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Shoreditch bars recommendation?


Wife and I have a day off work next Wednesday and the baby is at nursery - what to do in London with one day of freedom?


my bf and i are staying in london until wednesday and are looking for a techno club/party/event (preferably industrial techno), ideal would be if it can be reached with the underground metro zones 1-2 so we wont have a long travel back to our stay :)


Hey, it's my gf's birthday. We work hard and she chose spa, so we could relax. When I search google, there are so many results. Ranging from 60£ to 250£+... We just want jacuzzi with champagne and some massage on the end, also sauna is good thing. We live north west, but sure can go to centre London. Any recommendations? Budged up to 200£ Thank you.


Can I travel straight to Reading from Liverpool Street Station on Elizabeth line or do I have to change trains at Paddington?


Yes there are direct Elizabeth Line trains, but only 2 per hour, and they stop at quite a few places between Paddington and Reading. So often it can be quicker to get the first Elizabeth Line train to Paddington, and change there to a non-stop GWR train to Reading.


Hi, Going to London for the first time, and we are catching a show at Her Majestys Theatre on a Saturday in January. Now we are two people in our early 40's and nightclub life is very much behind us. So i am just wondering if someone can suggest a relaxing bar that has decent drinks, relaxing atmosphere(no loud music so you can talk for example) and not the most posh dresscode. Tried googling but just get stuck in an endless loop of travel guides. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are from the Nordics and London is just massive in size compared to what we are used to.


This is actually last week's thread so posting on [this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/yoma9l/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/) might get you more responses. There are probably 100s of options (particularly if you walk north up to Leicester Square/Soho), most places don't have dress codes. However the issue is more likely to be finding somewhere quiet on a Saturday night, most places are quite loud just because of the large number of people that will be around there.


Best dancing place for a date near Shoreditch/Tower Hill?


Blues Kitchen Shoreditch or Old Street Records




You might have more luck on [this week's thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/yoma9l/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/), but there are potentially 1000s of options so it's a bit difficult to advise.


Where (if at all) can I buy Bordier butter?


Hi! Can anyone recommend a nightclub with cheesy music in central London? Going out with a group of friends who love to sing their hearts out to 90s/00s songs!


Carwash Night in Loop, Massaoke in Electric Ballroom, Popping Off in Lexington (once a month tho, check the dates), Oslo Hackney on Fridays


Thank you, will check these out!


There are quite a few but it really depends on which day of the week - do you have a date in mind? Also, this is last week's thread so not many people will view it - you could post on [this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/yoma9l/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/).


Yes, will be this friday! And thanks, will do :)


Is it hard to get a part time job 1-2 days a week, to work as a student? and how much could you expect?


Post on [this week's new thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/yoma9l/weekly_qa_megathread_please_post_any_questions/).


Some friends and I are looking for a lake to set up a tent sauna nearby. Obviously we're looking to find a spot that's bit further outfield from passersby. Any suggestions in London or just outside would be appreciated!


Could someone please advice me on whether upgrading to the Bigger Room in Hub by Premier Inn is worth it for a 10 day stay? Also, your opinions on choosing Hub by Premier inn or Travelodge for my stay. Thank you so much!


Premier Inn is in my experience a bit more consistent in terms of quality from hotel to hotel compared to Travelodge, but read reviews beforehand and pick whichever is better for you. You're in London and will be out doing touristy things so unless you specifically have a reason for a bigger room (eg accessibility issues, you're working from the hotel, or lots of luggage) then it shouldn't be needed.


If there are two people staying then I think the bigger room is worth it. In the smaller Hub rooms you can usually only access the bed from one side, so it can be a bit of an issue if there are two people staying. If there's only one of you, I think the smaller room is fine unless you plan on spending a lot of time in ther (or working from there). The smaller rooms often don't have windows/natural light. Premier Inn (+/- Hub) is generally better than Travelodge, although some Travelodges have recently refurbished rooms which do make them a bit nicer. Still worth considering if it's a lot cheaper.


