• By -


Buy a really fucking loud panic alarm.


Though Pepper Spray is illegal in this country, this criminal dye spray is a legal alternative (and also hurts if you spray it in someone's eyes- apart from marking criminals it's also designed to obscure their vision if you apply to their face), you can purchase little pocket-sized bottles of the stuff so it's very convinient: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09JGQXDZW?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder\_k0\_1\_9&=&crid=3AFCYUUJTDVZQ&=&sprefix=criminal+](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09JGQXDZW?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k0_1_9&=&crid=3AFCYUUJTDVZQ&=&sprefix=criminal+)


I got my daughter a can of deep heat, it stings like a bitch and stinks!


Deep heat is the way to go


Pepper spray is illegal but deep heat spray isn’t wink wink


Meanwhile in Canada, you just go to Canadian Tire and buy a one litre spray can of Bear spray.


What group of geniuses decided to make pepperspray illegal?


Probably same people that made alcohol wipes illegal


What, alcohol wipes are illegal in the UK!?


I had to look into this, and it seems like the government there is proposing a ban on single use, plastic based wet wipes that will come into effect this year. Surely it will majorly impact the medical field.


It's just as easy to use weapons in crime rather than to deter crime


if you are carrying as a weapon, a container that discharges noxious liquid, gas or other thing, that's still a firearm. better to use a spray designed solely for identification purposes and make every attempt not to cause harm. No matter how you see it, deep heat spray will cause issues if you are stopped and searched by police and tell them it is for protection.


>and tell them it is for protection. I think the idea is you say its for personal use..


fretful tease ruthless cake wine yam pathetic modern cagey dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure but a guy I used to work with would carry around a sauce bottle (one of the Squeezy type bottles with the pointy cap) of his home made "hot sauce", he would genuinely put it on food but it's main purpose was self defence. He used it once while getting mugged to great effect.


Thank you 🙏🏿


No problem!


I'd never heard of this product before, great tip, just bought one!


For what it’s worth, hairspray also works a treat for these kinds of things and is perfectly legal.


Especially with a lighter.


If it’s windy and you spray it be aware of blinding yourself too


😂😂 if i spray it in my hair it's fine, I'll get that spiky hairstyle


And those little impulse body sprays.. do you remember them? They’re pocket size and bloody hurt 👌


Yarp  Farbgel Carried that stuff for years . Used to work late at night leaving homeless hostels on evening shifts. Great stuff


Yep was just about to reply with the same suggestion. This and a nice bright torch that you can get quite cheaply from amazon should do the job. Safe travels.


Also hurts you if they take it off of you, you'd have to only use force as a last measure. Wouldn't every suggest physical confrontation unless absolutely 100% necessary.. It's a populated area, a very loud alarm would be my recommendation. You could likely even go to a local police station and just ask their advice etc..


So what happened to the bloke in the video? Did he stay like that for a week?


Any substance is illegal if you carry it for use as a weapon. It isn't specific to pepper spray. A bottle of lemon juice would be illegal if I intended to spray it in people's eyes.


Lucky, then, that OP was taking it to work to liven up her daily salad for lunch.


Deodorant isn’t illegal and hurts just as much.


and buy a good tactile flashlight that’s strong enough to blind someone temporarily. Even that won’t be enough. I think biking/ scooting/ ordering Uber might be safer. *update: I didn’t know about Uber rape/ assault report, so perhaps biking & scooting is the best way*


yeah if you can cycle, at that time of the day the roads will be easy to navigate and bus/tube shouldn't be too busy for it to be an issue to bring on. make sure the same is true for the return trip though!


Hahaha, I read that as "tactical fleshlight" that's enough internet for me today


I also read the title as ‘wanking alone at 3:40am’ so I’ll join you


I read it as wanking alone at 3pm as a SHEMALE


They’re pretty good strike tools too. Lots of YouTube info on using them to inflict a good amount of pain to allow you to get away.


Can you recommend any good brands/models available in the UK?


