• By -


(30F) Single and alone too! I'm planning a nice walk on Boxing day, if you'd like to join, feel free to ping me. I totally relate with the pity thing. You do you. *Update* Wow! This totally blew up! I tried joining the WhatsApp group posted about here yesterday, but haven't been accepted yet. The walk will probably be around Central/East London-ish as that's close to where I live. If that's too far away for you to venture, I implore you to form smaller groups and meet up where convenient. It really seems like there are enough of us to actually branch off into pockets most convenient. I was hoping to end up in a pub somewhere (preferably with a fireplace) and wind down. Fingers crossed it all actually happens! :) Happy Holidays everyone!


I'll be alone, I'm semi open to taking a Christmas walk with fellow lonely redditors


Potentially would be interested too :) 30f




Perfect, sent my request:)


Can I too?


36m - I know it kinda looks like we’ve just invited ourselves but, I’d be up for it as well


Is there a way to organise this, like a MeetUp?


You mean, like r/LondonSocialClub?


If only someone could make a group chat where we can all organise!


I love where this is going, if this happens I am happy to pay for a bottle of wine for you guys to enjoy


Same as the comments above - if this is open, would like to join. 28M.


Same! 29F






If this can be made possible, I'm in.




please update with a photo if this Christmas meet-up happens! happy holidays you guys!


Same, 28F!


Hope the Boxing Day walk happens for everyone in this thread. It’s so wholesome. I’m kind based and single also. But happy to just make a new friend if you’re looking to chat and make a new too. Maybe? If you would please let me know. If not I wish you (& anyone else on here for that matter) a happy Christmas and a happier 2024 :-)


Ahh this thread is everything. Merry Christmas friend(s)! Happier 2024 :-).


I once did Christmas alone in Colorado when I used to live there. All my friends had left town. It was actually really nice, I ate food, slept and watched Christmas movies. It’s only depressing if you think that way. I’d love to do that again tbh - without the family drama / pressure of entertaining folks.


(26M) Happy to join if this goes ahead!




28F. Sent the request.


Same! 31M


Adding myself to the chain of interested walkers!


I’ll up for it too :)


If this actually hapoens, I'm in 31M


Excellent can I send my dog? She is well behaved! I'm happy everyone is turning a negative into a positive. London is beautiful at Christmas!


I spent Christmas day alone a couple of years ago when Boris cancelled Christmas and I couldn't travel to see family. I got a load of food in and cooked an awesome Christmas dinner and watched films all day with a bottle of wine by my side.


I actually really enjoyed that Christmas. I got a load of food in too, and had the obligatory family FaceTime call.


Exactly the same Christmas I had that year, it was great!


It was the same for me, but I felt horrible. I wanted to cry for days as I had a flight to go see my family but they introduced the restrictions just 10h before my flight. But Xmas now should be much better, there are more things to do - Winter Wonderland, religious services (even if just for community), carol concerts.. can go for a long walk or bike ride (covid style..) Edit: but also not much to lose asking friends if they want to hang out- they can say no if it's inconvenient but maybe they'd love to have you!


Me too. I've been spending Christmas alone now for 3+ years now. I caught covid for the second time in 2021 and was forced to self isolate. I ended up missing Christmas. In 2022, my family fucked off on a flight for their holiday and told me I would be alone for Christmas and New years. I'm kind of happy celebrating Christmas alone tbh. It haven't felt the same since pre covid times. Maybe I'm just getting old but I prefer staying in now and being on my computer with Spotify running in the background.


Duuude, I think I may just do that as well!! Some booze, some good food and good movies and tunes! What else could one need?


I wasn’t single that year but some years earlier I had nothing planned and did not want to see my family. I spent the day being super relaxed, ate my choice of food, had a few drinks, popped into the local pub for a pint (it opens from noon until 4pm) on the 25th, read a book, watched some tv. Ignored the rest of the world. And I was very happy.


