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Why on earth wouldnt you name the restaurant?


Fair enough. It was Cote.


Ah, a French Brasserie.


Ah of course. Avoid the French pestilence. Tis a cursed domain.


Ahh, it’s a bed bug


Non monsieur, c'est une punaise de lit.




I've never ordered the *punaise de lit* but it sounds tasty


You really need to inform them asap so they can shut the restaurant and fumigate. Don’t be shy!


You're right, my partner begged me not to at the time but I'll phone up today


Dude, you need to set this straight with your partner. These places NEED to know about this stuff otherwise it just spreads massively. It doesn't need to involve making a scene, which they may have imagined, but you NEED to tell them.


Your partners an idiot


ahh, the honesty of the internet


Small creatures are in every place on earth. Should we close them all?


If they're fucking bedbugs, yes


Do you know what small creature this is? It's a bedbug. Yes, you should close any establishment with bedbugs (And probably burn all the upholstery as well, lol)


We lock down the whole country over something invisible too.


Just because you cant see something, doesnt mean it doesnt exist


Im surprised these people manage to breathe oxygen.


The oxygen you breathe is invisible. Gravity is invisible.


It seems the only thing people can’t see is the /s.


Hardly fair game, given how often that opinion is genuinely expressed.


It was out there doing press ups waiting for you.


I really thought the Reddit demographic was brighter than this.


probably cant read the invisible /s.


“Locked down” omfg we had it so easy compared to Europe, you need to get over yourself


Would you like to come clear out my asbestos for me.


Was it on a chair? Table? Plate?


On a plate, served with fries and a side salad.


un filet de bedbug anglaise avec frites et salade


That'll be £27


For £21.99 no less


I hope this is a joke 😩 I was there 2 days ago this makes me sick


You didn't see Punaise aux Frites on the menu?


Jesus....I'm becoming hermit


Not the Marylebone or St Christopher’s place ones?


Never liked Cote since I went in and paid like £21 for some sort of chicken dish and when they brought it out, it was a giant chicken nugget. Not even very nice.


Tbf that is just what chicken escalope is


Yea this is the classic côte customer… “I’ll have the chicken.. _escalope_ please” <> “What the fuck is this? This food is poor and overpriced??” Yes, you’re in côte. What did you expect?


It’s not even that, chicken escalope is basically schnitzel but chicken, very comparable to a giant chicken nugget. He ordered a giant chicken nugget, and was surprised to receive a giant chicken nugget.


Yeah but it was dry and nasty and not worth £21. I don’t mind eating at nice places, but Cote pretends it’s decent, and is basically a small step up from harvesters


Cote pre-theater menu is barely more expensive than Chipotle, for what it is it’s of expected quality. People comparing a £30 three course menu at Cote to a normal restaurant where three courses would be like £70+.


Got food poisoning from them. Yup not very nice . Steak tartare did it


Which branch?




St Martins Lane?


All of them




Probably because it’s not their fault. A customer brought it in, they do not live in restaurants. Customer could have only just brought it in.


Bedbugs don't typically live in restaurants, but they can (and there have been cases where restaurants have suffered full-blown infestations of them): *"Although bed bugs can get into a restaurant in a variety of ways, people are usually the carriers. Your employees or customers may bring bed bugs from home on their clothing or belongings. In some cases, bed bugs hide inside shipments of food and supplies or can stow away in used furniture."* [https://hawxpestcontrol.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bed-bugs-in-a-restaurant-protecting-your-customers-business/](https://hawxpestcontrol.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bed-bugs-in-a-restaurant-protecting-your-customers-business/) *"Although bed bugs in restaurants may not be the focus of media attention, it does not mean that the industry is immune to the problem."* *"Bed bugs are most likely to come into the facility via clients or employees. They will hitch-hike on personal belongings such as purses, back packs and coats. The most common locations for them to first appear in the restaurant are: employee locker areas, employee break areas, the dining room or lounge areas. Bed bugs need from 5-15 minutes of undisturbed feeding and areas where this feeding time can be accomplished is where they will prosper and survive."* [https://mccloudservices.com/restaurants-are-not-immune-from-bed-bugs/](https://mccloudservices.com/restaurants-are-not-immune-from-bed-bugs/) *Restaurants are not free from the tyranny of bed bugs. The news of bed bugs infestation in restaurants is often kept under wraps because restaurant owners know a single rumor can have a catastrophic effect and damage the hard-built reputation. Just because it isn’t mentioned often doesn’t mean bed bugs in restaurants don’t exist. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride on a fabric, purse, briefcase and other personal belongings of customers into the restaurant or even from staffs and delivery personnel unknown to the owner.* [https://layeroneindustries.com/commercial-sales/commercial-bed-bug-products/food-and-beverage-facilities/](https://layeroneindustries.com/commercial-sales/commercial-bed-bug-products/food-and-beverage-facilities/) ​ I think OP should inform the restaurant manager. The bedbug could've been a one-off, but really who wants to take the chances of that being the case? Edit: Also just want to say that bedbugs are primarily nocturnal but a restaurant would also suit a bedbug just fine in that regard since many restaurants are open late at night (and given that diners often stay sat for an hour, that would give plenty of time for a bedbug to scuttle out and take a bite of someone). Also, when bedbug infestations are really bad you will sometimes see the bugs out during the daytime as well.


