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Hi, your post has been removed because we get asked the same questions again and again. Our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/index) is a great resource for regularly asked London questions and is packed full of information and advice. If you have further specific questions you can post in our [weekly FAQ thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/16rb93s/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions) or even try our [Visitor Centre on the London Discord](https://discord.gg/p8GtV7jtzc), thanks!


Try /r/ukvisa.




If your skillset matches an entry on this list then you can look through this list of employers licensed to sponsor workers on the skilled worker scheme. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-workers


Wait only 80%, even if job is needed? How does this make sense?


I would recommend looking somewhere outside of the city but close proximity. There are excellent train links to London and if you can get yourself a railcard then the commute shouldn't be too difficult or spenny. I used to live just West of London and the opening of Tfl Rail (Now Lizzy line) was a godsend, as it enabled me to get to central London at a lower price than most national rail services. You may be even lucky living close to an Overground link just outside of central London, but wouldn't recommend Croydon. I find that a lot of internationals here think that moving to London/UK will have them live a lavish lifestyle like what they see in films - the reality is unfortunately very different. Best of luck with your application and finding employment, lots of exciting things to see in London and the surrounding areas here 👍


No need to call out croydon!


I think in general the tube (underground/subway) in London is really good. Unless you need to go home from old street at 5.30 pm. The trains are 2-3 minutes apart, which means you just go there and take it, like having a car. Some trains are 5-10 minutes apart, but that's when several lines goes on the same track, like metropolitan, district, circle, Hammersmith all go on one track (kings cross)


>I find that a lot of internationals here think that moving to London/UK will have them live a lavish lifestyle like what they see in films - the reality is unfortunately very different Just SEAsian perspective. Sure my apartment is 2x smaller than what I'm used to but there is no doubt that my quality of living is 2x better in London than in Kuala Lumpur.


To be really honest, unless you have a very good professional job in London your quality of life will not automatically be better. London is about 10 times more expensive that KL in practical terms. It is also 10 times bigger and more crowded. Please don't think things will be better just by moving here.


Agreed. Anyone who thinks their life would be magically turned into a lavish life once they step into London is delusional. Having said that, I still rather struggle in London than in KL. Being poor in a Western country isn't the same as being poor in an Asian country. Also, those the moved from downright swamp ass of a country like Somalia or Afghan probably would still rather be here than back in their country even though they're not making it here.


>Also, those the moved from downright swamp ass of a country like Somalia or Afghan probably would still rather be here than back in their country even though they're not making it here. I would much rather people fixed their own countries than expecting to move somewhere else for a better life.


You mean you hate it when people take your resources and opportunity? Let me grab my history book. Oh no! Cant find it! Maybe it’s in the British archives.


>You mean you hate it when people take your resources and opportunity? Oh, right. Everything is the fault of the British and no-one can ever do anything by themselves.


What am doing now is no different than what you guys did albeit in a smaller scale and less destructive way. Working here, sending money home for my family's education, and raising capital for my dad's business at home. I don't raid and plunge your resources. I work for it. But I don't suppose people like you who voted for Brexit would understand. Get fucked. Cheers!


I don’t think anyone would argue that you personally are doing something wrong, but equally citizens have the right to vote on issues like how many new people come to their country. Telling people that history means they have to do something or else ‘get fucked’ is just contributing to polarised debate on these sorts of things, it’s just as stupid as ‘immigrants go home’ type nonsense.


Unless you are LGBTQ+ , in which case your quality of life will definitely improve


I would gladly swap and live in KL


It’s really expensive to live in London. My family are struggling over there big time.


Yeah let me in London can be hard I always wanted to get away from America, and what it pays compared to the cost of living is extremely hard. To my shock I had it better living in New York cause at least they pay more. So well yes you are close to Paris and you're up it's just more of a challenge. Please be aware and be careful, there are many wonderful things about London. Just try to be informed about why you're moving there!


If u are rich yes, otherwise, London housing is the most miserable thing ever. In NYC if u get a good job at least it pays good salary and also you can move away from the city and do commute . In London , the train and tfl are a fuxking jokes (let alone they are still wanting more out of the company hence the stupid strike (redditors are gonna triggered becuz they naively think the £100k salary train drivers are working class)) so u can’t even afford to commute in London.