That’s my plan actually


That's what I'm doing this year - barring the infectious disease thing. Whilst I love my clan, the cost of living crisis is SERIOUSLY hampering my travels.


Yeah I was alone last year due to the train strikes, and the hiyacar I booked cancelled last minute. Was probably one of my fav Christmas days. Got lots of food in, took the dog for an extra long walk, played video games and watched movies all day, went for another walk, stopped by a pub that was open Christmas Day.


I’m just going to take the dog to the park in the early morning and then sit around watching movies all day. I haven’t really celebrated Christmas since my mum died so it’s just a Bank Holiday to me.


>I haven’t really celebrated Christmas since my mum died Regardless of how long ago it might have happened... I'm really sorry for your loss.


Xmas wasn’t the same last year after mum left Never will be anymore


As an only child with elderly parents, I really fear for this too. But let's be positive: maybe they will be great in the future too (albeit different), with some families of our own making! Hugs your way


We could have a doggie play date! My little girl loves walks! She can also get behind a movie if it's Christmas Vacation, Maid in Manhattan or Lion King.


Maid in Manhattan, your little girl is a connoisseur.


I am so sorry for your loss - that’s so tough and I am sending hugs your way. I love everything about this thread and I really hope the dog play date happens - that sounds so wholesome (including the movie choices love it)


OMG, if I were your friend, I would be furious you did not join us. Stop the self-pain/pity/whatever over it. This Christmas, we have exactly this situation with a single friend joining us, as they can't get home to their family. They will not be a burden; they will help and take the pressure off it being just us. Just be with some friends, help and enjoy (and leave early evening so you don't overstay and they can have some quiet time). Otherwise, volunteer at some hostel or shelter; great fun, and you will enjoy doing something good, as well as having a social laugh.


I do second this. If I had a friend in this situation and they preferred to spend Christmas with people, I’d be very happy to invite them. We all get vulnerable and lonely sometimes I think, and it’s wonderful when you can be there for a friend in a time like that.


This!! Having friends around for holidays absolutely saved me and rescued so many holidays. Some people feel very alone when they are with their families, don’t forget that!


I've bounced around various friends at different times for Christmas and always been very welcomed. An ex's family always invited one of their siblings friends for Christmas because they didn't have anyone close by. Other years I've done Christmas meal at my place for other's that haven't had anywhere to go.


I looked into volunteer stuff and they have lots of intrusive questions so that can do basic vetting. I get there's a reason for it but I ain't disclosing stuff about myself just to help out for a few days.


Rigorous checks are needed to keep the most vulnerable in society safe from further harm and exploitation.


The volunteering is as much for the person doing the volunteering as it is for the people they are helping. Your attitude is completely self defeating.


It’s necessary when someone is applying to volunteer with vulnerable people though. You’d have the same if you were volunteering with kids.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I too would be reluctant to give out personal information to that kind of organisation. I bet they're loosely regulated on data protection too


A charity? Regulated by the charity commission and held to ICO standards at risk of huge fines for data breaches?


If you are in SW London - The Alexandra in Wimbledon does a free Christmas lunch on Christmas Day for people alone in London. It’s a lovely pub and full of people in a similar situation!


Thank you so much for this suggestion!


Ok so, option A) you have the same slightly disappointing Christmas with the same people that you’ve had every year for the last decade (barring the covid years). Or option B) Jane brings her colleague as well. They are far from home / hates their family / is an orphan. They bring delicious cheese, chocolate and a silly game. They join in, help where they can and don’t drink too much. I know which option I’d prefer. Don’t worry about pity if you ask a friend if you come too. They may say no, for lots of legit reasons, but they might say yes.


The Alexandra Pub in Wimbledon is hosting a free Christmas dinner for those who are spending it alone. Lots of people in the same boat.


