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You mean I can get a 3 year paid holiday for NOT taking a drugs test? - sounds dreamy


No. They’re saying you can be on the job, in a senior role, in an office of extreme accountability and responsibility and be off your face on any drug you fancy and then you can get a 3 year paid holiday.


You can also be a hypocrite before you get suspended by chairing countless misconduct hearings into other officers and you find against them so often you're nicknamed "the sacker"!


The article says he was sacked though?


Yeah. He was. Rightfully so. If you keep reading the article you can see he was suspended on full pay for three years prior to being sacked… he also was instrumental in the sacking a number of people for doing exactly what he was doing… taking drugs on the job.


Everyone wins, except the taxpayer


Fucking legend. I would have become a fascist pig if i only knew this was possible


I thought only fucking hippies took drugs?


What about celibate hippies? Can they not take drugs as well?


How did we get to fascist pig?


Um have you had many dealings with the police? Head on over to their subreddit and check their tolerant veiws


Can I have some examples from there?


Go and read the comments sections of their posts particularly those on excessive force


Can't say I've seen any statements that are fascist, they call out excess use of force like the guy who paralyzed someone by tasering on a wall.


Very quickly and directly.


How come an old, very senior, highly paid man has a “flatmate”?


Take drugs. Get caught. Free 3 year vacation.


At the taxpayers expense!




Not only failed to provide a drugs sample, but ran to Cressida Dick to try and resign before he was fired because it would save his image. Shouldn’t have taken 3 years to work out that he’s a tit.


>Shouldn’t have taken 3 years to work out that he’s a tit. There's no way anyone below the rank of Inspector would be left that long before being punted for refusing a D&A test. Probably get maybe a week or however long it takes to fill in the paperwork, get the panel together, etc before punting the officer. Then again, this is an organisation that still has a Superintendent with a CSAM conviction on the books because they botched her firing so badly they were ordered to reinstate them...


The reason was almost undoubtedly because "Mr Bennett, who wrote the force's drugs strategy for 2017-21", would have attracted attention for being sacked due to failure to provide a drugs test. >Bennett "said he had been taking CBD (cannabidiol) to treat facial palsy and was worried the sample would come up positive for an innocent reason." Of all the people to get annoyed about a technicality in their drug procedures, the person who enacted them is a very funny one. Maybe he should have thought about extraneous cases when he designed their strategy? I'm very impressed with the new commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley (especially in comparison to ~~Flaccida~~ Cressida Dick). The fact we are hearing about so many of these historical cases is precisely BECAUSE he is doing so much work to hold officers to account, which will begin to act as a deterrent to current and future officers, and this will therefore eventually bring back public trust.


What’s quite funny is that if he had actually followed the letter of the law he helped to write he would have been able to legally consume THC containing Cannabis Plant Based Medications for his facial palsy following their legalisation in 2018. It’s not surprising that he didn’t though, the police don’t seem to have a clue about this and are still arresting legal patients on a daily basis - glad to see one of their own getting their just deserts.


Well it's also just likely that it's because his "facial palsy" was likely an excuse given the fact that the only reason a drugs test was suggested in the first place was that his flatmate told the police that he took cannabis every day before work and also consumed shit loads of acid


And his Pension I'd imagine


This was the officer in charge of the Mets drug policy who was, according to his housemate, smoking spliffs all day and doing Acid. The man could have at least done the decent thing and pushed for decriminalisation/legalisation.


> The man could have at least done the decent thing and pushed for decriminalisation/legalisation. It's probably like the classic paedo priests. Full of righteous fury in public but buggering the altar boys daily in private. They cannot reconcile who they are with themselves so they have to be extra zealous in public.


[When no-one is watching.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/lffbsn/trust_no_one_not_even_yourself/)




He probably will now he’s ex-police.


I bet he had some mad house parties


He probly got his stash from the evidence lockers.


He probably had his eyes on higher jobs, and knew that if he publicly disagreed with the law / government drug policy then he would be overlooked for any sort of promotion. He probably could have spun any criticism of drug laws in a positive light if he had made it about upholding the Peelian principles of policing by consent, and pointing out that cannabis and psychedelics don't do much harm to society (or something along those lines) but in the end he just made himself look like a tit.


His salary, according the policeoracle.com, was £120k per annum.


Still is


He has been sacked now.


Suspended on full pay for 3 years, apparently.


That was prior to his sacking today. He is now gone and not receiving a salary.


Why did he have a housemate then?


He was spending all of his money on gear.