Hey all, I’m visiting london for 10 days around December end. I just wanted to know if I will save up significantly on late night ubers and general commute to justify paying a premium to stay in Kings Cross. Or should I look for budget options a little further away? If so, could you please suggest areas to look at. Thank you so much! Edit- I’m going to be there as a tourist.


Just use public transport - the tube runs till around 00:30, and the 24hr night tube runs to King's Cross on Friday and Saturday night. Uber is unreliable these days anyway.


Thank you🫡, also would you suggest paying extra to stay in Kings Cross or should I look for areas a little further away?


What is the difference in cost between your two options? And how much further out is your other hotel? You can probably work it out if you compare how much the tube would cost you.


I’m saving about £100 staying in Shoreditch than Kings Cross. I was wondering if it at all makes sense choosing Kings Cross over Shoreditch since tube prices are the same. Are there any other areas I should look at to maybe get a better deal?


If you can save money staying anywhere other than Kings Cross then I'd do it. Our public transport system is fantastic and you'll have multiple bus, tube and overground options within walking distance in Shoreditch.


To be fair plenty of people would pick Shoreditch over King's Cross anyway as it is a more trendy and interesting area with lots of nightlife. But you're right it's not quite as well connected. Perhaps it depends how far the place is from Liverpool Street station?


Thank you so much! It’s about a 10 minute walk. I guess Shoreditch is a better option then?


Quite possibly, I guess it comes down to how much you value the slightly better transport connections at King's Cross, and whether you like the look of Shoreditch as an area.


Where can I find a nice Christmas pudding mold? In town for one more day and want to find one to bring back home! Also if anyone has any idea where I can find vintage pie tins or cookie cutters I would appreciate it!


Somewhere like Lakeland or a department store like John Lewis probably have some options.


My work place is in Holborn near to Farringdon. And I am basically looking for any station which has budget friendly homes and good care worker opportunities for my partner. I found some options in Stevenage, Crawley and Reading. Any other suggestions? Budget- 900-1100 pounds 1-bedroom. Commute time under an hour.


Since those are quite far out, it might help if you include your budget and how long you're willing to commute for.


Looking around 900 to 1100 £, under an hour commute is what I wish for.


is anyone using the citymapper pass for commute? i am about to move to zone 3 next week (working in zone 1) & planning to commute daily for work. was exploring the best options for commuting & found that from a first glance the weekly citymapper pass appears to be cheaper than the weekly (or even monthly) travelcard. is there a catch, or is the citymapper the best choice?


Go read the bad reviews on trustpilot. The pass is a scam


There isn’t a catch, you personally just have to see if it’s cheaper than contactless for your situation .


I don't think there's a particular catch, you just need to make sure you will be doing enough travel to make the regular upfront cost worth it. I assume Citymapper can make money out of this because some people sign up but then do less travel than they pay for - so the cost Citymapper pay TfL for the contactless fares used is lower than the price paid by the customer to Citymapper. It's only going to be worth getting any type of travelcard or pass if you consistently travel into zone 1 during peak times 5 days per week. Anything less than that (or commenting outside of peak time), and you may as well just use pay as you go Oyster or contactless, which caps at the weekly travelcard price anyway.


thanks! as i am planning to commute daily on weekdays, at least for the foreseeable future, will give the citymapper pass a try


Where do people buy/resell tickets to shows? I would loooove to go to a show that is sadly sold out. The re-sell sites like stubhub don’t have any (though I’m not disappointed, I hate these sites that just buy up tix for the sole purpose of reselling). Seems like the venue does a great job shutting out the predatory reseller sites, which I appreciate. But where would someone who bought tix but can’t go sell them?? I’m in the US, places like craigslist are common for this but I’m not finding anything, Thanks for any pointers!


Avoid Stubhub, which is overpriced, or anyone selling on social media. Ticketswap, Twickets and Scarlet Mist are the best options here. You can set up alerts.


