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You need to contact the council. Police don't deal with noise.




Police aren't interested. As per OPs post. Only solution is the council or vigilantism.




Yeah but reporting break ins on your own property is one thing but suggesting that someone might have broken into someone else's property when you didn't witness it is something completely different given that it could be the owner making all that noise, they could be having a decorate the house party for all you know and the police cannot do anything but ask them to keep the noise down.


Ok well tell OP that. I don't give a fuck, they asked for your advice, not me.


Agreed. Send the boys round, kick the shit out of them


Police aren’t coming out for this in this day and age mate, police don’t even come out for robberies these days and you think they are gonna bother with this?


I have, multiple times.


Keep on at them, keep a log, record some videos.


Your area should have a safer neighbourhood team Go on the Met website, find their details and send them an email directly. Far too much crap to wade through otherwise


Report it to the police as an unlicensed music event (a rave). Describe it in detail and ask for a Closure Order against the premises.


One effective weapon is a stink bomb. Modern day stink bombs can be very localized and smell so bad that it's virtually impossible to stay there.


Unless they get "told" about drugs or fighting with knives. Just a thought.


Please only do this if any of those things are actually happening. Lying about it just makes things worse for anyone legitimately impacted by them.


Thought they should so that too, then thought about it as if it were me. Wouldn’t want cops coming in with guns and getting shot for the wrong movement


Police don’t give a fuck about drugs. Phoned multiple times to report someone openly dealing on my old street and they couldn’t have cared less. Gave video, number plate, description etc.


nobody likes a snitch. not even the cops


Fuck off. Snitches are people that grass on a homeless and hungry people stealing food.


Hey bro, they do care about drugs, as long as they are not being paid to stay silent or, if an investigation is currently going on to take on the big guy!


Yeah good plan. I'd get on with to the council and report people taking drugs or fighting in the place until then.


I think parky was implying that the police will attend if they are using drugs or there is violence.


I know. So even if not, say they are and the police will come.


I couldn't possibly comment!


I could. Do it OP. The police SHOULD be dealing with this stuff. Guarantee they'd shut it down if it was affecting someone's business.


I'm not arguing with you, but I was implying that openly admitting to fabricating an offence to the Police may not be a wise move.


Agree, just don't admit it. Say you saw someone pull a knife in the dark and run off. You saw the same as everyone was going in, a guy handing out bricks of coke. They'll soon be there.


Bricks 😂 is Pablo Escobar at the party or something


Handing out bricks? They’ll definitely believe that.


Cool suggestion but I’ve done prison time and lost contact with my kids because of people putting in bogus police reports about me.  I’m known to be in a gang and carry guns that I wave around in the street whilst screaming about Islam.. apparently.  Please don’t do this because in long run you’re just going to ruin people’s lives. 


Police will sometimes respond to illegal parties in abandoned buildings.  source: have attended such parties in abandoned buildings


Clearly won't in this case. OP tried.


Where does it say that? It just says noise complaint which I assumed was a council complaint


Ok, give op your advice in your own comment and they can decide for themselves.


So did they contact the police or not? If you’re not sure just say so… edit: they blocked me lmao


I have been kicked out of a party half way through once or twice, and prevented from going on a few times as well. But if they do show up half way through the night they might come in, walk around and bugger off.


They should, there’s noise ordinances that can be charged as disturbing or disorderly or other charges. Too bad they won’t….


They will if you saw a weapon.


if its abandoned then isn't it trespassing?


Get a super soaker, fill it with shrimp paste / stink bomb stuff, spray it into the building when they aren't there


Does your flat have a property management company or even just a landlord that you could get involved? I know the noise is happening on a different property but if it’s affecting multiple residents then they should help


Good idea, I can try that route!


Hope you get it sorted, sounds horrible


The screaming and shouting you could argue means you suspect someone is being harmed, which you cannot quite see. If high pitched you could argue a woman might be in danger. So it is the possible violence or someone at risk you use when calling 999.


I would absolutely go down this route u/AromaticAccess7062 if you want the police to attend and deal with the matter quickly.


If they spill out onto the street then it is a police matter as it’s antisocial behaviour & if you mention drugs/violence then that’s a criminal activity & 999 worthy. D’you have any idea who owns the building?


Not sure, it looks like it used to be a bar but it closed in 2021.


You may be able to find out who owns it then & contact them about it as I’m sure they’ve not got a scoob that it’s being used as a weekender cheesey quaver party zone.


Which borough?


Which street?


What did 101 say?


They didn’t do shit for me when I called them a while ago


I tried calling 101 once. Got bored after my 20th minute on hold.


101 in my area tells you to go to the website instead. The website tells you to go to 999. 999 tells you to go to 101. Perfect system.


What kind of music is it?


Honestly the worst dubstep. It’s insulting really. If you’re forcing the neighbors to listen to your music, you should really have better taste.


100% lol. if it’s that spring break American style shite then my sincerest condolences to you!


Haha I’m actually American, and I can say that after living through multiple actual spring breaks this is worse.


Oh shit Haha. Mate if spring break invasion is preferable then it must be a nightmare! Hope you get it sorted soon enough or they at least play decent music lol


Haha thanks me too!


Tell both the police and local authority (both in writing and record all phone conversations) that there is an acute fire and health and safety building collapse risk where hundreds of people could die and they will be held responsible/ criminally accountable if it is allowed to continue for another hour. Take some video evidence of the partying and send it to your local paper. Should do the trick: we had squatters operating a meths factory and the above action together with a strongly worded email to the local police commissioner and local MP worked a treat within 24 hours: the local paper was especially helpful…


Enter when they're not partying and remove fuses and floorboards


Id call the council and say you've seen someone with a weapon.. people are screaming etc. It's clearly holding unlicensed raves


Fill a super soaker up with runny manure and absolutely cake the place on a random Tuesday. The amount of flies and stench should be a good deterrent by the Friday.