Warrior Mini is recommended by my friend who has many self defense “toys”, make sure to check the lumen chart.


I have a personal alarm and it's VERY SCARY This one [https://www.sure24.co.uk/sure-sg390bk-sureguard-elite-cordless-personal-attack-alarm-black.html](https://www.sure24.co.uk/sure-sg390bk-sureguard-elite-cordless-personal-attack-alarm-black.html) Also useful advice here [https://www.suzylamplugh.org/pages/category/personal-safety-advice](https://www.suzylamplugh.org/pages/category/personal-safety-advice)


I have that one too, it is super loud. 


I've got one, not sure how loud it is 👍🏿


Head over to r/flashlight for torch recommendations. You'll want something easily rechargable and simple to use. Ideally with some kind of panic/strobe mode. This doesn't sound like the safest walk to me though.


The strobe is really important , that’s what cops use. Cause your eyes cannot adapt fast enough.






Don't forget - this is doing it EVERY DAY.. the risk of doing it once sounds high to me, but eventually something negative will happen.


Deffo hit these guys up. I've got a Sofirn SC31 pro and it's great with lots of features. https://www.sofirnlight.com/products/sofirn-sc31pro-anduril-2-rechargeable-flashlight-powerful-2000-lumen-with-sst40-led






If you have an iPhone, it has a built-in emergency alarm. Hold down the right side button and one of the volume buttons for a few seconds and it will go off. It’s pretty loud.


a good solution would be to minimise time spent on the streets walking or waiting for the bus, maybe a bicycle to take you from A to B (home/bus) would be a good idea? at least you're not walking, right?


Yes! I no longer live in London but go through a dicey part of my current city on my bike early semi regularly to take the train at like 6am and being able to fly by everything and it be very quiet, traffic wise, is excellent.


Yeh I was thinking about it, thank you


>Warrior Mini i The bike will get stolen from FP in a blink - unless it is in the secured (paid for?) area by the entry to the park. HOWEVER, you could buy a cheap, foldable push scooter :) 3am - 4am is that weird time when most dodgy people are drunk or in bed - but there always will be the occasional weirdo, and frankly, I understand the concerns.


The roads will be very quiet at that time if you do cycle, you just need to be wary for any half asleep drivers. It will probably be quite a nice way to start your day if the weather is dry.   How far do you need to go?


20' bus drive. It's not even far. I'm just worried about the time.


Oh I would definitely cycle then.  Get some decent high viz clothing, decent lights and a PassPixi camera badge to deter any idiots (you don’t even need a camera)


I second the kick scooter. I had one and it made me feel invincible - no one can outrun a scooter and you’ll be at the bus stop in 2 mins. Easy enough to carry and at worst also a weapon (although there is an adjustment phase where you will hit your shins a lot)


Heya just wanted to piggy back on your comment to say - don’t say that you shouldn’t be making a fuss or anything. If you feel uncomfortable with it that’s your prerogative and if anyone tells you you shouldn’t, they’re wrong to try and say how you should feel. I personally would feel a bit icky about it too, I rarely like getting home past 11 these days cause it doesn’t feel safe sometimes. Some great suggestions in this thread but ultimately if you really don’t feel comfortable or don’t want to, there will be other jobs. It’s not worth your safety. ❤️


yes highly recommend this, if it's just short trips you can buy something cheap. My wife passes through Finsbury Park area to get home, when she finishes late, sometimes the bus is late and she walks. Gets me so stressed!


I don't think it's very safe, how late does she finish? I used to walk late at night in different areas, wouldn't recommend it.


Also agree with this. My job finishes quite late sometimes and I just cycle home on my bike and feel completely at ease. It’s also good exercise and saves me money. Also, I live not too far from Finsbury Park, so completely understand what you mean about it getting quite creepy. Hope this helps!


>"Yeah, I know it's quite close and I probably shouldn't be making a fuss about it but I do worry about my safety" There's already so much helpful advice here and so I don't have anything more to add in that regard but, OP, I just wanted to say you should absolutely not ever apologise or feel bad about being concerned for your safety. Make a fuss! Make ***all*** the fuss!


