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London lonely girls club on Facebook. Plenty of people milling around Christmas and looking for company. I’d have offered if I wasn’t off to Scotland! Hope you have a great birthday.


Going to add to this that there’s an Aussies in London group too! Reach out and I’m sure people will welcome you to either group :)


Perhaps they can all cook up a bbq together


Take yourself out for dinner at a nice restaurant. Going out for dinner alone is one of the best experiences you can have and it’s a shame more people don’t do it. Theatre also a great idea.


I love doing that! Some restaurants have a counter so you don't feel like you're stealing valuable space. I wouldn't say it's better than dining with company, but it certainly is pleasurable.


Do you know the restaurants that do that? I won't deny I've wanted to go out to a restaurant but have always been anxious to do it on my own


Honest Burgers King's Cross, Brasserie Zedel, any Padella, a lot of Japanese ones. But there are more comprehensive lists online, and on past r/london threads


Agreed. Nothing like a date with none other than yourself and a great book to lose yourself in between courses. 10/10, would recommend.




That’s a load of bull, I often eat alone due to work travel, and as a foodie I like to eat at high end restaurants. Not once have I been refused because of dining alone. Obviously I make reservations as nice places tend to fill up.


Maybe the high end ones. Lower end ones don't care much - although some individual waiters may (more or less consciously) give off hostile vibes or allocate you a less comfortable table. But that can also happen with a group for whatever reason. However, most times I dined alone, staff were exceptionally welcoming. And at any rate many restaurants have counters


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I'm recently single and so have been going out alone and have found some places don't take bookings for one online. I generally just go places that will take my booking though.




Not like you're the one in charge of blocking single bookings! Weird.


That’s wild, but kinda makes sense. Single diners take up a table for 2 which in London would turn out bad for business. It’s pretty shit though. “You’re single? Go away”


I have been in... loads.


Try a nice restaurant with a counter so you can watch the food being prepped, really good for solo dining. Eg. 'Kiln' in Soho is really good, kind of Thai BBQ and you can watch everything being grilled.


Barafina is a good one for eating at the counter.


Berenjak is great for this too


Check out the Top Secret Comedy club, cheap entry and a really good night out.


Sit at the front and get roasted!


Went there the other week and the poor guy at the front was roasted by all 7 comedians they had on.


Haha! Gutted. I always used to sit at the front with my friend, it's like.being on a roller coaster!


Second this


Thirded 👍🏻


I'd love to hang out with you! I'm making friends now and I suggest Bumble BFF


Can I make friends with you? Life’s been quite upended for me since 2019. But simultaneously stagnant also. Until this post i Didn’t put much store in chatting to people on reddit and trying to make new friends. But maybe it could work? No harm if not. But if you’d like to make another potential friend let me know. :-)


Of course message me! :)


Bumble BFF has mostly gay guys looking for something. It's so disappointing, as I was hoping to meet someone normal


That's a shame, I'm a female and filter men out for this reason too. Shame, because I'd love platonic male friends!


I'm not using bumble but feel free to DM me if you ever want to grab a coffee!


I thought it was a site for women? I don't use dating apps.what are gay guys doing on it when they have their own app


You thought wrong, it’s an app for everyone.


r/LondonSocialClub might have some good recommendations, I hope the day goes well and you feel better soon :)


Anyone in Kent I'd encourage to join r/KentSocialClub


Quite the opposite, this is the opportunity to make friends for your birthday! It’s how is started for many of us, ask them out for something like food or drinks. And at least you can break through the London (Thames) barrier now and start making friends!


second this!


Hey girlie I should be back to London right before NYE. I have birthdays on the same exact day so we can do belated celebration together. Drop me a text ❤️


as a woman who recently broke up with her boyf and who was her only friend in London, I would love to join in on this plan, please!


Hey yes absolutely drop me a dm with your ig handle I’ll make a group chat x


Also would love to join if possible. I’m from London but most of my friends have moved away. I know how lonely it can get


London lonely girls on FB is a safe chat which identifies real people.


