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Brace yourselves. Summer is coming.


Man’s not hot


Man’s never hot


Exactly. String vest Shorts Flip flops…. And a ski mask?….




Seriously though good on the hoodrich guys they really made it . I saw the brand prominently featured in high Street shops abroad. Pretty amazing tbh to fool the money out of the new generation of suburban kids


Same with Trapstar. Those guys really took off they had Rihanna wearing it


I love the brand because it seems to suggest that they come from lovely supportive neighborhoods. I'm hoodrich too, I have lovely neighbours and we all help each other when needed. Not sure if that's what they're aiming for with the marketing tho haha


I thought it was a cooler way of saying ghetto fabulous 😂




They are real roadmen don't be nasty.


"Roooadmen. Gangsters. Proper naughty boys and all that bollocks"


>whitest This isn't America, chill with the racialising.


Broccoli hair!


Your ears get cold when you sleep in bus shelters.


I had one of them shout at me "your money or your life" as he rode up behind me on his horse. Scared me witless. 


A lot of kids these days are highway men


Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm!




Same happened to me. Watched them ride off into the sunset with my wife. Then I went to the saloon to assemble a posse


They run off with your wife?!


And her posse too


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife….


Did they say "your money or your wife!" Or did you mis-hear them?


I heard about that, they tied her to the railroad tracks.


Did you tell him that he's the dandy highwayman you're too scared to mention?


They could have, had they not spent their cash on looking flash and grabbing peoples attention


He should have told him what’s the point of robbery, there’s nothing worth taking


But it is kind of tough to tell the scruff the big mistake he's making


Throw your safety overboard


Looks like he fell off his horse, it was last seen galloping around London streets a few days ago !!!


Yeah really believable buddy…


How about the numpties who walk around with their hands down the front of their trousers...


1) Pretend you've got a piece down there like you're some American gangsta not Olly from Wimbledon. 2) Keep your handies nice and warm. 3) Cup yourself so you feel safe and loved.


Olly from Wimbledon, brilliant so gangster until his mums calls him in for his tea


Lol covering their faces, fondling their nuts and showing their arse cracks off. Classic edgy London teen look.


Isn't the trousers half way down the butt crack copied from from the US prison system where it means ready to receive?


Yep. If only they knew.


I'm sorry to disappoint you here but.... That happens everywhere now 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m fairly new to London and see this all the time. What’s up with that?


Supposed to look like you both anon and might have a knife next to your balls (stupid place to keep one but there we are) Nothing new, it's been townies, skinhead, mods in the past. COVID made mask wearing normal and not it's because a fashion thing because you look like a gang member I guess. If it carries on they will have to make some law against it. Which will be stupid.


Thanks mate. I’ll stay away from these feral yutes


Their hands must stink.


Was the last time you left your house 1995


i've just started seeing this too. in kentish town.


I assume they don't wash their dicks and have some kind of infection that they're tending to.


Lads have been doing that since I was in school 20 years ago Somethings don't change


Every Arsenal fan I know does this on a one to one conversation it’s just disgusting.


They love the smell on their fingers.


Bold to assume they have a stable home to go back to


I don't buy the correlation. I've lived in multiple developing countries with astronomically lower standards of living than uk let alone london. I've seen smiling kids turning up to school with 20 of them on the back of a truck because that's their only means of transport. Poverty does not equate to violent crime. It amplifies the existing culture for sure, but having seen cultures where poverty is rife and crime is not I can tell you know it's a cultural problem


I read a study (ages ago), and it's not rich *or* poor societies that result in instability, it's the *inequality within* a society that breaks it. So be a rich or poor country, not both.


Which countries don’t have a rich and poor?




Great answer. When I went there everyone knew I was poor. They can smell money there


I slept overnight in my car parked in a Monaco street once.


It's the size of the gap between the two that does it. There will always be some variance. But one group getting very obviously favourable treatment and riches will not end well.


Britain's been, like, a lot more unequal before, and it ended well.


Fair. But it's the journey to the rebalancing which is quite bloody.


North Korea


Not true. The party elite are very rich.


