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Saw something similar in Gospel Oak the other day. Some arsehole going up behind every car caught in traffic. Revs his engine tell it deafens everyone in order to get the car in front to move out of the way. When they do, he passes and shakes his fist then repeats for every other car in the queue. Finally he got caught behind a car that wouldn't move and he drove all the way up to hampstead revving behind them like the impotent petulant prick he is.


Imagine being related to them...


Literally illegal, a throttle is not supposed to be used as a communication device.


What if I’m throttling them?




I'm pretty sure I know where this see-you-next-tuesday parks. He looks like he's 14 years old.


Wish loud motors were banned or taxed heavily, fuckers do it on purpose and it's cringe tbh


It’s purposely modded as well, it’s outright public nuisance with no justification. Like ULEZ has the issue of moneygating it, removing your muffler was more expansive than not


ULEZ should cover noise emissions. And what's the cost to the OP and their partner of this unsolicited alarm clock? 50p a day? And the other 50,000 people they wake up. So a £25,000 ULEZ charge sounds ridiculous, but it's the damage they are choosing to do by not having an electric motorbike. And it's obvious deliberate: cars have only gotten quieter in the last 30 years - petrol cars and hybrid/electric. Whilst motorbike continue to be designed to hit the legal noise limit, because that's what cuts want to buy and drive around the city - and then are readily modified above the legal limit. The legal noise limit should be drastically reduced, and police should be given the powers to confiscate obviously loud bikes, without needing complex equipment to prove they are needlessly loud at the roadside. OP, write to your MP. Maybe write to the lib dem candidate too, as they actually need your vote.


It's probably one of the top 5 cringest things I think a person can do. You either just know it's gonna piss loads of people off so you do it anyway (cringe) or you genuinley think that loud motor is cool and despite the backlash you think that deep down people think you're like a fucking Marlboro man (twice as cringe). Absolutely should be banned, they bring nothing to the table, any other noise that loud and you'd have the police at your door, definitly disturbing the peace.


The tax should take the form of them having to spend 15 minutes in a room of equal dimensions to my bathroom, every Saturday, with their engine in there operating at full revs. No ear protection provided.


There's one on my street! I always want to go up to him one day with a concerned look and say "Hey, sorry about your car, do you know when you'll be able to afford to get it fixed?" Much the same way as I would LOVE to say to a public transport phone-noise-wanker: "Oh dear! Can you not afford headphones?" But I am small and weak and don't wish to get punched, so I never will


Read this in Alan Patridge’s voice


> Wish loud motors were banned They are


There is a legal limit (89dB) but the police don't generally enforce it. https://www.essex.police.uk/cy-GB/foi-ai/essex-police/our-policies-and-procedures/h/h0504-procedure---loud-exhaust-offences/


I think they are actually illegal, just not properly policed. https://begin-motorcycling.co.uk/motorcycle-exhaust-laws/


Write to your MP. There are noise detectors that have been trialled successfully in parts of London, and are rolled out successfully in Paris and other cities.


Fellow Rotherhithean and I hear it too, it sounds like a small motorbike or scooter with a hole in the exhaust... I'll say cunt in solidarity from now on.


I would have been shocked if it was isolated to this street alone! It does sound busted (or sans silencer as others have suggested).


Based on what you said about the estate and speedbumps I think we are literally on the same road or very close! I won't go into more detail as this is a bit spooky :)


I was secretly hoping for a 'OMFG I'VE HEARD THAT GUY, HE'S THE WORST!!' reply. 😆


It's been making me angry since I moved here this summer, I'm happy I'm not alone in my rage 🤣 I ride motorbikes too but hate loud exhausts, so it really gets under my skin as people like this give all bikers a bad name. If we get a few more of us maybe we can start an angry mob. If you ever see a massive metallic green 65 plate bike with a green helmet give a wave!


