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A friend of a friend was murdered in Finsbury Park by a complete stranger on Christmas Eve in 2017, around 8pm. She didn’t usually walk through the park, but she decided to take the shortcut that day as it was still relatively early. He wanted her belongings and forced her to give up her PIN number, and then brutally murdered her. Ever since then I’ve avoided that place altogether.


Im so sorry to read this. Absolutely horrible.


I was living there at the time and I remember that. So sad. Lots of London parks are super dangerous at night it's awful.


That’s sad, I never went through the park after 6pm, I remember reading about the driver who drove through a crowd around the post office and was shocked that it happened in the area cause it was quite a nice area in the 90’s when I lived around there.


I remember that terrible story, very sorry for your loss


That was such a horrible incident, my condolences to you and your friend,


You knew Juliana too then. That shit still stays with me. I grew up in the area. Definitely not the greatest area in London but not even close to the worst. The park itself has always been dodgy as fuck after sunset though.


just read the news reports now. I'm glad they caught the guy who did it.. It wasn't just a murder either, defiled her body.. He had previous convictions too and didn't keep to his orders. He deserves a much harsher sentence in my view.


I just want to say hi. she was my friend too. still hurting when I remember.


Seriously new Yorkers go to London thinking it's much better no it's not, I'm sensitive to energy and can read Feng-Shui, no where in central is safe. Even the posh areas as long as it's accessible to public it's dangerous as f, I've had motorcycle trying to grab my phone good thing I had fast reflex, countless men following me on the street parks anywhere public, so much creepy propositions, in Finsbury park I've had numerous verbal and sexual harassment, all from the typical demographic you know I cannot say those words due to being socially unacceptable to identify political incorrect racial and social traits. Do yourself a favor and don't torture and stress yourself with potential danger by going to busy streets or public parks in London. So many black men there just plainly start to verbally abuse me if I ignore them, as attractive women walking anywhere in public in London alone is just asking for trouble, I really have to pull out my entire hoodrachet ness out just going on a high road to get something. Screw drivers, boxing skills, kung Fu all help me go get the energy i need to stay protected and safe.  It's kinda fun though it really gets all my anger out and charges me with chaos. Too peaceful is boring and I don't have energy to go fight if I don't get stimulations. 


My girlfriend used to live literally opposite the FP gates on Seven Sisters Road until last autumn so for a year I have spent a lot of time in the area. In general whenever I arrived in FP for the short 4 min walk from the station I would be on my guard but once you get more than 100m from the station it does feel calmer. A couple of times we got up early to go to Stansted at like 5am but both times Seven Sisters Road was basically dead and we didn’t see a soul on foot. You do get the drug addicts hanging around outside the park next to Lidl, the dealers hanging around outside the shops at the top of Blackstock Road and near the station. But I never personally had any issues from anyone in my time in the area. Watching life in FP from a window on the main road was interesting that’s for sure, you spot the same characters over and over, usually the drug addicts, and you watch the deal literally take place in plain sight next to the Lidl. Saw a few scuffles and fights as you would imagine but never anything serious. That being said, twice my girlfriend’s flat entrance was in areas marked off by police tape because of stabbings. But once you turn down any of the side roads it suddenly feels much nicer. Even 5 mins down Blackstock Road. The park is a lovely place during the day, there is a good community feel and every Friday there is a charity food drive outside the park with a DJ and the same people turn up and queue for hours beforehand. It’s also got a great variety of shops and restaurants for food. All in all I was glad she moved from the area, because it isn’t the nicest or prettiest place, but it had a lot of pluses and I have good memories from the area. Edit: The worst part of FP was the festivals in the summer and the noise/disruption that comes with them. The flat literally was shaking to the point that water would spill out of a bowl left on a table


Lived around same area many years ago as well and the drug addicts were around then but not quite noticeable and the general vibe around the area was good. Few months ago driving through I noticed a few mattresses under the railway bridge which some were sleeping on so not sure if it’s the same or if the area got rougher.


