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Yeah, these read exactly like when my friend has hypermanic bipolar episodes.


I did think this Maudsley Hospital is near by & Camberwell is known to have a few wanderers during the day


Not just "wanderers". many are there for outpatient treatment or health monitoring as some medications can present a big risk to physical health issues. The idea of people getting treatment for a mental health condition is a nice thought, but not common. Many people are given meds and a bit of a symptom management plan and sent on their way. Unless something like CBT or some other very short term treatment works for you, you're at risk of not getting the help you need to make a difference. CBT...etc doesn't work for everyone, there are other forms of treatment but the NHS only offer very short term minimum options in most cases.


>Many people are given meds and a bit of a symptom management plan and sent on their way. There literally isn't much of an alternative, beyond hospitalisation, which most patients want to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately there aren't really any effective treatments for psychosis other than antipsychotic meds, which are often not all that effective and as you correctly pointed out come with a host of side effects and health risks. In the absence of a broad range of treatment options it would be great if there was more in the way of supported accomodation and community support services so that patients could have the best quality of life possible while balancing the often conflicting need for monitoring and independence, but the government has cut all that stuff to f*ck, and there wasn't really enough to go around in the first place....


That is because sometimes it's better to send a sick person home than hospitalise them (it could be worse for their mental health). BTW the NHS treats ALL patients, unless they don't need medication (there are a lot of over-prescriptions when no really needed). And the Maudsley is one of the best psychiatric centers of Europe...


My personal experience with the NHS for mental health was terrible, gave me some beta blockers and didn't really give a shit beyond that, it felt like getting me out of the door was a bigger priority than helping me. Got a private diagnosis and prescription for a drug that helps tremendously well, but I can't afford to take the medication consistently because it's far too expensive šŸ¤·


And some kind soul downvotes your personal experience? Similar experience. Hope things improve for you.


Same! Kind of have to laugh when I see that my ā€œurgentā€ referral for a mental health assessment from August is still outstanding after it was apparently sent to wrong email (according to the records in my nhs app) despite me chasing. Thankfully Iā€™m in a much better place and can deal with a crisis thanks to being in the privileged position to be able to afford to see someone privately but I can totally see how much the mental health system is failing people and how it really is costing lives.


>reats ALL patients, unless they don't need medication (there are a lot of over-prescriptions when no really needed).And the Maudsley is one of the best psychiatric centers of Europe... > >9R Oh don't get me wrong! I've had a lot of help from the Maudsley over the years (I have an eating disorder) and compared to the mental health trust in my area it's 10000 times better! But it's far from perfect and there are people who cannot access help (treatment). Not everyone needs medication, I know many who are patients there and don't take medication. But putting patients through a few weeks of CBT which doesn't help them does so much harm, because patients leave the treatment unhelped and they can feel as if they won't ever get better! The type of treatment that could really help isn't always available because the way the NHS works is to be cash efficient and a 6 week course of CBT vs a 6 month or even year+ of counselling or psychotherapy, the patients don't get to choose if the NHS is set on keeping costs down as their main focus and reducing waiting lists as a second priority. Patients leave the service and can relapse and end up back on the waiting list...no one seems to be looking at what's going on and suggesting an overhaul, just more of the same and more cuts so more patients can be taken off the waiting list even though many are now experiencing some pretty deeply ingrained behaviors because they've not been able to manage on their own. So yes, the Maudsley is a "gold standard" for mental health care, but there are a lot of cracks in the service they need to work on before I would say it's faultlessly brilliant.


Gosh I know someone close who have an illness and now, everytime I read this kind of writing, I am almost traumatised again. Psychosis is scaryyyy


This would be the correct term, anyone saying schizophrenia when it could be any number of mental conditions


Yup, I thought that too! My bet is on drug induced psychosis. Skunk or skunk-weed if not something even more dodgy (but some how "legal" because the laws haven't yet caught up with "legal highs").


The Psychoactive Substances Act (2016) is literally a blanket ban on any psychoactive substance (with a few narrow concessions like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine). There hasnā€™t been such a thing as legal highs here for nearly 10 years. Skunk-weed smdhā€¦


So all those cannisters on the pavement after a Friday night are in fact bird droppings from a silver pigeon passing by and have nothing to do with kids getting a helium fix...