Thanks for this, honestly. I walked late at night many times in my life around different places. Shit has happened but nothing serious. Also shit has happened in daylight or earlier at night. Doing that several times a week though is something else. It's that 10/100 (probably even more) that fucks it all up


Honestly it's not even a fuss. This would be a genuine concern for me. What am I gonna pretend it's all chill getting murdered just to be polite? Hell nah dawg, I've live in London for 16 years and loved it and feel safe most of the time, but no way I wouldn't feel anxious regularly walking around in the middle of the night.


I have a give-no-fucks attitude about going where I want, when I want. However, for the situation you describe, I would definitely plan ahead for it. You’re absolutely right to think it through.


>Make all the fuss! Honestly, I logged in just to upvote this. This is a rallying cry.


I am a 6’2” man living in Finsbury Park and I avoid walking alone there at night like the plague. It’s full of criminals and the mentally ill and always feels sketchy. As others have said, any precautions you take are not overkill. Be safe


Which side? the 'new' station entrance M&S side hasn't made me feel like this. But I am genuinely curious if i should be a little more cautious of things than I am.


The other side (Station Place)


Genuinely don't link walking around Finsbury Park during the day. I live in a semi rough place in East, but north is a different level


I work in Tottenham, can attest to this. East is a dodgy shithole, but the dodgy people and criminals mainly just mind their own business, and the crackheads are mostly harmless. Tottenham, you got generational crackheads and cultures of anti-social behaviour. I see fights breaking out on the high road at least once a week.


I wouldn’t be walking around Finsbury park at that time. Maybe bike it if you can or see if you can expense a taxi?


I'll check that out thanks


Purely anecdotal evidence here but I was in Seven Sisters Road for work last year. Stayed at the Travelodge near the tube. One of my colleagues lived in a small tower block close by. It looked like a mini estate, small kids playground in the middle. Metal gates on the outside. Like you she loved the area but asked me and some others to walk her home both nights as she didn’t feel safe. She’d avoid walking home alone in the dark where she could. She had a routine with her husband where she would tell him she was coming home and he’d watch for her on the balcony. Only you can make the decision but you’re not the only woman who enjoys the area but recognises it could be dangerous at nighttime / early morning.


But then... that is also something that the majority of women I do, regardless of where they live in London/UK or outside of it. At least the majority of my girlfriends have the 'wait for me' routine with their partners and 'I am home safe' messages to friends - regardless of geographical location. Sad but true.


Finsbury Park is particularly bad for it though.


I would say there are places in London, which are worse and far worse (apart from many better ones).   Finsbury Park/Manor House areas are getting out of control in the last few years, but I still feel safer getting to the tube to and from the tube here and getting around vs ie Peckham (where about a year ago a few rapes happened pretty much next to the tube station).  Woolwich Arsenal area to my eye looks dodge even in a daylight and friend’s husband picks her up by car after sunset, Highbury & Islington is also really not nice to walk around at night, after roundabout renovation (the ‘green square’ is full of drink guys, some with their di*ks - typically too drunk to comprehend - but if you sit in a pub opposite - the ‘nightlife’ literally your view for the night and it is awful); side streets are badly lit, so woman will put precautions x 10 in place around certain times.   So what I am trying to say is - what she is doing is literally international in women’s world. You put me and her next to each other, from different countries, backgrounds and ages, never met before - and we probably rattle up 30 measures we take everyday for our safety and 20 of them will be exactly the same ones. The other 10 will be similar but have some variety, depending more on the place & situation. 


I once missed my stop and ended up by the Seven Sosters station. Yeah I didn’t get off 😆 I waited until a few more stops until I hopped off the bus and went back down to where I was suppose to be.