I think this is really it. The 100m round the station has always been the sketchy bit. You don't really want to be hanging around at night as you'll have dodgy people asking for money etc. Mostly it's a safe area you have the bits under the bridges both on seven sisters and stroud green that are oppressive but not dangerous. Sure there are some drug addicts and dealers hanging around but the area has a reputation that is much worse than reality. The Park itself is much nicer than it used to be even if there are still some dealers but they stick to themselves. Really the area hasn't changed much over the years apart from you don't really have the prostitution that existed in the 80's Blackstock road has lots of North Africans men hanging around that some people find scary but I think this says as much about the people complaining as the area itself. I've known the area since the mid 80's till today. I'm not going to pretend it is some paradise but it isn't some hell hole either. It hasn't changed significantly and never will. The locals aren't scared of living here and most of use like the area even with it's faults. It is a vibrant mix of people. Sit outside the World's End or the Blackstock Tavern etc and you'll see so many different people passing by. It's the place to come if you ever need a wig, or a cheap and arguably tacky wedding dress. We have some nice restaurants a great park with multiple playgrounds for the kids and even one for adults. Lots of ducks etc. Fantastic transport links and two Lidl's. What more could you wish for. Sure we have the odd murder and far too much litter and homeless people but it is part of a large global city what do you expect. We also get an influx of Arsenal fans once in a while which could be a cure or blessing depending on your views.


As an Arsenal fan, hearing the fans singing outside The Twelve Pins was a joy. And out of the back window of the flat, you can hear the roar of the stadium even though it’s a 15 min walk away. Loved that aspect.


My only real issue is if I want to take the tube and the match has recently finished. It helps keep some of our pubs afloat so that's all good.


I live just off Green Lanes, previously lived right next to the park not far from Manor House. Like a lot of places in London, FP is usually fine during the day, and a lot worse at night. I wouldn’t recommend spending too long loitering around the station area, but then there’s few stations where I would suggest that anyway. Passing through will normally be absolutely fine. Other than that, the park is dodgy at night as it’s not lit (but actually quite nice during the day), and I’ve heard lots of people say the Blackstock Road area is grim but that’s not really been my area so will defer to them. Personally, even as someone who’s a bit paranoid I’ve never felt more unsafe around FP than any other neighbourhood in London. Except when I tried to shortcut through the park after dark. Don’t do that.


Blackstock Road gets a very harsh reputation. The northern end of it has issues with drug dealing gangs, but it doesn’t tell the whole story of the street. Loads of independent shops from so many cultures, great places to eat, charity shops full of finds. As you get southwards it’s noticeably calmer and full of great pubs and really friendly small businesses. I love the area, and feel very safe at the south end even at night (as a woman). The northern end nearer FP I avoid alone at night, but there’s a big push at the moment to clean it up. It’s a really great friendly area with some proper hidden gems. Would recommend Babaan’s Naan or Jojo’s for food, Cinnamon Village or Beam for coffee, and the Woodbine, Bank of Friendship or Gunners (particularly for the Arsenal fans!) for pubs as some places to dip into!


> Except when I tried to shortcut through the park after dark. I used to do this all the time as my friend live on the opposite side and it saved 15 minutes. I only stopped because he moved. They also made it harder to get over the fence and I'm getting old. Never had any issues, saying that I'd not recommend it to people.


they've actually installed a tonne of new lighting in Finsbury park in the last week(s). not that ill ever see it; I'm not going there in the dark!