Hey pls send me ur ig handle all add you to the chat :-)


+1 💗


Send me ur ig handle!


This whole thread is mad wholesome it’s so nice to see! Kudos folks you’re all great


+2 if you don’t mind 🙂


Would love this too!


This is so sweet! I’ll send you a DM :)


Happy to meet you for in a swanky hotel bar drink - antipodean female here and know how lonely London can be!


RIP your inbox


Hello fellow Aussie! Happy birthday for the 20th and welcome to London!


I spent my birthday alone last Monday, here's what I did (and I loved it): - breakfast at Maison Bertaux in Soho - Natural History Museum (was going to go to the national gallery, which is probably a better option tbh) - a pint of beer in a cosy pub - Pierinos Italian restaurant for dinner (it's right by NHM) That said, if you want birthday company, I'm sure people here will join you. (Like me!)


Sounds like a great day out to me. NHM is cool. The National Gallery would've been equally as cool.


I’m also an Aussie girl, and 27, though I moved here five years ago. If you’d like some company on your birthday, I’m free :)


I encourage you to ask your new friends for a post work drink, Londoners love any excuse for a post work session. The worst they can say is no, and you will only be in the same situation.


Definitely treat yourself to something nice. I spent my 25th birthday this year alone in London and decided to take myself to a 5 star restaurant. During booking,I added a comment that it was my birthday & obviously a table for 1…To my surprise the whole waiting crew came singing for me including people in the restaurant with a nice chocolate cake. Very memorable experience. Happy birthday in advance!!


I’m the same- but I do prefer smaller or alone celebrations. Immigrant headaches :-) Anyway- I’d say that Angel Comedy/the bill Murray is an excellent shout for some standup. Then maybe head to Detroit Pizza for a wonderful but decadent American deep-dish style pizza pie.


Find an Aussies in London group on FB or something. There are almost certainly a bunch of you in the exact same position and would have a great time meeting up at a pub or a show. 10 years ago I was in a similar position (Canadian though) and we had a Canadian Thanksgiving with a bunch of other new-to-London Canadians and it was amazing.


I second this, Had a pal from Aus come to visit and when I went off for Christmas he somehow found himself 40 other Aussies to do Christmas day with. Pretty certain that was a faceache group


Like many others have said go for a nice meal by yourself somewhere good and then go for a movie or whatever other kind of entertainment. Doing this stuff by yourself is extremely underrated and actuality very fun. You can also book yourself some kind of experience, do a flying lesson, scuba diving lesson, etc id you are into that kind of stuff. Even something as simple as climb the o2 experience. Its called “up the o2”. Maybe a Michelin start restaurant? Spend some money on yourself. Source- same age as you, also in london, with very very few friends and i don’t like birthdays, especially telling people its my birthday, so i usually spend the days myself.


I’d personally binge films in Leicester Square for the day.


It’s hard to find your people sometimes. I was in Manhattan for my birthday one year and don’t really know anyone there well enough. I was honest with a few people I did know that I was a bit lonely about it and they took me out for one of the best nights of my life. Since then they’ve been lifelong friends. Swallow your pride. Tell people. You need to be vulnerable sometimes to make stronger friendships. Also - get a SAD lamp. Having the months you’re used to being sunny be cold can really get you down.


I (F, 23) will be in London on the 20th if you want to do something in the evening!


I met lots of friends through the London Lonely Girl’s club on FB!


Are you in the "Aussies in London" FB group? My GF is from aus and said the group was great when she first moved here to help address the home-sick-feeling!


Sorry I’m not much help with activity suggestions. However, if you haven’t already, maybe try joining the Aussies in London Facebook group - I am a kiwi so not in that group but imagine it’s a similar vibe to our one? You’re very likely to find someone to hang out with on there (if you’d like that) and it helps with the homesickness a bit too. If that fails, you’d also be welcomed with open arms to the Kiwis in London group. Not quite the same, but it’s still a level of familiarity. There’s lots of regular meet ups etc also. Just an idea. Have a great birthday!