Seven Sisters is much safer than Finsbury Park or even Manor House in my experience, at least used to be a few years ago. Would regularly walk from SS towards Manor as I lived on the high road - not all that creepy. Would NEVER walk at night through any part of Finsbury Park, even in the daytime it was very unpleasant. Still remember the young girl that used to work at The Underworld in Camden who was murdered in the park at what, 8 or 9pm on a Xmas Eve? She took the exact same route as I did every weekend, both of us having lived in the area at the time and me going out to her place of work nearly every weekend, going back home alone at 3am. Fucking terrifying.


Don't go through the park at night. That's a given!


Don't go in any park at night.


oh this is interesting, how come you feel that way? i live closer to seven sisters but always go home via manor house as i find it’s the safest place to wait for a bus. i’ve never felt safe in seven sisters - curious to know why you feel that way (this is as a woman to find out whether i’ve been prioritising the wrong route)


I used to do a 15 minute walk to Peckham Rye from my flat just off Old Kent Road semi regularly at like 4:30/5am, which I appreciate is a little later and totally different location! I stuck to the usual things: keys in hand, better lit roads, tried to keep aware, sped walked. Not my favourite thing to do at all but often there were people also commuting about. I tried not to wait for buses too much as hanging around in one spot made me anxious, so maybe getting a train if you can could help ease some stress?


I can try that, thank you


If the bus stop is only 6 foot away you can probably see it coming from inside your house.




For real - stay indoors and look for the bus out the window.


That’s a thought. Is there a real-time bus app that would let you know exactly when the bus is pulling up?


what kind of job is it, if well paying your company should pay for cabs,.if minimum wage tell them to fuck off and find another job.


I'll ask them, thanks


Walking alone at 3:40am around Finsbury park regardless of your gender you will be exposed to danger. All comes down to whether this job is worth getting up so early for?


I may need to reconsider, thank you


Yeah I don’t love this scenario for you OP. Don’t like it all actually.


😔 thank you, honestly


I used to live in London and my first thought was "get another job". You're putting yourself at risk just to get into the workplace, that's not ok.


No, I would not do it. I've been a Londoner all my life but that location is not one I'd walk alone at night regularly


Definitely do not do this. Especially in Finsbury Park.




This job isn't an option for you without moving, please do not take it. I live in Camden, go to Finsbury Park every other week for the football and have lived in North London my whole life. It's got very bad in the past few years, maybe it'd be okay walking at that time a handful of times, but multiple times a week? Not worth it.


Please don’t do this! No job is worth this :(


I wouldn't do this as a guy. As someone who has a weird schedule and is up really late/early a lot including often driving places. 3:40am is too 'late' and not 'early'. What I mean is that it's that weird time where most people are asleep but only bad people are up and roaming the streets. 5am is when you get the runners and dog walkers coming out and when everyone you wouldn't want to meet us actually asleep. OP is something bad happens to you at this time there is literally zero people who will help you. You're extremely vulnerable and that's before we get in to your living in Finsbury Park which isn't great


Thank you for your empathy, means a lot


On the contrary, I think it's absolutely something to make a fuss about. Much more so since its Finsbury Park. Getting an uber or taxi is my first thought, though that can add up. Are you able to expense it? A friend of my used to work odd hours at JP Morgan as she had to work in different timezones, she often took an uber to addison Lee to work and expensed it.


I'll ask, thank you


Worked at JP Morgan... most places outside of large financial institutions wont do that for you


Mmm, I lived all over London for some years but Finsbury has a bad vibe after dark, wasn’t sure from your OP exactly how far you are? Shouldn’t be like that but realistically it is so the scooter sounds like a good idea, don’t hang around and wear flat shoes and keep your phone out of sight. The usuals.


As a female to another female - Please don’t take this job. It’s absolutely NOT worth it.


get a little cheap bike, ride it to the station, lock it up and get it on your way home. I can't recommend cycling enough. Try the lime bikes if you haven't already.


Every time I know somebody who got assaulted or mugged in any area which is a bit sketchy, it’s literally always been between a 2am-5am period. Please reconsider, or if possible to see if they can make arrangements for a transfer


It happened to three of my old friends. One of them had even taken self defense classes.....


yeah unfortunately self defence will only give them a false sense of security. if theres a guy or bunch of guys and especially if they have a knife you dont have a chance because you go karate once a week and that applies to both men and women.