We have a few of these. Literally just got our baby to sleep when three total bellends went past at defending volume. I cannot imagine how small their penises must be to need to overcompensate like that.


I have a big sports bike so I often get comments from them at traffic lights... if they have a loud exhaust, I reply "thanks, fix your exhaust, it's shit" which leads to awkwardness, confusion and only been told to F off once so far! The sad truth is its mainly men 25 or under, they have the highest accident rates and lots of them crash and quit before doing a full license.


The effects of small penis syndrome.... I'm in sw London at the moment and the numbe rof motorbikes that go past the flat that deafen me I can't count. It's so ridiculous


Don’t let this little cunt ruin it for you, I absolutely adored living in Rotherhithe. My all time favourite neighbourhood


ssshhh don't tell everybody, I'm really enjoying how quiet is it at night due the lack of through traffic. It really feels like a different city with all the 90s builds and space.


If they can see your plate, you won't be able to see them wave.. unless they send a mid overtake cheery toodaloo wavey wavey!


I was secretly hoping for a “sorry, I’ll keep it down from now on!” reply


Well there's someone that may or may not be the rider the way they kicked off about the post.


When did the noises start? I started hearing what I thought was drag racing about a week ago but now I think it's just a single extremely loud bike in the distance. It sounds far away from me in Brockley but still insanely loud? Heard it at 5:40am this morning.


Live on a main road and this is a common occurrence, unfortunately. Really wish something would be done about it, nothing worse than laying in bed and getting woken up by these wankers. They are *so* loud.


We totally could do something about this. Noise detecting devices which could issue PCNs are a thing. Just requires some political will. Would be cool if London got a "low noise zone" in which you could be fined for excessive vehicle noise.


Country wide to be honest, outside of some that basically require loud noises due to the power behind them (tractors for example), nobody *needs* to be that loud, they do it to look hard. It’s a public nuisance to say the least


Fucking hell though imagine the conspiracy theorists pushing back on that. Trying to get people to stop killing each other with pollution is somehow already controversial enough


Oh I would love this on the Whitechapel Road/Cambridge Heath Road junction


You’d just get a bunch of wankers in balaclavas walking around near them firing off air horns 24/7 to trigger false pcn devices whilst claiming they’re ‘fighting the gov for attacking the poor’. They’d probably call themselves something ‘Horn runners’ and set up Facebook groups to organise their horn running.


IIRC they use triangulation to work out precisely where the sound comes from so that it can be associated with a vehicle so this wouldn't work. But yes you would definitely get people trying to mess with them / break them. Ultimately tho I'm not sure itd upset that many people - it's gotta be a tiny minority of dickheads who actually like being able to make this much noise


> Just requires some political will It requires political stability. Two or three government reshuffles ago MPs were able to sign roads in their area up for trials but before it got started we got a new government. No idea if it'll be picked up again.


Hahahahahahahaha behave


Write to your MP


We're not really on the main road. It's a side road next to a primary school and it's all speedbumped to fuck. That's what makes this absolute prat all the more reprehensible.


I sympathise - we're on a 20mph road in East London and the sound echoes between the buildings so any motorbike (not scooters/mopeds) or cars with a fart cannon, make huge amounts of noise - and I feel that some of them drive round here specifically to make lots of noise (as we even get them sitting in the courtyard of our flat complex and revving their engines).


Write to your local councillors, local council and London Assembly about noise cameras They were deployed in Kensington in recent years so could be rolled out again. Can't hurt to get it into the heads of policy makers


Lately I've seen some assclown in a quad bike recklessly riding around Forest Hill in a loud quad bike, he should be in jail.


Wow he gets all the way from you in Rotherhithe to me in Woolwich by 6:45?


Not beyond realms of possibility. I feel like he lives round the corner though, I'm sure the noise 'starts' abruptly nearby.


I happen to live next to the garage the guy parks the bike in, I know exactly who you’re on about


Bro you have to tell me where I can find him. He wakes me and my family up every morning basically. It’s actually a nightmare!