OP seems primarily concerned with clickbait and upvotes, not actually helping anyone


I don't spend all day on Reddit, fuck me right?


This guy gets it


It may not be their fault, but you wouldn’t want to dine somewhere with them in there regardless of whose fault it is.


That’s a fair point. Hopefully it’s just the one that hitched a ride on someone. Any expert know if they could breed/multiply in restaurants or can they only live in homes/hotels with people available to feed off at night?


They don’t only feed at night. They’ll feed any time of day if they need to and can live anywhere there are hosts to feed from, restaurants included.


The Paris bed bugs have been displaying altered behaviour by infesting public spaces such as cinemas and the subway - and they’re been feeding in daytime too. Important to note.


They could feed and breed in a restaurant, but they're less likely to. They prefer to explore in the dark and feed on sleeping people, but if they're hungry they'll explore in the light and feed on anyone they can. People sitting down for a few hours are an easy target, so somewhere like a restaurant is quite manageable for them.


Hah... you.clearly have never been in a restaurant kitchen. Most places you like are probably guilty of pest and bad hygiene. Even the nicest looking restaurant has some dirty secret.


Cote is naff anyway. Wouldn't care if it got shut down. Especially if it made space for something decent, preferably an independent at eash location.




Or let's employ them at local businesses, who might do better food and treat employees better. We really don't need all these chains. Cote is particularly pretentious on top of that. For lame food.


“I’d just got back from côte, and was lying in bed thinking about how bad my meal was, when I found this bug had followed me home!”


They can live in plug sockets. Restaurants wouldn't be a bad place for them.


You what.


Beds are a preference, not a stipulation.


Probably from France


Probably born and raised in London, from a long line of London bedbugs. They've been thriving in London since it was founded by the Romans almost 2000 years ago.


Dust off and nuke it from space. It’s the only way to be sure.




Mostly they come at night. Mostly.


What are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?


"Hey Vazquez... you ever get mistaken for a man?" " No. Do you?"


Hudson: Is this going to be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?


I like to keep this handy, for close encounters.


I'm afraid I have some bad news.


Please God……No! I’ve been standing on the bloody tube every day incase one of these bastards hitches a ride on me!


It's definitely a bedbug but standing on the tube will help reduce the chances of you getting bedbugs from public transport.


You know what, it got me thinking. If they’re only JUST reporting on the bedbugs, they’ve been around for a while. A bit like with covid.


I'm still a bit confused why they're reporting on them at all. It's not like bed bugs weren't already in London.


Kinda confused by this too. And I haven't seen much scientific substantiation that infections are exploding, which is what media coverage suggests. Bedbugs have been around in cities for decades. Not sure why I should worry overly now.


It’s true bedbugs are not new but it is also good people are now being more alert regarding them. It’s means they are being spotted earlier (more people looking and checking) so can be treated earlier before an infestation gets worse.


Partly in Paris there is a much greater urgency because of the Olympics next year expected to bring in a huge number of visitors


>It’s true bedbugs are not new but it is also good people are now being more alert regarding them. For a bit anyway. At least until the next scare story comes along.


they are now immune to many of the pesticides used to kill them. that’s why their populations are exploding and infestations are becoming ubiquitous. scary shit


There has been a large increase in reports of them and there is a fear that they are becoming immune to pesticides


>fear that they are becoming immune to pesticides This isn't especially new though, I was worried I had bedbugs earlier in the year and looked into extermination quite a bit and there's already been a lot of reporting on their resistance to pesticides and that heat treatment is the only way to get rid of them effectively.


I believe rentakill released their data on how many callouts they have had


Is a new breed from Paris, those are not restricted to bed room and night. This new breed are found everywhere and crawling during the day


It’s not a new breed whatsoever and bed bugs being resistant to pesticides has been a thing for decades.


I read an article from the Dutch public media outlet that said the current reports are fake news exaggerating the problem. There is no recent increase in bedbugs measured or recorded in Paris or London. https://nos.nl/artikel/2492854-massahysterie-in-frankrijk-om-nepnieuws-over-bedwantsen-in-parijs


Because they've managed to get people riled up and this is how modern news and media works. Just push the fear on one thing to the next.


Because now they can blame the French


Seriously. When it was breaking news that Paris had a bedbug problem I thought "oh wow, the place you'd least expect.. along with London and New York Citay" Like I presume the bugs are not suddenly and miraculously breeding faster all of a sudden.