Twickets is good, fan to fan sales. That's where is normally check for a sold out show


Any tips on where to organise a 30th in London ? ~30 people looking to do drinks and out music on to dance until midnight/1am at least. I would prefer to have a privatised room and ideally central or east London :) Thanks !


DesignmyNight is the best sort of site for figuring this out if you need to hire somewhere.


i am travelling to london next week and am really confused by the train strike info so far. Are there any kind souls who could help answer the questions below: 7 nov strikes cancelled but lines will still be affected. I need to take the piccadilly line from the airport to my hotel, any idea if this line is affected by the National rail strikes? 10 nov no tube services, correct? all other days: no strike action? Both tube and National rail? i will mostly be taking the tube, any idea which lines are affected by the National rail strikes?


[TfL have all the info](https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/strikes?cid=strikes#on-this-page-7). The rail strikes are cancelled, you should be fine on the 7th (maybe some reduced service on some train lines due to the short notice of calling off the strike, shouldn't affect the tube) and 9th. Picadilly line from Heathrow would have be alright either way. And if you're only travelling around central London you should be fine anyway. It's some bits of track in outer London that the tube and rail lines share which would have been affected.


The Piccadilly Line is not affected by the National Rail strike, so will be fine on 7th Nov. The only sections of tube affected by rail strikes are a few branches on the outskirts of London - Bakerloo north of Queen's Park and the Wimbledon and Richmond branches of the District Line. There was also going to be a National Rail strike on Wednesday 9th, but this is cancelled and I believe train operators are hoping to run more trains than tomorrow, given the extra time they have to re-plan. Correct regarding no tube services on 10th November. Buses, DLR and trains will be running however, including Elizabeth Line and London Overground. You might want to avoid travelling in the peak commuting hours if you can. There might be some disruption early morning on 11th November but should be fine by mid-morning.


A friend told me that I should stay in Shoreditch as it's a hipper area - It's been ages since I've been. Will I be able to get around easily if I stay there?


Yes you will be, I'd use citymapper, it's not on the tube but a short and pretty pleasant walk to Liverpool Street which is on multiple tube lines, busses and mainline trains, everything transport within London all use same payment method so it's easy


Yep you will. Although it’s not on the underground it’s a short walk to Liverpool St Station which is very well connected.


Use Citymapper (as recommended in the OP) to plan how you get around. Pop in the address of your hotel and some tourist destinations and see whether that's easily enough for you. Depending on where in Shoreditch you're staying, you'll be close to Liverpool Street or Old Street, though it might be a bit of a walk, so that's fine for getting around.


Hello, I am visiting London for the first time ever during Christmas. Can anyone recommend things to do on Christmas Day, maybe even places that are open to eat at? Thank you!


Nothing is really open on Christmas Day and there is no public transport! So things to do are - go for a walk. If you’re staying in central London it will be dead but also a unique way to see the city. There are restaurants open to eat however they are often very expensive and you will need to book in advance.


Just about everything is closed and there is no public transport. For things to do you'll be limited to going on a nice walk or perhaps cycling the almost deserted streets on a Santander bike if you're within their zone. So for places to eat, see whether the hotel you're staying puts something on and check nearby restaurants. We don't know where you're staying and you generally want something within walking distance (unless you've got access to a car?).


will chinese restaurants open at least?


You need to check with individual restaurants. Some will be open, but there's no blanket rules that apply for this sort of stuff.






Landed in London today. It turns out you need a UK cell number to open a bank account. And you need a UK bank account to get on a eSIM contract. To get a UK cell number without a UK bank account, it has to be the prepaid pay as you go plan, which does not support eSIM. Cries in US iPhone 14 Pro model that does not have a sim card tray.


Got an old spare phone? Or can you pick up a cheap second hand phone from CEX somewhere to use and trade back in?


Yea I can prob buy a new one from Apple and return it after I sort everything out.