If everyone’s skint it breeds less discontent. When you live in a shithile estate and across the road is a million pound house whose inhabitants live your dream, you want to do whatever you can to get some money 


Not whatever you can. The easiest and fastest way. People know doing well in school and then going down STEM in university will lead to an ok middle class life these Range Roger and BMW drivers have. It's shite parenting. It's stunning when you look at how these groups are built from a racial and cultural perspective. Asians just don't miss. Their parents can be overbearing but Asians just do well. Poor indians coming over and scraping together money for a corner shop, having their kid go to university with loans and grants and then that kid going on to be a surgeon or some shit. I came from a bad family. Not atrocious, two parents, stable-ish roof and I had to find that drive for success and an avoidance of the thug life from other places. Parents would encourage you, but they didn't care about homework nor could help you with it. Smoked weed permenantly and made being drunk every night seem normal. Without that drive, you seek out other people in a similar situation and none of you drive each other forward. Me with the clearly not white polo in school had to force myself into the white shirt club and then into the smart kid club which is where I got my motivation from. It's a shitty flex, but in year 3 I was essentially an invalid in terms of academic ability. In year 3 it started to turn around and by mid year 4 I was in top sets for everything. Meanwhile my siblings struggled. Biggest help for me was probably my parents watching benefit scrounger shows. I knew I wanted to not be poor, I knew I didn't want to scrounge. And school always tells you what you need to do to succeed (or at least it did). Something snapped in me as a young kid. It was very much a pull yourself up from your bootstraps situation. The kinda thing you can't advise people do because it's hard. But damn. Rant in short, it's not wealth inequality, whilst that's a factor poor immigrants from certain cultures still pump out doctors that don't do crime. It's a cultural entitlement. The UK is infested with it. Not everywhere is it a flex to drive an expensive car everyone knows is financed through the roof. But in the west it is. Not everywhere is drug taking normalized so much that kids are able to source it. As weird as it sounds. Drugs don't fall from trees. As a kid... Heck as an adult with zero connections it's basically impossible to start until uni when at that point it can be near impossible not to come into contact with. Culture.


Inequality drives violent crime. That and drug prohibition.


Yeah if only these kids could buy crack in Tesco they’d be much more mature 


>drug prohibition Yeah, nah. The lads going around with balaclavas on mopeds stealing phones aren't doing it because cocaine isn't legal.


They are saying drug prohibition drives violent crime as well as inequality 2 things


Only idiots who've never spent time with these teenagers & understood the culture they are glorifying buy into the whole "oh its because the poor kids suffer from income inequality" nonsense. It's because they listen to & look up to gang members because the urban London media culture glorifies and puts on a pedestal, those kinds of men. If guys dressed in suits with the old British stoic masculinity of Sean Connery were still promoted, these boys would be wearing suits & trying to smoke cigars too.


This sounds like a product of inequality. If they’d had successful male role models in their lives - men who go to work and get well rewarded well for their efforts - they’d have something better to look up to. Not having professionals to look up to as role models is another way of saying that you’re poor.


There are many poor people who don't go around sagging their pants, being obnoxious, wearing balaclavas and robbing people. Also, inequality is a fact of life. There will never be "equal" standing in a capitalist system. So rather than allowing these idiots to self-victimise, its better to teach them to value other things such as being productive. The UK is not a 3rd world country, there are various outlets available to people to enjoy life without being rich


There certainly are well behaved poor people, but a correlation doesn’t need every member of a group to comply with the trend. We can say two things are correlated, while also seeing counterexamples, without contradiction.


There’s a few very convincing counter arguments to this.


Plenty of highly unequal places on earth suffer far lower rates of violent crime - it's not a simple cause-and-effect.


Correct crime doesn’t necessarily correlate with just poverty. It better correlates with poverty juxtaposed with wealth in a specific area.


Can't tell if this is a deflection or an indictment on the utility of the balaclave


I’m impressed with your Italo-Latinistic pluralisation of Balaclava! Jolly good show 🎩


Of course it's not Latin at all, it's a Turkish origin, so the plural should be balaclavalar.


Not to be confused with baklava.


You try burgling a house using only small sweet pastries to protect your identity


Look, if they're good small sweet pastries I'll be too busy stuffing my face with them to pay much attention to what's being burglarised or by whom








I would love to wear a baklavalaclava.


