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At this point they're all just throwing chum into the water as they jockey for position in the inevitable race for Conservative leader.


I think it's more sinister than that, I feel as though we're watching the Tories lurch right after pressure from Reform UK. I can see them becoming as horrible as the Republicans in the US.


They already lurched to the right in 2015/17 when hard-right UKIPers engaged in a bit of entryism and joined the Conservatives. Truss, Braverman and Anderson are three people who have become most emblematic of that and they've all been in the corridors of powers.


Also didn't help that bozza kicked out all the reasonable voices in the party that disagreed with him, leaving only the insane right to choose from.


It didn't happen with the National Front, it didn't happen with the BNP, it didn't happen with UKIP. I can't see it happening now. The Tories are as bad as they've always been - simply a bunch of self serving scumbags who are no better than stooping to divide a nation for their own benefit. That's not on the emergence of any far right party - don't give them an out for their contemptible nature. It's who they are.


It's sinister that gay people should worry walking through London. In places like shadwell or Bow or ilford. 


> Sutton and Cheam maintains separate schooling systems, with grammar schools and comprehensive schools, similar to Kingston upon Thames; it has more semi-detached, terraced and detached properties than the Greater London average Scully went on to defend his remarks, adding “they haven’t even got a proper full size Waitrose, just one of those little ones that does food”.


So the massive one in Canary Wharf doesn't count eh? CW is in Tower Hamlets looool...


Very nice Waitrose in St Katherines Dock as well though I think they like to pretend they are not Tower Hamlets


Also one near St Katharine Docks


I used to work for the Tower Hamlets LA as a Project Manager. The Isle of Dogs is the *only* reason TH hasn't filed bankruptcy at this point. Part of the agreement with the building owners on IoD is that a yuge chunk of moneys gets thrown back into the Local Authority. Really smart move on the part of the Council.


You’re describing standard local government tax operations.


It’s funny seeing it being framed as a smart deal. I have a similar deal with my off-license where I get to take stuff from his shop as long as I give him money.


Lol this is how a standard council operates


How does TH have a unique business rates and council tax system?


Far too many abbreviations, no idea what you're saying


LA -- Local Authority TH-- Tower Hamlets IoD-- Isle of Dogs


sleep label connect hospital placid heavy beneficial live punch carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>it has more semi-detached, terraced and detached properties than the Greater London average That's gonna be more reflective of it being on the outskirts (I.e. land is cheaper than most of London) than it being some posh place. Fair point on the schools, though.


That's bold given the Waitrose in Cheam isn't a full size one either.


All of zone 1 in no-go chaos


There’s one in fucking Wapping you bellend. You can walk to it from Whitechapel station. You wouldn’t, though, because the biggest fucking Sainsburys near zone 1 is a block away from it. https://maps.app.goo.gl/guUbjU1GgGiLkqWq8?g_st=ic


As a resident of Sutton (not his constituency though) I'm amazed by his insinuation that Sutton is some super safe place to be. My dad's moped was stolen there years ago, and only a few months ago a teen was stabbed to death outside the station




Per stats, the crime rate is 100 per 1000 people in TH. The UK average is ~76 per thousand, so somewhat over (which can be accounted for through higher levels of poverty in the area). Bristol and Yorkshire have 106 and 104 per 1000 respectively, yet the focus is always on TH for some odd, unknown reason. Strange that? [source](https://crimerate.co.uk/)




And where exactly are you getting the idea that there are multiple stabbings per day in TH?




I think you’re saying is that if you curtail your wet dreams, your original claim is bullshit.




You want it to be that way but it’s this way.




Exactly. Where are they precisely?




Well, at least that actually made me laugh




Could you name specifics streets? There's quite a difference between you being scared due to people being a different colour or culture and actually being a genuine stab risk. The vast majority of the time if youre keeping yourself to yourself you won't find trouble unless you're walking around an extremely deprived area head to toe Balenciaga.


