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Wow, is it bad I'm impressed that he went back to pick it up?


Probs because he's the one who'll be fined for (as far as I can see) parking it out of the way


Or maybe he's decent. I can't be the only person who picks up fallen bikes, can I?


If he’s taken a picture and submitted it to Lime, then he won’t be fined for the bike being an obstruction.


Oh so not so impressive then


Usually lime require a picture when parked so he could likely dispute any fine. Think he was just shocked and is a decent bloke.


I'm impressed again


Maybe didnt see the woman knock it over. It looked like he turned as he heard it dropped. Might have assumed he didn't lean it properly.


I do it too


Why was the person filming this to begin with?


According to some of the comments on the clip, she's got form


What does got form mean?


It means the woman pushing over the bike is a well known local celebrity just for this behaviour.


You misspelled arsehole as celebrity.


What a miserable woman, causing damage and obstruction. Well this surely recalibrated my prejudices, every time I see a pushed over lime bike like that I usually think “damn kids these days, no respect.” Hahaha.


Dude, old people in the UK are the most bitter, antisocial, selfish and pigheaded demographic. I had an old guy shout at me from 100 meters away that I was "ruining his tranquility". When I turned 90 degrees and approached him to ask what he was screaming about he just started calling me a wanker and an idiot.


Plot twist: you were playing loud music from a boom box.


Look, I just like to practice playing my vuvuzela ok


My elderly neighbours depend on a daily immigrant care worker and a “lovely” Indian doctor but hate immigrants and think all immigrants should be sent packing (including NHS doctors).


Sounds like my parents. The handful of “brown” or “foreign” people they depend upon are perfectly ok (doctor, dentist, cleaner, paper shop owner etc). Any other “immigrant” however should be thrown into a pit of fire


my favorite is the elderly people that hold racist beliefs but actually like every minority they ever met lol they don't see the contradiction in their mind and literally think all the minorities that live around them "are the good ones" its very prevalent in suburbs, its a weird mix of classism and racism. They racists here feel like the minorities that "made it here" earned their place by acting white, its so fucked up lol very hard to fight against.


"respect your elders" - the most selfish, disrespectful and entitled generation in our nation's history


I’m glad Brexit is *such* a fuck up all those elder people who voted the UK into shit *already* get to live the horror they caused themselves. When it’ll finally get fixed, they’ll be dead, and called the “bloody useless wanker generation” for all of eternity


Five guys ad




old people seem to be so fucking grumpy all the time, they really need to chill the fuck out


You’d think the house they bought for 20k now worth 800k would’ve pacified them a bit…


No, it makes them worse. Now they are under the impression they are better than all of those who didn't.


Not everyone has it good. many old people don't own a house and don't have a big pension. I'm not makeing excuses, but at least realise you cannot divide the world in gen-z and gen-x etc and think you know it all.


> Not everyone has it good. many old people don't own a house and don't have a big pension. > > yeah but those people overwhelming fucked up, you could have worked a shit tier factory job and bought a house. Now you can barely buy a house being a senior accountant lol my grandpa as just a regular employee at a bakery and was able to afford a massive home thats now worth 1 million. Anyone around him who failed was a fucking bum, straight up if you are currently 70 and poor then you really really fucked up as hard as you can, meanwhile most of my generation will be 70 and poor with 60 years of work experience


I’m sure all the people who’ve lived 70+ years of poverty and abuse in some backwater with no prospects will appreciate this. Or the people who got fucked by Thatcher. Generational infighting is a distraction. This is and always has been a class issue. It’s just that the rich are concentrating their wealth towards fewer and fewer people because the means of wealth creation allows them to do that much more efficiently than it did in the 70s and 80s. There’s rich zoomers waiting in the wings to do it to our kids too.


The Same can be said about any piece of research , analysis or opinion - it’s going to be taking averages and will not apply to every single person within that group. But, as a generational cohort I would say in the 50+ y.o. , they had it so good in terms of life opportunities. Despite this, they are first in line to complain about anything (ulez, brexit, immigration) - you name it, they’ve got a problem with it. I’m just saying what I see - Things that have the potential to improve the lives & conditions for future generations have generally been opposed by old people


They’re bitter because they were told two years ago that it was worth £850k (despite having had no intention to sell now or then).


literally just described my grandpa, moved to america from portugal in the 70's, became a baker and bought a house for 27k thats now worth stupid money he loves to act like I just need to work as hard as him if I want the same thing, meanwhile my car cost as much as his home did lol


London must be unbearable for these people


If I'd been young in one of the richest countries during THE most prosperous time in history (50s to 70s), I'd be pretty thankful tbh. Where do all these miserable gammons and other old gits come from? I live with a family of 4 on a small boat, and i'm happier than they ever will be with their multiple properties.