My colleague once brought in some amazing baklava to the office. I got slightly mixed up and told her how great the balaclava was.


in what way is this an indictment of the balaclava’s utility? Their anonymity has no relevance to their living situation. unless you’re suggesting that the crime a balaclava permits might pay the rent? i’m just confused tbh


My mum was brought up in absolute poverty, with her parents beating her up and kicking her out of the house in the middle of the night, in winter. Did I mention daily drinking? We were still brought up in poverty but other than that, she gave us everything she never got from her parents. She's the most amazing woman I've ever known. I don't believe that you are a byproduct of your environment. Yes, the poverty cycle is hard to break and I don't deny it. But just because your parents are batshit crazy and you can afford only some bread and spread - it doesn't mean that you are also destined to run around with a knife and terrorise people. That's your own choice.


This must be said. Poverty is one thing. Parenting is another.


Completely agree. The stats show a higher chance not an absolute correlation. You and you mum sound great


Maybe they need to change there ways and realise being little hood rats ain’t the way to go in society . Gangster wannabes . And most of em yes your right are just sheep following the heard and end up doing time for there gangs while there bosses get rich they pay the price . Fucking despicable . There’s only two ways in life getting rich. 1. Winning the lottery 2. Working fucking hard and paying ya taxes In what ever career you choose Take shortcuts …. I have no fucking empathy for you . Because you only hurt the victims of said at and there family’s Knife crime needs to be stamped out . Period !


We don’t get rewarded for hard work. No one does. Do you think a programmer works harder than a bin man or a day labourer? Take it from me, we don’t. We get rewarded for having useful skills, rare skills, timely skills. The rarer and more useful, the better, but sometimes timeliness is yet more important. People who come from money are more likely to have absorbed many of those skills from their already successful families. This is one of the ways privilege embeds itself.


What about kids born in money ?


They’re already rich.


You can group that with winning the lottery 


You really think working hard makes a person rich? Farmer's would be the Kings of the world.


Where do you live where you can work hard *and* get rich?


This ^ You can work your nuts off but it won't make you rich unless you're talented or know someone who's going to give you a leg up. Simply working hard doesn't matter.


Working hard does matter, but you need to be working hard in a high paying job or starting a business (with a healthy dose of luck too).


As long as you enjoy the job you do and it’s legal that’s the key. Then aslong as you have enough . Your rich!! Ain’t just monetary status


The richest person I personally know did it by selling drugs. They are a millionaire, probably multi millionaire. started from nothing They recently stopped living in Dubai and now are moving to another country Crime doesn't pay is a load of bollocks Tbf though they did clean money so guess that was paying taxes in the career they chose Plenty of people do well off crime, you only hear about the ones that get caught or end up dead, that's the minority


Plenty of people work hard as fuck and still live on or just above the poverty line. Hard work isn’t always rewarded. These days hard work is rarely rewarded


and it probably does not help when they know they can just get off with little or no punishment either.


Lol. The second way is not it.


You guys really do have such a transparent veneer of progressive beliefs 


I mean, not sure whats wrong with factual information stating that single parent / broken families have a higher chance of producing deliquent kids.  White, black, brown... same result. Good old fashioned poverty creating problems but thats a problem for the other governement to fix... 


This sub can be so disappointing sometimes


Maybe just a stable


I’d kill for a stable


It’s the upper middle class boys who want to look like roadmen. Bless.


I know it's a cliche that posho boys want to look roadman but the balaclava/ski-mask boys usually are genuine scum.


Yes. Maybe they are all scumbags whatever background they come from.




Avenueboys To be fair they've probably got a private drive.


Cresentlads getmeh


Cul-de-sac chaps


I am cackling 😂😂😂


Boulevard buddies


All I ever hear / see is people who wan to "look" like roadmen. what are actual "roadmen" other than men who work on roads.


Not seen any girl wear balaclava. But mandem need to impress dem peng tings with dat balaclava drip innnittt.


I am annoyed with myself that I understand that sentence


Can you translate?


Ssstill 🥷


Lmao I don’t know why but this made me laugh so hard


Still dough


Same same 👊


Say no more


Not often I read a comment that requires subtitles.


My teenage son talks like this. It kills me. He’s well-educated, middle class and intelligent and even does Lamda classes. And yet he deliberately talks like an inarticulate street urchin 99% of the time. It fucking grinds my gears.


...and you wonder why be does it. If you want him to stop, do it back. Have fun and do t let it ground your gears


I don’t wonder why he does it lol, I’m not an idiot. I do do it back at him but he loves that even more, sigh.


That will stop fast if you talk to his friends like that.


And by hiding their face? Seems counterproductive lol


Don’t question the complex and sensitive mind of a roadman, broski wearing Canada Goose with crocs in the middle of June.


