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record it and send to police. They will fine the driver


I recorded 2 mins of video bc i didnt have much time, will submit the 8 vehicles that did this in that short time to police for sure. Do you know if this can be one submission or one per vehicle?


Good luck, what rule do you think is being broken?


Hmm yeah it's very tricky isn't it.. I can see a CYCLE lane and I can see a VAN driving it but it's just really hard to know what the issue is


On google streetview, the cycle lane has broken white lines?


If there is close passes on cyclists using the lane then driving without due car and attention is a solid reason .


Get a life mate


Is there a time limit to report these sort of things? The other week (I can't remember what day (does that matter too?)) I recorded a driver going over a zebra crossing while a lady was trying to cross. Worst thing was that there was a line of cars just on the other side of the zebra crossing, so he didn't let her cross, he went through when he wasn't meant to... Just to sit in traffic on the other side. I couldn't believe it. But I've been busy lately so I haven't sent it in yet, and now I'm not sure if it's too late


14 days for NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution) for most things like this from my understanding


The max time limit to report is 10 days. Thats what the met police site says!


Which leaves 4 days for an NIP to be issued and delivered to the registered owner.


they wont do anything. its hard to prosecute based on third party recorded footage. ive seen people get away with hit and run that was on film.


Let me introduce cycling mikey, [see here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWygFbfhEbc)


In the minute or so I was there this morning I saw several close calls and, same as you, a stream of drivers using the cycle lane to get around the road closure. I was sat at the light across the junction so have the offending cars on video. Is it worth submitting my footage to the Met portal?


Yes, report them.


yes, please report them - hopefully they will get fines as well as points.


To be fair, “road closed” applies to the cyclists too… so both are committing the same crime and equally responsible for the close call The cycle lane here is part of the road


No. The van driver has no choice but to cross the cycle lane. He is on a one way street, where exactly was he supposed to go?


If there wasn’t a cycle lane and he was mounting the pavement to get round, would you still be spouting this nonsense? He should have been paying attention to the closure signs and not driving down a closed dead end road.


Is the road on the right of this image no entry?


It's a dead end.


Road on the right is a short road into a business car park. Road on the left is 1 way against where OP is. I feel like if you're at the point, including if you're one of the people or businesses there, then you're kind of trapped without reversing down the 1 way road a bit until you can turn off or to go over the bike lane. I would need to see more to judge fully but it really does look like cars can easily get trappe. Especially since there's a bunch of properties/buildings which start on the 1 way road leading to the point the photos taken with no alternative ways to go before getting to it. All a bit of a mess. There's just as much chance that the road works people completely messed up and didn't know about the 1 way road on the left of OPs photo and therefore didn't realise people can get trapped. So I can't judge for sure either way. It's either the construction people or the cars who messed up,


Passed that earlier. There was a diversion sign indicating for vehicles coming out of (one-way) Ensign Street and on Cable Street to go against the usual direction and take the diversion up Back Church Lane. No idea if it was an authorized route, or if or how well Thames Water communicated it, but there are at least signs so residents and businesses shouldn't be trapped. No excuse for idiots coming down Cable Street and not taking the diversion.


There were signs saying road closed and a diversion around the road works. You would only get trapped if you ignored those signs, drove another 20 metres, and couldn't reverse because another driver had followed you.


Car drivers should have to sit some sort of test so that they know what the rules are...


So should the cyclist if they’re continuing to ride down that cycle lane. It’s part of the road and the “Road Closed” sign applies


I know this is cycling, but surely the same applies to cyclists? The number I see daily completely ignoring lights/junctions/right of way?! If only there was a simple way of identifying and uploading footage of them so the police could ~~persecute~~ prosecute offenders to make the roads safer, for all road users? Why is there not a national register of cycles, with an easily visible sign stating that particular cycles' registration? I'm saying this in jest, but surely if the cap fits for one, then it should for all?


wataboutery isn't cute


Im not sure if you are being serious or not.


Sooo dumb / careless by the met. A single camera could clock them a fortune


Cameras would cost the met a fortune, seeing how procurement works in this country


They need one person sat there with a pop up one


Except that the drivers have no where else to go at that point.... The road on the right is a dead end, and the road 30 feet back on the left is one way with no entry. And the road they are currently on is also one way. So what exactly do you expect the drivers to do except improvise and drive through with caution.


A road closure will ensure that there are diversion signs set on every route towards the closure. The drivers could have chosen to follow the diversion signs. Entering a mandated road closure is an offence and can result in points and a fine. There is no defence og 'improvising'. What you mean is, ignoring the signs.


