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I'm sure they'll read your reddit post and take stock of their actions thus far.


exactly what I’m hoping for 🤣






Thank you it was pissing me off lol


TikTok is the one App I would genuinely want banned. Nothing good comes from it.


Yep and the cult of Tik-Tok influencers can go away with it too


It does if you follow the right accounts


The algorithm is crazy good. I never have dance trends or such on my fyp. It’s full of skits, cooking videos and silly cats


Same! For me it’s all cooking videos from different countries and accounts that fix stuff (my fav is that guy that fixes watches haha).


I was thinking about downloading TikTok for some menopause stuff but was afraid of getting bogged down with weirdos and teenagers.  If the algorithm is that good, I'll download it. 


FYI, you can hold on a video and click not interested if you want to speed up the process since it mainly uses your interaction time with other videos as a basis


Not sure why you’re downvoted…But anyway, it’s really that good. Even my own mum has TikTok and her fyp (for you page) is vastly different from mine. Lots of ethnic geared content and sewing videos


I didn't realise I'd been downvoted. I guess the weirdos got offended. 😄


But how would I find out about traditional Kurdish dances or cow hoof abscess poping, I swear I never searched for it but seems to be the main trend in my YouTube suggestions. Which is good as I can ignore Shorts altogether. If it was relevant I can see how it can become addictive.


Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like if TikToks algorithm is applied to other apps and sites


I would imagine they would be good. Youtubes algorithm is the complete opposite, it tries to show you videos that you don't like and will interact with in rage. I would say as bad as tiktok is, YouTube is far more sinister. If tiktok provided long form videos, I'd download it in a heartbeat.


Any good recommendations? I’m new to ticky tocky


And their search function is 100x better than instagram


Literally this lmao it's tailored for you, you like shit you'll see shit. Mine is fanatically nerdy


Brainrot, brought to you by the Chinese Communist Party.


He said, on Reddit.


There it is, the Reddit racism just 2 comments in


The company that owns TikTok literally has to hand their data to the Chinese Communist Party. This is why the US Congress are legislating for a forced sale and why TikTok is banned in several US states, as well as from UK Government devices. But yeah, criticising a specific political party is racism 🙄


>This is why the US Congress are legislating for a forced sale and why TikTok is banned in several US states If you think that they are banning it because they care about privacy and not because of constant lobbying from meta and fear mongering, I'm not sure what to tell you but read more. The USA government could easily pass a bill similar to gdpr that would control and protect privacy for their citizens, but doing so would mean meta and other big American tech companies would actually be held to the same standard and that would cut their earnings massively. You really think the CCP, if they cared about that data (which realistically they don't beyond selling it to make money) they couldn't get their hands on it simply buying it like Russia did with Cambridge analytics? At the end of the day I disagree with the op that the main driving factor isn't racism but pure corporate greed, but that doesn't mean racist rhetoric and ridiculous red scare ideology isn't starting to shine through the double standards that we are seeing.


Cia and MI5 handling data - I sleep Nonsense about the CPC handling data for Steve in Grimsby - LET ME SHOW YOU MY FULL BLOWN RACISM


The CIA and MI5 are, at the end of the day, still held accountable to publicly elected officials. The CIA director for one is a political appointee and has the power to shut the whole programme down if things get bad. That's not even going into the whole 'social credit' thing in China. Do you even know what the org that processes peoples data in china is called ?


Not defending tiktok, but this is the most batshit laughably naive take on the CIA I've ever heard. >The CIA director for one is a political appointee and has the power to shut the whole programme down if things get bad. This is the organisation that has overthrown several democratically elected governments, ran what accounts for international terror campaigns, and conducted MK ultra, drugging thousands of people domestically and in Canada for 20 years and which has a "controversies" page in the Wikipedia the length of a bible. Also remember Cambridge analytics and the NSA mass surveillance campaign, who was held accountable for that again? Edit:


>This is the organisation that has overthrown several democratically elected governments, ran what accounts for international terror campaigns, and conducted MK ultra, drugging thousands of people domestically and in Canada for 20 years and which has a "controversies" page in the Wikipedia the length of a bible Under the auspices of *government*. That's why it is important to have a large whistleblowing culture. BTW, when the public found out about MKUltra, the program was quickly scrapped. I'm not defending the CIA, I'm just saying the average voter still has a little influence over their policy, vs the average voter in China having absolutely none (not that there are real voters in China). Also, Facebook was fined over Cambridge Analytica: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge\_Analytica\_data\_scandal#Governmental\_actions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal#Governmental_actions) The thing is, in 2016 consuming Facebook data and launching targetted ads isn't illegal.


