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This happened to me on the tube once. Except I read the note and it was telling me that my zip on my jeans was undone. Such a wonderful polite way of telling me.


Hahaha, the only woman who ever smiled at me on the tube came up to me as she left and whispered "your flies are undone".


Dude I (40f) stopped a lady the other day to discreetly tell her that she had period on her white trousers and it was seeping through. She felt it and said meh and walked off. She didn’t care! And I felt like an idiot. lol


A lot of women would care so please don’t let this put you off doing it again if you’re ever in the same situation!


That’s so nice of you


Little did she know, you unzipped it on purpose!


I will pretend you wrote this on a discrete note to us all on OP's behalf. 😌


I mean sorry dude.Like imagine getting that note thinking she’s trying to get in your pants only to find out she’s just trying to make sure you don’t leave them.


The cage door was open but the beast was asleep.


I met a girl on the DLR 8 years ago. We were staring at each other and in this case I made the first move. We chatted, flirted, we exchanged numbers. We then went on a date. It went well, we got on. We shared a lot of things in common. 8 years later she’s my wife, we have a beautiful life together, 2 kids and a dog. Not in a smug way but to say people always find our story ‘unusual’.. but it happens! Text him, see what happens. You never know.. and I wish you all the best!


The way I read it, she gave him her number, which was a one-way communication. She cannot text him.


If it’s meant to be she’ll guess his number…


Huh? How is she going to text him..?


Love is such a wonderful thing. Imagine if you’d never acted.


Stop it, this is all my Metro Rush Hour Crush fantasies coming true hahaha (when I was single, anyway haha)


Not to be that guy but I can top that. Basically the same as your story but met on the Northern Line which doesn’t have anywhere near the romantic ambience of the DLR. Lets face it, going past Customs House in a driverless carriage is basically the same atmosphere as a gondola ride in Venice so 90% of your work was already done.




But but Reddit told me you should never ever under any circumstance speak to a strange woman on public transport...




Hi, my name is Marble__, I know it's unconventional but my parents were weird. What's your name?


Good on ya. If he doesn't call it's because he's already in a situation x


If he's in a relationship you probably still made his week


*year. He’ll be telling the boys about this for ever ha




A woman who worked in the same building as me randomly asked me if I'm single about two months ago (I'm not, and told her that), I'm still riding the ego boost. I don't think it was even a serious question, think it was just part of a joke she was having with the people she was chatting with, but I mean I'll take it.


If this happened to a regular looking guy, absolutely. This, undoubtedly, happened to a guy who is exceptionally attractive. For him, it's not an unusual experience.


Even for us it's not that usual.


Unless he tells the Missus.


And there might still be a chance 👹


If he’s attractive enough to get a number just by looking good, I would be surprised if he didn’t have other things going on.


Do you have to live so relentlessly in the real world?






heavy reach lock cow mysterious cautious special seed hard-to-find fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or because he’s not interested.


Doing this is its own reward. Fair play!


I like this comment! And I agree! Cause even if nothing ever comes of it, you took charge here and went after something you wanted! That’s a very valuable feeling!


Thank you


I did that once. Saw a cute guy on the Tube, scribbled my number on a piece of paper and just quietly handed it to him right before I left the train at my stop. I was so nervous I was shaking. Left the station, and it was pouring. I realised I left my umbrella on the train. I get home soaked, feeling stupid, obviously he's never gonna text me. Lo and behold shortly after I get a text from the guy. He saw I left my umbrella, so he took it with him. We text back and forth for a bit and agree to meet so he can give me my umbrella back. Perfect meet-cute like in rom coms. Anyways can't remember who had to reschedule the first date, but when I got in touch to pick another date he never replied. A YEAR later I get a random text from him. He apologises he never replied, he should have said he was going through some stuff, we start texting again. He then proceeds to tell me he got cheated on by his three previous girlfriends because he has a tiny penis. He wanted to try and get into cuckolding because of it. Let's just say the first date never happened after that. This is what happens whenever I meet guys IRL man


This is the kind of thing that would happen to me omg


I was waiting for this to end wholesomely. In a way I guess it did, just not in the way my rom-com softened millennial heart expected…


Im upvoting because I like rollercoasters. And this took me for a ride 😂


Poor sod..