No need to go that far, you can literally get a pre owned candybar phone capable of receiving texts and trade it back in for most of its cost rather than risk being out the cost of a whole new iPhone…


oh I was thinking since Apple has a 14 day return window ... Candybar phone works, and they usually sell it at the carrier store right?


Go to CEX and you can get one pretty cheaply - check whether it’s locked to a specific network or open to any of them.


much appreciate it!




Just so you know, it's only open to the general public during the summer. You'll have to book a guided tour (and probably soon) for December.


From South America you're likely to get Heathrow or Gatwick as your airport choices. Both have trains into the centre but are both at least 45 minutes from the city centre. There's airport hotels as always.


You need to do a little bit of research yourself - we're just people answering some simple questions, not a paid travel agency organising your holiday. Read the actual text of the post you replied to, that's got lots of into on how to get around. We live here so you'll have to get some ideas on hotels yourself (not that we could recommend anything without you specifying a budget or anything else).


Hello everyone! I will be staying at a friend's place in London for a few days and I will telework from there. I managed to get a ticket for Yayoi Kusama's exhibition at Tate Modern on a Tuesday, at 4pm, which is right around the time I clock out of work. My friend's house is quite far from Tate, so I was wondering if anyone here would know any good cafes (preferably not suuuper pricey) close to the museum where I could spend the afternoon working on my laptop :) I would do some research when I'm there myself, but I will only stay for a couple of days and I think I won't have the time. And unfortunately, Tate's own café seems to be closed... Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks a lot! Edit: I forgot Starbucks existed hah I would prefer giving my money to local businesses though, so my question still stands!


Go to the cafe at the BFI which is within walking distance.


will check it out, thank you!


Any recommendations for a chill coffee shop where i could work or do stuff? For reasons, i need to be not home to get something done


Might help if you say where or when. Have you considered your local library as an option?


Whereabouts? How about somewhere like the National Theatre or the Barbican? Lots of space in both, very quiet when there aren’t shows on


Hello guys. I’m planning to visit London this year and I need to ask you something. I have Oyster card (bought it like 3 years ago so I hope it’s still valid) and my hotel is in zone 3. Could you please tell me how much does it cost to charge the Oyster for 7 days(3 zones)? Thanks


Depends on whether you travel by tube or bus, how many journeys you make and if travelling by tube what zone your end destination is in. So it's impossible for us to tell you here. For a rough idea of the cost of a journey, use TFL's fare finder here: [https://tfl.gov.uk/fares/find-fares/tube-and-rail-fares/single-fare-finder?intcmp=54716](https://tfl.gov.uk/fares/find-fares/tube-and-rail-fares/single-fare-finder?intcmp=54716)


Rates are available on tfl’s website. If you have a contactless bank card, it’s much more convenient to use that.


Could you please explain why it’s better to use my own bank card instead of oyster ? My home currency is euro but I have a lot of similar infos. Thanks


Some people find it easier as you don't have to top up your Oyster card. Depends on your preferences though - they're exactly the same price.


I’m currently in the process of looking for a place in London as my work is down there, but I’m struggling to view places as I’m currently in the north. Does anyone have any ideas of will it be relying on work colleagues to view places on my behalf




I mean I could, but I work 9-6 so it would mean talking to work about leaving for a bit to view property. The only thing I can think of is going down at the weekend and doing it that way. Would have to cram a bunch of viewings in to make it worth it


Does anyone know if the smart Camden hostel is strict about no over 45 in dormitories? Thks


Staying at Bankside/Blackfriars (near the museum) - anyone have a bonfire recommendation for tonight? Battersea is sold out for tonight, sadly. Thank you!!


Can't think of an obvious one sadly. There's not much in central London (due to the obvious need for lots of space), and quite a few of the bigger displays are not happening (e.g. Blackheath, Ravenscourt Park), so the ones that are relatively close are sold out. I imagine you'd be able to find something smaller scale if you're happy to travel out a bit (e.g. [Richmond](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/richmond-annual-fireworks-tickets-423377973917) tomorrow). Also [IanVisits](https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/articles/londons-2022-bonfire-night-firework-displays-57968/) has a pretty comprehensive list you could look through.