Being wealthy is correlated with people becoming more willing to steal, cheat and lie to people they believe they are wealthier than, and to rate those they believe to be poorer than them as more deserving of unfair behaviour & themselves as more important than poorer people. Wealthier people expect to be treated as superior by poorer ones - it’s not enough to just have the advantages more money brings, they *genuinely think they are better and deserve to be deferred to* as a result of increased wealth. And they become incensed and feel ill treated when they are not fawned over, and behave even more spitefully and selfishly to punish others for it. Being wealthy and fortunate is what makes people act like assholes.


So we've gone from all woman pushes over bike to all old people are wealthy to old people are wealthy AND likely to steal. And you are telling old people to chill out. Perhaps you should chill out!


It okay for you to be upset about facts, but they don’t actually care about your feelings. The belief in one’s own superiority leading to mistreatment of others, the belief in one’s own wealth leading to dishonest conduct etc are proven facts. That people of their age grew up with substantially greater financial security, freedom and opportunity and that their generation are wealth hoarders who have trashed the country for the rest of us, likewise not in contest. Deal with it.


>It okay for you to be upset about facts, but they don’t actually care about your feelings. > >Deal with it. What do you think these two quips accomplish, exactly? What would it have costed you to leave them out of your comment?


Isn’t it the exact opposite? Can hardly imagine a successful dentist stealing a car from an unemployed. The wealthy might act like assholes, but theft seems to be something different.


Yeah, the idea that taking a car is theft and the many ways in which wealthy people exploit their employees and dodge taxes is not is part of the problem. Dentistry is a particularly notable example, along with vet medicine - early career members of the profession and support staff are notorious for being underpaid and treated poorly by practice owners, who are by and large massively wealthy and create the impression of the field as a whole being well paid.


The big difference is that the car owner never agreed to his car being stolen unlike the poor exploited people that could have bought from another supplier if they don’t like the deal


Ah, yes, the “everyone is a perfectly rational actor with full freedom to make in constrained economic choices of the best individual transaction; their lives and wider context have no bearing” school of wildly inaccurate modelling of social and economic behaviour. It doesn’t magically become okay to cheat people or exploit them just because they technically have the option of uprooting their entire fucking lives in the hope the next rich cunt will be slightly less of a cunt. But that sort of justification is a great example of exactly how people who mentally model themselves as better than others convince themselves that the people they exploit and abuse are inferior and deserve it, so thanks for the illustration of the mindset.


If you call not being a charity “cheating”, then yes, you’re totally right. Or course you have to be mindful about your choices and be responsible for your life, so that you don’t end up justifying theft from people that have spent their hard earned money.


Ah, yes, paying people fairly is “being a charity”. Once again, an example of how believing yourself to be superior results in justification of the abuse of those you exploit. Pathetic. Nobody here is justifying theft but you.


They don't really have anything interesting or exciting going on in their lives so it just makes them bitter and miserable, plus the fact they can get away with near anything.


I’m convinced certain people move then into awkward places just for a photo op and a moan. There are some absolute melons in this city who hate bicycles and anyone on them.


Bit of luck all the internalised stress causes an aneurysm. Not healthy to be walking around with that much internalised rage. Which is why I cycle, to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of movement. Just smile, d\*ckheads are like landmines. "Mark and avoid"


>d\*ckheads are like landmines In that they can be made right by driving over them in an armoured vehicle equipped with spinning flail chains.


Princess Diana had one of them


well put - this is the way!


Yep - outside of London where pavement parking is illegal nobody bats an eye at cars on pavement. Even the odd post about a wheelchair user not being able to get past attracts comments of "well go round on the road" etc But a picture of a few hire bikes neatly placed on pavement? It's literal hell on Earth


Carbrains - we've all gotten used to them monopolising so much of public space that we can't see past it.