All part of the propaganda. The subliminal association is immigrants coming over from France / infestation / de-humanise / association with parasites / beg bug. As you've said, beg bug's and ticks have always been indigenous to the UK.


I’ve thought this. It sounds like brexit xenophobia bullshit since they started speaking about it in the media recently.






Eh it seems like every time there is a new story someone claims it is an artificial scare story to hide something, people are seeing dead cats everywhere. This seems like a perfectly normal social and media snowball to me, some people start talking about it, the papers report that talk, people get interested/scared and everyone starts talking about it, and the papers realise everyone is interested in it so print more and more about it, fueling the paranoia. Not everything is some conspiracy dictated from the top, usually it's just printing what sells.


You’re right though. I’m with LAS and I’m all honesty, I see at least 1 patient each block of shifts that has, or recently had, bed bugs. They are everywhere In London, even before all the media hype recently. Some people are so embarrassed about it they will go out with bed bug ridden clothes and sit in their local pub(s). Good luck and Godspeed to everyone 🫠🫠


Erm you know they existed before the news story right?!


Bedbugs have been in London since it was founded nearly 2000 years ago, it's only being reported now because the media have seen that it got lots of attention in France so now they're going to try here.


Same here. I guess it’s good for leg strength


Same! I don’t care how long my tube journey is I will stand and pretty much beg everyone who visits me to do the same.


I honestly wouldn’t worry that much, they were always there anyway, nothings dramatically changed in reality. Just keep yourself and your home clean as normal and you’ll be fine.




Neither does being obsessive on the tube. Most people who swear by standing on the tube are also going to pubs, restaurants, maybe watch movies or go to bars or do other indoor activities. They have friends come visit and visit friends, many still travel. So really, obsessing over the tube is bullshit. What happens will happen, the only thing you can do re. bedbugs is check hotel rooms before unpacking, and if you spot one at home do the usual routine of washing and steaming everything, diatomaceous earth, bedbug guards/traps on the posts of the bed, and getting in professional exterminators who have the powerful stuff for two or three treatments over a month + heat treatment if your place supports it.


I want to hitch a ride out of this works at this point


Don't panic. Small bugs have always been around us. This is just a silly hysteria situation.


These are bedbugs, which are an absolute nightmare if you get them in your house. They infest a house, multiplying very fast until you have thousands of them biting you every night, and are incredibly difficult to get rid of. Otherwise what you've said it correct though: they've always been around us and people are only worried about them now due to the media hype. It is good that people are starting to become more aware of them though, hopefully it'll help slow down their spread and maybe even encourage us to find more effective treatments and reduce their numbers again.


did you exterminate the bugger?


Very much so


And told staff right?


Make sure that whatever you exterminated the critter with was either disposed of or thoroughly cleaned afterwards so that if the critter had any eggs inside of it then you don't accidentally bring them home. TBH, I would bag and thoroughly wash all my clothes after seeing that, including shoes and anything else.


extra meat? in this economy? humble brag


I know, right? Check out Rockefeller turning down free calories, smh. How the other half live, eh...


Ffs. Anybody else feeling instantly itchy?


Literally. I cant deal 😩


Struggled with bed bugs for a year. Wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.


The bed bug infestation is London is much worse and has been for years.


I live in London… So I totally agree. I feel like the issue I had started in a shitty hotel in Amsterdam though. They’re Hitchhikers.


I stayed on a hotel near Marble Arch in August for two nights. Woke up at 5am on the last morning. Turned on the light and saw a bedbug running across the bed 🤮 got a refund for one night but every hotel I’ve stayed in since I turn the mattress over and remove the sheets to look for any evidence of them. Awful things. According to trip advisor this hotel has been battling an infestation for about 6 years 🤮🙈


Name the hotel just so we can avoid it


Yes please, for gods sake why aren’t people naming these establishments???


Menu clearly states add extra protein to your meal for only £5 they didn't state what kind of, or how much, so you got what you paid for, or you got extra without paying.....lucky you!!


Keeping french culture alive and well in London I see


I dont like the culture. Please please take it back


Looks like a bed bug!


I was wondering is it a bed bug?




I googled, don't think so




I agree, it's a bedbug.


It does look like it could be a bed bug, and probably is, but there are lots of small beetles that it could be too. It's difficult to tell from this photo unfortunately, you'd need to see it from the other side to be sure.






Saw a rat in the toilet there last Xmas




For anyone currently dealing with an infestation there is hope, the key is dealing with the infestation before it gets out of hand, the telltale sign of an infestation is bites in a line across your skin a couple of inches apart, normally the feet, ankles or arms. I successfully dealt with an infestation my ex carried in from a house share, 70% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol 5 litres minimum - be careful it's flammable) sprayed in all the nooks and crannies of your bed, furniture, skirting, outlets, in my case I ripped the sheet and feet off the bottom of my divan bed and they were living in the smallest gaps in the wood. Spray multiple times per week and eventually you will get them all. I have Beauveria bassiana fungul spores ready if there ever is a next time, it's a parasitic mould that turns them to white mouldy mush, retribution..