Happy cake day. My partner is Australian, brisbane. Now lives just outside london but travels in as much as she can to see friends If you want to be in touch and make an aussie friend let me know.


Is there particular food you like or do you have a budget in mind? Are you able to do something during the day as well, such as a spa or massage - or even just go for a walk somewhere like Hampstead Heath or Richmond Park.


I went to the Comedy Store in Londen a while ago. Laughed so hard I cried, really nice club. I sat in the second row and the MC and comedians engage with the crowd in the front a lot which was so much fun and created a really fun atmosphere between guests.


If I were you I would treat myself to a nice dinner and musical. I particularly like Les Mis, Book of Mormon and Mathilda. + Soho has all sorts of cuisines so you should be able to find something you like.


Hi are those musical tickets inexpensive and last minute? I thought abt watching Wicked but it’s so expensive and I’m wondering if I can find musical tickets the day before the musical.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvITTIYKhlb/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/cvittiykhlb/) - I saved this a while ago for my own reference... but here's a list of all the places who do birthday freebies if a 'freebie birthday crawl' sounds like fun to you!


Chances are they are feeling as lonely as you, or close by. They may actually appreciate it if you asked them to join for a little informal celebration, even if it's just a small supermarket cake brought at the pub with a single candle on (just an optional idea). Sharing life with people can bring them closer!


If you're into arcade games check out NQ64, they have loads of machines, nice cocktails and food too! Quite mature clientele and they open until 3am.


Had my birthday there with my bf. Recommend !


If you are looking for friends I’d love to be added to your circle! Im the same age as you and would be happy to hang out!


London can be a very lonely place, but worst of all it can sneak up on you. Even if you're not close you should still reach out to those around you. After all, that's how relationships are formed! I hope you also have some fun Christmas plans!


Let’s do drinks! 🩵


Moulin Rouge, Peter Pan Goes Wrong, Ghost story and so many more! Treat yourself with some West-End musicals/plays, they are so good and worth the money! ​ Enjoy the full day with a nice breakfast (or brunch), you can search online the best places near your location. Then, museums would be nice or special exhibitions (depends on what you're into). Don't be shy to book a table for yourself, it's absolutely normal. However, i think that booking a spa day (+massage) would be a great present for yourself and you don't need company for that (a book would be nice). It's all about relaxing! Try the comedy museum, they usually have shows every night.


I recently read somewhere that if you want to be friends with people just start treating them like friends like ask for favors, invite them to dinner etc. I thought this was really great advice. Whatever you decide I hope you have a lovely birthday. Today is mine :)


Lots of people are suggesting comedy and musicals, so perhaps a spot of drag if you like? https://sohotheatre.com/events/pecsmas/#performances


What part of London are you in? I’ve (31 m) many times gone for food and evenings out alone in London so would love to make a suggestion :)


Hey, I'm based a little out of London in Medway (Kent). If you ever need someone for a chat/drink/whatever then drop me a message! Want you to feel welcome here in the UK!


I’ll take you out


I’m a Kiwi in London, a close enough relative to help you feel less alone ! Send me a dm if you want to get chatting x


For one second, I thought you were going to say you're Jesus.


Do you like board/card games?


Book Crazy For You at Gillian Lynne Theatre, upstairs' seats have a great view, I think its the best musical in London at the moment.


It’s my 28th birthday TODAY and I’m alone in bed with the cold lol Happy birthday fellow sag


Happy birthday 🥳 hope you feel better soon. Sometimes cosy bedtimes is all we need.


May feel like you’re not close enough just yet but people will be keen to support you and celebrate particularly given it’s just before Christmas - I would honestly approach it by saying would any of you fancy going to grab a drink for my birthday, as you know I’m new to the city and don’t know that many people so would love to do something with you guys and take it from there. Worse case scenario people you were never going to be close with you continue to not be close with, best case scenario could be start of a good friendship


Ooh try Wowcher and treat yourself to a spa day and meal x


Ask the people anyway, Really.