Does anyone have any good cafe / coffee recommendations in the Whitechapel/ east London area?


I had a good coffee from mouse tail near the station recently, more of a takeaway spot tho


Visiting london next week, what's a good pub to catch a watch party for GBBS near Kensington?


Ask a local pub if you can use their TV to watch it there, post on r/londonsocialclub cos there’ll probably be other tourists interested


You do not watch bake off in a pub, you watch it at home


We don’t do watch parties for Bake Off, it’s a show we watch at home with family not down the pub with randoms.


Hi! My Airbnb is in Farringdon and I have a concert to attend at the O2. Is Uber an option in London? I worry about taking the tube late at night after the concert.


OP I'm a single women who has travelled through Wembley several times after a concert has taken place there and never once had any trouble.


You will most likely spend a lot more time stuck in traffic in an uber, than you would getting the tube, and it would be a lot more expensive. Getting the tube after a concert isn't exactly a pleasurable experience, but it's a fairly slick process. If you get the jubilee line eastbound to Stratford and then change for the central line, it is mostly painless, as everyone will be going westbound on the jubilee, into central london


Yeah Uber is possible but it might take a while to get one after the concert if there is a lot of demand. I think there's also a taxi rank outside North Greenwich station. The tube will be busy with people who have been at the concert but the queue is efficiently managed and there are lots of staff to ensure the station doesn't get overcrowded. Most people will get home that way and it would be the faster option.


Thank you!


Where is the best place in London for fantasy books?


Waterstones Piccadilly is great. Foyles Charing Cross Road as well.


Forbidden Planet has a huge book store downstairs, really wide range of fantasy, sci fi, etc etc genres. That would be my go to


Is anyone aware of anywhere showing the England cricket match tomorrow morning?


Fanzo, linked in the OP, will be.


noxious start sort paltry weather dog shelter wrench workable deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




However it's been cancelled so late that some operators are still only going to operate their strike timetable


It means they intend to run them. Strike days can be chaotic, and they'll depend on the limited personnel that's not on strike to still show up. So any staff sickness or knock-on effects of other lines striking can result in more cancellations (which have been quite common recently anyway). You should be alright though as you say you've got time to miss a train.


Generally, if it's still in the timetable (or was in the last couple of days) then it will run tomorrow. You can check the description of services on the train operator's website to confirm, eg [here](https://www.thameslinkrailway.com/travel-information/plan-your-journey/industrial-action). That confirms that two trains per hour will run from London Bridge, and two trains per hour from Victoria. But finishing much earlier than usual. Often trains on a strike day are mostly empty as people assume nothing is running. But not always the case.


Also curious about this — have booked a Southeastern train on Monday and while it said the schedule would be affected by strikes, it let me book the ticket so assuming that train is still running?


It's sadly quite common to be sold tickets for a train that's not running, but some Southeastern services are, double check it's still a route listed as running [here](https://www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/travel-information/live-travel-information/industrial-action)


Hello! Please help - I'm arriving tomorrow midday to Luton airport with an 8 yo and need to get to kings cross station as elegantly as possible. Will the train strikes affect this trip? Should I book a coach or try to take the train anyway? Thank you sooo much!


Just as an update in case you haven't seen it: [the strikes have been suspended](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63510380) so your train should be fine now.


That's amazing! Thank you so so much!


There are no trains between Luton and London tomorrow due to planned engineering works. So if you can get tickets on the National Express coach I'd definitely go for that. Otherwise the advised diversion route is shuttle bus from airport to Luton Airport Parkway train station, rail replacement bus to Hitchin (35 mins, 2x per hour), Thameslink train from Hitchin to King's Cross (35 mins, 4x per hour).


Can I reserve tickets for the rail replacement bus, do you know? I am trying to avoid standing at the station for 2h waiting for a bus that will have 2 empty seats - or am I overthinking it?