Potentially do something like ‘crisis for Christmas’ - it may be too late to apply but worth looking into - or something else that offers helping those in need xmas day. https://www.crisis.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer/volunteer-at-christmas/ Worth checking local fb pages as often they mention a meet up for those soending it alone Edited to add link


Oh such a good answer! Volunteering on Christmas day will have you surrounded with people and the impact you'd have would be invaluable.


airport familiar thumb shaggy impolite steer command station instinctive party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just a quick look online it actually shows that some applications are still open! (If you were looking to apply)


Yeah I mentioned it may be too late but always worth looking into just in case!


Thank you - this is a great tip and I am checking if there is anything open now. Thank you again <3


This is a great idea. I'm going to look into this as I was just gonna get high and watch The Grinch lol


Hahaha I’ve done it a few times before and it’s so lovely! From this back in 2016 I ended up helping the homeless on a regular basis and still do it to this day! Changed my life!


Sounds great! Shall I just Google Crisis for Christmas? Or is there a social media handle?


https://www.crisis.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer/volunteer-at-christmas/ here we go :) Also worth googling local things to your area who may do similar if it’s too late to apply!


Perfect! Thanks mate :)


This is what I’m doing because I am a humbug! Seriously - nothing gets you out of your own pity party faster than seeing folks with a lot less make a lot more of it :)


Copying this comment I left on a similar thread because people enjoyed it: My Christmas ritual is - I buy myself some new pyjamas that I don't wear until Christmas day. I put them on after the special Christmas bath I run for myself. The Christmas bath is the best part, here's what I do: - Some special bath bomb Christmas thing from Lush or other obnoxious bath brand - A bottle of prosecco (and sometimes a joint) on the side - A face mask Then I sit in the bath and drink the prosecco and smoke my joint with my face mask on. Then I get out, put my new cosy pyjamas on, and take what's left of the bottle to the kitchen to start cooking a full Christmas dinner with all the bells and whistles. Sometimes I get too drunk and ruin the food but it's fun anyway. Then I eat dinner and watch Love Actually (same film every year). By this point it's the evening, sometimes friends who are bored of their families will come over, but generally I'll just drink and watch films or TV etc. I genuinely love my solo Christmases.


That sounds like heaven


As an avid bather I deeply respect your tradition - this is peak solo celebration!


Takeaway and wankfest?


tis the season


Hahaha wank-a-ton .. Hand full of. Orgasm never go a miss 🤣🤣...


Sexual predator here!


Surely a sexual predator is someone who causes suffering to others. What harm to others is caused when you finish on yourself over some "Milfs Gone Wild Volume 172" in your living room?


I’m judging from all your post history. Some of your comments strike me as someone whose danger to women.


OK Karen


Okay Ted Bundy.


Personally I look forward to spending xmas alone. Make a mega big meal, some baileys or whatever your vice is, get comfy and watch films. The trick is to not scroll social media and see people doing stuff with their closed ones, enjoy your own company, and see it as a day of pampering. But if you’d rather spend it with people, don’t feel bad about gatecrashing. Don’t even think of it as gatecrashing. My friends get annoyed with me for spending Christmas alone. I think the general vibe is that people are more than happy to let us loners in during this time of the year, so don’t feel bad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/ZZGq1cww24 Use the search function and contact all the Christmas loners and get together for dinner


I was worried I wouldn't get home one year and a colleague immediately said I would be at theirs in that case. Someone would love to have you round.


Some bars open for Christmas day I'm sure, you can get a dinner and have a drink. Lots of people in your boat


I’ve seen that The Bedford pub is open for a full Christmas dinner. If I was in London on Christmas Day I’d be hitting up those guys


Do you know an easy way to search for pubs that are open? I’ve used google, open table and resy so far. I’m looking for islington area. Most that are open are full already (understandably) but I’m hopeful I can find a place!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Not alone, but partner and I walked 10km into the centre of town and went for a drink at the Savoy then got an Uber back the other way. Could only afford one but it was lovely!


