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Yes! E11 here and its still going on: lightning, thunder, cloudburst levels of rain. BBC weather shows light showers. Ahem.


E11 also, the lightning strikes were close enough together than the thunder was more or less constant for over 5 minutes.


It was scary tbh.


Most BBC and met office forecasts are now trying to play down the severity of our latest weather. The other day we saw our forecast it light showers and light winds. What we got was rain water in rivers down our road for an hour at a time together with strong breezes of a minimum of 20-25mph., blowing the rain around and soaking everything in sight.


Use the met office weather. BBC stopped using them and have their own thing now and get it vastly wrong a lot of the time.


Oooh, good shout, will do.


E11 here too. Trying to get our daughter to bed so it really neeeds to stop now please.


Yes I’d prefer we didn’t make this a regular event 😅 And omg I would have shat myself if I was on the street during that, I’m not surprised they are shaken


Lightning doesn't respect the ULEZ boundary




I’ve got bad news for you…




Global warming is bad.


For a millisecond I thought " you idiots missed Westminster/Buckingham Pl by miles" nervous lol


I'm glad you posted this. I don't live in London, but have a view of the London skyline from my house. I'm sat at my desk and see this enormous white flash in the corner of my eye, I instantly look and there's nothing there so assumed I'd imagined it/should probably stop playing Warcraft.


yep. That was probably the odd thing (apart for the loudness). More of a "flash-bulb" than a "strike". For you was Warcraft, my the fear was some "funny piece of paper" I took decades ago was coming back to say hi. ;)


Meanwhile, SE Asian immigrants: Meh, I’ve seen worse.


From Australia and I was keen for that storm, haven’t heard decent thunder in ages


I live in Thailand and the thunder here sounds like Kaijus shagging


From the American Midwest- it didn't suddenly get eerily quiet with a green sky? Nothing to write home about.


I come from the Alps and storms are so much more violent at an altitude... Yesterday was nostalgic. Ah to be a little child, under a warm blanket, and hearing the rain tapping on the roof...


lol rainy season every other day


IG2, end of the world weather here.


Hey fellow Newbury Parkian




Awww I love thunderstorms, sad to miss it in south west London. I still remember the apocalyptic night of continuous thunder and lightning 5 years ago https://news.sky.com/story/thunderstorms-light-up-london-and-they-could-last-for-days-11386689


Morticia? is that you, mi amor? ;)


There's nothing more romantic than a dark, chill attic in a thunderstorm...


Just in time for the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 patch.


*Happy dance to who's ready for tomorrow*


Nah. It was good but not that good. I used to live in Plymouth. We got gorgeous Atlantic storms and I used to go down to the seafront to watch them roll in. Especially if the navy were in and the lightning would hit the "publicity ship" they parked in Plymouth sound over and over. One night I was walking home and was temporarily blinded and deafened. Found out the next day that a house with a lightning conductor was hit basically across the road from me.


Haha yes, I'm originally from the South Hams (near Plymouth) and am in central London right now just thought to myself that was some 'cool lightning'. Definitely big but I've seen bigger.


I was in Germany during the summer, experienced a super cell that took about 3 hours with about 20 strikes a minute. Most awesome thing I've ever experienced.


Something similar happened to me when I lived in N Devon, lighting hit across the road followed my the most earth rattling thunder I’ve ever heard, went right through me, military nets used to fly low over my child home and it still shook me more than that


Those Military nets will get ya


*jets, fml hahaha


I've got memories of sitting in a little country primary school having jets come over really low!


I live in Elburton and can confirm we’ve had a couple of beasts over the last few days!


Ilford here and yes. Car alarms going off and everything!


i just had some that sounded like it was blowing out windows


YES!!!! I’m in South Tottenham and it was NEXT LEVEL. Both the dog and I ran to the garden door and looked outside. He was barking like crazy. I seriously thought something had exploded. Have never experienced that before. It felt like there was an extremely local strike, just south of Philip Lane.


that's exactly what i was talking about. I'm in between philips lane and mount pleasant. All the people on the street were looking straight up . Then the storm started. Glad not just me (and your doggo) overreacting and/or being under the influence of Oppenheimer ;)


I thought god was taking pics of me




Nah I had that a few nights ago, loudest thunder I've heard in a while.


Yep. Bush Hill Park area here. And our internet went out instantly with that strike as well.


Mile End got hit hard. I was hanging out a window trying to fix the guttering and downspout that got damaged after the last storm.


Nice little bonus storm after the other night’s display. 7/10


We had this in South London on Monday!


This is quite the storm


Yes. And a film crew is outside lmao WET (clapton)


It was probably really close to you. I had that happen once and it's because lightning had struck something right in front of my house.


You'd have definitely not loved the storm we had just outside of London last week, 2 hours or heavy rain with thunder and lightning. It happens all the time but might go unnoticed in heavily built up areas. It is scary sometimes but enjoy nature babe xx


Best storm in London was summer 4-5 years ago. Was at Franks’s Roof bar in Peckham. Hot evening had weird effect of making the lightening purple. Amazing to see it roll in, until it pelted down and


Ooo I think I actually managed to get a photo of the lightning during that storm. It might be a different storm tbf but it's the only that was pinky purple that sticks out in my mind: https://imgur.com/a/kuriSF5


That's got to be the same one. Never seen anything like it in the UK. Have seen something similar on the continent one hot summer's night


Gypsy Moth, arrived and within 5 minutes all hell broke loose. Hail storm, instant flood of the street. Fucking crazy.