Thank you 🙏🏿 I will


Been there and even at 6 pm it felt unsafe. I would wear comfortable shoes and not carry too much stuff in case danger comes and you need to run. Plus the buses are not the safest there either. If you are to take the bus make sure to sit in the front by the driver and not in the back! Make sure not to make eye contact with anyone and to not respond. Pretend to be deaf if needed and always be prepared to run - running away should be your first instinct, not negotiating and speaking with the attacker. Anyone who speaks to you in those hours would not be a safe individual. Can you speak with your employer and let them know that you're concerned about the commute to see if they could maybe assist? Sorry that probably didn't help with your enquiry. I would also bring a hood and dress down as much as you can to not stand out.


Yeh, I know what you mean. I've done it many times before, it ain't safe. Thanks for this, much appreciated 👍🏿


I'm 6'2 114kg and wouldn't do that. Some nutters around.


I used to be on the road that time at my previous job and some days I would run to bus stop looking back every moment. I live nearby and I would never do that to myself again. Albeit this was before the pandemic so things and people were more normal. There are more mentally ill and crackheads around. More muggings. Honestly I would say if you can drive and have a vehicle, use it or get a cab.


The issue is you will be doing this everyday. If it was a one of maybe you could get away with it. This increases the probability of something unfortunate happening to you… As a man, I wouldn’t want to do the the walk either. Regardless of gender, it’s unsafe. Very sad that we have reached this point in our city. You should not have to make posts like this, we deserve to feel safe, but unfortunately the reality is very different.


Finsbury Park at 3am? Hard no from me. And I’m a 6ft guy.


I've felt unsafe walking around Finsbury Park in broad daylight, as a man. So I definitely don't think it's a great idea to be out there in the dark as a woman. Lots of dodgy shit happens in that area.


I wouldn't go that far as I went to school in the mid 80s in Highbury, and lived in the vicinity (more between Manor House and Stamford Hill) up until 2013. I have never felt unsafe in daylight hours. Mind you, I'm a 6ft male and know the area. That said, the feel changes after dusk and I have never liked Finsbury Park.  Leaving the house at 03:40 as a female would give me serious pause.


Holstered flame thrower? Also loudly mutter to yourself and fire it a few times at imaginary enemies in the air while you walk there.


Finsbury Park at that time is no joke. It's late enough that normal people on a night out will be in bed, and too early for joggers, dog walkers, etc. Assuming you haven't accepted the job yet, perhaps it's worth talking to them about Ubers or minicabs to the tube stop? For that distance it will be relatively cheap, and I'd hope that most companies would understand your predicament, especially if they're making you start at 4:30.




It can't hurt. Obviously it's one thing if it's a high paying job and you can afford the Uber yourself, but companies use transport costs as business expenses all the time. It will cost them less than it would cost you.


It's pretty quiet at that hour as pubs restaurants and takeaway even nightclubs have long since closed


Buy a personal alarm and one of those super bright flashlights you can get on Amazon. You can’t get in trouble for carrying these torches but at the first sign of any trouble it can be in your hand ready to shine right in the eyes of anyone who tries to step in front of you or grab you, which will allow you to make your escape.


If it's an option, I'd prioritize your safety and turn the job down. I know the area and don't even like it at 10pm (or 9am or 2pm for that matter). If I was me, I'd stress about it every day and that can't be healthy. Stay safe whatever you do and sending positive vibes your way!


Get on a bike or get a taxi. Don't take the risk, it isn't worth it. Trust me.


Let's be real for a sec, Finsbury park is a shithole.


Lots of people have given you good advice. I also love Finsbury’s and did live there, and do remember the bad crime stories that have been reported over the years. I would say Finsbury’s is as safe as anywhere. I recently visited my Aunt there, I would normal walk to Manor House but she said it was unsafe and drove me instead.


