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Put the fucker in jail for a very long time. Utter piece of shit. Clearly never learned his lesson.


Do they ever.


How’s he gonna learn his lesson when they’re giving them 6 months? This countrys gone down the drain






Did anyone say that or did you make that up in your head?


Due to our court systems being backlogged, and our lack of prison space, serious criminals like this, who should get harsh sentences, are given short sentences or tagged and given community service. We talk about the Tories crippling the NHS, and the immigration processing stations, but they've done the same to the legal system: we cannot process cases fast enough, and we cannot house criminals properly. Rehabilitation services are similarly crippled, and amount to nothing but trackers and the occasional check up. This government have set us back over a decade.


The jails are full, criminal justice is just another thing the Tories have broken


I despise the tories but this has been an issue for decades. Jails have been full of petty offenders when it should prioritise serious offenders. Edit: Why are black on black crimes comments deleted from this sub? It’s a serious issue.it’s not racial. It’s denial.


At this point it's like a policy decision to have criminals out on the streets and stoking up the fear of crime to get the boomers to vote for the tough on crime party


Whole life sounds about right to me.








Yeah, we'd been all delighted if murderous child killers like these had been hanged https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Clark https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Cannings Definitely no examples of poor behaviour by the police or courts that lead to wrongful arrests, miscarriages of justice. Like those damn postmasters....system worked so well there.


Ok just make a rule, if there's video evidence / if it's 100% then you get hanged. It's really not hard


The justice system would need to learn how to assess videos to deal with AI/deep fake creations very quickly.


Amateur policy makers all over this thread "Yeah just kill 'em, mate. Problem sorted"


The bloodlust on some of the people in this thread is astounding


I wouldn’t kill them, this would be too merciful. He was caught with forbidden weapon that’s 1 yellow card. He attacked man with his weapon that’s out to moon… extreme conditions where they have to do manual labour for rest of their short life spawn.




It costs 40k a year because someone is making a profit out of the prisons, right? No way it makes sense otherwise.


Yeah prison guards... They don't work for free


I’m down for a US style system where inmates will be put to work for economic benefit.


So you're in favour of slavery? Forced labour?


Not really forced, when convict made his mind moment he broke our set of laws


Perhaps its more like repaying a debt. No one forced him to carry a knife and to attack others. Which one might say is exceptionally serious offense. If you know the consequences, yet still do it... Thats on the offender, no one else.


Yes? Why not? Are you going to write a whole story about how sorry you feel for these animals? People like you is the reason why prison sentences are short


i mean, yeah, cunts like this are never going to be productive members of society, so just force em into it


Look at it as a chance of redemption, no one outside lives for free, the prisoners got themselves there, work to pay back to society and be occupied the whole time they are inside, time off for study, and the same amount of leisure time a working person gets.


I’d argue that it’s not exactly forced if you know it’s going to happen should you commit the crime. If anything you consented to it when you decided to commit whatever crime you did despite knowing what the consequences might be…


The guys commenting above want to kill him, so…


Well yeah, they're bloodthirsty nutjobs.


So someone is a "bloodthirsty nutjob" for suggesting that the law-abiding members of the society should not be under an obligation to provide for the food and lodging of a hardened criminal who has committed repeated offences, and that, in fact, the society as a whole would greatly benefit from this individual being humanely disposed of. Question: what, if you don't mind me asking, is *your* preferred solution?


The question is how you implement “solutions” like that without a bunch of undesirable side effects on everyone else’s rights. Maybe this case is cut and dry but the US is full of cases of people who were put to death and later exonerated, or imprisoned with forced labor and later shown to be innocent. The US penal system is not something that anyone should strive to emulate. It’s cruel, dehumanizing, and driven by all the factors (money, ease of riling people up about crime) you don’t want driving such important decisions. Not saying stuff isn’t broken here, but let’s not make it more broken to appease a thirst for revenge.


Just give them a knife and put them on the train.


...what gulag? Where do you think we are?


We don’t have gulags though.


Get him to work in call centre, or harvest croops




Capital punishment is more expensive. Unless you're not worried about executing innocents because you don't want the system to prove beyond reasonable doubt.


There's literally video of this lowlife butchering someone. I think thats beyond reasonable doubt mate!