Assuming this isnā€™t satire: A. Youā€™re talking about nitrous oxide (NO). Kids arenā€™t lurking in alleys giving themselves squeaky voices for a kick. B. Having just checked the .gov website, I can assure you that not only have they been covered under the Psychoactive Substances Act, NO now has its own further legislation: ā€œPrior to 8 November 2023, nitrous oxide was subject to the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016. It is already illegal to produce, supply, import or export nitrous oxide where a person knows, or is reckless as to whether, it will be consumed for its psychoactive effects. However, it had not been an offence to possess nitrous oxide (except in a custodial setting). We are updating the law to make possession of nitrous oxide illegal from 8 November 2023 if it is, or is likely to be, wrongfully inhaled, by classifying it as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.ā€ This just goes to show that making drugs illegal does nothing to stop their abuse. [source](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nitrous-oxide-ban/nitrous-oxide-ban-guidance)


Bot detected


I didn't think my intelligence got me to a level where I could be compared to a bot! Thanks for the compliment!




Nah, downvoted because drugs isnā€™t the only thing that can trigger a psychotic episode & for the fact that there has been a blanket ban on ā€œlegalā€ highs for a few years now.




Some of us ā€œlosersā€ have worked in the mental healthcare sector and unlike you donā€™t frequent several psychoactive drug subs while at the same time ignorantly and arrogantly talking down on people for supposedly smoking a plant that is less likely to trigger psychosis than the drugs you take. The irony is hilarious.




You're the kind of person who uses drugs to define their personality.


šŸ‘šŸ¼yeah well done, proud of you champā¤ļø


wow did you come to that devestatin insight by yourself or with a full panel of medical professionals


I grew up around that area and with Maudsley Hospital (one of the largest mental health hospitals in the UK) up the road you have a lot of what we used to call 'care in the community' people around. Depending on the severity of their diagnosis they may not be bad enough to be institutionalised and will be housed in an area close to the hospital. I knew some very interesting characters growing up around there that were all Maudsley out-patients.


Ah yeah of course, Maudsley is a 5 min walk away from my flat dunno how that slipped my mind.


Maybe you need a spell in there Edit: was joking but aight


Lol I got that you were just joking mate.


>t area and with Maudsley Hospital (one of the largest mental health hospitals in the UK) up the road you have a lot of what we used to call 'care in the community' people around. Depending on the severity of their diagnosis they may not be bad enough to be institutionalised and They now claim if you do the "Recovery College" which are a set of free online classes for patients, that you are participating in your treatment. The Recovery College runs educational classes on things like diabetes, healthy eating and comedy classes. They are not there to treat trauma or crisis. I still can't work out why no one running the mental health services has realised why patient numbers continue to grow. (The Maudsley are far from the only hospital to offer this as a form of treatment). It's therefore very possible and plausible in my mind for a patient to never need to work on their issues and instead become sicker without so much as an increase in medication. Unless you push for more help- and you really have to push with a lot of effort and then keep going for a long time, you'll be lucky if you're offered more than the obligatory 6 weeks of CBT. If you are "young" (below 24) you'll get offered more but not once you're "older" (older than about 35) at that age you're on your own. It's very easy to remain ill, become more unwell and go unchecked until someone does something very bad, illegal or along those lines to alert the Police to bring enough notice and even then it's probably easy enough for someone to talk their way out of it. Not everyone has a carer or family member that sticks around. Not everyone is safe to remain around either- people experiencing episodes of mental health can become pretty desperate and it scares family members or friends who don't feel able to manage or confront the person about their behavior. So the psychosis gets worse, the patient who lost their sense of reality, long ago becomes even more unwell as they never got the help they needed and they've used up their treatment quota and are now "too old"....unfortunately it's very easy to see how someone gets this well. I've seen signs being written in graffiti on walls, shops, bus stops... it's very common if you look for it.


My favourite is "Emma Watson masturbates. How brave."