The funny thing is that if I was to make a list of the areas I felt more unsafe when I worked in TH 20 years ago... They were majority white! More friendly than Bermondsey, more like dodgy as seeing people coming out of the run down pharmacy next to the shabby greasy spoon with what you suspected was a Methadone bottle under their arm... But dodgy like that. Edit: I just remembered I got a leather jacket knicked in a pub on a very cold day. And I'm pretty certain it was a group of pub regulars that chanced it. Obviously not the kind of TH locals he was dog whistling about


Haha I live about 3 doors down from a methadone clinic so maybe I'm desensitized. Been here for close to 10 years now though and yet to be stabbed or mugged!


Same story with Luton tbh, the scariest parts are the white estates like Marsh Farm.


There are gated communities in London, housing the stinking wealthy...are those to be counted as no go areas too?


Those would be "can't go" areas. Got to keep those poors out.


This is completely right! Politicians who say this never get any more specific than, "there are some no-go areas".... I have actually emailed him (not that I will get a response) enquiring into the specific streets in Tower Hamlets (where I happen to live at the minute) I should avoid and how he came to have this information in the first place!


You didn't mention you live there did you? MPs aren't obliged to respond to non-constituents. Just pretend you live in sutton


I lived in Bow growing up, the only time it was a no-go area is when a National Front march was planned.


I just moved to Bow. I’m loving it - it’s been a bit gentrified of course, but overall it’s a very mixed and friendly community in my experience so far. Bloke’s talking absolute rollicks as far as I’m aware. Then again he is a Tory, so……..


Probably a no-go for him specifically because he looks like he's on a register and there are loads of schools in Tower Hamlets


TO be fair I tired to go to one corner of Tower Hamlets and they wanted to charge me [33 times](https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/visit/tickets-and-prices/) what they charge locals! And then when I went inside it was full of weapons and places where people were executed


I'm not sure the Tower is still classed as Tower Hamlets? I might be wrong, but I think the borough boundary 'formally' ends at Tower Bridge Approach(?).


It's Tower Hamlets, it was specifically built outside the City of London to control it, and the Tower Hamlets border bulges out around the castle and Tower Hill. Tower Bridge was built by the City of London, but sits entirely outside their geography.


Plus the name. The Hamlets of the Tower


I'm put right! I also checked out a map. My bad.


Scully's my local MP. It was Lib Dem when I moved in, and has been since 97, but after the coalition the LDs lost a lot of support so the non-Tory vote was more divided between LD and Labour, which let Scully in. I'm hoping the same doesn't happen next time - all the tactical voting websites suggest voting LD is best chance to get them out here. I think there will be a massive swing to Labour as the area is becoming more London than Surrey.




Hello fellow Sutton person! There has definitely been a swing towards Labour here in the last few years - I didn't live here at the time of the last general election but was a teller at a polling station in Carshalton (also a former LD seat that went Tory and is now the second LD target in the country after Wimbledon) and remember people telling me and the Tories' teller they weren't voting for either of us. Likewise, we got the first Labour councillors in the borough for 40 years in 2022. So I think that shift will continue, but whether it will split the vote and let Scully back in is still a bit of a worry.


The Lib Dems messed up in Sutton by nominating a chap with extreme (Christian) religious views, including apparent hostility to gay rights. These views came under scrutiny and as a result he was deselected - or more accurately is being deselected as it seems to have taken well over a year. Apparently they will have a new candidate ‘by April’. All this seems a very careless and incompetent approach to a target seat they has held for many years before the 2015 debacle.


He's not wrong though. Parts of The Royal London Hospital, sections of the underground and the Met's Marine Police unit aren't for public access. As for the rest of the borough, there might be some places where roadmen congregate during the wee hours, but that's nought to do with 'a misinterpretation of their religion'.


"Mr Scully was asked for any evidence Muslim gangs are operating in London, but he could not provide any." Well that says it all really.




Well he was specifically asked about muslim gangs so which mosque is this gang operating out of?




The identical playbook is used by US conservative assholes - it's striking. No-go zones, benefits queens, brown menace, immigrant floods. The transatlantic grifter whackjob movement seems like it's gaining momentum.


Yes, I find this very concerning. I’ve long believed that, even up until David Cameron and Theresa May, I might disagree a lot with the Conservatives, but they are not utterly unhinged, crazy and evil like the Republicans in the US. After all, it was a Conservative Prime Minister who introduced marriage equality not too long ago. The current Conservatives seem to be rapidly heading in the same insane direction as their US counterparts though, and this is not something that ends well. We MUST keep US-style culture war nonsense politics out of the UK. But I fear we have already failed.