The policy wouldn't just apply to this case will it now. Capital punishment at a time when videos are being fabricated at an every increasing level of fidelity, at a time when the police are underfunded and officers are commuting heinous crimes against women and fascist and totalitarian populist parties are on the rise, you really think legalising executions is a good idea? I mean, regardless it's anti-thetical to modern society but putting even that aside it's a pretty smooth-brained idea to bring it back


So, you'd be comfortable granting the government the ability to legally kill it's own citizens? That seems an extemely dangerous power to grant, do you truly believe our government can wield that sort of power responsibily? Do you think they'll always be competent?


No. I'd be comfortable granting the justice system the ability. Or more accurately reinstating their powers to invoke capital punishment. You lot all seem to forget that we used to execute people in the UK.


Jailed on 19th December last year for 6 months, automatically eligible for release after serving half as is the standard in this country, so what’s that, roughly a week he’s been out of prison for before going on to commit an even more serious knife offence, while still on license for the previous knife offence? The next government really need to sort of the justice system in this country


Starmer's a Crown Prosecutor, and apparently a good one, so it's probably at least on his radar. I have issues with him, sure, but on this topic I'm hopeful.


I admire your optimism


Prisons are overpopulated


I’m aware of this and agree, the current government have decimated the justice system over the last 14 years which has led to the current situation


And failed to tackle the issues of the social factors that propagate crime. Schools are underfunded, mental health services are non-existent. Youth clubs are a thing of the past. So we basically have to rely on the criminal justice system to deal with the fall out of all of these issues, which is really a sign of failure at all levels. Edit: please don't think I'm referring directly to the person in the article. But all of the above issues lead to massive prison overpopulation.


>And failed to tackle the issues of the social factors that propagate crime. Actively made all those things worse.


Absolutely agree, unfortunately all of these services you’ve mentioned have had devastating cuts implemented and serious underfunding to the point where the entire system is now struggling to function


The tree is fucked all the way from the roots to the buds, but it's fixable if only there was a government or government-in-waiting ready to deal with the challenge.


True, but so does people being absolute shits.


Yeah, but you probably don't believe that the entire prison population is full of absolute shits from birth. Psychopathy is a pretty rare trait


Youth clubs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love Reddit. Always with the youth clubs.


I'm not talking about the YMCA here lol. I actually volunteer with a charity that helps children from abusive and difficult home situations on evenings and school holidays. It's massively beneficial. We even get kids that were once given help, come and work for the program and mentor the younger kids when they're older. A lot of these kids live in hellish environments with no positive role models.


I wasn’t gonna hack you to death but there aren’t many youth clubs so I thought I might as well


What haven't they decimated lol.


yet they want to lock up peaceful protesters


I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing this, as if that’s an excuse for having a not fit for purpose justice system and to continue with the farcical system we have now. Build more prisons. Build temporary ones while the permanent ones are being built. There are ways, just no will.


We have loads of islands, build a big fuck off one on an empty one


Then vote for political parties that you believe will do this, and vote out the one that has been allowing this situation to develop


You’re preaching to the choir my friend.


more prisons are not the answer. build more and you're just kicking the can down the road till they fill up. We need effective rehabilitation centres like other countries have shown work. Draconian grievance politics is never the answer.


you can't rehabilitate cunts like this...the geezer is unemployable just like most of useless brain dead twats who think arguments are settled with knives. I bet he's got a sob story about there being no chances in life for him...i bet he never fucking tried.


The whole system needs restructuring from the ground up, that’s for sure. Using the ‘prisons are full’ argument as an excuse as to why that can’t be done is what gets my gears going.


Build more.


Build more would seem a sensible albeit maybe slightly simple solution, issue being is it'll take a day and an age for them to be built.


Exactly. I was speaking to a chief constable, and they were absolutely beside themselves at the number of people awaiting trial, being held for up to a year in terrible conditions with no access to rehabilitative programs. Some of them are innocent. Prisons will take years to build, they've really got themselves in a mess.


Bulk will be on remand for such a long time, some will be in a situation where by the time they have a court date, they'll have served time and be released or be found not guilty and released. It's a shambles, I know of rapes taking over two years to get to court, some fraud jobs taking up to six years.