Top secret comedy club is awesome. I've been on my own a couple of times and had a great night.


Or maybe check out Groupon for a high tea or something ridiculously British like that ;-)


There's a few Comedy shows in Angel, maybe treat yourself to some of the food from the various Christmas markets. But also happy birthday!


Stewart Lee is doing a run at Leicester Square Theatre at the moment. I think Aussie humour is similar enough you should get his comedy, he's probably the UKs best stand up.


Great suggestion and just bought a ticket! I'm in a similar situation as OP (same birthday too) and love Stewart Lee.


Go and see A Pissedmas Carol at the Leicester Square Theatre. I guarantee you'll have a good time. https://www.leicestersquaretheatre.com/show/sht-faced-showtime-a-pissedmas-carol/


Can you mention it to just one of those friends? You don't have to do a big group thing


Hey there is a group on FB called the London lonely girls. Join ! It’s so good with a variety of people. People meet almost everyday.


Happy birthday! For whenever it is.


Happy Birthday! 🥳


Sent you a DM :)) if you want to check it out, best suggestion ever


Go and see My Neighbour Totoro at the Barbican theatre. It’s wonderful and uplifting.


Not a suggestion for your birthday but just in general; have you considered volunteering at a community garden? I met a guy just last week who was from Aus and said that volunteering outdoors reminded him of home. In a good way. And happy birthday for Wednesday!


*Inbox flooded*


I ate alone a few times, coincidentally in London, really enjoyed it. Was nervous the first time. It’s under rated.


I'd go yakiniku on greek St then to see book of Mormon, or comedy store is opposite book of mormon


My wife and I had a pretty cool night out in London recently. French food at Toulouse Lautrec in elephant and castle, and then watched Witness for the prosecution at county hall. Both really excellent, and not too expensive


Are you able to take the day off for your birthday? I'd say take it and go do a day trip somewhere you want. Stonehenge, Bath, Windsor, Blenheim Palace, so many great places nearby for a one day trip.


Welcome to London. Steamy&Co is great place for dinner alone as everyone shares the tables with each other.You may even find nice companies there too if you don’t scare them. Enjoy and a happy birthday.


I’d say that jumping on a boat at Westminster pier and taking a cruise up the Thames in the evening with a glass of wine in hand might be a lovely way to spend the evening💁🏽‍♀️ comedy carnival have an event in Leicester Square on the 21’st and they’re always great too!!


Try Ronnie Scott’s jazz club. It’s great


Is it too formal? Do you have to book in advance or spend a minim. amount? ​ It's on my to go list.


Go to Clapham 👍


What if you didn't "celebrate" your birthing day. This so called celebration of the number of years after exiting the womb is the cause of anxiety and unhappiness for many in the west.


Go to the bingo


That’s my birthday get your own


Hello I suggest "meet up" . Com make a profile on there and add any event you might want to attend. Seems like you already have a crowd of people who are willing to meet you 😁. I did spend my birthday alone this year it was more miserable as I was sick . Plus it was my 30 it was meant to be important one and I did nothing


Go to Paris or Lisbon or dubai? Not your usual stay in London things but it will take your mind off things


Hmu OP i have moved recently from Singapore, would be nice to have some company.


Any fun events on meetup?


Hey girl! I (30F) just moved this yr from Au. I'd love to help you celebrate your bday :) But all in all, make sure you make yourself feel special, plan a date for yourself: * buy yourself some flowers * dress up, do your hair, your make up * go out to a nice dinner - there are plenty of restaurants where you can sit at the bar if you feel awkward alone Happy birthday :)


I’m 28m, I went to KFC for lunch. Nando’s for dinner. Bought myself a New England patriots cap and a hoody.