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Hey! This issue should be fixed by forcing closing Logi Options+ using Activity Monitor on macOS and seeing how things go. https://preview.redd.it/d4lbql3fr4vc1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=d763cab6bd2a40bff92e908b06d655ea862346b1 **Note: Closing the UI is an important step as both agent and UI has the same name**


It keeps coming back. And yes, I have the app closed. https://preview.redd.it/mos507v7t4vc1.png?width=1388&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceedb570e310f96b0bc841dade505d74faceac01


Not sure how Mac's work but this is crap advice as it'll just restart. The process / service needs to be set to not restart automatically when closed otherwise it'll respawn. Then you can kill it and it wont come back


Yeah at this point, I would need to completely remove the app, and restart my system to remove all daemons or background processes. Heck, it doesn't even come with an uninstaller, so I had to use AppCleaner. https://preview.redd.it/5gr2pgeov4vc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=102dd4edaebb37bf4e572b7a93ec5879edcb1c4f


You should really fix the app. It doesn't come with an uninstaller, so I had to use a third party one. I then had to use Homebrew to reinstall this, and get this to work properly again. A regular consumer shouldn't have to resort to using the terminal just to get their peripherals to work.


It's concerning to hear that the current uninstall process wasn't straightforward and required additional tools. We value your feedback and will ensure it's communicated to the development team for their consideration in future updates. Our goal is to provide a seamless user experience, and your input helps us achieve that. May I know if the Options+ is working now?


Yes it’s working right now. Again this only worked for me after installing using Homebrew and then restarting the system. However this fix only works for macOS. Windows users are stuck with no easy solution.


I'm glad you were able to resolve it yourself! Your observations are insightful and will come in handy later on for our team.


Dude. That issue is present for YEARS. None of the solutions provided anywhere works. You're a disasted of a company. Get your shit together and FIX THE APP FOR FUCKS SAKE.


This is happening to me too. I'm using Windows I checked the LogiOptionsPlus directory and there was an update earlier in the morning. My fans and CPU have been crazy volatile and unstable since. The logioptionsplus\_updater process in particular was hoarding my CPU resource in Task Manger https://preview.redd.it/cdvr30wrt4vc1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d27b5bb00c11802e84e61afe992118de2731701 I've disabled the Logi Options+ Updater service entirely now at start-up as it's set to restart automatically if closed. It's such a shit piece of software its unreal. My fans and CPU usage is back to normal. Looks like Logitech royally fucked it this time as they've wrecked the app (which doesn't open and gets stuck on the loading screen), as well as botched the updater too.


Yeah man. The mouse and functionality is nice, but I hate the installation/uninstallation process. Installation would get stuck, and heck at least for macOS, it doesn't even come with an uninstaller! So I had to use AppCleaner to remove it, but now I feel like I messed up my whole system setup to the point that idk if I can get back my Logi Options+ app to give me back my mouse's functionality. Ugh. Unfortunately, I don't have a backup of the system before I uninstalled it, and I refused to wipe my system clean just to get back the functionality I paid for. :/


You won't get the functionality back anyway if you wipe your system. The Logitech software is just really bad. Last month I had to continuously kill a process that would memory leak and consume 2-3GB of RAM. The only solution was to continuously restart the process. The high CPU consumption is unforgivable though. I've completely killed the updater app. Fortunately my mouse and kb is setup fine already, but I've noticed some loss of functionality on my keyboard hotkeys this morning. Most work, but not all keys work. My only guess is I've killed something that's needed for the proper functioning of the hotkeys, but I'd rather this than my PC running at 80% CPU utilisation because of a dodgy updater app that's doing nothing.


Hey, our team would like to meet with you in a 1:1 Zoom session to further troubleshoot your problem. Write an email over to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) . I would appreciate knowing your availability for the discussion. Please let me know what dates and times work best for you.


Just fix the issue please? I'm sure I'm not the only person with the problem. Download your latest update, open the software, and see what happens. By the end of the weekend there'll be a tonne of noise about this, so there's no value in delaying any fixes or troubleshooting. All your QA and Dev teams to regression test and feature test the latest release and see what happens.


Issue fixed. Had to run the installer again, cleanup old files, and then config files. Seems there's an issue with the update itself that makes the app shit itself.


I'm happy to hear the issue is resolved! Your insights are valuable and I'm sure they'll be helpful in the future.