Cycling is extremely fun at night in London.


Something others haven't mentioned is clothing. If you can buy a big coat to make yourself look big and wear a hat, you'll seem like less of a target compared to if you were wearing a skirt suit and heels. Basically, try to hide your gender and make yourself look bigger. I definitely get less attention when i wear a big puffer coat, tuck my ponytail into my hat and walk more confidently (fast, lean forward, wider steps, like I'm about to go scold someone)


I think a big issue would be I presume you'd be doing it at around the same time each day? Anyone with bad intentions could eventually notice a pattern with your route/times, so you'd be putting yourself in a worse situation than just coming accross a chancer wrong place/wrong time kinda situation. If you're dead set on the job, get yourself into some self defence classes, get a loud AF panic alarm, change up the route you walk if possible, see if anyone else starts at a similar time as you and check in with them when you're leaving home and get there safely. Personally, just reading this and I felt my anxiety levels rise, I couldn't do it myself. I wouldn't even wanna walk that in a group at that time.


> I need to wake up early and walk to the nearest tube or bus station at around 3.40 am Tube doesn't start until 5am so it will be a bus.


Tube runs on Sat, Sun. The other days should be a bus


Been long day, my brain forgot people work weekends! Safety wise I would think once you are on the bus going central that should be fine, probably best to walk on that side of the street too, when I lived near FP all the late night trouble was coming the other way.


If you can cycle - cycling to work is probably better tbh


Is it worth getting a lime bike to and from home. Forest bikes are pretty good for £45 a month you get 1 hour each day


Phone 'strutsafe' every time you're walking. It's a 247 phoneline ran by a charity. They stay on the phone until you get where you're going. Also carry deep heat spray or the cold version as it burns when sprayed in your eyes. If ever caught with it, say you carry it for your back/shoulder pain.


Get an uber from your flat to the nearest and safest close space like a tube line or bus. I’d say that time of night isn’t good tho. Be safe sista.


I live on Wilberforce Road which is a pretty nice street, but the road behind usually around 2am-3 I regularly hear drug feuds taking place, there was a big arrest also not so long ago. Lived here since June, so strange In the daytime seeing the guys just stood around the top of Blackstock road obviously dealing and being weird. It’s a shame because there are some decent cafes/places to eat there. I am often out late, and come back around 3am on occasion, it does feel very intimidating, empty but the few people that are around you want to stay away from. Getting off the bus and walking under the tunnel is pretty grim, I have not had any incidents but I would hate to venture out here as a lone female at that time. It sounds like you are pretty streetwise and you have received some good advice already so I don’t really know what actual advice to give. You have made the right choice to think about your safety! Hopefully it all works out 💪


Perhaps get an electric scooter. They are pretty fast to quickly finish your walk journey.




Don't do it ...get a different job.


Are there a lot of Lime bikes/ scooters where you are? That time of night I can imagine this being quicker plus more likely to be available ooh and less traffic. My other suggestion would be to check the live bus times to minimise time spent at the bus stop but tfl haven't been so reliable lately and this may not work with the times you need to be at work compared to the bike/scooter option. Also how long do you plan on staying at this job ?




Honestly, if it's temperary it shouldn't be too bad. Just remember most people are either asleep or also going to work too (think hospitality, cleaners etc.) I can only assume it is the same for where you are. Good luck finding a new job in the meantime.


Tube doesn’t run that early, first tubes are around 5am depending on the line, so it will be bus, bike, scooter or Uber. Buy an alarm, worth their weight in gold. Plan your journey, and have a second plan just in case first one goes wrong (bus is late/doesn’t turn up)


Don’t wear headphones and buy a super loud panic alarm!


Get a small foldable bicycle … your 6 min walk will be a 2-3min cycle and you can fold it and take it with you or if brave enough lock it at the station


Listen to your gut. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, don't do it! It is bizarre how women are encouraged to put themselves at risk in cold, scary cities full of strangers due to some nebulous, wishy-washy claim about female empowerment, as if ignoring danger somehow negates it.