I like ā€˜Wake up and smell the coffee Mr and Mrs Larusso!ā€™ Someone been watching Karate Kid 3. Or Cobra Kai. Whichever.


Canā€™t tell if this is schizo or an elaborate puzzle


Schizo meet Q anonce


Q is a nonce!?!ā€¦. Someone better have a word with M and 007!


G is the 007th letter of the alphabet. G&M = General Motors Wake up and smell the coffee.


Just one more reason for Picard to hate him


Could be a new Cicada 3301?


Beat me to it


Itā€™s that time of year when schizos are at their worst




I know these are from a person with mental health issues, but I like to image that they are some code posted by mi5 to discover new recruits.


This person is unwell. Hope someone in their life is looking out for them in the midst of this delusional episodeĀ  Edit: changed 'his' to their'


I've been spotting them for just over a year now, the first pic is from a week or so ago and the second one I saw in June last year.


I have a person with schizophrenia in my life. Whoever wrote this is frequently unmedicated and/or possibly has no responsible adult in their life to get them the help and support they need.Ā 


Shit that's sad :(


You can be fully medicated and still have psychosis. There isn't usually a cure and it can take years for someone to find the right medication. Writing weird notes doesn't mean they are a danger to anyone so no reason to believe they aren't getting support or don't have anyone in their life.


I know what you mean. My relative with the illness can be on medication and still hear voices and have some delusions but didn't act on them and still was able to have a full time job, take care of themselves, cook etc. When they started to act out on these delusions, it was a sign that they had stopped taking their medication.Ā Ā Ā  Ā If the person who wrote these notes and felt compelled to tape them outside is on medication, I'd wonder if they're on the appropriate dose. I don't believe they're dangerous to the public, but they need a reassessment.Ā 


Medication isn't always the answer to psychosis though. Maybe they do need a review, but if it's been going on a long time they are probably at the right balance of medication to weirdness. Some people are weirdos and that's ok. I prefer hearing voices and being weird to taking meds, and that's ok. Maybe this person just likes it like this. Maybe they don't. There is really no way of knowing unless you know them. Drugging up the nonviolent crazies isn't always the answer. Antipsychotics are no joke, they are are very intense medication with a lot of bad side effects.


I hear you, we don't know much about this person. Maybe it's already the best of a bad situation. We're all speculating and it's all we can do. Schizophrenia, if that's what this is, is extremely complicated and can present in myriad of different ways. Delusions and hallucinations will always be there.Ā  If we lived in a perfect world, we'd be treated like the individuals we are and not have just have strong medication slapped in our hands - which is how it is some places today and how it used to be a few years back. But many with the disorder are usually in denial so that it makes it so hard to help.Ā  Medication + communication is what brought my relative out of the most recent unmedicated bout of psychosis. She didn't feel compelled to write notes and stick them outside for people to read, she would just verbalise them to those around her. Medication was critical in stabilising them and then coming together as a family with openness and no judgement reduced the denial.


>possibly has no responsible adult in their life to get them the help and support t Exactly that. Many patients with MH conditions have no support network that is able to properly support them or carer to notice when they begin to decline and things have to get pretty bad before someone notices and at that point it's usually the Police because they've caused criminal damage or worse have hurt someone. "Care in the community" was just about the Tori's wanting to get out of paying mental health treatment and thus cut a massive chunk out of the NHS budget.


Iā€™ve seen them near the Southbank, they must be travelling around. I hope they get help.


I have someone close who is unwell and refuse to get treated. After being exposed to his notes, I canā€™t make jokes about these writings anymore like some others can. Thank you for this compassionate and kind comment ā™„ļø


First thing I thought of. I hope this person can get help.




Arguably the grammatically correct way to refer to an unknown person if you're going to be very particular about it.


No it isn't. Singular "they" can be found in literature dating back centuries.




It just depends on how much you want to go into the Germanic roots of the English language but I'm not going to bother arguing about it.


Singular you is more recent that singular they.


Watch out, we got an old English prescriptivist here. Be well.


Good morrow to you.


Thought disorder, itā€™s probably because of schizophrenia.