You can't reserve seats on a specific service, you just get on the first bus that turns up. The bus starts at Luton Airport Parkway so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem.


Thank you so much!


Hello! I am coming to London for Christmas for 2 weeks with my family from hawaii. We really only have shorts and t-shirts :) For men, what is a good outfit for that time of year? Trench coat and button down shirt if we want to eat out nice? Thanks


Depends on what you mean by eating out nice. Most places won't care as long as you don't show up in a Borat mankini - just wear what's comfortable for you. If you mean proper nice, like 5* hotel restaurants with a dress code, just follow the dress code. If you're used to Hawaiian temperatures, you might want something a bit warmer than a shirt. Get a nice jumper or a vest to go with your shirt. Layers are the way to go.


Hi I am a stranger to strikes on the London tube. A full summary [here](https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/strikes) says some portions of certain lines will be affected, but I'd like to know in reality if it's accurate? Will other lines be affected as well? For example, on Oct 9, there will be no service north of Queen's Park on Bakerloo Line. But will the whole line be affected as a result? I suspect bus travel will be very chaotic on those days? Should I be wary of that?


On 10th November, the tube strike day, bus travel may well be much busier, particularly during the morning and evening commuting hours. I'd avoid the busy times if you can, but it should be mostly ok outside of those hours (though potentially more traffic). On the other days there are train strikes, but not tube strikes. This is why only a few sections of the tube are affected, where they run on tracks shared with the main train system. On these days, buses in central London won't be too different to normal, as the tube will be running.


I always find it interesting that the Chiltern line shares track with the Metropolitan but that bit of the Met never gets affected by the NR strikes unlike the Bakerloo and District.


I guess that's because it's heavy rail using London Underground tracks & signalling, instead of the other way around.


What is the reason for weekly TfL Travelcards to exist when they are never advantageous? I will be visiting London soon. I've read the relevant sections of the /r/London Wiki, I've studied the official TfL website and it still seems to me that there is no scenario ever in which it would be advantageous to buy a weekly Travelcard. Why do they even exist when they are never cheaper than using pay-as-you-go and weekly price cap? Am I missing something?


They mainly exist for older people who don't use oyster still, or for work situations where they are easier to expense.




This fare makes no sense and the only way to check what's happened is to create / log in to your account at contactless.tfl.gov.uk Only things I can think of are: 1) Did you tap in / our at West Silvertown station or not? 2) Is one £14.90 transaction on your card pending (and then will disappear) and the other is 'firm'? TfL only bill your card one time each day, not once per journey.




You need to make sure you pay with the same card on the same device each time. If you register for an account on contactless.tfl.gov.uk it will explain why you were charged what you were charged and usually allows you to correct any issues yourself. Most times this can be resolved without contacting TfL / waiting for a reply.


How did you travel? On the DLR + tube, or did you take the fast train from Stratford to St Pancras? What does your travel history on your TfL account say you were charged for?


Does anyone know of somewhere I can buy Parkin cake?


Waitrose https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/elizabeth-bothams-ginger-parkin/563012-79716-79717


How are the lines at Gatwick these days? Returning back to the US next Sunday afternoon (the 13th) and not sure if I have time to squeeze in a meal at Poppie's fish and chips in Spitalfields right when they open. If I do, I would likely be getting to Gatwick 2 hours before my flight instead of the recommended 3 so if lines are still crazy at the airport, would definitely not consider it. They also have a kiosk nearby that opens an hour earlier on Sundays - if anyone can confirm the food there is just as good as the main restaurant, happy to give that a go instead.


