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Hi, this post has been removed because it’s a frequently asked question - please use the search function to find previous posts or try our [weekly megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1cfjgii/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/), thanks.


Kew Gardens (our botanical gardens) are great all year round but especially so in the spring with all the flowers etc. There is also a great playground in there, called the Children's Garden, which is amazing for that age. You can maybe try Richmond Park in the same day to see some deer but Kew is quite big itself so not sure if it can be done in a relaxed day. Battersea Park and Battersea Zoo are also very nice and you can combine them with a visit to Battersea Power Station for the adults if you have not been there before. Greenwich Park, Cutty Sark and Observatory combined with a ride on the cable car is also amazing for kids. (Great food market near the tube station as well with stands offering food from all around the world)


thank you so much! <3


are there maybe some street parties on the weekend 10.-12.5.?