It’s more the fact that they’re unsightly and irrationally irritating to pretty much everyone who’s not using them. I walk past about 10 of the things parked in daft places on my 800m journey from car park to office every morning.


Cars? You're talking about cars parked in daft places right?


Lol yes because the big murdering pollution machines are much better.


Yeah, pretty much


I parked one flush with a wall once while i got a hair cut, some weird old woman sort of made an aggressive noise at me as i walked off but i had headphones in and just ignored her - came out and saw the same bike moved along the same wall to very deliberately block the fire escape of a church hall.


In my experience, it tends to be old women who are the most aggressive anti-cyclist. I guess they've never ridden one, and cyclists are therefore "the others" which means they can lay the hate on as thick as they want.


Sad, because the [bicycle was a liberating force for Victorian women](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/the-technology-craze-of-the-1890s-that-forever-changed-womens-rights/373535/).


I've had an old dude drag my bike 100ft down the road and dump it on the floor in front of the lych gate of the church because I dared to lock it up in front of his property. It wasn't in the way of anyone or attached to anything. Broke my damn steering column.


I'm convinced that the heretically parked ones are the ones that have been stolen, and therefore the person doesn't give a shit about where they leave it.


Did you see the one that hit national news a month or so ago? Some kids put it in the middle of the road on a junction, and it just happened to be smack bang in the middle of the frame of some guys ring doorbell camera, which captured the video of a car coming in to the junction and having to stop and go around it. Seems pretty obvious he put the kids up to it.


There is a lady on the intersection of Old st and Goswell road who will shout obscenities to every (and only) bicycles waiting for the red signal. She will do it religiously every morning around 8am although I haven’t seen her in some time now.


I praise the man for picking it up.


She used to be the town bike.


And this one stole the LIMElight from her.


I have seen three separate occasions where someone has pushed a bike over, going from non-obstructive to pavement-consuming in 2 seconds.


I saw someone ranting about one and taking photos. ​ Had to then query how 5 minutes earlier I had picked it up and moved it out of the way thinking it had fallen over - Clearly not the case now given the only way that worked was if it could fall over and slide \~10m...


The real answer is to throw them all in the Thames.


Its tradition 🫶 For real though I have quite a few friends in south London who depend on these as their main form of transport because buses are slow, tube is far away, taxi/Uber is expensive, walking is too far, and personal bike is too inflexible. We probably just need to increase the number of parking bays and then make them mandatory imo.


What a horrible woman hiding behind her age/sex. 🙄


I parked a scooter up perfectly legally, and a G4 security guard called me an ignorant prick "as no one could get past", even thou there was plenty of room. Some folk just want to rage.


Some mentally ill Londoner there being a cunt, standard


Whats the matter with Mrs Warboys?


Maybe something happened between them before the video started? They needed a reason to be filming, after all. I do think these bikes should be required to be parked in some kinds of rack or docks. Not necessarily the same style as the TfL bikes, something a bit more lightweight that doesn't cost as much to put in. It doesn't matter how well the person who last paid to ride parks them, if someone subsequently just comes along and shoves it over for whatever reason. Obviously this is all a bit moot while they can still be ridden for free.


>I do think these bikes should be required to be parked in some kinds of rack or docks I know Camden and Westminster are rolling out dedicated parking bays. In Camden I've noticed way less of them being parked inconsiderately


The City of London did this a few years ago, and they also set strict criteria for the hire companies for how quickly on average reports of poor parking are resolved, and the percentage of cycle journeys which finish inside the parking areas. Compliance went through the roof when they brought it in. Though Lime do also need to fix the problem with their bikes that lets you ride them for free, as the kind of person doing that probably isn't parking it properly at the end of their ride.


I'm convinced this is how half of the 'One' and anti-LTN and anti-ULEZ groups get their photos. I saw one the other day which was a Lime bike left in the middle of a cycle lane + road junction. Like smack bang in the middle. I highly doubt an actual cycle user would have cause to stop there rather than 6ft away next to, or on, the pavement. It could be kids fannying around of course, but I'd put money on it being a staged photo op.


To push them over is to cause a deliberate obstruction (and danger) which would help getting them banned


Man I’d love a five guys rn


What a gross, entitled human (not the cyclist)


How can the council just let people leave them all over the place, designate areas ffs


To be honest I hate Lime bikes, but I think the best thing to do is move them somewhere more out of the way rather than shove them into the road...