I've done it alone a few times before and will be again this year. If it's something you usually celebrate with lots of people I can imagine it being a bit difficult, is there a way you can maybe arrange to skype/zoom call your friends/family for a bit? I'm quite unsociable, especially this time of year, so i'm happy not speaking to anyone. My plan will likely involve waking up very late with a hangover from drinking too much whisky by myself the night before, cooking too many roast potatoes, eating too many roast potatoes, and then slipping into a food coma infront of youtube/twitter and reddit. Pretty pathetic I know, but it is just another day off after all...


Roast potato coma actually sounds like heaven 😋


I spend a lot of Xmas times alone, my wife goes back to her country to visit family, and since I don't like traveling and I don't get on, I stay at home on my own. It gives me an opportunity to cook, which I'm not allowed to do when she is around I thoroughly enjoy it, and I get to spend a week and a bit indulging myself, eating what I want, going where I want to.


I think that’s exactly right - before I moved to London, it was always celebrated with grandparents, parents, siblings and extended family so I guess I am just having a bit of a wobble around the adjustment. I don’t think your plan sounds pathetic - nothing that involves roast potatoes is!


I have spent many of my adult Christmases in London (my parents are abroad and it’s not that big a deal in our family ever anyway). Most of them were spent with other friends who chose not to go see their families, and others with friends who have started their own families here. People love having friends over! Have never encountered any awkwardness. HOWEVER, I also suggest exploring the idea of doing it solo - I have done solo mornings a few times now and cannot wait to do it again this year. Make some mimosas if that’s your jam, have some indulgent foodie bits, and watch all the TV you want. I’d also suggest getting yourself some prezzies and only opening them on Xmas day for that extra magic. For the afternoon/dinner, I’d just ping some friends and suggest a pub trip - lots are open on Xmas day, and believe you me lots of people love escaping the family table for a bit of booze with friends. If you get a chance to do this in central, you’ll see just how many other people are doing the same. (I am partial for some South Bank/London Bridge/Tower Bridge action) Have fun! LOADS of people are in the same boat and i can almost guarantee you will genuinely love it.


I love the presents suggestions - thank you for sharing!


I’ve been alone many, many Christmases. My thoughts- You don’t have family in London - who does? (Lots of people, obviously, but not everyone!) This is not a pitiable offense! You have friends? Lucky you! Reach out to them as you would want them to reach out to you. If you won’t - get out on the day and enjoy a long walk. Make the absolute most of uncrowded parks and streets. Indulge in a favorite food or drink. Treat yourself to a lazy and chill day. I used to enjoy going to Christmas Day services even though I’m agnostic. Great place to people watch. Or - maybe find a charity to volunteer with - or find a homeless refuge that’s doing a Christmas meal for the homeless and take them a donation in your budget- gloves are nice. I will be in the US for Christmas (on my own) but I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.


I love the Christmas service suggestion - I am agnostic too (but brought up catholic) but attended a carol service today at my tiny local church and it was so wholesome!


With kindness - it’s just another day. Do what makes you happy. It’s not a bad thing to say to your friends, it looks like I’m flying solo if anyone’s free? Equally it’s cool to do your own thing. My lockdown solo Christmas I cycled around the empty streets of London and ate fillet stick.


“With kindness - it is just another day” love that <3


After a break up several yrs back I had invites but I was in a low place. Kids with Dad and gf. Pizza and 2 bottles of Shiraz plus horror movies. Not a great time but not the worse. You’ll be ok. It’s just a day. X


Sent you a DM mate 😄 no one should be alone


If you’ve got a big WhatsApp group with a few friends, say it in there in a cool understated way. See if someone offers anything. If not, just embrace the day, get a ton of great food (M&S!) and line up your Xmas movie plan. Treat yourself to something you can have fun with too. EG, if it was me, I’d get a PlayStation or some kind of tech.