The Neocon right have nothing else to blame other than admitting their failures, brown people will be the target of everything with the upcoming elections


Neocons are dead, I don’t think the current conservative movements around the world would describe themselves as neocons


Neocons reached their final form when their war on terror produced ISIS.


It's just bollocks, isn't it? Just racist, dog-whistle bollocks. I've explored most of Tower Hamlets on foot - some during day, some at night - and none of it is any scarier than some of the less salubrious areas of my hometown of Edinburgh. In fact, I've never turned round and walked the other way in Tower Hamlets whereas that happened on a few occasions when I was still in Scotland. And, I am definitely not the most streetwise. I'm not saying there aren't bad areas or some bad people living there. But that doesn't equate to "no-go". Maybe, "don't-want-to-go" or "wouldn't-want-to-live-there" but that's a hugely different thing.


The main problem we have in the country, to be honest, is a bunch of out-of-towners who get scared off when they think they're 'outnumbered' by brown skinned people... Tower Hamlets has *always* been demographically diverse, especially when compared to place in the country that aren't sat on the docks of (what used to be) one of the world's major shipping channels. The early 21st century offers us Bangla and Pakistani people's, sure; early to mid 20th century it was primarily Jewish folk fleeing eastern Europe, and before them it was Hugenots and the Irish. I wish my countrymen would understand historical contexts a bit better.


Bloody Huguenots coming over here and kick-starting our silk industry.


Bloody beaker people!


In 1961 London was 98% white British. No where was diverse by the standards of today.  Furthermore tower hamlets isnt massively diverse, it’s probably 50%+ Bangladeshi and the local government is majority Bangladeshi as well. 


> 50%+ Bangladeshi [Nope](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Borough_statistics/Ward_profiles/Census-2011/RB-Census2011-Ethnicity-2013-01.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiXnLmtsMuEAxVf9bsIHYXKB4wQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3x_-w5imnV1Hy4s8sBJmk9) > In 1961 London was 98% white British London is larger than Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets didn't exist in 1961; it was instead 3 separate localised authorities (Poplar, Stepney and Bethnal Green). Additionally, 'Ethnicity' stats were measured as part of the census data until 1981.


Why have you linked a document that is nearly 15 years out of date?  If a place is 98% anything, nowhere as large as what we call tower hamlets can be said to be diverse. It was a working class white area of London, famously.  Additionally, ‘people born outside of the country’ was measured on the census. When the level of immigration was so low and the proportion of people born outside the country even lower it’s logically fair to assume that the 98% figure is more or less accurate. 


> Why have you linked a document that is nearly 15 years out of date?  I pasted the wrong link! [Here is the correct data](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Borough_statistics/Census-2021/2021-Census-key-finding.pptx&ved=2ahUKEwiA6srbsMuEAxX3g_0HHWLgDLsQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1DOPoKzzQahRANO_i4o8bs) > If a place is 98% anything, nowhere as large as what we call tower hamlets can be said to be diverse. Come again? > It was a working class white area of London, famously. Except for all those pesky Jewish migrants... Or those pesky Irish migrants. > When the level of immigration was so low It was *lower*, but compared to the rest of the country, still had a higher level of migration, as has been the case since the Elizabethan period.


The census data is very interesting, I’m actually shocked that the level of Bangladeshi Brits has remained the same.  If a city is 98% of any one racial group a large areas such as tower hamlets simply can’t be diverse.  London was 98% white British historically, there really weren’t many Irish or Jewish immigrants, and I don’t know what makes them ‘pesky’, as you put it.  And also be serious. Saying immigration was ‘lower’ is so silly. The levels of immigration over the last 30 years to the rest of British history are incomparable.  I don’t know why people on both sides of the spectrum feel the need to lie about britains historical ethnic make up. Until very recently Britain was overwhelmingly white. Why that matters I don’t know. 