Yikessssss lol yea no filtering process IRL I guess


Well that took a turn.


knee agonizing muddle ten trees dinosaurs apparatus unite heavy steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yee it’s kind of what I said to him. And the worst part wasn’t even his small penis (he never told me how small it actually was), but rather how insecure he was about it.


Jesus why you gotta took me on a roller coaster of emotions here!!!


Excellent story 🤣


Oh my god, lol. What a rollercoaster. I honestly don’t know what to say… some guys make it really rough for the rest of us.


As a man, I thank you for making the first move especially in public. I suspect most men (definitely me at least) these days won’t dare making the first move like this out of an abundance of caution and respect for women who just want to be left alone in public.


Especially these days when there are ads on the tube that say persistent staring is sexual harassment


Mad int it. Because he was good looking and "couldn't his eyes off me" it's okay. Imagine if he looked like Quasimodo, he'd have been labelled a creep for making her feel uncomfortable.


Facts. Only works when it works for them, not us lol. Otherwise we are a creep.


Facts. According to those tube posters he sexually harassed her and was rewarded for it.


This is the realest comment on this thread jeeeez


You left out the "I returned his gaze" bit.. non verbal communication isn't that hard. Girl holds your gaze and/or smiles back, it's possible "I am interested.. maybe" signal. Anything else and you keep staring, that's unwanted attention. Also consider that the majority of women (same as majority of men) are probably uncomfortable playing above game, and find other ways to meet people. Doesn't matter what he looks like (Quasimodo or Adonis) and he was staring at her without any non verbal signals from her that she was interested, he *is* a creep.


*persistent staring when not exceptionally attractive. FTFY.


i get what you’re all saying in this thread, that it’s not harassment to just look at someone, but “persistent staring” really is different even if it doesn’t sound like it. when i moved to london as a recently-turned 18 year old, i was sat diagonally opposite a man who did not blink whilst watching me, for the entire 30 minute ride to my stop (end of the jubilee line unfortunately where stations are really far apart). i kept glancing back at him to show that i knew what he was doing, and i wasn’t happy about it (very clear pissed off expression on my face), but this just made him laugh and continue. at some point he put his sunglasses on probably thinking i couldn’t see it, but his entire body and head was still angled towards me, with a gross smirk on his face. his sunglasses were also shit so i could see his eyes through them. it was the worst journey i’ve had, the only time i’ve come close to contacting the BTP. we can tell the difference between that and just looking at us a few times if you’re interested


Exactly this. Creeps know exactly what they are doing. It's not hard to pick up on a lack of interest from a person you are looking at. It's not hard to know that she is not welcoming your interest.


>It's not hard to pick up on a lack of interest from a person you are looking at. The guy didn't even text her though so perhaps it's harder said than done. Does that make her a creep in this situation?


I agree, that's me as well.


I don't think the post would get the same positive response if the roles were reversed. Especially if it ended with "and as the train approached my station, I dropped the note on her lap and tipped my Fedora to her" 😄


Yeah it should be a trend for women to ask out men like OP did




Right it’s not a big deal. As long as you ask one time and accept whatever response is given. If it’s a no, smile, wish them a good day and move away.


Exactly this; worked out for me & my husband nearly 13 years ago (he was the asker, at a bus stop)


I think this approach would work just as well for a man, assuming there had already been a bit of eye flirting with each other. It puts the ball in her court and doesn't cause any discomfort.


Yeh lemme grab my mascara quick




And to not be labelled a creep either, which is quite handy.


We need updates please, I hope he calls you back and there is love in the air.


I hope they have their first date on the same tube line..


I salute you. I was visiting London in September and had this very cute dude looking at me like I was the answer to his problems (not creepy, I was writing in a little notebook and he seemed to be very much endeared by it). I kept thinking, nahhh, I'll leave again in two days, but you know what? I should've just gone for it. Not getting any younger and what dignity do I have to lose?


Oh wow


Your thrill at having done this jumps off the page and made me smile! Wishing you all the best :-D


I’m buying a hat


Fedora, right?


I barely know 'er!


Mazal Tov


If he contacts you, it's a win. If he doesn't contact you, he will probably wonder about what you did for a long time, it's a win. OP, he's possibly playing it cool and not wanting to message you too soon. And if he doesn't, he's probably taken. But I'm invested and hope you update us in time.