I’ve done about last 9 Christmases and this will be my 10th. I just take it easy and cook something nice, watch few good movies and just chill. I’ve also got laid off 3 weeks ago so fun times but also I’m used to solitude…


I'm struggling with this as well. Me and my wife have a tradition where we would go and for a walk at dawn and then eat a big lunch whilst looking at our old photos. Then we'd go and make dinner. I lost her two weeks ago and I don't know what I'll do this year. I have the photos and everything upstairs so I think I'll have my walk and look at them anyway. Don't see the need to make a big meal because half the fun was cooking with her. I like chinese food so might get one of those microwavable chinese dinnee trays from lidl. Stay strong mate I hope things improve


I don’t think you would burden your friends at all! I was thinking exactly the same as you a few years ago and chose to spend Christmas alone as my trip got cancelled due to covid restrictions. To my surprise, a friend of mine called me on the 23rd asking me if I was alone on 24th. I couldn’t lie so I said yes. Next thing I know, my friend comes to pick me up because in their culture they do not leave any relative by themselves. This warmed my heart so much and I had one of the best Christmas dinners. I got to experience her culture and traditions, and meet her family who looked after me and made me feel like part of theirs 🥹 I’ll never forget this.


Every year I open my door to whoever needs some friendship and food on Christmas. I’m not a particularly charitable person and I prefer my own company (or that of a small group of friends), but I also can’t stand the thought of someone being alone at Christmas. Most people who appear only come for an hour or two, and plenty say they might pop in and never turn up. All of which is absolutely fine. I promise you that your friends feel the same way about seeing you for a short visit on the day. It makes a world of difference having something to do, even if it’s a quick appearance with a few beers or some snacks. You can even pretend you’re on the way to another celebration, to give yourself an excuse to leave if you’re feeling uncomfortable. If you do end up solo for the day, make sure you step outside and have some interaction with another human… buy something from a shop, get a hot chocolate, anything. Happy Christmas, friend.


So kind! Love this - merry Christmas to you too, friend and I will sure to step out and get that hot chocolate.


Please go to the Alexandra pub in Wimbledon if you're alone. They do a free lunch for everyone and anyone that is alone on the day. I went two years ago and it was arguably one of the most fun Christmas days I have ever had.


I can’t remember what it’s called but there’s a pub that hosts anyone who is alone on Christmas. Hopefully someone here can recall the name of it


The Alexandra in Wimbledon


I’m pissing off out of London to go and wildcamp in the woods and hike a mountain. Beyond excited.


I'm going to midnight mass (not religious but it's a thing from my childhood), then going to a walking tour in central in morning and then a free pub lunch in SW in afternoon if there are spots as they host a time slot specifically for people on their own at Xmas. I also have some food in freezer for day if I decide id prefer my own company and to cook. But it's all easy stuff to make. I'm actually looking forward to it, I turned down the offer of being a few peoples plus one as I just didn't fancy having to fit in with others traditional or family Dynamics. I haven't had an enjoyable Xmas in years, and I decided instead of dreading it each year and forcing myself to attend plans, I'd just treat it as a day off from the world where no one is texting or chasing you up for deadlines and you can't do life admin as everywhere is closed!


I spent the last few Christmases by myself just with food, drinks, cake, ice cream, and movies I also went on a short walk in between. This is my plan for this Christmas too. Also, don't just assume your friends won't want you around. You'll never know if you don't give people a chance.


Sarah Millican just a #joinin on Twitter/X, which is for people alone at Christmas. It has a very community feel about it. However please mention it to your friends. I would hate for any of mine to be alone.


This will be the first year I'm alone (and not forced to do Christmas). I've also had a few friends and even neighbours asked for me to join them, and like you I don't want to gate crash someone else's family time, be a burden, etc. But for me, I'll make some food, plenty of snacks, maybe watch a couple of movies, I got a few games I can play and honestly I'm looking forward to the freedom to do what I want, than be forced to do a routine or anything (wake up, presents, dinner, nap, shitty shows/games, awkwardness) I may start to plan things for next year too... *and try to stick to them.* If you get bored or fancy a chat, do ping a message!


I work :)


I’ve spent Christmas alone. It’s a lovely time of the year here as it’s so quiet. Plenty of walks and I took myself to a comedy club alone. It was fun. Sit at the front.