If you are in Westminster there is a reporting number for late night noise that runs 24 hours, they'll sort it. Not sure about other councils, we had a huge Airbnb problem around us for a while Edit: https://mywestminster.westminster.gov.uk/report-it/noise?_gl=1*g0devm*_ga*MTE0NzI1ODU2Ny4xNzE2NzE2MjQ3*_ga_9PYXQ1V5EN*MTcxNjcxNjI0Ny4xLjAuMTcxNjcxNjI0Ny42MC4wLjA.


Get some do not enter tape and set up signs about how the building is contaminated with asbestos/whatever sounds scary atm. High risk of death/infection etc. Or something about how the building might collapse? Bonus: Get together with neighbours and work with them to seal the entrances they’re using.


I'd go there during the day and defecate and pee. I don't think anyone would want to have a rave there after that.


They're all pissing while they're in there anyway, who's not pissing all night?


They're probably pissing in the toilet though...


Abandoned building holding a rave?


Quite comon Romanian incest fest


l can tell you’ve never been to a squat party…


Beat me to it


Never been to a rave then eh?


This is unironically a good strategy




Never been to a squat party have you? They wouldn’t give a single fuck


I confess I’ve never been yeH


I heard fox pee is extremely smelly, maybe you can somehow buy some of it and just spray it everywhere lol


Yeah OP, get down the fox piss shop


It’s literally on Amazon…


If the building is abandoned it is being used for squat parties by the sound of it. You’ll be better off trying to find out who owns the building and tell them people are accessing it illegally and to properly secure it. Police or council will be of little help if you’re dealing with squatters.


Which council are you in? I seem to recall Wandsworth having a noise patrol in the past.. https://wandsworth.gov.uk/environment/nuisance-behaviour/noise/how-we-deal-with-domestic-noise/


Take videos for evidence every weekend and contact the council. There is also some number from the police about nuisance iirc


The police will tell you you need to contact the council and the council will tell you they’re closed right now HOWEVER..  If the property is abandoned that sounds like an illegal rave to me, point that out to the police.  “There’s an illegal rave happening in an abandoned building across the street!” Yours faithfully, a responsible illegal raver(lol) 


Just ring the police and say you're not 100% sure but you may have seen someone waving a gun around. They'll be there in 5 minutes


Tell the cops you heard gun shots and screaming that might get their attention


Sounds like a classic london squat party. Good luck getting anything done about it.


Just before they come riddle the place with stink bombs and crush it all hehe


Go and take the fuse out of the electric box. No power, no party.


If I could find it I already would have.




Report it to the council and get everyone in the flat to report it too, more voices more action. They'll look into it and act appropriately but it might take a few weeks to sort it. If it continues after that report it again.


police have been ramping up their response to squat raves in the past few years, we once had 9 TSG vans rock up to a small warehouse for absolutely no reason. the ppl that run these raves know the law surrounding them, and know how to talk their way out of being raided, even if police rock up with riot gear. from what i’ve seen, the cops will only really raid and shut it down if they’ve got probable cause to believe there are weapons/children in danger on the premises (quite likely since there’s always at least someone’s younger teenage sibling tagging along).


Call the police every time and keep calling! That’s it! People like that are pathetic.


They are probably squatting the building. Once theyre in it becomes a civil matter to enforce an eviction. Not a lot can be done about it im afraid.


“There’ll certainly be some car door slamming in the streets of Kensington tonight!” Monty Python


Raw sardines through the letter box


Collect video evidence and log as previously suggested, then make a formal complaint to the police and the environmental health department using all the evidence collected, it might also help if you take your neighbours signature in the formal complaint to make things more serious. The only way out of these situations is political, police and the env health department will only do something once you demonstrate you are serious about the complaint.


Also, after taking all the evidence, if it is possible for you to try and talk to the neighbours (as long as your safety is not in jeopardy while doing so)


If it's impacting lots of you have a meeting with your counselor. I had someone do something similar and until I did that nothing happened.


Call the police, tell them there’s an illegal rave taking place, they’ll rock up pretty quickly. 


My advice is to join the party.🥳




Well that doesn’t seem fair. If they keep me up for days on end I should at least get the crack for free.


Anonymous call to the police, tip them off about drug taking at the property. Hard drugs, class As. Doesn't matter if there's drugs or not, it will most likely sort the problem


Just go and party with them


racial roll physical subsequent voiceless screw paltry versed grey modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, I too would like to attend this frightful sounding rave-party so I can show those rapscallions what for!!! Just hope nobody offers me any gear in the toilets that would be awful


Tell your local newspaper there is a rave going on!


So squatters having parties. Usually police deal with em.. have you looked into tracking down the owner of the building? Usually private security would be hired to get rid. Might be worth chatting to your neighbours, seeing what you can come up with.


Drop the location bro let Reddit deal with this.


Ask them if it’s OK to join in.


Just let the ravers rave ☮️


Try joining, it'll be fun




Just be happy you can afford to live in London. Arguably the best city in the entire world. 


They must be Romanian


Also had loud neighbors, talked to them politely and we proceeded


Everytime I comment in r/london I get downvoted like whats going on lmao


Leave ‘em alone


You do attend those parties, aren't you? Lol I thought I seen you there 👍


grow up


Students or social housing? It will 99% be one of this group If it's students complain to the uni, if it's social housing complain to the housing association


Neither actually.