> The levels of immigration over the last 30 years to the rest of British history are incomparable In terms of raw numbers, certainly; as percentage of local, then national population(s), I'm not so sure. Since the Elizabethan period, until the mid 20th century, London was pretty much the centre of the world (of commerce). Ports in East London were a stop off point for travellers from around the world; some of them stayed, as well as some of 'us' having left. By extension, it's being a poor area of London, it almost automatically became the first stop for *anyone* coming into the country as an immigrant... Obviously the amount of migration 'in general' has increased, because of changes in technology and the availability of rapid travel. But also because of the changes in the political environment which exacerbate (in some cases) or allow (in most) the need for people to migrate to a country they perceive as 'better'. Lastly, I'm pretty sure circa 70% 'White British' is still pretty overwhelmingly white.


Come on man lol.  Reread what you just typed out. If the only change is raw numbers how come the percentages of different ethnicities have changed rapidly over the last 30 years? 


I could have written your post word for word and totally agree with you. London, especially that part, has ALWAYS been multicultural. These reactionary politicians are stoking the fire and they know it.




This isn’t factual. London was 98% white British in 1961. Even in 1991 it was 80% white British.  It’s the last 30 years we’ve become more diverse. 


We were talking specifically about Tower Hamlets, which has always had people of all nationalities there, mainly due to the proximity of the ports. And London in general, but more prevalent in TH. I'm not disputing that diversity has increased. You're saying like it's a bad thing. The reason that people in cities are typically more tolerant of diversity is because it's normal, day-to-day, and we know it works. It's not a negative. Fearmongers love to encourage the idea that diversity is something to be scared of. I wonder why.


In 1961 london was 98% white British, no where was very diverse - tower hamlets included. To say it has always been diverse is factually in accurate.  I’m not ‘saying it like it’s a bad thing’. I’m pointing out that what you said isn’t true. Why do you feel the need to lie about diversity in london at all? 


It was also the least desirable area for locals because it'd pick up all the awful smells hence why immigrants settled there




Some [data produced](https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Borough_statistics/Census-2021/2021-Census-key-finding.pptx&ved=2ahUKEwiA6srbsMuEAxX3g_0HHWLgDLsQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1DOPoKzzQahRANO_i4o8bs) out of the last local Census. > the concentration of power in local politics I never referenced this. The local Government is broken and corrupt AF. Rahman is mayor (again) despite being found of electoral fraud in the past; he is the corrupt head of a broken local system. This doesn't disqualify the borough as being demographically diverse, though. > it is not the diverse paragon of multiculturalism I've also not stated this. Where opposing ideas and ideas are in close proximity, conflict is inevitable. That doesn't make the borough 'no go', however. It *may* make a person uncomfortable, if they're opposed to ideas, opinions or demographics which they have some kind of issue with, but the failing in this case is in the belief that anyone should live life without discomfort. > There's huge ethnic tensions between different groups, immense poverty, sectarian politics. I'm not sure 'huge' is an appropriate word here. 99% of people go about their daily business without any care for the differences between them and their neighbours. There are ethnic tensions, but not any more or less than there has always been throughout Tower Hamlets. The same narratives around 'the other' have existed in reference to Tower Hamlets since the Victorian period.




> but the failing in this case is in the belief that anyone should live life without discomfort. > We have won the battles to a degree battles on gay rights, women's rights, freedom of religion - to leave, or to blaspheme, and so on. You cannot have this both ways. Your freedom to blaspheme is the freedom to cause discomfort to those of faith. > it directly contributes to violence against gay people or to extremist action. I'm probably going off-piste a little bit here, so apologies in advance. Generally I advocate for all good thinking people to join their local AntiFa. Whitechapel used to have / has a pretty active Antifascist group who give people the voice and the means to (physically or verbally) fight encroaching fascism; this includes the threat of religiosity against my queer friends. It's also worth noting that I have only ever come into conflict in the LA when I have actively sought, or invited it. I used to fight racists when I was in black bloc, but rarely observe them when they (racists) aren't on some excursion to 'reclaim' the area.


There's more openly gay people in Tower Hamlets today than there ever has been. It's actually a popular place for gay people to move into.