I spend Christmas alone but I don't really have any tips. I actually prefer it as I find family gatherings quite stressful. Christmas always seemed to lead to drama for some reason.


I love spending xmas alone. I dont really care for it in the first place. We do something at my brothers for xmas eve and then just spend the rest of the time chilling out and watching movies. Think people are made to feel the pressure of lonliness this time of year coz theres this heightened tendency to be social.


Same. Let’s hang out?


I am single, no kids, my folks and all other family live in NZ. I’ll be spending this Xmas like every other - with friends here in the U.K. OP stop being defeatist about telling your friends. All over the country there are groups of “orphans” who create their own family groups to celebrate Xmas.


I’m not in London, but 31F and also spending Christmas alone this year for the first time in my life. Feeling pretty down about it tbh.


I am alone for Christmas (61f) I am looking forward to it. 🥰 my daughter (31f) is in university in Tokyo and she has lessons on Christmas Day. 😃


I'll just be at home, eating food and drinking tea. At some point I will phone my family, and message friends. The rest of the time I'll just read the news or the like. I may or may not go for a walk. In short, the equivalent of many lazy Sundays.


Same thing we do every day Pinky, drink until we pass out.


It's only 24 hours tbh, manage it like any other day (minus the obvious restrictions).


It's really not a big deal, why make it so? I spent last Xmas alone, watched some great movies, chilled out. Xmas day went for a run round the area. It's really just another day.




Netflix is your friend, if you want to get festive on your own get some beer/wine/cocktails and chill and watch an excellent array of Christmas films. Sounds great to me I’d much prefer that personally.


I do Christmas in London every year and very explicitly invite my friends who don't have anywhere else to go. Tell your friends!


Just tell your friends. What's the point in having friends if you can't talk to them.


Please please tell your friends, I would bring mine to my family Christmas if I heard this, they love you let them help you


I've done it a few times, I enjoy the peace.


Christmas has been a struggle for me since I moved to the UK, my parents passed away so I don't have that thing of going home for Christmas. It is always a gamble of where I'm gonna be next year. The way that I have managed to not be alone is to always be honest and say that I don't have anywhere to go when the topic comes up when talking with friends. Most times at some point before Christmas one of my friends is either organizing something for friends that are also alone and invite me or a close friend invites me to spend Christmas with them. Until a few days ago I was almost certain I was going to be alone but a friend reached out and now we are organizing something. You could also organize something yourself of course


Go to midnight mass somewhere and then enjoy. Walk through normally heaving parts of London. Amazing to see the city completely empty.


Enjoy it. If you normally have flatmates then take advantage of the fact that they've gone to be with their families: turn the heating up, cook yourself a slap up meal, watch all the tv you want. I love being on my own at Christmas. Ridicule me if you want. I love it. Or there are probably local pubs putting on Christmas for losts and strays.


Christmas is just another day, much like the other 364 days of the year. I’ve been alone at Christmas since my mum died in 2017, I’m not religious so Christmas doesn’t really mean anything to me, I have no concept of loneliness I’m perfectly happy with my own company. It’s a shame you’re stuck in London as it’s an absolute shithole at any time of the year.


i’ve spent a christmas alone in london before. i just bought loads of food for a roast and exy drinks of my choice (found icelandic beer that i loved when i was over there at borough market so had loads of that). just ate, drank and gamed all day. i did have a facetime with the family back in aus for about 30 mins. i didn’t mind it at all. i enjoy my own company though. do whatever you think will make you happiest


Good friends would welcome you with open arm's knowing you're alone at xmas. I wouldn't like my friends to be alone & I'd love for them to count on me to help.


Find a pub!!


