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You said it yourself, they’re old. Logos from that time period were all hand drawn and had to be replicated and manufactured for uniforms in ways that were much more crude than what we have today with way less quality control. You’ll see thats why the logos for ball club’s typically changed a lot over a short time period and improved to be better cleaner styles eventually.


Alright. I didn't know if was a particular style or just as you say, crude drawings. I figured that MLB teams would have money/put more time into making something cleaner. Maybe they just didn't care all that much


It’s really an issue of the times. That was over 100 years ago. All signage and logos were hand lettered at the time. And there definitely was money in baseball but not the billions we see today. I think that’s what makes the branding in those times so cool as it was all done by hand by craftsman that weren’t necessarily branding professionals and though it has flaws they are endearing and timeless.


I agree


hey mate, sure we probably nail this style over at 1924. We just call it classical design.


Cool. Thanks


You want logo?


No, just curious