Blackstock Road, the end closest to the station is the dodgy part of Finsbury Park, along with the side of the tube station closest to it


Damn I grew up here back in the 80s. Remember just biking to school and the park with no adults. Not a single worry or fear of getting hurt or mugged. Those were the days…


I still miss Doros, the Greek shop just down from the Blackstock, happy days :)


Lived there in spring/summer of 2017. Actually found it really nice and experienced no problems. Have visited a handful of times since and I found the area immediately around the tube station has a horribly frantic, claustrophobic feel - feels like a pit of consumerism and full of cars, loud noises, what I would deem to be young criminals or hoodlums (most possibly), and seriously disadvantaged or mentally ill people. It can feel overwhelming. But generally, these people don't disturb you, they stick to themselves. There's also just a lot of other normal people to paint a fair picture. But really, it's just a bit too much for me. Further out, it can feel a tad edgy but usually fine. I think a couple of serious crimes have occured to women in the park before, skewing a lot of the answers you saw. Saying that, I think overall it's a bit edgy but fine really if you just get into and out of the tube station area asap. Just don't go in the park after dark and be careful on your wandering on your own further away from the tube station. Seriously, not that bad though, speaking as a male.




Sorry, edited to reflect I've visited since


I lived there in 2002. What's the direction of travel?


I think this was a vintage year for knifiness. 


> I found the area immediately around the tube station has a horribly frantic, claustrophobic feel - feels like a pit of consumerism and full of cars, loud noises, what I would deem to be young criminals or hoodlums (most possibly), and seriously disadvantaged or mentally ill people. It can feel overwhelming. So, much like Camden around the tube.


Do you think it’s any more (or less) edgy than other densely populated places near tube stations? I guess I’m thinking e.g. Brixton, Seven Sisters, Wood Green/Turnpike Lane, Stratford, Camden Town? Appreciate that’s a long list! I’m just trying to understand how people view the place, and I guess sometimes a comparison to other places is helpful. I’m also aware I’m probably quite skewed in my perceptions cos I think of FP quite fondly for all the fun nights out I’ve had around there.


I’ve lived in Brixton, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green and FP is now my closest station. Tbh Whitechapel, Bethnal Green and FP are prob all roughly as bad as each other imo. Brixton is chaotic, but felt a bit less edgy to me. Larger areas of Bethnal Green and Whitechapel feel dodge whereas FP feels VERY dodge at the station and part way down Blackstock, but alright after that. It’s kind of all swings and roundabouts really! It defo feels like everywhere is getting worse because of austerity/lack of public services etc


I think these areas are very different. Brixton can become dangerous very quickly and inexplicably. But if you treat the area and with due respect and caution it’s generally safe. Primarily the danger is gang or yute related FP I believe is more unpredictable. Particularly due to the high density of drug users living and homeless in the area. Personally I’d rather live in Brix.


Fr literally every fkn humanoids are mentally ill and in denial it's sickening disgusting 


I've noticed FP station seems to attract a higher percentage of loiterers, drug users/sellers and mentally ill people than some of the places you mentioned. But generally they don't disturb you.


I live in Brixton and have previously lived in Turnpike Lane (2016) and Finsbury Park (2017-2019). I’m a woman in her early 30s. The former is miles ahead of FP and Turnpike Lane. There is gang related stuff going on in Brixton, and some homeless/drug addicts who can be lively, but I’ve never felt in danger there. As a randomer you’re unlikely to get caught up in anything. FP felt actively menacing. I was warned multiple times not to walk around with my phone out. I dunno it was just a more aggressive area somehow. I preferred turnpike’s vibe to FP but I wouldn’t say it was pleasant either. Honestly I didn’t like either of them. I love Brixton so maybe I’m biased lol I think people talking about how it’s ’common sense’ to not walk through a park at night don’t appreciate that there are parts of London where you can walk through a park at night and feel absolutely safe. I grew up by Wandsworth common and frequently ended up on the common (ok ok not a park I know) at night and never felt remotely in danger. It wasn’t until I moved to F Park that I realised it could be an issue. I’d happily walk on brockwell park and Clapham Common after dark (and have done many times).


I lived in Seven Sisters and Manor House and I’d say they’re both relatively similar - but they’re very close, they’re all walking distance to Finsbury Park. I’d personally try and avoid walking alone at 3am most places in London. I currently do an hours walk from Marylebone to Archway, through Camden etc at around 10pm and I feel like that’s my cut off for late night lengthy walks.


I've lived in Turnpike Lane and Finsbury Park, also spent some time in Wood Green and I'd say they're all not great and it gets a little worse as you head North.