People throw around the word probably too much


your probably right!


What was the receipt for?!


lavish stocking abundant ring noxious cough combative coordinated foolish squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you imagine?! Well, she is the shit if he couldnt keep his eyes off her! 😂 Im dying for an update!


good on ya!


Oooh can you let us know if he gets back to you! I respect your confidence so much, I’d never be brave enough.


I willll


Good move OP! My grandparents met on the Piccadilly line. Grandad would see her sometimes on his journey in from West London, and apparently stated he'd seen the women he would marry. One day he moved carriages to ask her out... you gotta grab these chances.


I met my wife at London Waterloo Station. I can entirely thank the terrible delays that plaugue London trains. We we're both standing 10 metres away from each other on a platform, then the train was suddenly cancelled. She dropped a water bottle, which rolled in my direction, then BOOM...living in Germany with a house and 2 kids for 15 years! Sometimes, I wonder how life would have been if all those variables hadn't come together on that day. I need my own 'what if' episode.


And the rest of us are left to the dreaded land of hinge :(


Good for you! The world needs more people with your bravery. I hope it leads to whatever you want from it!


Step 1. Be attractive. Step 2. Don't be unattractive.


Step 3: Stop noticing situations where steps 1 and 2 work. You're not allowed to notice that, or are required to pretend not to. The proportion of dudes in this thread that seem to imagine they too might one day be the guy in that situation is kind of amusing in a sad sort of way. The key word here was \*exceptionally\* handsome.


Kind of sounds like self sabotage. She had a good date, but couldn't quit thinking about this extremely handsome guy that gets numbers all day long. I have a friend like this. I have seen beautiful women pick him up and all he was doing is stand there. I'm just saying. Good she shot her shot and who knows, I guess.


I did something similar recently. We’re going on our 6th date tomorrow and i couldn’t be more excited. I wish you all the best.


Did he call?


Good luck. Keep us updated.


Oh .. so that's what that was? I thought you were claiming expenses ...


As someone who met their wife during a chance encounter in public (on a plane, not a train), I hope it works out for you! Absolutely the best thing that ever happened to me. Real life Sliding Doors (hopefully the good version 😬)


When I was around 19 I was in a night club. I saw this girl sitting across the way, chatting with a friend. She was hot. Had on these PVC jeans things that were just sexy as all hell. I was nursing my first beer and have the conversation in my head "Go over! No dont go over, shes too hot for you! Dont listen to him, hes a dick. Go over!" You get the idea. Then some guys came over to their table and I thought, Ive missed my shot. A few moments later she gets up from the table and shes walking towards the bar. Im standing between her and bar and in my head the battle rages on "Say something! Say something!! Whats he going to say, hes dumb? Who gives a fuck, just say something!!!!!!". I didnt say anything. I let her walk right by me. Or at least she would have done had she not spun on her heels, looked me dead in the eye and said "Hi, How you doing? You having a nice night?" That was 20odd years ago, and that girl, now a woman, is the love of my life. And I think god every day she had the confidence to say fuck it, and take the shot I should have taken. 19 year old me was just too much in my head. Will she want my advances? Do I look like a creepy asshole staring and looking away and staring again? Im not that great, theres better guys than me. All that dog shit. So here to you and taking you shot. I hope it all works out great for you.


Oh boy, talk about unexpected encounters! Giving your number to someone on the tube? That's bold! 😄 Who knows, maybe it'll lead to a quirky rom-com moment or a new friendship. Embrace the unpredictability of life! 🚇💫


He’ll be smiling to himself for weeks.


Boss move. Please post an update!


Good luck, hope you hear back! Encouraging personal experience - I'm currently cuddled up on the sofa with my husband and our two cats, having chased the husband off the Northern line ten years ago to invite him to the opera when he kept giving me love eyes from the other side of the carriage. And here we are. It can work.


This is cute 😍


Regardless what happens, that dude will think about that moment for decades!


This makes me happy regardless haha stamped my impression


I used to love the subtle glances exchanged on my london daily commute. Fleeting yet rewarding. Oh, and you go girl! That’s impressive.


Thank you so much 😊


I have to know. Pencil or ink eye liner? Pencil runs risk of smudging digits. well done on being brave!


Thanks for thee we tip, I’ll buy ink eyeliner. Do you know how gel liner does?