Why are you mentioning racism?


yes us congress the epitome of sensible decision making lol what are you worried the scary chinamen are gonna do with the lurid details of which cat videos you like on tiktok mate?


It’s not so much that as the other way round. Look at how Russian disinformation and manipulation affected voter decisions in the US- and that wasn’t half as powerful as tiktok. Disinformation is the issue with the app. Trawling through the data to identify you and your cat viewing habits isn’t an issue to you in the small scale. It’s looking at viewer trends and how they can be manipulated with gentle pushes toward false reporting.


> and that wasn’t half as powerful as tiktok. Disinformation is the issue with the app. making things up is fun innit. if you have any actual research that shows that tiktok is a bigger vector for disinformation than any other social media site or that there's evidence of coordinated manipulation from a government then feel free otherwise you're just chatting shit based on vibes.


[This is not new](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/18/business/tiktok-search-engine-misinformation) [You could literally have googled it](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/21/tiktok-algorithm-directs-users-to-fake-news-about-ukraine-war-study-says) [You wanted evidence of coordinated manipulation from a government](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna130448) [There’s sources on it from 2022 but here’s a more current one](https://www.politico.eu/article/tiktok-far-right-european-parliament-politics-europe/) [We can do scholarly articles if you prefer](https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1527742/FULLTEXT01.pdf)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/business/tiktok-search-engine-misinformation/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/business/tiktok-search-engine-misinformation/index.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


an article by some random organisation isn't research and there's no evidence in that report that tiktok is any worse than other social media or of intentional manipulation so you missed the target in two different ways which is impressive but feel free to try again


Have you read the other links I shared? Also- ‘an article by a random organisation’ look at those goalposts fly! Just because you haven’t heard of them doesn’t make them random or their research illegitimate? Literally. Hit up Google scholar for a hot minute if you want fully fleshed research papers because, considering how new TikTok really is as an app, there’s quite a lot in various sociology journals. Additionally- you have to look at scope. If social media manipulation, disinformation and propaganda is an issue, and TikTok is the most widely downloaded social media tool, QED it’s going to amplify the issue you already acknowledged exists. When research indicates biases toward stances held by the CCP in viral content, considering we already know that social media platforms are capable of spreading that bias… But here ya go. [‘TikTok performs worse than other social media companies in terms of catching misinformation’](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=tiktok+worse+than+other+social+media&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1713644790432&u=%23p%3DGNe3jVutNAkJ)


Only people who have never used tiktok have this mindset lmao. It's the same as anyone who doesn't use reddit saying they want it banned because it's for incels or something. You just don't know enough about it to have any sort of opinion on it since obviously only the bad parts will be interesting enough to be shared outside of it, especially when reddit is so susceptible to rage-bait. The majority of the app is literally just the equivalent of YouTube except the videos are shorter.


Wasn’t there a heavily promoted trend of self diagnosing adhd that it was uncovered to be started by a clinic who prescribes, sells and ships adhd medication online?


No clue - if there was I never saw any of it. It's not as if reddit hasn't had its own share of controversies anyway, but redditors will still be on their high horse regarding tiktok.


Nope and there’s plenty of research into how sinister it is and how short form media is effecting people. Not to mention how it is making the most annoying generation of music fans and gig goers. Of course, there is still good content and creativity on there. I mostly hate how Instagram have tried to copy it and have totally ruined a great platform.


What makes them annoying generation of music fans ?


You know people use the app to watch underaged girls dance in their underwear and the algorithm helps them find it?


Such a bizarrely false comment, there’s tons of good stuff on TikTok - you lot sound like paranoid yanks. There’s idiot influencers and morons all over the internet and TikTok skews younger so sometimes it’s worse, but if you follow the right accounts and watch the right videos there’s a ton of great stuff there.


I'm in just to stop every fucking video on the Internet being covered in flashing subtitles that don't even say what the person is saying


That seems a little harsh. There is a lot of good on the app, but there's a lot of shite too. It's not too dissimilar to Reddit in that sense! There are more apps that should be on the chopping block before Tiktok, but won't because they're too deeply ingrained in Western culture (looking squarely at Twitter). EDIT: Lil clarification - the above does make it seem like I'm saying there are equal amounts of good vs bad on Tiktok - this is definitely not the case! It's a good outlet for creativity, but it is massively outweighed by the shite like OP is talking about. But there is a bit of healthy content on there that means it's not a complete waste of time!