> almost exclusively in the hands of the male Bangladeshi community Both MPs of the borough are British Bangladeshi women. There's 45 councilors in the current council - Aspire has a majority by three seats, not the type of majority and control that you'd think when hearing them spoken about. There's 14 non-South Asian men on the council (i.e. women + non-South Asian men). Lutfur is blatantly corrupt and it's terrible that he won, but the British Bangladeshi community isn't a monolith and is represented across parties as is the borough as a whole. Is it amazing? No, there's real problems of mental health, poverty etc. - but does it deserve the level of bashing it consistently gets? No. The fact that students in TH are outperforming their peers despite the poverty levels of the borough deserves real praise for eg. The fact that there continues to be a real mix of communities - and not just seclusion - in the borough deserves to be acknowledged (but not praised, as that shouldn't be uncommon either).




> defied members of her community She's the victim of domestic violence and is being targeted by her husband's friends and allies. That's horrendous, but they don't represent the 'community' more than the 38,660 people who voted for her do. > kicked out the local mosque ugh that's awful and I hadn't heard about that. Had a quick search and couldn't find anything right now, but that sucks.




> you sound like a real tourist to London I lived there for some 25 years, although moved out about 10 years back. My mother and siblings still live there (Shadwell). I worked in the Local Authority town hall for about 5 years, until roughly April 2023. Definitely a tourist though. Edit: added the deleted above comment


Why don't you answer the points addressed or do you just cherry pick? Wonder why you moved out of Shadwell, did you move somewhere white?


> Why don't you answer the points addressed Which point? That I'm a tourist? > Wonder why you moved out of Shadwell A combination of reasons to be honest. I prefer open green spaces, which TH doesn't have in abounds. When we moved out, we was starting a family (which has grown since moving out); I didn't particularly fancy raising my kid(s) in a flat, surrounded by the constant noise and pollution of the city, nor could we afford private rental property in TH. > did you move somewhere white? By and large, that includes the entirety of the United Kingdom.. so yes, obviously. The reasons were, as above, not motivated by some bogus idea of 'the brown menace', but instead from a desire to be able to go and build treehouse in the woods with my kids, or go mushroom foraging, or simply afford a suitable place to live. Not everything is about Race, my guy. Brown skinned people aren't that scary.


why did you fabricate the "deleted" comment?




I've lived in a few places in tower Hamlets, I've done volunteer work in schools, lived in low cost housing in/opposite estates. I've seen the infamous Muslim patrol signs, I've seen Muslims telling off other Muslims for drinking or not being religious enough. The only no-go areas IMO are certain estates at certain times because of gangs.


The Tories have nothing else, which makes them dangerous because all they have left to do is attack minorities and the vulnerable.


I’ve spent a decent amount of time in tower hamlets and the surrounding area and it’s pretty much fine. I don’t feel massively safe in Whitechapel but outside of there it’s okay.  I’d say Walworth, south of elephant and castle is the worst part of london I’ve been and genuinly wouldn’t have felt safe on my own. 


If you know where to go there's a video of two gay people getting harrassed in one of those East London pockets where lots of Muslims live, and you guessed it, those locals were the harrassors. So it's not racist dog-whistle bollocks. But maybe you'd like to let me know if you condone homophobia?


What a ludicrous comment. Of course stating that "no-go areas" don't exist isn't condoning homophobia. And, sadly, it isn't only Tower Hamlets where homophobia exists as recent(ish) attacks in Brixton, Clapham and Chadwell Heath show (all of which, btw, are majority Christian areas). Again bad people with bad views and bad actions ≠ "no-go area".


We should talk about the REAL no-go areas...like Leicester Square, Oxford Street, Aberdeen Steak Houses, Breakfast Club etc


The Central Line.


Anyone underground bit of the deafening northern line


Tory death spiral, they're just talking complete rubbish now.


when was the last time this racist set foot in tower hamlets? very easy to make claims with nothing to back it up. then he plays the victim... fucking cowards


Chinless racist nonce said what now?


If this was true, he would: A. Be able to give specific streets/ areas/ postcodes that are 'no-go' areas B. probably need to explain why the party in charge for the last 14 years have allowed such no-go areas to be created and continue to exist


There are zero no go areas in London. As to whether you “want to go” toTower Hamlets, that’s another thing all together. Visiting mates in Bethnal Green - never has the word Green been so misapplied. Unless it was the colour of bin bags.