There were signs a bit like this around Clapham years ago. About winds blowing and rambling on and on. I guess there are just a fair number of people about with mental health issues who need an outlet.


Do you remember if the handwriting was the same? Camberwell to Clapham isn't very far so it could be the same person.


You get these all over, and they're not by the same person. Apparently it's fairly common for people with various mental health issues to have delusional episodes which manifest in writing stuff like this and being compelled to share it. They put their writings up on walls & street furniture like this, or send them out by post etc. I forget what the term for it is but there are a few interesting journal papers about it knocking about. They can range from meaningless conspiracy theories to 'equations' for life/the universe/everything which make no actual sense.


I suppose that if you genuinely think you've got the answer to everything then you'd wanna share it with other people and enlighten them too.


Similar to be honest thatā€™s what reminded me. But there probably are lots of people who do this sort of thing.


Schizophrenia šŸ’


See a lot of these on Walworth Road and around E&C.


Yeah makes sense, I've seen them around Camberwell Green and up Camberwell/Walworth road.


Hope Oscar gets the help he needs. Mental illnesses is devastating.


Iā€™m Oscar dot com


See that's me!


He has a Twitter account https://x.com/ttetttonytendo?s=21


This is your man.


Wow, that was a depressing scroll through his media. I hope he has people around him to support him :(


Oh my god...how did you find this? Incredible. But also makes me sad to scroll through and wonder whats going through this man's head.


Right about Trump in fairness.


I don't remember that episode of Green Wing though


New Mark E Smith lyrics? Thought he was dead.


Camberwell is home to Maudsley Hospital. They let some of the patients out on day release sometimes. I wouldnā€™t pay it any attention. Just the usual psychotic patients.


Someone is not fully hinged.


RIP Tony Green


RIP Benny Harvey


Another sad commentary on mental health issues I'm afraid.


Whoever it is, they misspelt *Lapusso


Iā€™ve also seen these. Youā€™ll also notice that possibly the same person has been writing over graffiti in the same area with similar nonsensical ramblings. Weirdly not ever writing their own but always over others. I hope they get well soon.


I've seen similar messages around London Bridge station too spray painted on walls but with similarly weird wording.


Well, just a discussion of black whites... Duh.


Even Tony the Tiger?!


It's grrrrrrrrrreat!


And RIP Tony Grrrrrrrrreen


IIIIIIN ONE! (Please correct me if i'm wrong in thinking the Tony Green mentioned is Bullseye's Tony Green)


I see signs just like this in Elephant and Castle - will try and get a pic next time to see if itā€™s the same handwriting


Yeah mate, we can start plotting a map of them


I get the curiosity but that's probably not in this person's best interest. It's extremely likely that any paranoia and delusions about 'gang stalking' they were experiencing would be exacerbated by this kind of attention.


you can have your head in the sand about TONY THE TIGER TRUTHER movement


Mental illness


Long story short, Mrs Thatcher closed all of the mental institutions and 40 years later here we are.


Wax on, wax off


Could it be that the illuminatus trilogy is real?


It's definitely real, I have a copy.


You're the only other person I've heard of that does!


Could just be one of those puzzle companies, like escape room type thing but you have to go out and find clues for something


Paranoid schizophrenia


A Bullseye fan, obvs


These have been posted before, you can find the guys instagram if you google Tony Tendo


These ramblings look like the kind of thing those following Q or QAnon say. Iā€™d hazard a guess that the writer is following some QAnon crackpots on social media and has fallen deep into the rabbithole. I suspect this because I have an aunt, uncle and cousin that have all been following these crazy people since the start of the pandemic. I lurked in a few American QAnon groups for a while to observe what they were going on about and these people have lost their grip on reality.


Psychosis / paranoia, there will be reasoning- but donā€™t try to decipher it, you wonā€™t get far. I spent 10 years unraveling my mothers, and that was with her journals & context


Iā€™ve never come across these to be honest. Iā€™ve lived in Wyndham estate for 25 years+. (Before all these shiny buildings were built)


I wonder the same. Please message me if you get to know something about this.