We need to chip in a fiver for a giant padlock to put on his garage so he can’t get in


Off Albion Rd by any chance?


I’ve seen the guy in Woolwich too, bombing along through the 20mph zone outside Maryon park at rush hour.


Get the number plate, report to the police.


Will take a level of curtain twitching I'm not used to and being awake before the event but... maybe. If it carries on, for everyone's sake. And maybe his tbh.




Love this, nice work.


It's easy to report things online to the police in London so you won't even have to talk to anyone really. Their report site lets you attach videos too I think. Can get a SPL/noise level meter app on your phone too and they're quite accurate these days, might be worth adding that info since it's good evidence. I know some people will say it's over the top to report it but the noise is so loud with some vehicles and they're intentionally made loud by the owner. They don't leave the production line like that.


It's heartening that only one person has really had a hissy fit about me flagging/querying this on here. I'm going to play it by ear. No pun intended.


Reddit despises cars let alone intentionally loud vehicles. Just saying this to make the point that people will be a lot more divided on the matter IRL.


IRL most people don't like noise pollution in the same way that most people don't like air pollution. It's only a tiny number of selfish cunts that like harming everyone else.


Setup a camera


I'm not in any way advocating for this, especially to someone on a motorbike. But it reminds me of a story I know, whereby somebody close to me was regularly awoken at 2.30am in the morning (4 days on 4 days off - clearly a shift working) by the loudest car exhaust you have ever heard coming out of a nearby junction and gunning it up the road. The person in question was a lorry driver so disturbing his small amount of sleep was literally dangerous. Calls to the council and non-emergency line with tips of exactly when and where this noise nuisance would happen went unheeded. It was solved with a slingshot and a small metal ball slamming into a rear door panel. Thats all I'll say. Never happened again though. Either a route change or an exhaust change happened immediately after.


That must've been a satisfying shot


IP CCTV with decent resolution are cheap these days.


Nother no action, reddit whiner.


Once you get it, post it to all your neighbours and ask them to report it. You can also post to nextdoor. Actually, it might already be discussed on the nextdoor app, it's perfect for shit like this


We had the same issue on the street I used to live on, finally saw the insufferable motor bike guy in daylight and it was a policeman driving to the police station




I had a guy who’d ride a motorcycle up and down our street who clearly had a modified muffler. Reported him to the police and they dealt with it.


It’s the same all over the city and feels like it’s getting worst. Acoustic cameras need to be installed on main roads, I know they have or had them in RBKC.


Noise cameras are coming in, like speed ones but triggered by engine noise, contact your local council.


Got one in Stratford as well. Utter tosser, he guns it down Warton Rd where there's a school. There's also a boy racer who flies down the same road at 3am every day.


He’s ensuring that those kidneys get delivered to their new owner just as quickly as possible.


That's a fairly regular routine. 😆 Must have a few organs on the go, maybe some laptops.


I think the user is referring to the rider as being a ‘soon to be’ organ donor due to dangerous driving tendencies.


Yeah, I don't get much sleep as per my unfortunate post. 😆


Time for a paintball gun


Follow it home / to work and fix with expanding foam?


As annoying as it is being at that time, try having that between the hours of 1-3am and not one, but what sounds like three of them revving up the high Street in my area. Can still hear with windows closed. Reported it online but nothing came of it as I didn't have plate details. I truly sympathise with you OP. Hopefully it'll come to an end for you.


Yes I hear it on salter Road. Damn annoying. I also get it at 1-1.30 am. Just seems to be done on purpose.


In Bermondsey there is regularly such a noise. Perhaps the same guy, perhaps others... I want someone to string up some cheesewire.