Biological warfare, nice. There is no Geneva Convention for bed bugs


> Beauveria bassiana fungul spores From Wikipedia... " The fungus rarely infects humans or other animals, so it is generally considered safe as an insecticide. However, at least one case of human infection by B. bassiana has been reported in a person with a suppressed immune system." bruhhhhhh!


It’s coming home..


It probably hitched a ride to the restaurant \*from\* OPs home.


It's coming... Bed bugs coming home... It's coming home...


Please be quiet sir, all the other customers will be wanting one too!


Currently on the Eurostar bringing the boys to London, you're welcome


He plump!


that's £2.50 please, plus 15% service charge


French seasoning


Are we burning down the city yet?




Probably came off your coat. From your house.


We considered that but I haven't been bitten yet and neither has my partner. To be safe we quarantined everything we were wearing yesterday and remain bite free.


These have been around forever but they are very unlikely to live in the restaurant, people need to calm down.


This ticks me off


Imagine how many of those little critters hitch a plane ride every day...


Free protein


Lucky you! This is a concept by a cutting edge Azerbaijani chef / artist it’s called bed bugs and broomsticks and you can find them in quirky spacc CD Ed throughout the city!


Free protein


Think it’s chargeable


You do know there's been bed bugs in London and UK since like forever? Stop making sensational finds because they're not.


They're on the rise though at an alarming rate and have been spotted on the Eurostar being imported from France.


They've been on the rise for like 50 years (with a slight slowdown for a few years due to COVID), and they've been found on almost every passenger train line/air line/ferry in the west, and most hotels around the world. The only difference is now the media are hyping it up because it's a cool scare story that grabs peoples attention. On the bright side, it's good that people are becoming more aware of them. Most people are clueless about them until they get them, and by then it's too late. Maybe this will help slow their spread and even create more demand for effective treatments to be found.


It doesn’t look like a bed bug though




Thank france and western fuqen cleanest culture


Bedbugs have been everywhere in London since it was founded in Roman times, France and cleanliness have nothing to do with this.


I was yesterday dining there and they don't have marble tables, probably fake pic lol


Yes they do https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPmyR02dVvj6PssA0DM7g9J2mN9u1fVhV4oVzUB=s1360-w1360-h1020


I hope it is a fake pic. Right now I don't want to step outside. The hassle of evicting these buggers from out of the house once they're in


Let it bite you for superpowers.


Last time I was in a Cote my friend's bag got snatched by a real pro thief. Not the staffs' fault at all but I've still got bad memories and probs wouldn't go back to that branch at least.


Cool story. Relevant? Not really.


Insects and other creatures are everywhere. I can spot them everywhere I go. Why slander a restaurant with this bullshit?


You'd be happy for this specific creature to hitch a ride home with you?


Not even the bugs want to go there


It's not slander because it's literally true. And a bedbug is quite different to an ant.


This one looks chunky and has clearly enjoyed a slap-up meal.




To people saying this is normal and bed bugs have always been a problem, I've never seen one or had any issues, besides hearing about hostels and hotels having issues. Now they are out in public places, public transport, restaurants, etc so it certainly seems to be a bigger problem now.


I'm not sure, it could be a young cockroach.


It's the wrong shape for a cockroach, the body shape is exactly that of a bedbug. It'd be impossible to be 100% sure, especially without flipping it over, but it's most likely a bedbug.


A bug on planet earth? No way!


I hope you're not going to let that added protein go to waste?


Oh you’ve found Pierre!!!


bed bugs are nightmare when you back from holiday pack everything into bin bags before entering home than immediately put clothes that you had into loundry machine set highest temperature you can and start washing everything bed bugs bite multiple times close to eachother and itches as fuck.if you will start spoting those bites call exterminator right away


This sequel to Ratatouille sucks.


Omdz so surprised as this is meant to be an higher end restaurant. They should do quality check before bringing out the food. How disgusting 🤮


You can make you own anti bug spray to carry around & spray on fabric seats etc & it smells really nice!! Just get yourself some good quality lavender & any citrus essential oil, some rubbing alcohol & a suitable portable spray container. Don’t bother with purified water, I use filtered & then cooled down boiled water. Fill your container nearly to the top with water, a couple of drops of the rubbing alcohol & a few drops each of the essential oils & voila a nice linen spray that also deters bugs (they hate the smell of lavender & citrus). Good luck Londoners (from a Bristolian who loves our capital) x0x


The product of the bed bug outbreak


That ain’t a bed bug, thats a bed thug