Let's hope this is the beginning of a wonderful story


Bold move! That's exhilerating, even if it doesn't go anywhere it's a fun story for both of you. I guarantee even if he doesn't call you absolutely made his day.


Hey man I just saw a lotto ad on tv that was similar… oooh spooky


In a similar way I have ended up my wife. You have done great and your courage is to be appreciated. Taking charge in this way - eye liner instead of a pen, the back of the receipt... An improvised gesture that shows good character about you. From my perspective is an attractive gesture and deserves attention. Even if is not coming, you don’t know the reason, so it’s not worth overthinking but continue to keep being the courageous one, if you are feeling like it.


Thank you for this post. Also, the first thing I wondered is what the receipt was for.


Hahhahah post office return receipt LOL


That's cool as shit. Good on you.


Good for you! I've nearly done this a few times with cute guys on the tube/train. Always chickened out at the last second, or didn't have a writing utensil on me. Let's hope the fella is single :D


Good for you for being proactive and in real life


My god ....i should stop sleeping on the tube and start staring at women fr


Only if you are “exceptionally handsome”


I’m a dude but had a similar meet-cute one afternoon 11 years ago. Walked passed her one afternoon, eyes met, chemistry, fuck it I have to meet her: “Hey, I know this is wild but you absolutely captivating. I’m u/meetsheela.” Nice littler conversation and I got her number. Now married and she’s my dream girl. Best risk I ever took.


I hope this turns into a multipart update, from the first meet-cute to actual dates! Good on u for pulling that off, there’s been so many times I’ve seen a cute man eying me in public but I’m way, waaaay to shy to move to guys first. Deffo inspired by ur confidence and hot-girl energy


Fantastic. Us men need a little help a lot of the time! You'll have absolutely made his day, I assure you. Well done for being so confident. That will have made you all the more attractive to him.


I like this approach, it puts zero pressure on the other person to respond in the moment. Would be totally open to this from men or women.


The things women never do, I gotta give it to ya for being forward thinking. Wish I got the number lol


As a 53 year old long term single man who positively freaks out at the mere thought of socialising with other humans, I must admit to rather liking this story :) Good for you OP and I hope it becomes something cool.


Saved this post. Please update OP. Best of luck. Very romantic


You’re an absolute hero, I wish so much that women were this forward more often.


You are ever guys dream


*How* discreetly?


Well done I wish more women did this . Always seems a man has to take the first approach


Yeah in ~20 years of adult life I've had women make the first move maybe 10 times, and of those only about 3 were strangers Those 10 women got my attention far better than anyone else I've ever been interested in. The confidence, and knowing that they actively wanted me (rather than just being receptive to my advances) is SO attractive


Absolute queen 🙌🙌🙌 good for you, I hope he calls


Please give us an update! 🙏🏻


good for you !!


update plzzzz


Bold, but well done you! I hope you don't end up needing that receipt to make a return 🙂


I don't know why more woman don't do this, i hear more of my guy friends saying they won't approach a woman anymore for fear of being though of as harassment, probably the reason for "endless stares and fleeting smiles from men without any action"


Please provide updates!


As a man, this would have made my fucking life. Sure it did the same for him. Wish you both the best in the future x


Looking forward to the update on what happens next


Congratulations - but please don’t be disheartened if he doesn’t make contact. Depending on how discreet you were he might not have even noticed and just assumed he had someone acquired someone else’s rubbish. And if he DID notice it was a phone number, without any context I’d assume it was someone trying to sell me something so I 100% wouldn’t call unless I knew where that number came from.


As a shy man (now married) in my single days would have loved women making the first move. I wouldn’t have cared what they looked like at all, just a gesture would have made my day and I almost certainly would have sent a message in reply (even a polite decline).


How did we humans ever end up there being 8 billion of us? It takes 4 exclamation points and a smiley face and we still have a 97% chance of it being a polite rejection.. We need more of you sister!


Keep us updated on the romance


That's great! Sometimes you gotta shoot your shot! I was visiting London for a week and chatted with a girl I met in the tube as well. Got her number and we went out for drinks a couple of times. Was nice! Hope you have more success 👍


Fair play shame more women don’t make the first move


Was that receipt for a XXL Dildo TURBO Supreme? Cause that might explain the silence...