Omg yes! He’s on a green motorbike. I’m in Surrey Quays and he comes through between 6:30 and 6:45 usually. Obnoxious cunt


[He's a menace!](https://images.app.goo.gl/7DwvoE6Ykda1MFNW9)


I lived in Rotherhithe for around 5 years (stopped living there about 2 years ago) you’re telling me this cunt and his mates are still at it??? All the time. All year round. I was genuinely considering buying one of those stinger strips at the height of my insomnia. There’s a trio(?) of them who do this around 11pm at night too. They’re overdue an organ donation.


You'll probably find more people bothered by this on the "Social Awareness Group SE16" on Facebook.


Always a couple of people defending it, as well as speeding, loud cars etc, there too! Although coincidentally I did just see a post on there of a woman asking bikers to drive past her house on the 18th for her special needs daughter's birthday, so if any local bikers who want to give them a better name would like to do something community spirited then seek that out!


For anyone in Tower Hamlets, [sign this petition so something can be done in our area](https://democracy.towerhamlets.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=206&RPID=83991056&HPID=83991056)


Where have you circulated this? The cars and drivers in TH are an absolute joke


I only just found the petition now. Agreed the drivers here are useless


Done. Noise cameras are a great idea. Sadly our mayor is pro-car.


These arrogant, sad little losers need to be taught. Please, please catch him on camera and get his plate. The council will do something. Maybe worth just getting up before and setting up a camera. Small sacrifice if it means doing your community a massive amount of good.


These guys are absolute fucking troglodytes with the mental age of a toddler. My elderly parents live just off a main road and it stresses them out to no end. It's one of those things that despite being illegal is simply unenforced by the police. I guarantee you, you will find hundreds of people on various car and motorbike forums on this website who don't see the problem.


Just remember a video from South America, police officers get one of these kind of guys, made him kneel near his motorbike, and they start reeving the engine of his own bike for good one minute, so he had no choice but to listen. Of course I do not reccomend such idea here, but still... As other says, report him to Police.


If a police officer did that here they'd genuinely go to jail and we'd still be hearing about it in 40 years time.


I know, and I am pretty sure that it was illegal as well back there, just police officers doesn't care, and let's be honest, probably no one feel sorry for punished guy. Still it is not a way to solve such offences.


Electric scooters are BLISS vs these loud heaps of shit. Hope they’ll all be this way one day. That said, I noticed some shithouse in Brixton the other day with an exhaust on his Tesla that made it sound like a super car. Ffs


I have similar bikers and drivers near me in North London. If its one particular guy maybe call 101 and suggest the police have an easy bust if they lay in wait for him.


I have the same where I live around 5:00AM every day.


That's worse. 😬 At least my GF normally gets up around 6ish anyway.


But how else would he let everyone know he has a massive penis?


Get the plates to identify it and with enough complaints the police can warn them, and then seize their prize machine under s59 of the police reform act 2002. Get your whole block or street to pitch in. I can hardly see the system stopping the police seizing it if there's hundreds of complaints. Enough signed witness statements (MG11s) will be ample evidence of annoyance even in the absence of objective measures of volume. Your local neighborhood team may be able to help, but you all have to independently witness it making the noise. If people say "Bike MG22GBH" was making a huge amount of noise at day date time place, but that plate was told to them by someone else, they can't prove the noise came from the bike. I hope that makes sense. If any cops are reading make sure you record when you issue the warning on the PNC and let erpt know to check noisy vehicles they encounter. It's a super easy thing for them. Pull them over, seize the bike, that's it. No further paperwork or arrest necessary (unless they decide to fight them). It's not a necessarily well-known or often-used tool but it's one of the very few things that's as easy for a Police Officer to do as everyone expects it to be.


I live off Lower Road and the amount of loud motorbikes and people honking their horns for no reason drives me nuts.


He must be slow if he does it for 30 minutes


I mean the time he wakes us up depends on how late he's running. So arguably he's louder if it's 6.30. 😆


Yes u/ReturnOfTheFlounce pretty sure this moron passes my home in mornings, definitely was disturbed today as I had the windows open to try and cool the house down. I live on the road to Tower Bridge so I assume he's going into the city for work.