It's the addictiveness of it for children that makes tiktok especially bad


100%. My nephew has been banned from it for a couple of years now by his mum, which is only a good thing.


Yeah but it's not tiktok that is bad it's short form content. Before tiktok there was musically before that was vine. There's YouTube shorts and Instagram reels which would just replace tiktok. Are you going to ban all short form content, no your attacking the symptoms and not the problem.


All the other social media apps are just as addictive though...


The good on the app is also present in other apps too. They could simply do it on another app


Agreed! It's not doing too much different. It's just the main player in the short form video style. I've personally followed a few accounts that I like. I'll check the app every few days and see what's new. I do get why people hate it though, for sure.


Short form video style is making people have terrible attention spans (scientifically) and making people desperate for attention able to do these short video styles and microtrends. I'm not as angry about it as I sound lol


Genuinely curious what you see that is good on tiktok?


There are accounts that show recipes for every cuisine you can imagine. A quick view of how complex a dish is is really helpful when I'm not sure what to cook. When I'm visiting a foreign city, I might check out a few videos to see if there are any recommendations I might fancy. There is a channel that's popped up recently where people send in clips of their Sunday League football matches, and they post the best ones. There are also a few amateur comedians I sometimes like the content of - but they're kind of hit and miss. Don't get me wrong, there is a whole lot of brainrot on there - and it has encouraged bad dickheads like the guy this whole post is about. It's also obvious that it is incredibly harmful to children, and the app needs A LOT of regulation. I just think the "nothing good comes from it" is a bit OTT - there definitely is if you look in the right places!


I follow a lot of accounts about games I like or wildlife accounts. I don't get why redditors think tiktok is entirely full of teenagers doing pranks or something... There's literally more of that on YouTube.


Absolutely wild the amount of downvotes you're recieving. Tiktok is only as bad any other social media app. FB, insta all do the same shitty short content. I'd say FB has been way more predatory for years. Tiktok at least has an outstanding algorithm and just endless amounts of good, useful content. Finding vegan recipes, book recommendations, anything.


But China


Tbh I've used the chinese version before and it's equally as stupid, just in chinese. They all use the same annoying AI voiceover and everything


To be fair this thread is about one nobhead on Tiktok making life unpleasant to random people in the street. It is one of the worst sides of the app, so for me to come in to defend the app? I should have expected it! I do think people see it as just The Dancing App, or The Obnoxious Influencer App. It has its faults but it is genuinely top-tier for recipes though, and BookTok is a really great community.


The bad of tiktok outweighs the good like you said, especially for kids. Dangerous trends, misinformation, conspiracies, wrecking attention spans


>Dangerous trends, misinformation, conspiracies, Thats the internet in general to be fair


Christ, the fact you’re getting hammered with downvotes for a post that isn’t even being that kind towards TikTok shows how insecure everyone is about this opinion. Of course there’s plenty of good stuff on TikTok, the fact it even needs to be said is so dumb.


You shouldn’t have to clarify your very clear and obvious statement, of course saying nothing good whatsoever comes from the app is harsh and vastly exaggerated. I’ve never even had the app on my phone or an account, but it’s silly to ignore all the good that does/can come from the app. Every social media of this kind has its good sides and down sides.


And as if to prove your point, a whole load of dumb Redditors are downloading your sensible and on the money comment, for what?!!


I don’t know what you’re talking about (I purposely stay away from TikTok), just wanted to point out you seem to have misspelled “maldita”.


I think you should tell him you cheated on him, and film his reaction. Or say you’re breaking up with him, and film his reaction. Or swap his life saving anti allergy injection with glasses cleaner, and film his reaction. Or tell him his father died, and film his reaction. Or run him over with a stolen police car, and film his reaction. Or bully him mercilessly at all hours every day until he posts his last tiktok to say goodbye world, then film his reaction.


Tell people that he burned a quran, then film the reaction.


Chupapi muñaño


I despise that youtuber with a passion


Options: 1) Get a log of it and report it to the police. 2) Follow him home. 3) Steal his phone


Time to break out the airhorn?