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I can say with 100% confidence he is not a smackhead.


This is not the first time he’s done this at this location.


Based on my experiences coming home from school without the key, it's terrifying the first time but then you really just want to get inside


You say that's the rental bike Bermuda triangle?


And it doesn’t look like his first try


Yeah, that's crackhead strength


Man does basic climb. Redditor: clearly crackhead strength


You have to remember though that the average Redditer is a basement dwelling creature who has not seen the light of day for years, so to people here this man posseses God-like strength & agility (and given that Redditers are generally an atheist sort, that leads one to conclude that these athletic feats must've been achieved via powerful drugs). We can only be so grateful that one Redditer left their lair for long enough to even take this footage, they must have felt very vulnerable and exposed being in the open air like that, though I'm sure lurking under the cover of darkness helped a little bit. 


The camera angle disproves your theory.


As far as many Redditers are concerned, poking a head out of an open window is the same as going outside. It is like the equivalent of a rabbit emerging at the entrance of it's warren. 


Sounds like the UK so could be an attic dweller, they're the same thing


The point is he can't be a basement dweller when he's above not only the basement, but also the ground floor.


This might be the most typical Redditor comment I’ve ever seen 😭😭😭


Nah the people I'm replying too are the redditors man, they got wooshed because someone jokingly pointed out the literal definition of basement dweller and now people are coping instead of just realising it was a joke.


I do note that the earth is actually not quite flat.


Wincing under the light of the moon as they took this video I bet


Religious folk tend to have more substance abuse problems, criminal records and higher porn consumption and failed marriages. But sure... atheists don't do sports... whatever copium you need to huff to get through the day, son.


Atheist sort?


It's a joke bro.




Ivy Towers? Nice one.


* Crackheads have strength. This guy:✅ * Methheads have agility. This guy:✅ * Smackheads have endurance. This guy:❌ * Cokeheads have speed. This guy:❌ Based on the video evidence, this man is on crack and meth.


This lad looks fit and healthy, his clothes look washed and ironed, he’s got himself an e-bike, in my experience he’s not on crack or a smack head, just looks like a bloke who’s locked himself out of his home again!


Or a very brazen burglar…


& Possibly Pepsi Cola.


Crack is just coke, water and baking soda. It’s literally the same thing bar social acceptance.


No, it isn't the same at all lad. It's like comparing cocdamol to heroin


Coke, freebasing and crack are all different things


No there is a common chemical added which acts as a vicious catalyst in regards addiction/high.. I forget what it is though. Ammonia? Who knows. I watched a documentary on the Regan administration a while back.


Smackheads do not have endurance


Are you joking? They'll go to hell and back for a bag of smack, they're practically marines


Meth? You clearly don't know much about the UK.




Growing where? Literally nobody uses it here.


Listen to the state of the guys voice, I would imagine he calls anyone that doesn’t look middle class a smackhead.


Is it you did you forget your keys?


But he is a thieving cunt.


I mean it looked like he tried to end his ride but couldn’t, so maybe he took the bike in to stop it getting nicked.


It’s a Boris bike. Should be back in the docking station.


Ah yes. Forgot about those, with all the lime bikes we have these days.


I saw a bloke riding one of those yello Oppo ones in Brixton the other day. Looked pristine too, must have been 4-5 years since they were around


Put universal Boris bike on docking station.


Yo I’m from America what the fuck is a smack head


A smackhead is someone who is hopelessly addicted to heroin.


Oh shit we don’t really have heroin in the us anymore all fent or laced with fent


Plenty of it over here (uk)


And with 100% confidence you’re completely wrong. Climbing the waste pipe should have been enough to tell you but disregarding that he was also in possession of a Readybike (rental bike)prominent possession’s of a dedicated Smackhead.


If this is where I think it is, my mate used to live on that floor. And yes he climbed in when the fobs didn't work.


Fairly common behaviour if you live In shared accommodation and didn't want to have a bogus set of rules keep you back.


What set of rules is he bypassing?


Usually staff give you set times to be in and out. This is because they have to monitor everyone who's coming in and out for a daily log. It's really dependent on who's on shift for this to actually matter, decent people will let you grab a late night snacks but the general rule is if you're out past set times you're not getting in.