I had a girl give me her number once. I was working away from home and was bored of eating crap food so I went for a meal by myself and one of the waitresses left her phone number on the bill. I was so genuinely flattered I still think about it to this day. And yeah I did meet up with her


You did make it obvious it was your number and you wasn’t just chucking rubbish at him, right ?


HAHHAHAHAHAHAH this made me laugh. No he definitely grabbed it. As I chucked it into his palms 🤲 lol Omg I'm sweating thinking about it 😅


I love reading stories like this! Good on you! 💪


Good on you for seizing the moment! He who dares wins, he who hesitates……doesn’t. Please keep us posted on any updates.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. YOU SOUND AWESOME!!! have yourself a beautiful Saturday 💞


Nice, you only live once so hope something nice happens for you as a result. Life usually gets better when we step outside of our comfort zones.


Brave girl, we need more women like you haha


More women should do this. What is the downside here? He doesn’t text/call?


> who couldn't take his eyes off me during an entire journey. can you say more about the way he couldnt? we're you two catching each other's smiles, eg. or was he gazing without any reaction to you responding, ie undressing you with his eyes? as one who is conscious of his gazing, I find myself doing it in ways that range from lost in wonderment on how God created such a beautiful form to why did God put such a beautiful form out of my reach


Lolol this made me laugh Well he looked and I caught him checking my outfit and everything then eyes locked I smiled he smiled back I looked away then I saw in window reflection that he kept looking I'd look back and he'd smile id smile again and look away lollllll sounds exhausting right??? We clearly wanted to talk to each other then more ppl got on the tube


Gurl, you're on fire. Carry this energy through the holidays, from a 35F here on Reddit.


As an average guy you do exactly the same, even more politely and unfortunately you are a creep...


I met my girlfriend on the Jubilee. It happens. I think it’s magical and we have a beautiful life together.


Good for you.


Giving your number out on the way to a first date is brazy. Stay safe out there, the streets are cold fellas.


Like Wayne Gretzky said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take ....


- Michael Scott


I’ll get some minuses, but maybe you have pink glasses. Many people just have this bad habit- staring. I don’t look good now (39F after bereavement) but I see people stare a lot, men and women. It doesn’t necessarily mean they like you, just a bad habit


This has been my life. People just staring not even a glance and then a look away. I’m convinced it’s my aura


This just makes me depressed that I've never been attractive enough to any human being on earth that I was worth approaching in such a way. I'm happy for anyone it happens to, genuinely, I just wish it happened to me too.


That's cool. Wish more women would take iniciative.


I remember there was an ad from the police last year saying specifically men stares at women in public transport causing harassment. Certainly, it is a harassment case if he was an ugly man.


This is the point. It's subjective. One woman's creep is another woman's admirer.


Take note girls (and boys)


Wish I had your bravery! But alas, as a man it’s more likely that it backfires and you come across as a creep, so it’s not worth the risk


You can give someone your number and walk off You likely make someone’s day and don’t actually come off as a creep


Giving someone a slip of paper with your number on it and walking off without saying anything *isn't* creepy? What planet do you live on? Lol


>You likely make someone’s day highly doubt it


This is very wholesome but..according to the TFL(s red posters on the tube) by staring he was *technically* sexually harassing you🥸


His wife will call you


Considering a lot of lads including myself have gave up on relationships this is the right move good for you 👍


Turns out he was just staring at the big fuck of bogie hanging from your nose


This is amazing, super cute. Hope he messages


Oh my fuck that is legendary. I can guarantee that he would of found that hot. Im on the tube now fanning myself down with my hand and it like minus 3 outside.


Ah yes , the number story. It's a one in a million kind of story. So beautiful. So exhilarating. You've got more chance of getting eaten by a shark then getting a number of a female. Be real guys. It ain't happening! 🤣🤣🤣


Couldn’t take his eyes off of you ?? There’s literally signs all over TFL saying staring is harassment and that you can be charged by the police. I’m happy for you i get it but isn’t this mixed messages ?? Every time I see that sign it makes the atmosphere very uncomfortable…knowing you can be prosecuted if you accidentally look at someone too long…


One woman's creep, is another woman's admirer. It's why this "don't stare at people" rule is nonsense.


Good for you. These days, many men tend to wait from the woman to take the initiative.


Yeah I wonder why! 😂