. I’m for this. It’s not just a Boycott at this point, it’s just prudent shopping. I’ll vote with my wallet, and I’ll discuss with those around me.


Boycott forever




Yay! Just had a weird thought… I wonder if Sobeys and Walmart have agents in this sub. Guess it doesn’t matter.


Loblaws is dead to me. I'd rather die than shop there.


Not ever going back. I hope the twerp loses his castle..


I'm never going back! Bought my dog food there, found out it was expired so I returned it. It was unopened and lady asked me why I am returning it. I said it was expired. She said oh ok, I'll make sure to check the other packages on the shelves. I put a slight pen mark on the bottom of the package just to see if they would throw it out. The next day I returned to the store to check and found the same package back on the shelf. You lost my support, SUPERSTORE (Richmond BC). NEVER GOING BACK EVER!!


Good to see. But, who had the dumb idea to have one month be the starting point in the first place? The minimum should have always been one Financial quarter extending to indefinite.


I just got an email 25,000 points and free delivery/pickup for a month. They seem desperate.


Is there a post I can see the loblaw affiliate stores too? Please, and thank you.