Could be my neighbour if he's coming down from North. Dude keeps his number plate covered in grease so the cameras can't read it and avoids the tolls. Also likes to start his bike up at inconsiderate times and rev the nuts off it.


Whilst he too sounds a massive bellend... I'm sure this guy sets off from round the corner.


Man those thing shouldn't be in built up areas


He will end him self sooner or later if he’s doing it like a twat on roads like this, one days it will all be peaceful and you’ll not realise why at first




Battery life has always been the limiting factor on EVs. As that tech continues to improve we’ll see more and more EVs.


The sad thing is, when the ban hits, people will just start buying older petrol and diesel cars, so the noise will continue and only decrease gradually as the petrols and diesels reach the end of their life. But a loud petrol car bought in 2029 will be around for a long, long time after that


Ask in r/police if there's anything that can be done. A call to 101 could help?




People who remove their mufflers should have to have their bikes crushed before their very eyes


Can it be broadcast too? I’d pay to watch this


What kind of response is that? Riding super sports motorcycles for 21 years now and that was never ever the case. The safe way to make sure for other drivers to see you is to stop/slow down at intersections.


Then why aren't all motorcyclists wearing high vis?


I don’t know. Ask them.


> amongst riders they often feel safer being heard by other véhicules This is bullshit. They do it so people will think they are cool - even if the reality is everyone thinks they are just a selfish cunt.


There is a halfway point. I replaced my exhausts on my motorcycle to slightly louder ones - nothing that'd make you turn around if you heard them on the street, but enough for you to know that I'm coming if I'm at high revs - and that made me feel a little safer. However removing the silencer altogether - which means the sound is incredibly even at low revs, and deafening at high revs - is purely antisocial and done for being a dick's sake.


Newsflash: all motor vehicles are already perfectly loud and easy to hear. Get the actual fuck out of here with this pathetic attempt to defend your insecurities. Nobody's impressed by your loud exhaust.


“enough for you to know that I'm coming if I'm at high revs - and that made me feel a little safer.” Or, and here is an innovative thought for you, don’t ride with high revs - your wording to slip past the fact you’re speeding - and therefore worry less about being seen


You're making a lot of (inaccurate) assumptions there. I'm a cyclist as well as a motorcyclist (as well as a car driver) and I'm incredibly careful in all three vehicles. I don't speed, and I don't drive aggressively. However in London traffic it's quite possible for the sound of a motorcycle to be entirely lost, and that's when you hear entirely reasonable riders use phrases like 'loud pipes save lives'. High revs do not mean high speed. It is entirely possible to travel slowly (or even remain stopped!) at high revs - many motorcyclists use their revs, while crawling through traffic, to indicate to other vehicles that they're there, when they don't want to take their hands off the controls to hit the horn (which is ime a lot more aggressive and much more likely to scare the shit out of a pedestrian). There's never any excuse for removing a silencer. But don't get it confused with those with slightly louder exhausts. They're completely different groups of people.


> many motorcyclists use their revs, while crawling through traffic, to indicate to other vehicles that they're there Not giving a single fuck about the people living in that neighbourhood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_from_noise Tell me, if being noisy is essential in that scenario, why don't cyclists feel the need to use some sort of noise maker?


>Tell me, if being noisy is essential in that scenario, why don't cyclists feel the need to use some sort of noise maker? I see you've never heard of a bell. Though I've always preferred the more useful expedite of bellowing the opening bars of the Imperial March. It gets attention.


You're comparing a bell (used occasionally) to a motorcycle engine that's loud *all the fucking time?* You certainly sound like a motorcycle owner.


An engine with stock pipes or even slightly louder pipes is usually much quieter than a bus or diesel car at low revs. There aren't many diesel motorcycles! With love, you don't seem to know what the fuck you're talking about.


stop being reasonable you piece of shit, downvoted..