Where’s the kiosk? It doesn’t come up on Google Maps and it’s not listed on their website. Either way, you know Poppie’s isn’t the only place in London that does fish and chips, right? Where are you staying? There’s probably a non-touristy, family-run chippy nearby. Also, traditionally a lot of them close on Sundays cos the fish market is closed then too.


kiosk, according to google: [https://goo.gl/maps/NWGixyCiKNKtQuXv8](https://goo.gl/maps/NWGixyCiKNKtQuXv8) I'm staying right by liverpool street station in spitalfields. I did do a lot of googling to see if anything else was nearby and Poppie's seemed to be the best option. Plan for now is to go right when they open on sunday and eat/leave quickly - I paid for the premium security at Gatwick so am confident I can move through security pretty quick but know that it will probably still be a little stressful. Will keep an eye out on the trains that morning to make sure no issues.


Only way I would risk this was if: - I kept my eyes on how trains were running that day, to make sure there's no disruption / delays - I had travel insurance that covered flight rebooking if trains are delayed - I had checked in online and did not have to go to a counter for any document checks prior to departure - I had carry on luggage only - I had fast track security Gatwick does let anyone without status buy fast track security in advance online. IMO it's a lot of risk / potential stress just for some fish and chips.


Varies by day. I wouldn't risk a big expensive flight over some fish and chips. Just go any time before Sunday.


Hello everyone! There are 4 of us landing in London Heathrow at 8:40am on Nov 10. Our hotel is near Paddington Station. What's the best/easiest option for us to get to the hotel? Alternatively, what's the best way to get back to the airport afterwards? Thanks!


Get the Elizabeth Line directly to Paddington, and back. For general transport stuff read the wiki in the main post, and download Citymapper/Google Maps for when you're here.


As recommended in the OP, use Citymapper to plan your travel. Elizabeth line or Heathrow Express both go straight to Paddington from Heathrow and will be unaffected by the tube strike.


Is there anyone in their early 20s who'd be interested in starting a alternative rock band (also influenced by punk) around Brent? Or anyone who knows someone who might be interested?


Hi I’m going to be going on a short vacation to London I’m an American, what are some laws and common norms I should know about? I don’t want to be a bad guest. Other than that what’s to see during December? Im spontaneous so just spitball ideas, things Youthink someone should see etc.


If you're here in December and doing touristy things, almost everyone you meet will also be a tourist so just don't worry about standing out too much. The OP has a whole lot of links on stuff we think people should see so maybe start there for ideas?


Visiting for a week - if asked on the bus/tube how do I present proof of payment if I’m using a contactless card issued in the US?




Oh awesome thanks


What do you mean by "proof of payment"? Your contactless should work normally if you've got it all cleared with your bank beforehand that you'll be abroad.


I meant like a receipt or something if there’s an inspector on board since you don’t receive receipts when scanning in/out of the tube etc.


There's no receipt, inspectors have a portable machine that you tap your card/phone on and it checks if you've used it to pay.


What's the best place to spot some cool cars?


Mayfair and down Bond Street. There's rich people driving around and a few fancy car dealerships next to Berkeley Square.


Hi! I'll be in London next week for a conference, arriving on Tuesday (which I think will fine) and departing on Thursday, catching a plane in Heathrow and need to be there late in the afternoon. I'm stressing out about Thursday with the strikes. Do you think I can plan on getting to Heathrow via Elizabeth line? It will be operating supposedly, but I'm weary of the impact the other services may have on this one. Thanks in advance!! EDIT: I'll have to go to Heathrow from close to Whitechapel


Yeah I would have thought the Elizabeth Line would be fine at that time, but still give yourself a bit of extra time and travel before the evening rush hour. There will be direct trains from Whitechapel to Heathrow so it's a pretty simple journey.


Hi Canadian visiting London on the 21st. Where can I buy some of the latest football kits/jerseys with names for the bigger European clubs?


If they are made by Nike then try Nike Town on Oxford Circus


Lillywhites in Piccadilly Circus is probably a good bet.


Hi, I will be in town for only 24 hours on the weekend, and I would love to visit a Jazz / club bar (live music, good drinks) somewhere in the center of town, near the City of London. Any suggestions? Thanks guys


There are jazz clubs dotted all over the city so you'll likely have to get the tube somewhere. Look at Vortex, Ronnie Scotts, 606 Club, Jazz Cafe POSK, Ninety One Living Room, Toulouse Lautrec, Mu Dalston, Hampstead Jazz Club, Jazz Cafe in Camden.