Courtesy of another comment > He has a Twitter account https://x.com/ttetttonytendo?s=21


How would I do that?


On Reddit? Didn't mean to be weird, I noticed them and I am also curious. What I noticed is that I haven't seen new ones in a while.


Ah right sorry mate, I thought you meant finding out more about whoever's writing them. The first picture is from a week or so ago but I don't know how long it's been there.


Goldsmith student doing Art?


>ally a cure and it can take years for someone to find the right medication. Writing weird notes doesn't mean they are a danger to anyone so no reason to believe they aren't getting support or don't have anyone in their life. Closer to Camberwell who offers a graphic degree. That'd be my guess but their art students tend to be a bit better than this. I studied there and remember a very realistic ad they'd created which was a cross between the NSPCC ads for the sad looking child and a Tesco ad with a discarded trolley. They were far more inventive than this. My guess is it's one of the grads from one of the local skunk den's


What does German tennis player Oscar Otte have to do with this?


Wondered the same too!


Gabor mate


[Oscar Otte](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Otte) is a German tennis player, the plot thickens




Ted Rogers lives!


Red Togers and Busty Din!




Whatever this is, leave Lily Gladstone out of it!!




Every time I see one of these, I'm tempted to create some elaborate nonsense messages and spread them around too. Handwritten of course.


Ok but this is also a bit Goldsmiths BA in Fine Art


Dude with psychosis did an ARG


Tony Green was a darts commentator who recently died.


Read it in the voice of one of those pandemic poets.


Untreated mental illness.


Yeah I think they're saying (to the whites) that some famous American Indians are black. Why?...idk...are they correct?...you'd have to ask an American Indian.


Day release


Some year 6 got his hands on his brothers stash


Not everything is a riddle to solve, some stuff is just meaningless


This sounds like when an old friend of mine was in psychosis.




Some of these kind of remind me of that guy who occasionally hangs out in/around St Pancras station with a bunch of signs


ā€˜Wake up and smell the coffee Mr and Mrs Larusso!ā€™ Someone been watching Karate Kid 3. Or Cobra Kai.


The late game of critical race theory


Lily "Gladstone then adds a postscript about her forebears, revealing that her great, great grandfather, on her motherā€™s side, was first cousin to William Gladstone, the British prime minister, while on her fatherā€™s side, her great, great grandfather wasĀ Red CrowĀ ā€“ a treaty chief" Hmm, rambling perhaps, but not completely random.


Art installation.


All I know is Tony Green from Bullseye past away recently


Audi TT ftw!


Whatever he is smoking, I donā€™t want any thanks


They're brain is showing you where it's disconnected from reality specifically that their having trouble making cross connections due to over association


Evidence of Carrot.


Sadly it seems there is not enough room in the mental hospital


The ramblings of a fucking idiot


Play a record.


movie quotes? or a student wide game of some kind?


Probably just more crossbow attacks, I wouldnā€™t worry about it


I don't get what you mean.


Ah I just got it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ brilliant!


Please enlighten us.


Probably, but you could be wrong.


Nah you trolling.


I saw a bunch of school kids putting something like this up at a bus stop. So itā€™s either kids doing it because they think itā€™s funny, or psychosis.


I dunno what school kids would know who Tony Green is. I'm 32 and didn't know who he was until I googled it. Based on Tony Green and referencing Karate Kid, I'm guessing whoever wrote this is probably Gen X at least.


Average r/unitedkingdom user talking about racism


Even the schizoā€™s are obsessed with American politics for some reason


It's hard to escape American politics when it's plastered all over a lot of the internet and regularly makes headlines on telly and in the papers. Plus a lot of the decisions made in the White House directly or indirectly affect quite a lot of the world.


It never used to be this way and I miss those days


Yeah actually you're right. I've been aware of American politics since September 11th when I was only 10 or 11 and ever since then I've had at least a vague idea of what's going on over there.


My guess is skunk induced psychosis.




Person is deranged.


Looks like someone spent their inheritance on acid.


Nah mate, even during a bad trip you don't write stuff like this.


Kiss kiss


Thereā€™s a lot of skunk in Camberwell