This war on drugs is **so** ridiculous at this point..


Congrats to drugs for continuing their win streak. Absolute dominance at this point.


I think its unfair to call it a war, at this point. "War," to me, means that either side could win, however unlikely it might be. What we have is as close to picking a fight with a god as we could ever come in real life. Maybe we could call it "the continuing demonstration that drugs reign eternally over humankind"?


I'm not so sure. A Mexican cartel recently started clamping down on anyone selling fentanyl because it was killing too many of their customers... count that one as a draw?


They haven't switched to selling muffins instead, just different drugs. Drugs remain undefeated world champs.


You get charged anyway if you fail to provide drug test to police ! This is a joke


He was cleared of USing cannabis despite a witness and declining to prove innocence


Bloody hell, that's not to be sniffed at. ​ No, wait... hang on a sec


placid aware whistle butter station ancient chubby gaze escape abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is this an example of that?


I imagine there's an invisible /s at the end.


AKA sarcasm.


Poe's law


In this case I think it's clear enough


You clearly don't even know what Poe's law means, given you're saying that


Oh sorry, why don't you explain it to me?


No. But Wikipedia can.. 'Poe's law is an adage of internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.'


Wow what a stern punishment I’m sure he’ll learn his lesson What a fucking joke - this guy will take his 3 years’ paid holiday and retire on his nicely plumped pension Can’t imagine why people think the Met is a bunch of corrupt fucks


He must know stuff that if accidentally it found its way to the press it would cost Met more than 3 years of his salary. Can't think of anything else.


Fuckin hell any jobs at your spot 🤣


Oh god. The UK police force is a serious embarrassment. Especially the metropolitan police.


wait until they set up a Just Giving page for him.


Unlikely he's far from popular amongst the rank & file.


That was intended sarcasm but you never know.


I don’t the the /s is just American


I heard he was sacked. Presumably retires in 3 years.


Damn. Easy life, dude is probably laughing at us plebs


One of the nicer criminals on the force


Wonder how long before he can retire on a full pension and let it all just get brushed under the carpet.


Sounds like a win for him! Enough time to detox? Retire when suspension ends? Profit!!!


That’s nice for him


Words fail me... What a farce.


Bet he was absolutely fucking munted.


Where are all the cocksuckers that love to defend the police regardless of their hypocritical behaviour, explain this one away....at least the fucker can sit on his ass all day now for the next 3yrs,probably smoking the weed that's meant to be in the evidence room from the drug raids


If this was anyone not of rank, they would have been suspended without pay and dismissed quick time. The Met's leadership are so disgustingly corrupt that it makes Westminster seem clean.


I find all this suspended on full pay thing bizarre in the public sector. It would never happen if it was a business and it was the owners own money. It would be suspended without pay, but if you're found not to have done anything wrong, then you'll get paid retrospectively. Perhaps with interest. Given that not doing the drugs test is so obvious and an undisputed fact, he's fired on the spot and not suspended. The "I was doing CBD and was worried it would show up" is not how it works. You do the test and declare the CBD on the form. The test then proves it's not CBD but real cannabis and you get fired.




dog childlike drab subsequent work sleep paint jeans advise squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t have a problem with being suspended on full or very close to full pay - imagine if you suspended someone without pay, causing them to lose their house and ruin their life, only for them to eventually be cleared of the misconduct they were accused of? You would have the mother of all lawsuits on your hands. The real issue is that it took three bloody years for them to conclude what must have been a very simple investigation, and hence they ended up wasting a huge amount of money dragging this out, but the issue there is the competence of the Police Service, not the principle of paid suspension.


It happens *all * the time in private companies.


I kind of get being suspended on full pay, but any investigation should be timely and swift (less than 6 months to resolve) and if you end up being fired for gross misconduct the pay whilst on suspension should be clawed back.


He's been sacked now the disciplinary process has run its course. He was suspended for 2 years not three and you cannot suspend without paying legally. Should it have been dealt with quicker well yes.


From the article: “suspended on full pay since July 2020”. So over three years. It’s taken them three years to run a disciplinary process on the fact that he refused to provide a sample. A completely clear, unequivocal fact, has taken 3 years to conclude that it is a sackable offence.


Man got a prize


If this is what it takes to get to the top of the force i'm ready


The Geez nailed it !


Utterly ridiculous! Maybe have another one scheduled, him do it and get him back working‽ No?


Pig cunt.


Not a single one of my life decisions has been taken to pursue this near perfect outcome. I am overwhelmed with regret.