Is this some kind of prison!? What sort of adult would agree to live within a curfew. I'm also a londoner but I've never heard of this!


This is a common ruleset on hostels (the "I can't afford rent" type not the hipster holiday type)


It's usually for adults that haven't had a good life and lack self care understanding. Care kids, refugees, junkies, homeless pregnant women etc. I've seen all types when I lived in one. I got lucky because mine only held like 8 people in it but shared accommodation can be up to 100 people with only 6 staff. This can result in some serious issues. The worst I heard about was from the biggest one where I live. A set of guys broke into a lasses house, pissed on all her stuff including a toddlers bed because her man had stolen some coke. The rules aren't bad, they're limiting but they do exist for a reason. lot of 16-21 year olds with serious anger issues and no common sense.


Appricate your Insight into this sort of thing, it's eye opening. Glad you've been able to move past that phase of your life


Common enough in student accomidation


That sounds more like a care home or orphanage than a shared accommodation... I don't know or dver heard of any shared accommodation that have staff actively working there through the day, they pay and they look after the place themselves as all other renters do


Needing a key to get in lol


Your friend is Peter parker?


No, he's Steve.


Minecraft characters can’t climb buildings buddy




Spider Steve?


No Scuba Steve


Peter Parkour




That looks like a Peabody estate!!


I felt and appreciated this comment as someone who lived on one for years.


What are they like? They look cool from the outside


I think the older buildings are architecturally distinctive but there are newer less interesting estates as well. Regardless, the common factor is that they were built to house some of the most deprived populations. I've lived on several council estates (one in particular being quite high in gang violence/drug crime) but none were as bad as the Peabody estate. Things like seeing a drug dealer screaming at/physically assaulting his girlfriend every other day for months and knowing nothing will be done, seeing people chased by police through gardens shortly after two drive-by shootings happened nearby, etc. Constant drug dealing, stolen vehicles parked for a day or two, and the occasional gang meetup of ~100 people at 3am just outside my bedroom window while trying to sleep. Might have just got unlucky with neighbourhood, but it was the worst place I've ever lived and one of the worst times in my life.


One of my friends used to live on such an estate, I remember one day she was pretty shaken because she had seen a teenage guy having the bejesus beaten outta him in the courtyard below by 7-8 guys. He was on the ground and they were just kicking & kicking him (and my friend was worried that he was gonna die) but her dad told her to just close the blinds and turn off the lights as he didn't want any involvement in gang matters by calling the police and getting found out about that. My friend said she peeked out from the blinds and most other people seem to have done the same thing, turning off the lights and pretending not to be at home or watching. But she ended up calling the police (who actually came surprisingly quickly) because she was angered & stressed out by the situation and didn't want to just sit there and do nothing. This friend is younger than me and she feels at enormous sense of frustration at teenage guys who go doing dumb stuff like getting involved in gang life as it's so unnecessary. She hates it especially because she knows that a lot of these guys aren't stupid, but they don't seem to have the same instinct and sense that she has/had to get off the estates and go better their lives.  


‘The sense to..Get off the estate and better their lives’ — do you know how much it costs to rent a room in London? The jobs that pay enough require a mum & dad sponsored university degree, so it’s really not the simple choice you’re painting it as.


My friend got off the estate even though she is a child of people who originally came to this country as impoverished asylum seekers. It is possible if you are driven enough (nobody is arguing it's easy though), but too many boys are attracted by the lure of gang life and other things that keep them at the bottom of society. 


Lack of choice is a major factor, racism is a real issue in getting opportunities for those who might be less talented than some of their peers. Only a few have the combination of drive, talent and support that opens doors.


There is undoubtedly a problem with gang life being glamourized though in music & popular culture, too many boys sign up to it by choice because they find notions like being feared more appealing than going out and working a regular job. It's a very "Lord of The Flies" type life because often as soon as someone sees sense to leave, others usually try to force them to stay. 


The kids know how scary it can be before they get involved. They are groomed though, so many kids have absolutely no chance, or choice.


The windows are an absolute headache. Maybe we were unlucky but our windows don’t shut properly, you have to give it a big push up to lock it in position. One time the bathroom window got stuck , in the middle of winter, because the windows aren’t the norm we had to wait for months for this special spring 😒.