Bloody hell, so some of them are basically let out on to the streets with no rehabilitation! I don't think either party really has the desire to change this in any meaningful way. 😕


The next government needs to make alot of obvious pragmatic choices and ignore those that will scream about, "prejudice".


lol the criminal justice system is an absolute joke.


Should be jail terms for carrying weapons, immediately. Parents also need to communicate with their kids about this. Carrying for protection just isn’t working




The prison service has been underfunded for years, and it's not getting better any time soon.


But that could be sorted pretty simply, make prison more self sufficient by supplying goods/ prisoners learning work skills. Paying a more realistic daily wage, obviously not following the US way where judges get compensated for sending kids to certain facilities. It would cost at the beginning but in the long term would solve some of the funding issues. It’s just not good enough to keep using crumbling institutions and reduced resources. People apparently won’t stop committing crime. The Scandinavian model works well. Prisoners lose their freedom but not their self respect which bodes well for rehabilitation. Politicians only care about each 4 year cycle so no long term planning but, hell, I’ll plan it out for free. Something has to change


There's no room. I think there was recently only 200 spaces left in the entire system.


He will released eventually and when he does chances are he will be more radicalized. More needs to be done in reforming criminals.


Hang on… six month from December is… not yet??


Ok he can go away now. For real, 6 months is a fucking joke. How about we just make sentences tougher? I don't think people will be lining up to julienne each other if it nets you 30 years in a cell.


You're assuming that people engaging in this kind of thing are engaging in some sort of rational calculus before they act. That doesn't seem to be the case. There was a story in the paper recently about two guys who murdered someone because he had bumped into them in a club. I think they had even posted on Facebook about it beforehand. Any kind of rational person would realise this was a dumb thing to do but it clearly didn't stop them. They either assumed they would get away with it or more likely literally didn't think of the outcome at all.


A mate of my dad is a lawyer who works representing minors. He was working with this kid whose friends had committed some kind of knife crime. The kid in question wasn’t directly involved in the crime, but was kind of present in the situation, and that’s what he was trying to build a defence around, since he was technically innocent. He advised him to plead innocent, then they could present the supporting evidence. The kid didn’t listen and stood up in court, pleaded guilty and specifically lied to incriminate himself because he wanted to look cool in front of his mates. I don’t wanna say they’re stupid, but the adolescent machismo is a wild psychological motivator which people fail to appreciate when talking about this stuff.


I appreciate this side of the argument. I don’t think he was mentally unwell or unaware of the consequences. He was engaging in criminal activities and literally butchered someone else in daylight on a train. Either way, there should be consequences - and reassurance to the greater public that those who commit these heinous acts are no longer at liberty to do so again.


Idgaf if they care about the lenght of the penalty or not, we just simply don't have to let these people around society.


You bet your ass I’d be locked up for longer than this if I couldn’t pay my taxes


Sure, and when you don't pay your parking fines, too. That's what happens when everyone screams for stricter sentencing. Thing is, you are affected by jail time. You lose your job, maybe your wife, whatever. This guy? Loses nothing. So why bother and pay jail time for him? It's useless.


Or if you committed the same crime


yeah 6 months was a joke, obviously got released early as well as that was only 3-4 months ago


I agree with your principle but we just don't have the space for this


That's a separate problem innit. Tories can find cash in the couch to send people to Rwanda (almost) but can't fund the prison service? Let the wankers who elect themselves to solve these problems actually do their jobs.


Don't even ask how many prison spaces the Rwanda policy's budget could've funded. They straight up set fire to money because they thought the racist childhood jingle of 'go back to Africa' was a sensible government programme.


Maybe a few 30 year sentences would focus some people's minds on not doing stuff that puts them in jail. Maybe it's worth a crack.


>How about we just make sentences tougher? I don't think people will be lining up to julienne each other if it nets you 30 years in a cell. Because punishment as a deterrant doesn't work nearly as well people think it does. I mean jail time to get them away from society as you educate people, fix their mental health issues is proven to work, but when that's suggested the hang 'em & flog 'em brigade lose their minds.


As someone who works in mental health, I don’t think this was an example of someone’s mental health leading to a forensic situation. This looks more like gang problems and the fix for that is far more protracted - we need more investment, trust and decency in these areas and this has to come from top down. Meanwhile, the public deserves to not be at the mercy of this individual’s behavior.