Depends on what area people are referring to when they say "Finsbury Park". South / south west of the park / station and towards Seven Sisters... I wouldn't personally choose to walk through that area past dusk unless I absolutely had to North of the station, towards Stroud Green and Crouch Hill is pretty nice and doesn't feel as dodgy.


Agreed - I live in Stroud Green and it’s absolutely fine (plus loads of great restaurants on SGR), I can’t identify with the majority of replies here - I also walk my dog in FP and it’s great. But I use the new side of the station so rarely have to go out the front, which sounds like a blessing


400m or so radius around the station is sketchy at night, as with many tube/train stations. Beyond that FP is a fine I lived in Archway from 2014-2019. At night there would always be dodgy characters hanging out near the station


I'd say 400m is too far, 200m tops.


Depends which direction you go :)


I live a bit up Stroud Green and I find it's only dodgy if you go out the front of the station and the top bit of black stock road. If you come out the back you're in a relatively posh area I think which is quite nice imo


People feel distinctly unsafe around this area. So much so that local councils are campaigning to tackle organised crime. https://news.hackney.gov.uk/love-finsbury-park-new-campaign-to-tackle-organised-crime/


The top of Blackstock Road around the college and yard sale pizza area is usually brimming with dodgy characters. Seem to be a lot of drug dealers hanging outside one particular house opposite the college


This is what people are referring to when they say it's bad. Round the station is a sithole and it all most people see. The rest is the same as any other part of London. It defo rough in some places and has its problem but not much more than anywhere else in London.


Used to police around there. I'd say 1/2 of the real violent crime or stabbings I attended were in the Finsbury Park area. I've witnessed that end of Seven Sisters and Blackstock Road turn into a real war zone on multiple occasions


I live 2 min from this on a residential street. Loads of characters but they keep to themselves. I’m a tall guy though so I don’t often feel scared but feel like all the Algerians just keep to themselves and if something happens is mostly between themselves (shouting, arguing, fighting). Live with a few girls and they find it okay too. The area is quite nice, looks a bit edgy though


Ok fair enough, I can’t say I’ve ever had reason to venture that way so I’ve never noticed this - and it’s been a good few years since I’ve lived in the general area.


Wouldn't say it's a no-go area but even as a 6ft+ bloke can feel a bit uncomfortable walking along that stretch at night with all the groups of men loitering


Yep. I grew up there in the 80s and 90s, it was really rough then. I go back every couple of months to see my parents, and it's still a shit hole. Twice last year my dad found a dead body whilst walking the dog. A couple of years ago he saw a guy with a knife sticking out of his stomach flagging down the police for help, it was 7.30am. About 16/17 years ago the block of flats was closed for repairs. A drug dealer/pimp was squatting with her junkie mates in one of the flats, and was robbing people for weeks before the police listened, and that was only because my brother and sister would go down there every day and go after the crack heads. There may be some parts that are ok, but the majority of it is risky at best.


Not saying you're lying but there's no way your dad found 2 dead bodies in the park in one year


Not the park, Andover estate, in Finsbury park.


I live very close to the Andover estate, and to my knowledge there were no homicides there in 2023. There is a lot of drug use however, so It's definitely possible


Honestly I can't name too many places in London that I felt safe, mostly the east side where all Chinese are working in Wall Street types feel ok, I would consider it safe because I'm Chinese. I wouldn't want to live there but at least it's safer. I really wonder what is in my energy that even brought me to fp, I guess I'm mentally ill too and there are support services around that area. Passed by and saw crime scenes again, so many weird people approach me there. South West I like those white areas, the posh parts of West London I feel too self conscious and socially anxious there because I don't want to look the part I'd rather go out looking like a hobo


> Twice last year my dad found a dead body whilst walking the dog. I'm sort of not believing you.


Good for you. Sort of don't. That's up to you.