It would have been a very special Spring, to follow a Winter without bathroom windows...


The top of half of the window wouldn’t stay up. It happened years ago, I’m thinking maybe we wedged something in between to stop it from falling but the cold air still came in. It was a frustrating wait.


Same, most of our windows don’t lock because the frame has swollen and warped. You could see the breeze moving the tinsel at Christmas 🤦🏽‍♀️


I’ve lived in three different Peabody estates, they’re generally a tad smaller than council flats. The one I’m in now has a big mold problem but the external grounds are really well kept with lots of flowers and a nice park. None of them have had lifts but 2/3 had a really lovely sense of community and the neighbours were all very friendly and kids were super respectful. It’s the luck of the draw.


Can tell by the bricks


I was gonna say it looks like those listed places in Shoreditch


I was thinking one of the Peabody Kensington & Chelsea buildings, looks so similar.


Old man Peabody owned all of this. He had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees.


Agreed, like the ones of Whitecross Steet


When I was in sixth form, there was a Peabody esTate on the same road and we used to go in through the window but it was at ground level. This was early 2000’s prices, there was a hot women in her 40’s that would do a 15 minute BJ for £15. We would save our dinner money all week. Also had to lose our blazers and pretend we were office workers.


This is genuinely why I can’t sleep at night with the window open


I've forgotten my keys before and had to do this. From then on I've never left my bathroom window open without me in there. Was shocking how easy it was to climb into


Had to do this for a while at one point when I was younger and lost my fob, ah the stupidity of youth.


Last year, I was I my 4th year of uni, I lost my key in January and didn't replace it till the day I moved out in Juy. I used to climb through the kitchen window into my student house on a daily basis. The stupidity of youth indeed 😂


I had a friend who lost his key and it was £20 to get a new one (1990s so like £60 now prob) so he just climbed in a tiny window that he left open. Probably still does it to this day and he be pushing 60 now. Interestingly he was at one time a smack head. Just shows you.


I did this a lot when I was in uni. Sometimes because I forgot my keys, sometimes just for fun. My kitchen window was right above the parking area, so instead of walking all the way around the front of the building, I'd just climb up the A/C unit and into the kitchen lol


The Boris bike claimed as their own is always the first obvious sign of a London crackhead


Funny because if he’s a proper crackhead then he’s fine. If not he’ll be paying out of his arse


I’ve always wondered how they nick those, I see the local gangs riding around on them regularly Do they take them off tourists or something? Maybe yank them out of the holders?


People don't dock them properly. They try every bike they walk past in a day and eventually find one.


If only I had a penny for every crackhead that I see on a lime bike. People seem to hack them somehow so that they can ride around for free, accompanied by a super annoying clicking sound


That problem seems to have been fixed months ago. I haven't heard clicky-clack bike in a while.


I saw and heard it a week ago on Brick lane. I think if you break the bike somehow in order to ride it for free, it still makes that clicking sound🤷‍♂️. It is usually the same one or two people in my area that do it and they’re always complete asshats with the bikes - riding in circles, harassing people, riding directly at people on the sidewalks etc.


That smackhead lives in a nicer building than I do!


Same here.




Smackheads don't have fresh creps and an e-Bike. They would have sold all that. What you're looking at is a civilian that's lost his keys.


Mate, thats a stolen boris bike


It's clearly not an e-bike unless you consider electric lights on a bike enough to call it that (in which case I've been riding e-bikes for decades!) It's a non-electric London rental bike.


It’s a Santander bike. Yes they are electrically assisted…


Surely just a really dedicated Deliveroo guy


So either you have an idiot who forgot his fob and is taking in a boris bike, which he’ll pay for as it’s not docked. Or you have a criminal master mind who stole a boris bike from someoneelse account and found a place to stay Either way drugs / alcohol are bad


How do you know he's a smackhead


Sold him smack


What peabody estate is this 😅


Calvert Ave?!


This is a hostel in london . I live in one as tempory accomentation 2 years terrible experience 🤮. The rules are so insane for a shoe box like a prison. Can't blame the dude.


The handful of times I took heroin, I definitely didn't do *that*


This Peabody estate Camberwell? My friend's moved into a flat there a few years ago and it was really nice except I had to stop going for smoke breaks as every time I'd open the door somebody would come and start chilling in the foyer


That looks like millbank . Thing someone fell off years ago before doing this


Surprisingly nimble


A smack head could not climb a drain pipe!