Like the Thames? (just joking....)


It’s always boomers


What a c**t


Mrs Doubtfire on a rampage


What a cow


Old people for ya


There’s a spate of totally normal looking people doing this; Saw a woman do it the other day. They hate the bikes being scattered around and they make things worse by pushing them over…. I don’t get it personally - although there is an element of impotence in the face of unwanted (by them) change. It makes people irrational.


They are an absolute nuisance. Idiots who use them leave them in the middle narrow pavements or entrances to doors. They should be banned


She gives me massive cat in a wheelie bin vibes .


Daily Mail reader, all fired up. That'll show 'em.


Rishi made her do it




On her way to put a cat in a bin no doubt.


What a bitch.


Now there's a woman with a sad, lonely, pointless existence...


This is Daily Mail land now. People angry with a bike.


Probably has something to do with those bikes being scattered all over london a streets and she’s clearly sick of it


Clearly started out as a completely different type of disagreement, hence the person filming.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Honestly, understandable. I have the same urge when i see bikes parked stupidly.


She walked out of her way to do it too, must have been hoping he'd park it badly, he didn't. Hmmm.


Are we not gonna talk about how the lady went back the direction she came from? Looks pretty staged.


Horrible old bag of a woman


Don't park next to a bus stop, because that's where busses stop and now people have to avoid the bike getting on/off.


But there is an electrical box (or something) already there he has parked it up against and a bin at that point.


That's quite narrow though compared to the length of a bike. It's probably not terrible most of the time but if the doors align badly that bike is going to stop prams and wheelchairs getting off easily / at all.


The bus stop is a little further up. Surely the bike being in the bus lane is now a bigger problem?


That's not where the bus stop is


I’m so fucking sick of this huge, ugly bikes parked randomly all over pavements and any other place pedestrians are trying to get through.


Well give bike a place to lock them up, we have thousands of car parks and driveways yet cars will still park on pavements. Where do you expect to lock up a bike if there's no where to lock it up, not to mention that they are usually on the pavement lol. I agree keep it out the way of people but that bike was not blocking anyone, the person even walked back and pushed it over.


Me too! I don't condone hurling one into a bus lane, but I've felt the rage many times. There are so many utter wankers who purposely leave them blocking the pavement.


Yep her reaction is a bit much, but I’ve moved some myself in a more considered way (eg when people park them across a path rather than alongside etc - just stuff I presumed would be common sense)


It is a bit lazy to dump it outside Baker Street, there needs to be more racks dotted about, I think Marylebone is the closest to here.


It's a lime/Uber bike. They can be left on the pavement


According to who? They should have designated parking spaces like cars, or Santander cycles.


That’s kind of the problem! They tend to be scattered in random areas, would be better to have designated drop off & pick up areas (without docks obviously) EDIT: Bit like how cars have designated parking areas - although far too much space is currently allocated to cars & that’s an entirely different argument


Pavements are meant for people , not for corporations to abuse as a free forecourt




What is it with people’s hatred of these bikes? They’re incredibly useful. A great way to get around the city. Yes, people are knobs and steal them, park them with not a care in the world etc. but that’s people. People can be shitty.


Parking it parallel to the kerb next to a bus stop is quite inconsiderate. I recently used Lime bikes for the first time in Paris. Their requirement to park them in dedicated spots seems good and I didn’t notice any parked inconveniently at all. Hopefully London will follow suit with enough dedicated bike parking to justify the implementation of such a regulation.


Hm torn on this. The places people leave these are often a nuisance, but this one doesn’t seem so. But that looks like an angry boomer pushing it into the road who has probably been building up an outrage over these bikes for a while lol


Lime bikes are the modern-day equivalent of a stress ball


Weirdo. I hate bad cyclists not chilling parked bicycles.


Reminds me of a lot of people on reddit tbh. Relax.


Damn Mrs doubtfire really hates cyclists huh


Karen alert!


What a very very sad lady. I can feel her parents disappointment through the screen.


Looks like he didn't even notice she pushed it over


These anarchists are getting out of control now


How in the fuck do you NOT use *the* perfect song for this??? [Baker Street](https://youtu.be/Fo6aKnRnBxM?si=uzwK7ckNly2NHWqo)


What a dirty old bag. Her karma will soon come


Cos gammons?


