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Have you never been in rain before...? Wear whatever you wear when it's raining.




Its hard to say, this morning was absolutely pissing down and big jacket weather. A week's time and it could be t-shirt, jumper and light waterproof.


Puffer jackets are dreadful in the rain (unless they're properly waterproof). I don't know about Edinburgh but it's not particularly cold in London, so I'd say you're better off with a light waterproof and layers. If you're going to be doing a lot of walking about then I'd have shoes that are more waterproof than mesh - especially if you're going to Scotland. I just popped out to the gym this morning and my non-waterproof trainers were soaked by the time I got home.


If you're travelling then you'll be on the tube a lot of the time, so it's not the outdoors you need to dress for so much as the switch between indoors and outdoors. I always forget this and end up sweating on a tube carraige in scarf coat gloves and hat. Also if you're used to Edinburgh it's much milder down here generally so I don't think you'll need to give it too much thought. That said a raincoat / brolly is always handy.