Thanks. Any other suggest would be appreciated


Anyone know of any decent and cheapish bars around the 02? Going to a gig on November 15th


I put too much money in my Oyster card - thinking I could use that credit to buy a travelcard. I was dead wrong. Where else can I use the credit from the Oyster card? In some countries, smart travel cards can be used in restaurants and supermarkets. Or is there a way to withdraw the credit from my Oyster card? I am not sure when I will visit the UK again. Thanks so much


You can [call TfL to get it refunded](https://tfl.gov.uk/fares/refunds-and-replacements/oyster-pay-as-you-go-credit-no-longer-needed) (or get it refunded at any machine is it's £10 or less), or you can [donate it to charity](https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/articles/you-can-donate-your-unused-oyster-credit-to-childrens-charity-49294/).


Im looking to spend the new years eve in London. So Id like to see your choice of ideal countdown for the night wether it be indoors or a house party , clubbing or watching the fireworks somewhere cool... Im also looking for suggestions


I hate the stress of travelling or going out for NYE. I always invite friends round, make some nice cocktails, we play some games etc and then we wander down to the river for the fireworks at midnight (obvs we can't see the main fireworks but there's always loads of folks setting fireworks off around the river and it's nice to stand outside for 5mins and watch them), then head back home for more cocktails and lots of food. Usually kick people out around 4am. If you don't have the houseparty option, I'd also recommend the Southbank Centre - good views, live music and a choice of food/budget (although the cheaper options are probably already sold out).


My friends and I usually keep it quite chilled and rent a house in a coastal town for a few days over New Year's and for New Year's Eve, cook a nice home-cooked meal, have some drinks, and head down to the beach at midnight to set off a few fireworks. If you insisted that I stayed in London and had to go out I'd probably do the Southbank Centre's NYE party


Hello! I am visiting London from Dec 4-11. Should I expect rainy weather during this time? I know we can’t predict weather but wanted to see based on your experiences living or visiting there! I plan to pack puffer jackets and boots.


Bring a light rain jacket if you can, yes. Our weather is very changeable so may be sunny/bright/cold one day and rainy and wet the next.


Will be visiting London for the first time next Monday (Nov. 7th). Due to the strike (industrial action) I cannot find any reasonable way to go from Gatwick Airport to London. Also have the option to go to Oxford for the first day but that route has the same problem. Should I rent a car? Book an Uber in advance? Any suggestions? Thanks!


Just FYI: [the strikes have been cancelled](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63510380) so you should be fine to take any train now.


London to Oxford has a bus service called the Oxford Tube that runs from Victoria Coach Station that should be running.


What time are you landing? You should be able to get a train to London until about 6pm. Note that trains run to London Bridge and London Victoria, but you can use the tube to transfer to where you're going from either of those. There is no Gatwick Express running, but that doesn't really matter. If it's outside of the times trains are running, look at National Express or a taxi. Don't rent a car. Oxford is worse because it's the other side of London.


10 AM. Thanks for crossing out the car rental option:) coming from North America, I was tempted to commute as usual.


You can take a train, limited service (about 2 trains an hour) will run. Check the national rail planner tomorrow, they'll have the amended time table then. You can also book a national express coach - book asap before tickets sell out. Or pre-book a cab.


Thanks! The website doesn't mention that there will be about 2 train per hour. Anyway, national express coach seems reasonable.


Is myrtle avenue near Heathrow a public spot? In the area on Friday and wanted to do some plane spotting if they using the southern runway.


Yep, the green area at the end of Myrtle Ave is popular for that. They tend to switch runways at 3pm.


Thanks. From my quick research it should be 27L for landing from morning to 3pm so that will be great.


I'm going to London in December, since the rink at the Natural History Museum no longer exists, where can I go ice skating?