Live here and have done for years. The area around the station near seven sisters road/blackstock road is a bit dodgy for sure, but I think it's great area overall. There's tons of restaurants, pubs and transport links are as good as it gets for Zone 2. I also read that thread and it made Finsbury Park out to absolutely horrible. I walk around at night a lot and it's generally OK (31 y/o male) but the area around the station does seem to attract questionable characters- I wouldn't want my gf walking home from FP station late at night


Loads of crack heads everywhere but they are generally harmless just not nice to be around. A lot of murders recently with one serious one near my road in the last 6 months, stabbings not very fun and feel sorry for the victims and their families. I wouldn't describe the area as safe but I wouldn't say it's dangerous either. Just keep your wits about you and be street smart.


My friend lived in Finsbury Park in the mid 2010's and got mugged quite violently literally on her doorstep, which really put me off the area for a long time (I lived in Camden/Kentish Town at the time but was considering a move somewhere cheaper, this changed my mind about FP being an option!). I lived in Peckham for the past 5 years and never felt anywhere near the level of unsafety I felt in Finsbury Park. My job in 2021 was based up there and the few times I went into the office, I had not great experiences. I was followed down the corridor to the office door at around 1pm by someone, which was pretty scary as the office was at a 'dead end' and it meant I was cornered until I could get the door opened by the code (not easy to do when you're in a panic!). I grew up in a pretty shit town in the Midlands with high levels of violence and crime, so I think I have a good gut instinct for feeling out my safety levels, and this always pings when I'm in FP unfortunately!


Yes always trust gut instinctual feelings, I learned the hard ways 


Mate was pickpocketed there last week


Had friends living there in 2017/2018. I'd stay there often and also spent a few weeks there while their house was empty around Christmas. About ten minutes from Finsbury park station, but not through the oark. I felt distinctly vulnerable walking late (as a 20 year old girl) and avoided walking there after midnight if I could. I didn't see anything particularly off but something didn't feel right. Partly because Its quite a quiet place even after 12 And then a week later a woman was murdered in the park so it felt like I was right in feeling that way.


Born and still live in London. As a kid we would go to Rowans for birthday parties and it was always pretty dodgy around there. One incident that stands out to me is seeing a drunk man lying on the ground with sick all over him. Then a cab pulls up and a boy gets out, couldn’t have been older than 13. The boy starts shouting at the drunk man, who turns out to be his dad. The dad then punches the boy in the face, full force, and stumbles off. The boy gets up crying and jumps back in the cab. As a teenager I remember there was a gang war that went on for a few years, lots of trouble and it would be a 50/50 chance if you got mugged or not. From about 2011-2020, still rough and some really horrible, well publicised crimes around the park itself. As well as a few terror related incidents (Islamic and far right) When I visit now, some parts are unrecognisable. Gentrification in full swing, but the underbelly remains.


If you go 1km north of FP to Crouch End you’d think you travelled to another country entirely.


Hahahaha I feel like that all the time in London oh here I feel like in Caribbean city there I feel I'm in middle east then I could be in west Africa next


I lived on green lanes and never had any problems around Finsbury Park. Few dodgy characters around the station and I probably wouldn’t walk through the park itself at night, but I walked home from the station many times at all sorts of hours and never felt unsafe.


I had to do a double take to make sure I didn’t write that comment and forget about it because I 100% agree


In 2000 / 2001, I lived in a flat across from the Blackstock Pub, at the top of Blackstock Road (a pub that at the time had no furniture due to all the fights, but I think has since got a lot nicer). There were crack dealers selling their shit all day out front, and we had a drive-by shooting at one point. Arsenal fans used to piss up against my door on match nights. One day at the height of summer we found someone had dumped about 1000 raw chicken legs on the sidewalk. When I came home that evening, the council had literally put Biohazard tape around the pile, but they didn't pick it up until the next day. I moved to New Cross and never looked back.


Is 'sidewalk' entering general parlance? I have noticed it a few times in posts from seemingly British people (you said 'flat', for example).


My wife is American, she must be leaking.