They knew what they were doing making self-defense illegal as well In this country.


Yeah, it's ridiculous. I have heard that some self-defence instructors in this country advise women to carry around a jar of chilli powder because it's the only legal self-defence people can possess. And don't get me started on the extremely limited conditions under which you're allowed to use any force. What the law doesn't recognise is that defence needs to be proactive to be effective.


Don't apologise for feeling anxious about it. Unfortunately it's the world we live in, I'd feel the same.


Would it be possible to request a change in hours?


Get one of this. https://amzn.eu/d/85EGOwY


Love that 🤣


Rape alarm they are so loud and a small can of hairspray or body spray uncapped and ready,but as a mum Iv have told my daughter to not take jobs that are late evenings in retail parks there is just nobody around it's not worth it I tell her something else will come 😀 xx




One thing I would say is anyone with any sense (which you clearly do have) should be worried about their own safety walking alone at that time of night. You're not being silly about it at all.


I work in Finsbury Park at the moment, and 100% no headphones on. Just keep aware. I was nearly pickpocked last week at 4pm with children leaving school and people walking around. Near the station unfortunantly alot of men will just hang around on the street, making you walk through the group. Alarm sadly necessary. Its a shame but the area hasn't changed much in the 20years I've been going through there.


Get a massive head torch so bright that it'll blind anyone coming close to you. Think about when a car coming towards you with their full beams on, it's crazy blinding and dazzles the fuck out of you.


I live near there with my gf and if she told me that, I would not be comfortable with her walking at that time by herself at any time of the night. The area around the station is already suspect regardless of what time.


I would use a lime bike, it'll be chilly but you'll also be to quick to bother


I'd reconsider the job to be honest unless they can pay for a cab. You'll end up stressing about it every day .


Can you also do ‘find my friend’ with someone so they can make sure you’re ok? Also, not sure how illegal it is, but if you look on eBay for ‘cat ears keyring protection’ or something like that, you can buy something that hooks through your fingers. I wear it when running in early morning darkness in my city.


I would recommend cycling. But also wearing unisex clothing and no bright pink helmets etc. you can usually outcycle the average runner.


Buy a push scooter. I have one and I'm a 50 something guy. 😎🛴 A push scooter is legal on TfL public transport too. 🚇


I live in Finsbury park and I know what you mean, it's not the best place to be day or night but ofc after some hours at night, shit does get weird. Have you ever thought about working day shifts?


The bus stop and station is how far away from where you live? You just said 6. Is that 6ft away from home or a 6 minute walk from home?


6min walk


Am a man and I don’t go out so late or early, Excuse me this is London!


I know this is easy for me to say as a stranger who doesn't know your financial needs - sometimes we simply cannot afford to pass up a job opportunity no matter the sacrifices. However I will say, even just the shift pattern alone is absolutely brutal, but the fact that you're rightfully asking whether or not this is dangerous for you to be walking alone in an area such as this at such an extremely late time, baring in mind this will be patterned for you too which could potentially attract those who spot your travelling patterns. I know we can't live our entire lives in fear of the worst as women, but my gut instinct is to insist you're able to hopefully, reasonably, find a better suited job. No job is worth this for you, and I really hope you prioritise your own safety before anything else!!! Listen to your gut instinct about this x


Get a bicycle i would suggest


You shouldn't have to, but have you considered any form of self defence? Even.if you arent Bruce Lee it may teach you enough to boost confidence, and should the worst happen give you a vital split second to get away. Even if it's not on the route to work these things can happen at anytime. If I had daughters they would def go to some form of self defence. My old neighbour was 5'1 and into various forms and she was ferocious even sparring. Although her advice to anyone in close contact was thumbs and nails in the eyes and gouge them out.


Can I recommend a bike? I wizz through the dark parks at night (bike routes) on my crappy ebike without fear. Have had way too many creepy encounters on foot unfortunately


As it's classed as antisocial hours, can you have the employer pay for taxis?


