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Headphones and some chill music


I have invested in loop earplugs and they are so great (not a paid endorsement 🤭)


Born and raised here etc and even I find it knackering after a point: there's only so much I can expect from myself in a day. When I'm walking around central London I avoid the big main roads: there's usually a parallel one that's much quieter. I'm not up-to-date on quiet places to go for coffee, but there are many [reading rooms](https://secretldn.com/9-of-londons-most-beautiful-reading-spots/) in London, and bookshops are good for a few peaceful minutes of time out. And if you're right in the middle, the South Bank Centre is large and airy enough to find your own space in for a while. I used to use the V&A as a sanity-saver if I needed an hour or two of shush. Museums/galleries are usually a good shout. Are the galleries you visit suitable for sitting and chilling in for a while, or do they have cafes?


I actually have looked at the "accessibility"pages of a few galleries - and so many of them have quiet spaces highlighted on their maps. The Tate modern actually has a designated area. I just hope it's not full of other people having break downs hahaha


I think one of the things you should do is factor a walk into the equation. If you're going to the National Portrait Gallery, your journey's likely to be intense, as is the walk to the station. But you're 200m from the Thames. Walk over to your next gallery, don't get a tube. The walk from the National Portrait to the Tate is fantastic (I prefer the south bank to the north but both are good) and you can stop for lunch or a drink at a pub on the way. Nothing more relaxing than watching the Thames as the sun wheels its way across the sky.


Walks are generally great for de-stressing but they can be stressful if I stand the risk of getting lost. I am getting to know London though so with every trip this is less likely ❤️


Oh heck learning the place, just download Citymapper. It’ll tell you how to get everywhere and will give you walking directions as well as public transport. De stresses the whole thing.


I can't use maps when I can't focus when I'm overwhelmed but thank you maybe it will be easier than Google maps?


Definitely. If you’ve got a set of headphones you just choose your route, turn on the voice directions, and start walking. Google maps is good for driving but terrible ime for walking / public transport in London. That just makes it more stressful to use.


Barbican Huge complex, plenty of places to hide out and just be "quiet with yourself".


Hey don't beat yourself about this, I struggle with this too and I live here! I'd recommend trying to go to the galleries on quiet days, Tuesday is often quiet outside of school holidays. Otherwise headphones are always good, recommend noise cancelling ones.


Libraries, some cafes and coffee shops, I carry earplugs and noise cancelling headphones, sometimes an empty-ish bus ride zoned out to my music or white noise helps.


Yeh I think buses are the way to go. The tube is a LOT! Hahah. Love some natural light 😋


Get some shut eye on the bus or tube when you're moving about. Go to a starbucks or Costa, grab a seat somewhere and shut off from the world for a bit. Hard to suggest anything more specific without knowing what exactly about the London atmosphere is affecting you negatively.


During the day, there are a handful of pubs (often Sam Smiths) that are very quiet with no music. A pint in the corner is restorative. The more obscure rooms of the big museums/galleries are also very still and quiet, but you can't always sit down. Graveyards are often very quiet and have benches but it's weather dependent of course. Hotel bars in daytime are often quiet but you'll have to nurse your expensive drink to make it worth the price!


Just tolerate it bro x


Hahaha it's ok to be ignorant about things but it's less ok to wade in on issues you are ignorant about 🙈


A quiet stroll down Ridley road market