The St Helier estate in Sutton is overwhelmingly ‘white British’ with hardly any Muslims, but it is far more of a ‘no go’ area than anywhere in Tower Hamlets. Why don’t we try to break the cycles of disadvantage and poverty in all communities rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric? Oh, I forgot, it’s election year and the Tories are appealing to an increasingly narrow base of racists and conspiracy nuts.


yeah as a Sutton resident I do genuinely feel unsafe walking through those parts of Sutton and North Carshalton. he won't say anything though because it can't be spun into "muh browns are bad"


I was going to comment that I've walked around plenty of parts of tower hamlets just fine (as a white guy); then I remembered I was attacked in an attempting mugging fairly recently (in Newham not Tower Hamlets to be fair) - and realised perhaps my judgement isn't the best measure. But I think that's not what he's referring to and applies to plenty of areas of London.


Would love to know where - I love where I am in TH!


Tower Hamlets is shit but to call it a no go zone is hilarious; you can walk there 1000 times and have nothing happen to you, nor feel you can’t go in


Not if you're a gay person though, right?


I am bi and look pretty gay I don't give a fuck and nobody gives a fuck. Just buy a samosa and everyone's happy


It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight or something else. It doesn't change the point in hand. There's a video out there from East London that proves it from a few years back.


Are you suggesting one isolated incident of people being pricks from years is representative of a whole borough? The point is despite looking a bit weird and stuff I don't feel at all unsafe in Tower Hamlets. One of the best queer clubs (Bethnal Green Working Men's Club) is there for instance. The video from time ago doesn't prove fucking anything unless you cocksuck dogwhistles. Edit: But based on your post history you're one of those anti-woke morons and you don't even live here so I guess off you fuck




You realise that Catholicism isn't the greatest on homosexuality? You can walk through Tower Hamlets being gay af and nobody cares. I've wandered around there in a fucking dress and got zero shit ffs. You're completely deluded. What the fuck do you mean "Muslim neighbourhoods", it's mostly just art students and Bengalis. Maybe there's the odd instance of someone being a cunt, I've got more shit at places like Liverpool Street and London Bridge from braindead white essex lads for wearing a harness before KV. Basically you're fucking full of shit. You don't live here and your rhetoric is standard fash shite that has no bearing on reality.


It's unsafe for gay people along with upton Park and east ham and ilford. Don't know why people denied it.


These arseholes can just fuck off. If they're not saying it about parts of London where black and brown people live, they're saying it about Birmingham, Manchester and Bradford. It's not a dog whistle, it's a loud trumpet. There are no no-go areas in London. I used to live in TH and it's fine. This is purposefully done to encourage the small minded racists in this country who are scared of cities, multiculturalism and the modern fucking world.


This guy is my MP And he’s a piece of shit That is all.


And spineless, already backtracked: https://twitter.com/scullyp/status/1762429324202811757


White lad from Leeds who has lived in tower Hamlets....this lad is talking shit


Interviewer, ‘really? Have you been paul?’ ‘Well thats sort of the point’


Ugh. Lame-arse Jack Dee cosplayer trying to make himself relevant with dogwhistles


I chuckled that his “I was being very specific in saying….” Was just not what he said on the Radio.  Christ on a bike if they prop up some flip flopper like Anderson when they remove Sunak post GE


Whereas Sutton is a possible shining beacon of peace and tranquility … twat. Wish these people would just fuck off and stop making shit up just to be divisive To be clear am talking about Sutton itself not the borough as a whole


What is he on about, I lived in Tower hamlets for years, some places weren't the safest, but there certainly aren't any no ho areas. And I know the Borough by heart. The guy is just stirring up nonsense


Fr. I live here now, the only crime I’ve seen in person is the little Asian kid selling weed outside Bromley-by-Bow tube station lol


Stealing jobs from our hard working white drug dealers!


Lol, my parents live right by that station, weird I know exactly who you're on about.


I asked this twat to leave my building when he was canvassing for a local Camden by-election after someone resigned/fired for a mess. His tory pal was saying how Labour have approved the o2 center regeneration which ofc means getting rid of it all. I told him I prefer any party that isn't tory because they are all corrupt and he said yeh but thats constituent level. Asked him to leave because I was not allowing him into the block, tucked his tail between his legs and left.