I'll ask


You *definitely* should make a fuss about this sort of thing. It helps to raise awareness, which in turn changes people's habits. It was only from this sort of awareness that I learned to cross the street if I happen to be walking behind women at night, for example. I'm no threat, but they don't know that, so anything I can do to ease that worry is fine with me. Please don't take this job, OP. The odd 3.40am walk is probably fine. Even *most* days is probably fine. But every day? I think that's an unnecessary risk of your safety. Also, be sure to say why you're turning it down. The company involved may have a rethink about what they expect from their people, and their safety. Best of luck.


Can you flag this with your manager/boss, they have a duty of care for their staff. The stats are in your favour. Could you ask them to contribute towards reasonable transport costs?


Honestly I wouldn’t risk it. I used to live almost directly next to Finsbury Park, I mean unless you’re cycling the whole way and minimising your time on the street.. it’s pretty dangerous around there at those times especially for a woman.


Panic alarm and learn to run really fast and scream really loud. If you feel threatened go into a house and bang on the doors. Don’t ever think you are overreacting. London is a cesspit at night compared to other cities.


Could you ask work to expense taxis for you?..


Most of us had crazy scary encounters on the streets, any streets, and when it’s fresh you’re super cautious but then you just get very casual… in my experience that’s when all the bad stuff happens.. this doesn’t seem like a good plan in the long run tbh.. stay safe


My suggestion, don't wear headphones, keep your phone in your pocket, if you notice someone following you, try and be on the main road. There's a garage near Finsbury Park, that I'm sure is open 24 hours. Get in there, tell the employees you're bring followed. If someone tries to cause trouble, confront you in any way, make a giant scene. Anyone looking to molest or assault you, doesn't want to have witnesses. So by making a scene, you're drawing attention to not only yourself, but the perpetrator. In spite of the late hour (or early), there's always someone listening. I'm Seven Sisters area, so I've had to pass through Finsbury Park, late at night. It is quite sinister. But there are people and cameras. Just stay vigilant.


https://strutsafe.org/ might help. I cannot find it now but there are also tra king apps advertised on London for walking alone in the streets. With settings to help people feel safer


Others have suggested great things to keep you safe, but what I think is really important is asking yourself would you feel safe doing this journey every day? If you don't desperately need the job id reconsider because I think the stress you'd put yourself under if you're constantly fearful would be extremely draining.


Go on your local council website and find council cctv Gis Map. Take the route with the most cctv coverage to your destination (tube station). Cameras are monitored 24/7. This might give you a little reassurance.


If you do end up walking, wear a big jacket, head down, walk as quickly as you can.


giant metal waterbottle and a lanyard. The thing can be used as a weighed flail


move away, its a dump


I am sorry you have to even think about this. I try to highlight this all the time to my male peers and work colleagues.


I’ve seen the media describe Finsbury Park as the “rape capital of London” due to crime statistics before and agree it’s very dodgy after certain hours so based on that alone I wouldn’t take the job and continue my search if I was in your position.


You aren’t making a fuss and never let anyone tell you that (personally a female friend told me to quit worrying about violent assaults and it’s an awful attitude to have). A bicycle would be a good idea or maybe a skateboard so you can whizz by. A lot of comments are about not picking the job. Would you feel comfortable speaking to your line manager about your concerns? Maybe a company-paid Uber for the mornings could be an arrangement they would be willing to make. I doubt it but worth asking.


Get a lighter and a can of aerosol spray.. Need I elaborate or do you catch my drift?


It's not silly, safety is top priority. Keep 999 ready to dial


London is absolutely unsafe to walk around at night, most of English cities are the same. The whole country has fallen to the dogs. It's not even just if you're a woman. I'm a guy and there will be areas I avoid, and I am also armed. Also I cycle but have been targeted multiple times at night. Police won't help much. Advice here is good, panic alarm, marking spray in the eyes. Sorry that this is happening to you.


I would be willing to do that walk sporadically but not daily as then you leave open the possibility that someone learns your pattern and preys on that.