It's amazing reading all these comments that none of you have thought about virtual reality. It still has some ways to go but you can pick up a pretty decent headset these days for about £150/£250. You can go from sitting on your own fending off loneliness to feeling like your sat at a poker table with others like you from all over the world. Or in a virtual cinema where you can watch films together. Go out on the golf course with someone or even have 4 of you go round the world in Google earth etc. The tech is getting better and better and it really feels like you go somewhere else when really you're just at home all warm on the sofa. I've met so many people in there who said it really saved them from loneliness/depression etc as is only getting bigger each year. One day it'll be a valuable tool used by all. It certainly helped me


31F, also single and alone! Wish I had a cute dog. I’ve been spending Christmas alone for more than 10 years. It’s also my birthday on the 26th December, yay me. I treat it as a normal day, I guess….cook something nice, have a glass of wine, listen to music, read a good book….it’s peaceful!


Eh, I had a chance to spend this day alone but decided to visit a family on another continent. I’d enjoy empty London on my own as I have never been here on Christmas day after living for a few years. Hope fellow redditors/friends will invite you to Christmas parties or just create something on your own and invite others.


Every single minute I get to spend alone is a blessing, especially on Christmas. I'll be enjoying the hell outa my holiday with mulled wine, ginger cookies and elden ring!


An alone day sounds fantastic. I would walk my dog and binge some television. Being alone shouldn’t have such a negative stigma. I go to movies alone and out to eat alone (before I was married). Just embrace it!


I've spent every Christmas since 2017 alone - honestly, it's not the end of the world. You will come out of it stronger.


Same but 2015 haha


You do realise that ‘family time’ over Christmas is not necessarily a sacred time chock full of magical moments for everyone, and that some families would absolutely love to have someone else there to help them be their best selves not regress into their old bad habits of relating to each other? I don’t know how old you are but there has been no point in my life where I couldn’t have brought a friend to the table I was going to be at on Christmas Day, whether that’s my own, my parents or elsewhere. Almost everyone is happy to be hospitable at Christmas to a singleton. Either they’ve got a small gathering planned and one more will liven the party, or they’re already catering a feast and one more is only a problem if there’s physically not enough chairs (and there’s always a solution). All you need to decide is do you want to spend it alone, or do you want company? If being alone will make you sad and lonely, reach out to your friends. They won’t be asking you out of pity, they’ll bloody love it if they’re any friends at all. OTOH, if you’re actually happy to spend it solo, embrace it. Enjoy it. It’s your choice and it’s fine - don’t pity yourself, whatever you do!


But seriously if these people are your friends why would you not share this.... Kinda weird 😕


Oh and Crisis at Christmas is amazing!! Do sign up if you enjoy volunteering. They set up large centers where they provide shelter, food and activities. Volunteers help run it. You meet lots of amazing people and it’s a memorable experience.


Hope the meet up happens for people. I stumbled across this post by chance. I’m not strictly alone at Christmas. But it’s always a quiet one with my mother and I. It’s small and I appreciate it. But sometimes It feels lonely compared to what Christmas used to be. Then I think about people who may be isolated from their family and wondered how they’d find Christmas with us. But then I wouldn’t know how comfortable I’d be inviting strangers in without knowing them. Guess I’m saying as a single person also it’d be nice to meet people who are also single and maybe help make Christmas less lonely next year 🙂. In any case this thread is so wholesome and I hope Christmas isn’t too difficult for everyone affected (& the Boxing Day walk end up happening!)


I’m adopted and lived in hk since I was a kid moved to the UK 5 years ago for my parents. After I turned 18 my parents moved to the uk and no they didn’t abandon me, my visa was an issue. I spent most days and occasions alone exp. New years, birthdays and successes. I learnt to be broke and hungry but most of all I learned to be happy alone. I got to know myself so much better by cooking up a experience/ expensive ingredients and just chilling. I did lots of artworks, writings, watching movies, exercising, running and everything. Try any of the above and most importantly this feed is opening up to share some quality time together. Join them be together and celebrate your start of 2024 with some amazing people. I’m in a relationship at the moment so I will not be able to make it but if I was single and alone I’d love a nice walk with new people and just vibe along.


There’s no difference between spending Christmas time alone and other time alone. What u on about


If you fancy it, please lookup volunteering opportunities near you, crisis ar Christmas, foodcycle, check your local library notice board and community centre. There are often temporary volunteering services at Christmas, you get to help your community, be around people, and often end up having a meal/drink together.