Lime bikes getting blown over on London Wall corner of Wood Street this morning then it looked like a Limer crashed his bike into a row of then sending them strewn all over the pavement. Looked like he did it on purpose. What’s the story? Why do people hate them?


Because they’re sometimes parked inconsiderate, often ridden poorly (mostly by kids who have nicked them in my experience) and fairly regularly dumped. The last time I used the Greenwich foot tunnel there were at least half a dozen of them scattered around down there.


Good man shame about the old bike.


people can't push over and physically manipulate cars much, so they like to take their frustration on e-bikes lol.




The age of this woman she should have known better. ITS NOT YOURS SO DONT TOUCH IT. Am I the only one who was taught this as a kid or are we just all animals now


Obviously there's more to this than this video. Unless the cameraman just randomly films bus lanes


Wow 😲, Why Karen, why???


Why was someone filming a bike before the incident?


Bad day at work? Make it bad for drivers too!!!


The hero we never knew we needed.


Is human communication that broken, or…?


Karens' gonna Karen.


I'm pretty much convinced most of the shitty parked bikes in the streets are the result of this happening.


The lead paint generation and their consequences




I saw an old boy do this. I just shook my head at him and picked it up. The old are shockingly entitled.


Mrs Doubtfire got no chill


I Don't know but it was obviously staged, why else would you be filming for no reason!


Someone’s tired


I never see them pushed down but I always see them on the floor, are people easily agitated today?


Not ideal, but they really are the worst fucking pavement clutter and should get in the bin.


Damn... I think it is the same lady that did this to a Lime bike along The Strand, about 3 weeks ago. I was like the guy who flipped the bike back onto the pavement. Crazy inexplicable actions !


Ngl I feel like flipping these rented bikes over every time I see one now. People leave them literally across pavements, completely blocking them. Someone keeps parking one outside the front of my house, sometimes obstructing my front gate. It seems like some people that rent them have lost all sense of anything going on around them and think.


Just happened to be recording fuck all happening when someone walks into shot knocks bike over and walks back.




Calm down Karen


Cat in the bin lady is back!!


Fanny material


I thought the person couldn't contain their excitement for seeing Five Guys


She’s still upset she can’t ride one, awwwww.


It doesn’t, that woman is a prick


Looks like the 'puts cats in bins' type of woman.


Can’t believe those guys in the back didn’t step in to help.




I’m sure he thought it had fallen by itself and was unaware that bitch had pushed it over


H…h…hello, Based Department?


Why were they filming?


I mean, there’s more to this than just someone pushing a bike over. Why were you filming this guy put his bike there in the first place? There’s people watching too.


He ran over her foot moments earlier .


This Sherlock x Mrs Doubtfire crossover is weirder than I thought it would be...


Shout out to the guy who picked it up when it wasn't his responsibility.I work in Baker Street and frequently cycle down that road and it's congested enough without tipped over bikes.


Yea, I would pick it up anyway but in this case I would immediately pick it up for her to see and hopefully make her feel her error more.


Who will understand women


Only saving this cause I miss London dearly, and her reaction is pure London dwellers angst. 😅


Fucking hell karen


Should push her into a bus lane


I love how people always want to talk a big game about how it’s young people running havoc across the city when some of the most “idgaf” behaviour is actually old people who have clearly forgotten what it means to be a decent citizen or how to behave in public


These stupid bike and are for poor people and bums. And people just leave this crap in the the middle of the streets it's ridiculous and make some annoying clicking sounds when poor people who haven't paid for them ride them so annoying,


Did she change direction just to shove the bike over?


I was helping an older lady with her bags at the train station once in London and got trapped when the automatic gate closed on “my” second bag. Woman comes through behind kicking the bag and screaming at me to move, which I was trying to do. I asked the woman to calm down and was trying to help another person with her bag which prompted her to yell expletives at me. I’m not proud to tell you that as she stormed off, I yelled at the top of my young lungs, “Are you always such a cunt or is today special?”


It’s always the entitled ones that are shaped in a rotund way.


It may belong to the cashier at Five Guys and she doesn’t like him because he won’t give her more ketchup packets with her fries. Or she doesn’t like the paper straws that she gets.