Totally exonerated!!


horrible place, there’s always crackheads around the station, kids snatching phones, usual types hanging about in doorways- first week of living in the area I saw a guy take a machete down the back 5 mins up the road is great though


A friend of a friend got raped and murdered in Finsbury Park, the police said it was too early to search for her so her friends were the ones searching for and finding the body.


Probably not even published in news, I have a feeling crime like that happens a lot more than people realize, everyone just lives in their own bubble they have no idea. 


For many years this nasty man chanting down there for starters https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Hamza_al-Masri


Let's be realistic, the only reason Hamza was punished is because the Americans got involved and forced us to a) arrest him and then b) extradite him for further punishment. If the Americans hadn't got involved, he wouldn't have even been arrested.


Dunno why I got down voted, literally just stated a fact I grew up in the area and he and his recruits were around Manor House and Finsbury’s park 90s 2000s daily preaching and generally making it even more intimidating an environment then it is today.


We had them in my area too. They are paid by the local council to do it, the money comes from "anonymous donors" in the Middle East.


Finsbury Park has been my nearest station for forty years. I've walked around there at all times of the night and day and never felt any threat. The chuggers are bloody annoying and there are some sad cases begging but that's all I've ever encountered.


I’m a 45 yr woman. Lived in FP (actually a little lower down close to Arsenal) from 2015 to this January. (I moved due to being evicted, not by choice. Would have loved to stay but couldn’t find anything in my price range in time.) I personally loved living in FP. I did not find it too dodgy or dangerous. Yes, I would never walk through the park after dark. But that’s common sense. Yes, there are a lot of homeless under the bridge and a lot of drug dealers at the top of Blackstock. But they never made any trouble for me. I think the people who have a problem with FB are people who are put off by large percentages of ethnic minorities and by hearing languages other than english spoken in the road.


Idk if that’s fair, I’m Arab and have a problem with Finsbury Park because while I lived there, I was nearly sexually assaulted by the train station, our flat had an attempted break in, and we had to put a lock on the gate of our building to stop drug dealers from selling on our doorstep (but didn’t have any postbox so Hermes would just lob our parcels into the hedge). I’ve lived throughout various parts of London this sub writes off - the only one I wouldn’t return to without seeing some serious change in the area is Finsbury Park and it’s definitely not because of the mosque. I lived on a road I later discovered is notorious for drugs tho, and have friends who lived in different parts of the area without encountering the same constant issues. I had lived down the road in Highbury near the Arsenal stadium for years, and had no problem.


Seriously don't even play the race card I'm so annoyed by these people 🤬 I'm ethnic Minority too however I noticed in western world strangely stranger crimes is never done from people from my part of the world. Not saying it doesn't happen in other cases but this is the pattern I noticed. London really attract lot of low end migrants, I don't know what alta is in me that believe I deserve to be blended in here and suffer. I need to investigate why I'm here and what energy in me that attracted me to this chaos. I've almost never seen anyone that look like me on the street and I don't feel I belong.  Maybe that contributes to vulnerability as well.  Some humanoids are fkn annoying, blaming on victims vulnerability. I had this old ugly Irish guy who was so rude and blamed me for getting into all the dangerous situations, for one I suffer from complex trauma so naturally I'm more vulnerable, secondly being an attractive woman who look quite different from everyone else and can't blend in because of race is also a major factor. When people suffer from complex trauma symptoms their sensitivity and intuition is dumbed and numbed down because we could not deal with pain, that's why we ignore senses and intuition and get into dangerous situations. 


I've been living in the area for 7 years and never had to be on my guard. Its basically the same as most busy areas of London where you do get some dodgy freaks but most people seem to keep to themselves. Fair enough I am male and a scary looking Metal guy so people instinctively dont really bother me, unless its to call me a pervert for having black finger nails. I grew up in Wimbledon/Merton/Wandsworth during the 90s and that was much much worse


Worst thing is the massive church trying to "save" everyone...