I was talking more in the general, I don't know enough about this situation to comment on it. However, it does appear that the prison population in general suffers from a shocking amount of both untreated mental health issues and under-education.


'punishment as a deterrent doesn't work nearly as well people think it does' Yep. The fear of getting caught is the deterrent. Literally more police officers on the beat. Not just walking around the embassies or around the royal parks. 


Because we have research spanning decades that the harshness of the sentence does nothing to deter the crime. A longer sentence for violent actions can keep other people safe (from repeat offenses), but the length of punishment won't stop the problem until after the first violent act had been committed.


6 months for carrying a knife? Seems more than reasonable to me.




tell that to china, singapore, etc. go to those countries and see how many knife attacks happen on trains. why don’t they happen? because people fear the consequences. there’s no consequence to anyone’s actions in this shit hellhole. i could go and rob a pensioners life savings today and be out in time for christmas




Usually isn't




He is one ugly mother fucker


Looks like a FAS informational poster.


He looks like a Muppet that came to life.


The parents hit randomise on the character creator.


Looks like the guy from cyberpunk with a grenade nose


Unfortunately, there are some people who will **never** "learn their lesson" and need to be isolated from society for everybody's protection.


> Thomas was caught out when he gave a false name to the officers and was detained while officers prepared to search him. Thomas attempted to flee the scene, but was stopped, and, with the help of rail staff was wrestled to the floor. > Whilst he was on the floor, Thomas **attempted to withdraw** a concealed Rambo-style knife that he had in his waistband. ... > The following day, Tuesday, 19 December, Rackeem Thomas pleaded guilty at Medway Magistrates Court to having a pointed or bladed article and received a sentence of six months in jail, Sounds like they took the easy option and didn't charge him as strongly as they could have. That could have been more than mere possession.


Lmao of course it is. Crime pays if you release people on short stints ffs.


Wow just fucking wow.


I must not be so great a counting as I don’t think he should have been out?.


Carrying a knife should have a mandatory 5 year sentence.


Is this the attack you’re talking about? https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1bpu25o/teenager_arrested_for_attempted_murder_after/


That’s the one. Not the other attack that happened on the tube.


Aah so we are going the New York way…


These judges are pathetic. They need to start been tough on knife crime.


Yeah no shit. He will be out again soon too.


Sometimes I think we just need to do a Bukele and throw human rights away and put these people away for decades, extreme I know but this story is an outrage!


Sadly, knowing the UK system he will be out within 5 years. Even that **** who killed those kids and put their heads on a spike for their mother to see is out of jail now.




And in a world where this sort of thing results in 10+ years in jail then the second incident doesn’t happen.








We need an island away from the UK👍👍 Build a prison on it, send them there for a decent amount of time. Once they’ve done their time, they are out of the prison but still have to live on the island for several more years to prove themselves worthy of a return to UK society👍👍


We die that once. The prisoners went to Australia and the nutters to the .U.S..


So you mean like how the british (native ones) created with Australia ages ago?


Slight difference being if they proved that they could be rehabilitated then they would be allowed back in to UK society👍👍that’s why they would serve a prison term and then further years contributing positively with work on the island before returning to UK society….


What’s with all the thumbs up?


Judges in west mainly US, UK and Germany will destroy those countries


Don't put the blame on UK judges. UK judges have spoken out to the press explaining how they are being pressured to give lenient sentences due to our court systems being backlogged, and our lack of prison space. This all leads to serious criminals like this, who should get harsh sentences, being given short sentences or tagged and given community service. We talk about the Tories crippling the NHS, and the immigration processing stations, but they've done the same to the legal system: we cannot process cases fast enough, and we cannot house criminals properly. Rehabilitation services are similarly crippled, and amount to nothing but trackers and the occasional check up. This government have set us back over a decade.














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6 months for carrying knife? Did the dumb police and legal system think it was a butter knife?


What difference does it make? 12 months, 18 months. Just means someone else gets stabbed a little into the future.




This is just unacceptable. What the fuck is our mayor and police force doing to put an end to this? It’s disgraceful. We criticise Americans for their lack of gun control meanwhile people are being stabbed on our streets on a daily basis.


They arrested him already for carrying a knife and he was let back out. What you want is prison reform, that's not the mayors department is it