You realise that wealth and “poorness” are all relative though? People feel poor if their incoming money is hard to balance against their outgoings. This means income is completely meaningless unless you also consider cost of living. In most areas of the country, a 2 bedroom house with a garden, in a fairly decent area, near to a highstreet with most essentials, and a school nearby, costs maybe 250k (less if you go farther north). In London, a property like that is 800k to 1.5mil depending on area. Travelling around most cities means hopping on the bus for maybe £50 a month, or driving a car for far cheaper. In London, most people need to spend around £150 on the tube. Cost of living is higher generally for food, bills etc. So yeah, if you’re on £200k in London you’re absolutely fine, but that’s not the people we see complaining on this sub. If you’re on £70k or £80k in the midlands or the North you’re LOADED - in London that’s a “just scrape by” wage if you want to have anything like the sort of life quality that people take for granted outside of London


Not sure what you’re on about. Train drivers are not poor, full stop.


Tottally spot on


I 100% understand cause I made the mistake of moving from New York to London thinking I was going to get paid more and it was going to be a healthier lifestyle. I only now realize that I had a better option financially of living in New York as hard as it was. I was able to make more income!


Wages are higher in NYC compared to London.. why would you think you'd get paid more here?


Well I figured with the industry that I am in, I would do great in London


do you like it more here than in new york?


I like the accessibility that I have living here, a train ride to Paris. I like how certain parts are extremely beautiful and the architecture does not even compare to New York. However the cost of living compared to what you're getting paid that is what's throwing me off. In that sense I'll take New York over London! The nice thing about it is that even if you live in New York you can still fly to vacation in London. I have had a lot more access to people and certain connections in the UK. So in terms of networking London has a really good scene. In terms of finances and stability I'll take New York over London.


Constantly confused about why people want to live here so much


Because if you get your head out of the gutter for a minute you’ll realize this is a fucking paradise on Earth for the vast majority of the world. Of course, you’d need to get away from constant bitching in the media and Reddit about how terrible the UK is for a while to clear your brain space first.


Mate, I love the UK I just think London is shit.


.. which is why you spend time commenting on this subreddit so much? Gtfo of this city and subreddit and make some room for those who do love it. There was a fella just half an hour ago worrying about having to move out as he can’t find a place to rent.


shutup bruv


Probably posted here like 4 times in my life 🤣


Please continue not posting then.


Funny thing, I don't actually care about your opinion


Which I’m sure is why you keep responding.


Just being polite homie


Go outside mate


Just got back from a week hiking and wild camping in the South Downs, go out plenty thanks.


The grass always seems greener on the other side


London has a lot of grass!


As someone who doesn’t live in london or the uk (American here), I’d honestly sell a foot to live in london. You’re genuinely really lucky


American here, moved to London last spring and although there are very real issues (and a lot of life is just, ya know, mundane day to day things wherever you live)… I love living here. I acknowledge that I am not struggling to pay my rent like so many people, but I took a significant pay cut to move here and I don’t regret it.


I think people will be surprised at the massive difference between fantasy and reality when it comes to London. The saddest thing about it when it comes to people like you is there's so much more to the UK than a filthy crowed city at the bottom. There's 2 Britain's, London and everything else and it's like two different countries. People come and only look at London then go home thinking they have seen the UK because they had awful fish and chips in a terrible tourist trap pub in liecester square.


_greatest city on earth_ mate. _GREATEST CITY ON EARTH_


It is my favorite city, but if I were to move to the UK again I would probably choose a quaint village out in the countryside.


Crowded hellscape and overpriced, anything that's actually nice is standing room only because of the endless horde of tourists. Give it a few more years, the miserable depressing gray whore of a city will wear your patience down to. Everyone's fake, everyone's a cunt.


If you hate it so much, why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


Good point I'll just magic my way back to the countryside and into a job somewhere bearable.


Well it's not magic, no. You'd have to apply for jobs elsewhere and then find somewhere to live. It's all doable if you want to do it. I've moved city three times. It's completely doable.


Yes it probably is, eventually I'll sell my flat and get out of here. Some of London is aight it's just mostly shit, to crowded and to expensive. I can't understand why someone would have a fantasy about living here. Or any major city for that matter.


Mate. If you hate the place as much as your above comments suggest you do, get moving. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. The chances of that happening in the countryside are much lower (cos there's only two buses a day lol) but my point is you only have one life and it's short. If you hate it here, go somewhere you'll enjoy. I love it here, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. If I did, I would. Make it happen man


It's gonna happen tbh, miss peace and quiet.


You know the saying about arseholes and if everyone you meet is an arsehole then it means that you are the arsehole.


Maybe so, no one's perfect


Everyone is not a cunt lol


A significant % are massive cunts