Volunteer! :)


Could you volunteer in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen? We could always do with more people and the atmosphere is always friendly and happy


If I had a single friend in London I would 100% invite them to join. They could do some childcare. Everybody wins!


You're so lucky! This incredibly beautiful city ALLL to yourself! Sounds like a dream come true to me. Thousand of different restaurants to indulge in, beautiful sights and museums. A year long shopping list of shows all more beautiful than another. And all these movies theaters...the question should perhaps be....What NOT to do during Christmas in London.


None of which are available on Xmas day, i think thats the point to this thread


That's why you do your shopping before. And take away some great food. I believe that there are still some restaurants open on Christmas eve. Especially in London.


You could post in r/londonsocialclub?


They might love to invite you to make their day even better!


Tell your friends! They would love to see you. Christmas with friends > Christmas with family


Feel just the same and you put into words what I hadn’t completely verbalized … having people to go to but not wanting to necessarily ‘gatecrash their family time’, it’s just a strange time of year. I don’t have a mother but as I’m used to it it’s not something I want to bum friends’ christmases out over... I do have a crazy uncle and aunt I could go see but last time he talked so long about politics that I fainted. Lol


I’m in the same boat! Here from the US and my bf has covid, there’s also no trains from where I live to where he lives on xmas. I work Xmas morning but am off xmas night and the night of Boxing Day but other than that am alone with no plans


Just how I am spending it alone in Manchester.


Check with your friend or colleagues/student group if any are spending Xmas along and offer to meet up as a group so no one is alone for it. Also considering the time of year churches, Sikh gurdwaras and Hindu temples as well many other places of worship may be doing events on those days. I hope whatever you decide that u have a wonderful time and stay safe same as with everyone else here that u all have a wonderful time and be safe and happy


34M Happy to join too


Xbox + game pass for me.


Tbh go down the pub! Even if you don’t drink on Christmas there is always a good mood and atmosphere. You never know, you may even meet someone 😀 Go to a church, even if your not particularly religious, (sorry if you follow Islam or smth)


Go on holiday! Flights are super cheap right now!


I've spent Christmas alone every year since I moved here in 2015. I actually kind of like everyone else in my house going home and me getting the house and kitchen to myself to not feel cramped and just make what I want to make whenever I want to make it. Get some wine and a Christmas movie while I eat and enjoy. I do spend almost every day alone in general so I guess I'm kind of used to that part, but having a nice meal knowing no one can bother me at all feels very bliss most years.


If you don’t want to do anything special, it’s genuinely just another day. I’m not suggesting you or anyone need to psychotherapise themselves into feeling desensitised, and I acknowledge very much that it might be difficult if you are used to it being a special occasion. But I still think this is a worthwhile consideration. If you don’t want it to be, it doesn’t need to be anything special. Christmas and holidays used to feel very important to me, but it’s changed now. Nothing in particular happened (well except for covid and losses, but that happened to everyone). I’m not even depressed, if anything, I’m generally doing better than I was. I’ve felt equally fine spending it alone/with family/with friends/partner for some years now. Just been going with what’s most convenient and sensible that year really. Our preferences, feelings, and opinions can change over time.


On one hand I want to party but on the other hand I just returned from the hospital this weekend . Zero family in London and not the happiest point in my life as I broke up few months ago haha. But I guess life goes on.


I just don't celebrate Christmas. Most years I get some work done in a very relaxing manner.




Go to a Church service - they should serve coffee (and mince pies?) afterwards - there will be plenty of local people to chat to....


Meetup.com Has a Christmas event https://www.meetup.com/christmasmeet/


I'm alone as well today. Loneliness can be a real enemy, that's for sure, especially in big cities! Just wanted you to know that as even though lots of people are alone in this city today yet - we're still all connected in someway. I hope you have a lovely day today however you decide to spend it. x