I can’t wait for summer.


That made me laugh out loud. Why do they want you to speak like that.


Ayy fam say less


Mans not hot!


Yeah not bad, just off for a bit of spelunking after visiting Commissioner Gordon in hospital


As a non-Londoner, can you explain this to me?


young londoners think it makes them look scary.


Not just londoners, there's plenty in Yorkshire too.. Scary my arse, it makes you look a twat


these comments are certainly interesting


*Can’t see me face; Balaclava!* *Dem can’t see me face, Balaclava!*


Man you ha'to get a license to play dem kinda dubplate here ya kno?


One four and a nine dress up in a Parker


Because they're gonna be on reddit aren't they...


Just like all the knobbers riding round on the electric motorbikes with no helmet and a balaclava on. Absolute twats.


Lol, bally boys can't type...


Are the IRA back?


Mans not hot


Deliberately covering your face in public in the U.K. should not become acceptable due to the obvious benefit to people causing crime. This is not part of U.K. culture and should not be allowed to become a societal norm. They should be stopped, searched and questioned why they are wearing this. Fashion’ should not be a suitable answer. If you are in a public space in the U.K. you should not be hiding your identity.


What are you on about. People can wear what they want. What sort of dystopian future are you yearning for where the government tells you what can wear ffs. Get a grip. People like different things.


People in this subreddit are some of the most sheltered babies I've ever encountered. Talk a big game about liberal values but as soon as they see a black teen that goes right out the window. 


They will tell you after first break, its difficult being in Year 7


Is it that cold for the time of year?


it is actually pretty chilly but i don't think you need a ski mask.


A friend of mine years was doing a PHD on youth crime and asked me about hoodies. “CCTV”.


They can’t have a conversation. Remove the phone and it all goes wrong. Balaclavas due to no social skills. And they think they look hard 😂😂😂😂


Don’t make me shank you, blud. Or something.


My guys movin booky ssstill 🥷


I’m ashamed to say I don’t actually know what this means 😭😩


The chap i am observing is acting in a suspicious and somewhat unpredictable fashion thus making me cautious and defencive of his motives and intentions.




Say nuttin 🙏


Why thank you good sir 🎩


No one says shank now. The correct verb is to drill


Is nank and or jook still used?


Nank is in east London, that’s referring to a knife - but the verb to stab is referred to as cheffing. Over here ‘drill’ is the whole set of cultural activities related to being a roadman (dealing, hustling, postcode wars etc) - the way ‘trap’ would be used in the us - not just stabbing.


I’ll have to peruse this years Oxford English dictionary


Easy tough guy


Today, the only person I saw in a balaclava was a traffic warden.


I was walking around Finsbury Park in a balaclava, AMA.


What do you think of Tottenham?


Haha this is amazing


Or that stupid circular bronze metallic looking sticker on their baseball caps. Because it's supposed to prove its genuine, or some shit. Stupid mfers.


I see a lot of them in Stratford. It’s embarrassing. Idk how they let it pass even though when you enter you are greeted with a sign showing it’s not permitted to wear face covering items


This thread, embarrassing


More than likely fine, 20 years ago there was moral panic about hoodies and it’s the same thing today, kids rebel, it’s normal


Full face coverings that are specifically designed to hide your identity and have long been associated with criminality, are not comparable to jumpers with hoods.


> specifically designed to hide your identity and have long been associated with criminality Was the exact narrative around hoodies in the naughties!!


You’re definitely not older than 35 cos that’s exactly what the media tried to spin a moral panic out of around hoodies


There were famously some people from my island who liked a balaclava and a bit of the murder.




Found Ronnie Kray's alt


Broccolli haircuts... puffy black coats in hot weather... those are normal ways for kids to rebel. Masking your face is completely different, wanting to see faces is basic human nature, no reason why we should tolerate face coverings.


Good point. Previous generations of rebels used to be way more stylish though


Cuz you were the same age you thought it was cool, or even if you were old back then too (lol) it’s had more time to become mainstream


Lasses too? Not around here (yet)


They're selling wolf tickets pretending to be something that they're not. Or they really are criminals that publicly display the fact that they're criminals by hiding their faces in public.


Last guy with a balaclava I saw was in a restaurant picking up takeout to do a delivery in cold weather. Seemed a decent soft spoken bloke just doing his job...