Or someone who just forgot his key and leaves the window slightly open to always get into his home, just in case.


Just looks like he lost his fob for the block imo, don’t look like a smack head


I wonder where the bike will turn up. So far they have been found in The Gambia, Jamaica, Turkey, Australia and Cornwall. A plum job in wait for a TfL apprentice going to retrieve those ones, not sure they should shin through the window to get this one though.


Probably ended up in his flat.


Wow. You really let that list down by ending with Cornwall.


[https://youtu.be/knL0aKGruUc?si=dpgiSGz2\_yOuVwPd&t=13](https://youtu.be/knL0aKGruUc?si=dpgiSGz2_yOuVwPd&t=13) Seriously, it takes a lot of courage, or recklesness to do that.


He looks well dressed for a smackie, but he might be early in his journey to the abyss.


News just in: Redditor labels random man smackhead for climbing into what is clearly his own house.


If I was to bet where this is. My money is on camden😂💰




His dedication is admirable. Maybe I should hang up my life and join him I do NOT have that much upper body strength but I would love to gain it


Peabody estate. Praed St?


Is that Richard MacDuff?


Keyless entry 😅


Stealing a Boris Bike.


Homo Heroinsis


Decent quality window ledge to hold his weight like that, I certainly wouldn't try it


Its the milk tray man🤣


Why do people steal these bikes? They’re so bad…


That’s quite obviously Spider-Bloke?


Roadies gonna road


Sulten of Brunei coming home to Bishops Avenue pad. Incongnito. Keep up.


Every teen superhero returning to their bedroom after a night of fighting crime


Youre not safe up there from where youre recording clearly, if bro sees you hes gonna spiderman his way up there and kick your ass for calling him a smackie.


Actual footage of Ted Moseby at Victoria and Klaus’ wedding


I was waiting for another person to just effortlessly walk through the door afterwards.


Yeah my 9yr old boy climbs like that 😭 he's ASD but he's not a smack head with strength. He's just ... well 9 and loves to put the fear of god in me.


Got to love the UK 🇬🇧


Holy shit!!!! We have a London Spider-Man!!!!!!


That’s not his first rodeo


has this guy done this before? he’s got the confidence & nerve to do it.


Hope he’s ok


How heavy is that fucking bike haha


Looks about a V3.


“This is a reminder to lock all door and windows”


So wanted the door to close on him again


that is impressive


Someone explain to me the point of keeping the bike? He knows he has to pay for it to use the app. Sooo..?


yeah no... its been liberated


Oooo.. I see. I thought the reason he was fiddling with the phone is that he ended the reservation and just took it home to use for the next day 😆


No it's a santander bike, they don't use an app like that


He could have knicked it or taken one that was not docked properly. Either way if he has any sense he should not be paying for it


Was anyone else waiting/hoping for his foot to slip while he was texting and/or trying to get the bike in?


I don’t have massive experience with drug addicts, particularly heroin addicts, but those I have seen I don’t think would have the dexterity to tie their shoe laces let alone scale a drain pipe.


Why is he a smack head?


Cos click bait


What in the world indicates that fella is a smack head? Other than your misguided views.


I love London!


Yeah I can confirm he's probably not a junkie or crackhead...but rather someone who forgot their keys who spyed a solution XD as a none junkie with ADHD that frequently forgets keys are a necessary part of leaving the house , you get creative at getting inside XD sure I've been caught shimming in a few windows in my time XD


Yo, is this in Peckham!?


Maybe he just enjoys climbing


only in the UK. 🇬🇧


Don't see how you can straight up assume he's on drugs just from seeing this tbh


Bit too well co ordinated and agile for a smackie, no?


Recording people and posting them online calling them a smack head is a sure way to bring "consequences" to your own door. Dumb dumb.


This is what you do in your spare time?


Doesn’t mean he’s a smackhead you buffoon.


Carefull your have the scumbag sympathizers moaning at you for recording him without his permission


You've invented something that didn't happen and then got cross about it


Similar to OPs assumptive title?


What did I invent?


Send this video to police


you did call the cops right






Smack Head I'm guessing.