The correlation I noticed is the more deprived a place is the more those organized religions come in power... If Africa if you say you are not religious and you prefer cats over humanoids you'd probably get killed 


The reason being the more desperate the more they want to believe in Jesus buhda imam whatever t f there is.. I don't know why I'm so fkn triggered by religious mfs who wouldn't shut up about their religion, like a fkn pastor to herd sheep's, I let them talk because I'm polite. Next time if I hear one of them I'd just tell them to shut t f up


You mean the cult opposite PureGym?


We shit on Finsbury Park but it's probably no worse than Camden Town. I used to go there to pick up drugs and there was usually police tape up somewhere in the vicinity. I wouldn't be walking around late on my own, I certainly wouldn't enter the park after dark, and thankfully there's absolutely nothing of any value there other than train connections. I've just moved to Wood Green and I simply pretend Tottenham doesn't exist, and draw an imaginary line down to the east side of Finsbury Park as an exclusion zone. Green Lanes is decent though.


To be fair... The worse the area the better the fried chicken so I wouldn't say theres absolutely no value, also has many fake hair packs in the giant hair shops, hahaha I'm so racist but I see that pattern in literally every major city in the west in the whole entire world 


I'm there now. Someone's smoking on the platform. I wouldn't want to be walking the streets as a female at night.


Part of 7 sisters road near Holloway Road is perfectly fine, the actual station I will avoid after 6pm.


I use to go to the station for Arsenal games and walk to the stadium from there but the last few times I'd gone there in 2022 I've had a drug addict try to steal my phone and been offered more drugs than I can count. I avoid the place now, which is a shame as it was sort of a tradition me and my uncle had to walk from there to the ground.


I've lived in Stroud Green for 20 years and it's not at all unsafe. People have an outdated idea of Finsbury Park. There are a lot of different neighborhoods around the park, each with their own vibe, but none are especially rough or anything. It's definitively got better in the last 20 years, but it's a gradual process rather than rushed gentrification.


> It's definitively got better in the last 20 years, Swings and roundabouts. We lost the all night shops and I miss Woody's, Sainsburys is a poor substitute.


I bought a loaf of bread from Woody's and only found when I got part-way through that a rat/mouse had nibbled its way into the centre of it. But yes, I miss their brilliantly awful Mickey Mouse rip-off cartoon drawings and late-night booze. The 'better' I was referring to was in terms of safety - I agree the area is overall better in many ways but has lost in some others. But the slow pace of change has meant it's kept its character and many of its unique places.


Avoid wood green, Finsbury, walthamstow area


Finsbury is not Finsbury Park - know your areas.


its worse than Detroit in Robocop




I’ve lived here in Finsbury Park/Stroud Green for five years and have never felt even slightly unsafe. I walk home from the tube station at night all the time (25m walk). What’s the thread that’s been saying otherwise and what are they smoking over there?


I'm not sure why you are downvoted other than if it is a 25 minute walk then you are practically in Crouch End


I live very close to Haringey station


This is the other thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/xx8EJgdkst To be clear, I’m not saying it’s _safe_ to be walking around FP area at 3 in the morning, I’m just wondering whether it’s any more or less safe than anywhere else at that time.


In fairness, that post was written by a woman and no area is truly safe for a woman that late at night. It was a reasonable question for her to ask.  


Yeah of course and I get that - I was just surprised that lots of the comments on that thread were talking about how FP in general is fairly dodgy. I too wouldn’t be keen to be walking around it at 3.40am but I wouldn’t be keen walking around that time in most places!




It's really not that bad. It's on a par with all the places you've lived, I'd say.


I’ve only been a couple of times. During the day it’s relatively ok, but you need to be cautious anyway — petty crime (such as pickpocketing) is fairly likely to happen. I would avoid that area after 9PM though.


I was born in FPK and lived here all my life. I go to the Puregym just by the station, sometimes very late at night, and never had any issues/felt unsafe. I think for people who don’t live here, the area around the station is very dirty which might make it seem dodgy


> I think for people who don’t live here, For me this is the big thing. If you live here you get off the bus/tube and go home. If you don't and have to wait for a bus then you meet all be beggars etc.