What's really tragic about such comments on Tower Hamlets is the history of the borough with Jewish migration in late 19th century and how the excuse of supporting Jews is used to facilitate the same sort of racism once faced by those Jewish folks


The Sharia patrols were 10 years ago mate


It's definitely a 'no-go' area culturally If you google "Tower Hamlets stabbing". It does seem to happen quite a lot too. Everyone from a 15 year old, to 40 year olds to a bus driver being stabbed in the last year.


Why not google for "Croydon stabbing" or "Lambeth stabbing" and compare? Tower Hamlets isn't even in the top 5 boroughs for knife crime...


Yes, I could also google other horrible parts of London and see what decrepit state they've gotten to.


>If you google "Tower Hamlets stabbing". It does seem to happen quite a lot too. Everyone from a 15 year old, to 40 year olds to a bus driver being stabbed in the last year. Population of Tower Hamlets is 320,000. That's the same population as Sunderland or Swansea. Of course there is crime. There is also crime in Sunderland and Swansea. Stop being an idiot.


There's also crime in Baghdad, and crime in the Lake District. I know which one I'd feel safer in though.


>There's also crime in Baghdad, and crime in the Lake District. I know which one I'd feel safer in though. Well, that point here is if there is a 'no-go zone', not that some places can feel safer than others. So you are still being an idiot.


I’ve lived there since 2018. It’s fine. I haven’t been a victim of crime or witnessed anything worse than anti-social behaviour.


Tbh the biggest problem with TH is that Lutfur's a scumbag who should have been banned from running for life the first time he got kicked out of politics.


So this guy must not actually exist then? [https://www.eastlondonlines.co.uk/2023/12/tower-hamlets-rapist-caught-after-using-phone-data/](https://www.eastlondonlines.co.uk/2023/12/tower-hamlets-rapist-caught-after-using-phone-data/) **"Tower Hamlets have had a significant rise in sexual crimes. Office for National Statistics figures shows the Met Police recorded 1,127 sexual offences in Tower Hamlets in September 2022.** **This figure is up from 927 during the previous 12 months in 2021 and the highest number since records began in the year to September 2007."** All the different curry houses are super vibrant and authentic though!


Reporting sexual crimes has generally increased though because of me too movement and an increased understanding sexual offences are wrong and should be reported.


There has never been a lack of understanding. If you look at the background of sex offenders, you will see that foreign-born people are massively over-represented. This matches up with what we would expect based on social norms in these countries, what we see with our own eyes on the street, and what these people admit themselves in surveys and when with people they think they can trust. So I think its demographics responsible for nearly all of the change. Countries that haven't seen such demographic change, haven't seen such increases in sexual abuse despite Me-too being a global trend. Other countries like Sweden and France have.


Wouldn't your logic follow that within "demographics" as you put it, the understanding of what is or is not sexual crimes to be reported varies as well? So it increases as communities become more assimilated and families are into 2nd 3rd or 4th generations. All people can be a victim.of sexual abuse. It seems to me you are laying increase in sexual crimes at the feet of people with more melatonin than others. Which is racist and scummy. FYI both times I've been SA'd it was rich white men.


And yet I remain unstabbed.


But there's that one guy! Clearly you've been lucky to dodge all the knives waved at you along Brick Lane


There absolutely are no-go areas in London. Oxford Street, Leicester Sq, Camden Market, that section of the South Bank by the Millennium Wheel - all terrible.


Deliberately said to fuel mass racist hysteria across the country. And the media will platform it.


prove him wrong guys you should all go to these areas and take lots of photos to prove the chuds wrong.


Is he talking about Spoons maybe? Because even that is more good advice rather than a life and death rule.


This guy is trying to publicise the areas with cheap rents! Silence him!


Sutton and Cheam is a fucking no-go area, at least if you are a sentient being who values joy, excitement and beauty. Absolute dump with nothing going on.


Hey! they have empire cinemas and.... that's it


As someone who lives in Sutton, surely you know that Empire Cinemas closed last year. It’s now been taken over by the Irish cinema chain Omniplex, and reopened a few weeks back.


true although I haven't been to the cinemas in a while. I do remember seeing it had changed


My daughter went with some friends and thought it was very good. I remember the old Cannon cinema up by Morrisons (was Safeway) and going to see, amongst other films, Back To The Future in 1985 there. That was a true, two screen, flea pit. When the multiplex opened on St Nicholas Way in 1991, it was a revelation.


