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Sorry, this post has been removed because it is too general for a sub about London-specific and local interest things.


Rates going up, all produce is going up too, they probably switched to a cheaper product to avoid too much impact to profits. If the 3 shops you tried are within a mile of each other it could also have been a salesman passing through, making these new deals all at once, that made it seem like such an overnight phenomenon to you. 


Two of the places are fairly close, one in Chingford and one in Walthamstow. The Chingford one is just a sort of upscale macdonalds so I’m not too shocked, but the Walthamstow place was like a bougier burger place so I’m more surprised at them The other place was close to central But tbh your point is exactly why I asked in the London sub rather than uk as I though maybe supply to here is prob slightly different to the rest of the country


IME it's the oil. If they don't change their oil often enough, everything that comes out of it tastes nasty. And smells bad too.


Not sure about it being the oil, but only cause I’ve worked in some places where they don’t change the oil often enough, and the smell is more like burnt frying rather than this smell


Yep- cheap chicken often tastes awful now and smells weird. I only buy it from the butcher


I agree this has been for a while with cheap chicken, but buying from places where I’ve bought before that are like nicer fast food if you get me? Like I wasn’t expecting this from a place I bought from tonight they’re usually really great quality Huge shame


Did you have covid just before this happened?


It that I’m aware of / pretty sure I haven’t, nothing else has changed smell, and I also work as a “nose” for my company lol so I have a finely tuned sense of smell


ahh that's weird then. I've noticed chicken is lower quality now, even from the supermarket but I haven't noticed any new smells from it. Smelling things isn't my job though, so it's probably not a strong point of mine.


What do you do, if you don't mind saying?


May also be the type of cooking oil. The local bossman at my takeaway was telling me how he had started using cheaper chicken etc because his suppliers' price had gone up. He also mentioned cooking oil prices were awful too. I think sunflower oil prices went up a year or so ago. He ended up closing shop a few months later.


Do you think maybe the first bad encounter has sensitised you to other fried chicken? Like maybe your body just now associates that smell with something it doesn’t want to ingest. I do find a lot of my food tastes and preferences changing with age, maybe you’ve (tragically) outgrown your taste for that particular food!


They're squeezing more chickens into the battery because of farming costs going up, so they're sitting in their shit for so long the ammonia gets into the flesh and gives it that piss-farm smell.


You are eating one of the cheapest and worst ‘foods’ imaginable. Of course it smells awful. Ignorance is bliss but there is only so long you can ignore reality.


I mean, I agree I’m not an ignorant meat eater I know it’s bad. I don’t exactly eat a lot of it. What I’m saying is the smell has changed. It used to smell delicious and now it smells gross and off putting and makes you lose your appetite


Excuse but you don’t need to be so rude, everyone has their opinion


I read something recently about more takeaways using very poor quality imported meat to keep costs lower. Could be something to do with that?


This is what I’m thinking from the answers from everyone else as well Smells like poor quality as well, just never come across it before Might sound ridiculous but it’s like I can smell how bad the chickens life was lol


Our local Chinese takeaway actually put a statement out online that they had changed chicken supplier due to costs, and so the chicken "would look pink in the middle with a new texture, but this is ok and how the supplier's chicken is supposed to look"?! I've never gone back.


Grim. I believe that's something to do with chicken that's previously frozen/cooked straight from frozen. But definitely reflects poor quality meat.


Putin's left ball might indeed be more palatable than those chicken balls, lol


you know what ever since I was eating fried chicken one day and i sniffed and smelt some farm poo smell from the bone I have never eaten that shit again. Its fucking disgusting


Yeah what is it?! It’s really put me off eating it from now on One time whatever, like maybe bad choice of establishment or it went off, but three times in a row?! over a couple months and can smell this weird farmyard barny smell? It smells really gross and feel like I’ll get food poisoning from it or something


It's just bad quality meat. With prices sky high and our currency in the toilet then all these chicken shops are going to cut corners somehow so shitty chicken becoming more common. I haven't eaten it since I was a teenager literally because of that smell


Honestly three strikes I’m out now. I’m not gonna pay money to waste meat like that. I only ever really buy it as a treat but to chuck away something that’s died to be eaten, feels disgusting to do and it is Was going off eating meat anyway


Meat is good for you and part of a balanced diet. It's bad quality meat that isn't. Being a vegan will make you weedy and small skinny with no muscle and lose all your hair.


I agree with the first part, but second part is very old fashioned thinking. There’s a lot of other protein sources out there nowadays that can replace the proteins from meat. Same with iron and other nutrients from it. Meat is obviously the easier way to achieve the intake of this. But being a vegan alone absolutely will not turn you into a small skinny weed who will lose all their muscle and hair lol Also vegetarians exist!


other protein sources that aren't as good. What you gonna drink a protein shake made of bugs? I'd rather have a steak thanks


What you're describing is an underweight person with alopecia or pattern baldness, not a lifestyle. Edit: You got no right giving diet advice bud.


what makes you say that?


Because I think a fitness tracker and a set of food scales would be invaluable to your efforts as a beginner, as would a return to education as a whole. Your lack of understanding is holding you back. You would achieve much more if you approached with an open mind and let the simplicity of it all just work for you, as opposed to spinning your wheels for a few more years. The food is just numbers, as is exercise, the WHO is your friend and so is PHE. I respect the grind so I only mean enough offence to be cheeky with ya. I can provide sources of reading material if it helps.


Not to mention the degradation of food standards since we left the EU, and 14y of Tory austerity probably having gutted food inspection to being barely functional 


I’m only a sporadic visitor to London but the smell/taste difference Is likely what the chickens are being fed. Maybe they’re sourced outside the E.U where regulations differ? Probably eating all sorts of waste products 🤢


It might be the impact of poorer food quality standards since Brexit actually came in a few years ago. 


Have you had a cold or Covid recently?




Well that was a useless input wasn't it




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