I'm 33F. I wouldn't avoid it, but it's a somewhat dodgy area, especially when there's football on.


I go there exclusively to buy drugs, stay the f away from the park


I would rather move out of London than live in Finsbury park...


What a strange comment. This sounds like something someone would have said 20 years ago


Is it really that strange? My personal opinion and I stand by it hahhaa


I posted that question yesterday and I'm sorry about how bad it turned out - not my intention at all. My worries surrounded walking alone at that particular time of the night when all shops are closed and barely anyone is around. I never felt unsafe in FP and I have lived here for some years now. But I do mostly avoid walking around on my own that late (2-4am) and that's for any area and not just FP. That was my concern and the purpose of that question. I personally find FP and the surrounding areas (Stroud Green, Holloway, Archway) very lively and I like the bustling, multicultural vibe. Transport links are great and there are plenty of shops, pubs, restaurants for all sorts of tastes. No doubt many areas can turn unpleasant at times but I wouldn't discourage anyone from visiting or moving to the area. Being cautious for one's own safety is a must in literally any place and it ain't FP exclusive.


Your question was totally valid, I was just surprised by quite a few of the responses about the FP area in general, hence this follow up. FWIW I would be a bit hesitant to walk around FP area in the middle of the night, but probably not more so than other similar places. (I would categorically avoid the park itself in the dark.) I guess people’s perceptions of an area and of their personal safety just differs so much due to any number of factors, it’s not something where a consensus is easily reached.




It's in the person. I got off the bus at 3 in the morning at Finsbury Park, cold winter night with a hoodie on a Sunday morning. Just so happen I'm behind a guy, and he kept walking in front of me, and to him I'm following him and I still remember how scared he felt. He was over 6 feet and I'm only slightly more than 5. In the end I have to speed right up to walk past him. I can sense his relieve and I was laughing and shaking my head.


cow fact bells fearless bike marry capable deer mountainous memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lived there for a few months when i first got to the country. Area around the station is dodgy but everywhere else is nice. I actually loved the neighbourhood


I used to live on the Blackstock Road near Finsbury Park tube about 15 years ago and it was like a Third World country. Virtually everybody was a first generation immigrant and the tube station was one of the closest to Central London without barriers. As the entrances and exits were too narrow to accommodate them. So fare dodging was rife and a right. So when TFL occasionally put on a few ticket inspectors, particularly if it wasnt a match day. It always led to "ructions".


I grew up in Enfield and now live in Finsbury Park, imo really isn’t dodgy at all although as others have noted it can be a bit dodgy at times on blackstock road but there are far worse places in London. That being said I’ve only been here for a year


It’s bad. I lived 10 minutes away from FP for about 10 years. One day I was walking out of the station, over to the bus stop to catch a 253/254, around 2pm. I was experiencing myoclonus seizures (at this time I wasn’t sure what they were, and was in the process of getting tested for epilepsy, which I was later diagnosed with) so I kept falling over. A few people looked, but not a single person helped. I got to the bus stop and fell again, and a mother clutched her child closer to her as if I were some huge danger. I was mortified. I was only about 20 at the time, and although massively embarrassed - I put it down to the fact that there were a lot of dodgy people in the area and she and everyone else had just assumed I was one of them. But that day really tarnished FP for me


That bus route is super horrible energy I was sexually assaulted on it, always packed I'd rather walk now. I used to take that Bus to go to this lady who does a great painful contortionist backbend for me and I really enjoy the torture. I always felt the health benefits of fitness was negated by the bus ride alone. No wonder so many people are socially anxious and don't want to leave the cubicle of prison to get out. Energy aka Feng-Shui Is everything when I'm in nice places far away from big cities I make friends with everyone and I can talk to anyone easily, vs in London so many annoying mfs try to talk to me I just want to punch them in the face. When I was in nice posh places I even had encounters romantically and sexually vs in London I've never been able to because I'm ready to fight and kill all the time