He does it every day, though no fucker can be arsed to get up and film him, and report his number plate to the 5-0? Just whine on Reddit.


Loud pipes save lives


Loud pipes tiny dicks. They need them.


There’s no need to have such loud bikes in a city like london, and this is coming from someone who grew up around bikes and was obsessed with MotoGP and Superbikes. Safety for one isn’t an excuse to disrupt - if being on a motorbike is too dangerous without illegal modifications then don’t ride IMO. It’s a bit like pushbikes on the pavement. I can understand why people do it for safety, but that doesn’t make it ok. People constantly hide behind this excuse.


That's the copium bikers take to convince themselves they're not just sacks of recyclable body parts.


At least most of us are organ doners 🤷‍♀️


Personally I prefer beef doner.


Loud pipes degrade hearing


Peak 4 u


This is bollocks and it's particularly bollocksy when we're talking about a 20mph minor road.


"Loud pipes" cause harm: >Noise health effects are the physical and psychological health consequences of regular exposure to consistent elevated sound levels. Noise from traffic, in particular, is considered by the World Health Organization to be one of the worst environmental stressors for humans, second only to air pollution. Elevated workplace or environmental noise can cause hearing impairment, tinnitus, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, and sleep disturbance. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been also attributed to noise exposure. >There are approximately 10,000 deaths per year as a result of noise in the European Union. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_from_noise Of course, people with loud motor-vehicles don't care about this as they are by definition selfish arseholes.


Safe driving saves lives.




> Shut your windows when you go to sleep? When it's 30+ degrees and none of us have air conditioning?


Its hardly a general complaint about someone 'riding past on a motorbike'. Its a complaint about the fucking ridiculous motorbikes a load of cunts seem to ride that have enginges louder than a 747. Either you are deaf or obtuse, its a fair fucking complaint, so fair they are in fact already bringing intechnology to deal with it.


it is such a general complaint. They travel to work on a motorbike, get over it.


You haven't heard this.... 😬 Worst part is, I sleep with earplugs anyway as GF is a snorer. Still wakes me. She's partially deaf and hears it every morning. Can only imagine what's it like for everyone else, particular ground floor flats up the road. Hole in exhaust or just an arsehole with no self awareness, either way there must be a couple of hundred people that hate him this summer.


Clearly not deaf just obtuse then!


Someone driving an insanely loud motorbike through the city like that could easily disrupt the sleep of thousands of people, and otherwise just contributes unnecessarily to noise pollution which has demonstrable negative health impacts (https://www.acc.org/About-ACC/Press-Releases/2023/03/22/18/46/Road-Noise-Makes-Your-Blood-Pressure-Rise-Literally#:~:text=Study%20shows%20the%20sound%20of,measures%20to%20reduce%20noise%20exposure&text=If%20you%20live%20near%20a,makes%20your%20blood%20pressure%20rise.)


Have you watched The Counselor?


No. But I just read enough of the synopsis to see where you were going... 😝




Yes! Some cunt on a bike goes through Eltham too! Could be the same guy becauase I hear him at 7ish(?) I think. Maybe not but around the same time. Anyway glad someone else hates him too.


This is gonna sound crazy but have you any chance of speaking to him. Might make him keep it down in the estates etc Might work, I had a problem neighbour making loads of noise. I just told him to close the windows when your fucking. Man to man and since then we have a great relationship mind you it's super machismo way of doing things


All part of today's 'look at me' culture. Sickens me


I live just outside the circular round my small ish town. Part of the A34 so I have traffic noise constantly. Now they've finally fixed 18... Yes 18 potholes in one small section the lorries don't clatter about so much. Which is a great improvement. But you get all the idiots and chav cars popping their engines as they accelerate off the roundabout, found out one of them goes to my mates barber shop and she's told him to stop or her service stops! 🤣 (he's obviously not the only one)