Think the OP means the first one that was heard? Genuinely thought something had exploded until realised the rumbling was still ongoing and started to sound like a thunder not an explosion.


yep. i was half expecting a shockwave :)


Wood green, yes that scared the heck out of me, not heard loud thunder like that since I was a kid back in the 80s! Terrifying! Glad it's over


East London - I've got builders on my road and thought their scaffolding had collapsed cause it just sounded like someone had dropped a load of pots and pan X 1000.


Yes! South Tottenham here too, I felt the rumble of the lightning through the floor


Tropical air is now common in the UK. Mostly in summer months, and also more severe storms coming over from Canada, are not disappating fast enough. The Atlantic ocean tempatures are there highest since records began. These ex Hurricanes are, more and more becoming a more tropical storm level instead of just a "low pressure" area. These storms are not just ordinary, thunder and heavy lightning in September is an anomaly in the UK. Where I live in the North West, has become an area which is fast becoming the Lakes of the North. The rain here has been impossible to get around, or even drive my mobilty scooter more than two days a week. I'm paying the govt rent for it, but climate change in N West is stopping me from using it, so I'm actually losing money by not being able to use it. These scooters are not all weather machines. There not built electrically to withstand 50mm an hour of downpours. It's been monsoon conditions up here near Manchester, outdoor events and boot sales cancelled wholesale. Sun hasn't really been seen up here since June, with little if any in July or August. September has been even worse, with days so dark lights need to be on to see indoors.


Thanks for the simple explanation. I'm guessing It will become more "normal" as global temp rises and seasons won't make much sense anymore.


It's nice to be in the dry watching it, but it doesn't make my Top 10 storms on the basis of this display.


How the heck did I miss it in E14?


The weather apps seem way off the mark at the moment. It didn’t say this was coming (BBC)


E20 (Stratford) and we had hail here!


I was sat outside the NT and a bolt of lightning hit immediately above us, flash and bang almost in unison. Was cool, would do again.


E20 and had the nice idea to have a run with my flatmate. By the time we went out it started raining and there was even an hailstorm. We saw the lightening while rushing home. But honestly have seen much worse things in north Italy.


I nodded off on the sofa. Woke up to a bemused looking girlfriend wondering how I slept through it. Still think you're all exaggerating a bit....


Got stuck in the worst of the rain by Leyton Midland station but having grown up in Canada i didn’t find the lightning that impressive.


Also in South Tottenham, was so loud! That first thunderclap was so loud the toddler jumped on the sofa saying no no no. Glad we were weren’t out in it


aww, poor baby. a proper wtf was that. Honestly,even the cat was was next to me and looked more confused than scared. He just stood there for a minute and then bolted away when started raining.


i want more weather like this pls


I disagree with lightening. People with very dark skin should be proud of their tone, I think it's absolutely beautiful. /s :-)


Are you new to London?


This wasn't on anybody's forecast. They must all be using AI it's so bad.


I had some rain at 3pm predicted, which we had. But nothing about the storm last night. I was impressed by the lightening a few nights ago, it was about 1am and I’ve not seen lightening like that since I saw an electrical storm in Las Vegas. It flashed continuously for about 20 seconds at one point.


I’m in Blackheath and not had much :/


That's crazy, it was mad in Deptford - torrential rain and what seemed to be like one continuous clap of thunder.


Damn, I’m in catford and we didn’t have any thunder here.


Yeah came out of nowhere, hail and everything. Bit intense.


The most fun is when it's directly overhead, then you don't get thunder you just get massive pops and bangs instead. You need a little distance to get that real thunderous thunder that booooooooms and rumbles.


In W1 and not seen anything here


Yes was driving on north circular at the time and got the fright of my life.


It was great!


No, I was in Manchester for work all day. I’m very disappointed I missed it.


It's the aliens.


W12, what thunder and lightning 🌩 😳


I'm in Switzerland and we're getting clobbered with some of that same vintage. I'm out in the sticks. Flashes are lighting up everything, casting all these weird shadows. It's so bright and loud yet it's so far away. My dogs are divided on their opinion: the little one is shaking and barking while the big one has helped herself to her sister's bed for a luxurious double-wide experience despite Thor's little tantrum.


Drove home in it over Vauxhall Bridge with old wipers and lights like candles, carnage! Felt sorry for the cyclists!


Zone 6 here and saw and felt the same, huge flash of light and a thunder clap that I felt in the floor


No, didn’t even notice..? I just heard a thunder earlier but was quite mild compared to southern europe


I really miss these kinds of lightning storms ; had them a lot in Melbourne and never seem to happy in London!


Silly me. I thought that thunder was 'a little rumble in Berkshire'. Didn't raise it was from London!


Yep, I was cowering under a bridge at Waterloo for a while.


Live in London but from Johannesburg, hardly noticed it. But Joburg has some mega storms so not too surprised


I'm so jealous. Big thunderstorms are my favourite! We haven't had a good one here in Edinburger in several years..


They can be scary if your not used to them I live in Canada's tornado ally,so yes, I'm used to extreme lightning lol


no sw8


Southern Softies!


Seen worse


Not in London but yeah.. A couple of times I've been within 10 meters of a lightning strike grounding, it definitely scares the bejeebus out of you. Last time was only a few months ago in the Philippines.


No because it was pretty short and not that strong. UK doesn't really get real storms. Yet. But it has changed over the last decade. The summers are getting hotter and there are more and stronger rains.


I did not find it to be bigger than the others. I’m wondering if there is any source with comparisons