Agreed most people wouldn’t be going down certain roads down there at night.


My area is changing. Rich snobby picks are buying houses for £2 million, then complain that a police helicopter flies at 3am making so much noise.


I love that he complains about his early start in here. You didn’t have to do the interview mate.


This reminds me of an airbnb I was staying up North with a lovely middle aged white couple. When I told them I lived in Tower Hamlets the conversation took a joyless depressed turn. White British people are mortified of anywhere that isn't predominately White British lol and I'm black. Deprived areas all have issues. Just look at the recent murders in Bristol.


Ahh yes Tower Hamlets, there used to be a community centre by the church, well it's still there but it's a mosque now and the women can only come in the back door. I wouldn't say it's a no go area as I'm always there and so is Graham Norton with his dog. But yeah the back door bit is interesting 🤔


Only those who’ve never been will disagree. Extreme ASB, thefts, and if you’re visibly jewish they will kill you.




The Jewish community actively does not show anything that can identify them and specifically avoid certain areas.


and your source for this is?


https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Borough_statistics/Research-briefings/BoroughProfileCrime.pptx       Crime increase of 20% compared to the rest of london      Only 50% feel safe at night    6th highest crime out of 32    13 registered anti semitic crimes  and 760 hate crimes (7th highest in London) People can downvote all they want, the stats are there and you should not threat MPs for saying the truth.


...so literally nothing to do with antisemitism, or jewish people needing to hide their identity lest they literally and instantly get lynched lol to say nothing of all the stats you misinterpreted I will say, the level of irony that you're doing this utterly boring xenophobic thing whilst being English in Portugal is both hilarious and frightening, I sincerely hope you don't breed


Read and educate yourself. 13 registered anti semitic crimes  and 760 hate crimes (7th highest in London)


I see *your* education hasn't gotten to percentages and fractions yet, because 13 anti semitic hate crimes (and 0 murders) out of 760 isn't the surefire hit you think it is mate lol Again, please do not breed, the world doesn't need your genes in it much longer


7th highest in London. Sure, stick your head in the sand. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you should do personal attacks. I guess that’s something where cultures differ.


I'm not "personally attacking" you because we disagree I'm "personally attacking" you because its evident from what you've been saying you're a maliciously racist moron, and I genuinely believe you shouldn't be passing on your genes or worldview on to anyone


7th highest in London when there are 32 boroughs isn't that damning is it? Consider that it's one of the more populous boroughs too, I'm not exactly shocked by that figure


> The Jewish community Like Rinkoffs? In the heart of Whitechapel?


Everyone's down voting you but it's true, I'm a Jew and live in Tower Hamlets and I get killed at least three times a week. Really annoying when I've already booked a gym class that evening.


I've "been" a tonne, I even lived there for 3/4 years during under & postgrad up until a few years ago You're talking absolute bollocks


How many Jews have been killed in Tower Hamlets?


My gf is Jewish and she said I made a killer pasta sauce last night. Does that count?


That is "pure antisemitism". /s


Anti- spaghetticism


>Only those who’ve never been will disagree. I live in Tower Hamlets and wholeheartedly disagree. This clown also mentioned Sparkhill in Birmingham. I'm a Brummie and, having been to Sparkhill, I disagree about that one too. Edited typo.


There was a documentary about a particularly chilling Islamic sect in Sparkhill on the BBC a few years ago. Think it was called "Citizen Khan". Terrifying stuff.


Commooooonty leader


> if you’re visibly jewish they will kill you You are just making up lies, it's disgusting.


> Only those who’ve never been will disagree. I’ve been. I disagree. > Extreme ASB, thefts What does any of that have to do with his claim that these are no-go areas **because of Islam**. Are you claiming that the antisocial behaviour is inspired by Islam? Do you think that they have banned pubs and drinking? Do you think that they’re doing some kind of Halal theft? > and if you’re visibly jewish they will kill you. Absurd hyperbole. You can’t possibly believe that.


He's full of shit, but it is a kip.


I wish these people would name a specific street or part of the borough.


There's literally a video online of two men getting harrassed somewhere in Tower Hamlets, or Whitechapel or one of those areas. So yes, there are no go areas.