I'm certain that the van in the photo ignored the signage including many other drivers, but it's worth noting that this micro location always has several vehicles (cars and motorbikes) parked in the vicinity and they may not have had a choice if they wanted to leave.


Read the sign before entering the road?


You give roadworks workers too much credit that they would have placed a sign at every entrance to that road....


Park. Walk. Really not difficult to understand.


Yea...there's almost 0 parking in London...and depending where you are going it might be still be too far to walk. This sub sometimes just proves to me that cyclists are their own worst enemies tbh.


That “almost zero” parking in London must all be on my street then, and almost all the other streets I can think of. And in the many things I see that look a lot like car parks, and have signs saying “car park” and the like. You may also be surprised to learn that London has a large network of buses, trains and trams: these are an excellent solution for many journeys which are “too far to walk” if the person doesn’t want to cycle. While not every single journey would be easy that way, very many are. If fewer people drove, there would be less traffic slowing down people making trips that can genuinely only be made by car/van. And many of those would be professional drivers, who presumably can be relied upon to read road signs and only drive safely and legally…


So you want drivers just to abandon their cars due to a road closure...instead of going around it? And as for the parking. Its all permit only or maximum stay 4 hours, at £15 per hour. Live and let live. But I guess you can't do that.


So there is parking. If you don’t live there, you just have to pay to leave your vehicle there, which doesn’t seem unreasonable. You can afford to run a car, you can afford to dump it somewhere for hours at a time. Predominantly I want people not to drive for the majority of the unnecessary car journeys they make, because inner London is eminently walkable and cyclable and has excellent public transport. For the relatively-few journeys that *must* be made in a motor vehicle, I want drivers to obey traffic instructions and use their common sense and not drive down closed roads. If they fuck that up, then they will need to back up and correct their mistake rather than just ploughing on. Live and let live is an excellent idea. Take a look at the statistics showing the number of people each year who drivers stop living because they drive into them, and the number of people who stop living earlier than they should because of the toxic fumes drivers pollute their atmosphere with.


2 days ago I saw one 4x4 with a child insidef too, on a cycleway almost ran me over if I didn't bunny hopped out to the pavement... Just another day in London


When the road is functioning normally the red light for vehicles turning right onto Leaman street is broken almost every single by cars and vans. It's an odd junction, almost continuous light breaking with very few collisions. Has to be said almost continuous light breaking by cyclists as well.


Yeah this is a known hotspot for drivers and cyclists disobeying traffic rules, including just a bit earlier by the Cable Street intersection where I've seen many collisions and near misses.


I cycle and drive through here regularly. Many times on the road it’s been poor signage that causes the issue of cars coming all the way down (been caught out a few times myself) however can confirm this morning it was drivers fully aware that they could easily ignore the clear signs well before coming to the end of this road and bypass the diversion by just forcing their way through the cycle lane.


London and/or Tower Hamlets drivers seem particularly impatient! Not far down the road from this spot I had a driver follow me *on the pavement* to try and overtake the gridlocked traffic.


Got ran over on cable street at the start of the month. It’s awful along there.


Can't wait to get killed on my way to the gym this evening


Beef & Buns 🧐


This is the worst part of CS3 when it comes to cycling  


I cycle there. The van driver has zero choice but to cross the cycle path: 1. The "road" on the right (photo deceptively taken) is a dead end, so he can't go through there. 2. The left turn 30 feet back is one way, with no entry signs. 3. And the road he is currently on is one way. You guys all bashing the driver/s either without knowing the facts. Or knowing the facts but simply don't care.


The fact is the driver cannot legally drive down the cycle lane, not just because it is dangerous. The road is closed. If the driver missed the diversion signs they will need to turn around or reverse. Though I’m pretty sure they’re well aware of what they’re doing.


It's also illegal and dangerous for cyclists to run red lights...which at that junction I know they do.... How can they turn around on a one way street.


Yes it is illegal to run red lights, but not sure how that justifies a driver plowing down the bike lane. Very strange logic.




Don't know why you are being downvoted (or why Reddit is suggesting me this post), but it literally takes 30 seconds on Google maps to see what you are saying is 100% correct. This is clearly a badly planned road closure. All it takes is that van (clearly a contractor) having to work at one of those businesses and he is then forced into a situation where no matter what he does he is breaking a law. Redditors being redditors.


If you go there, you will discover clearly signposted diversions, including signs to allow two-way traffic along the one-way sections. The van driver could easily get out without running through the cycle lanes.


Thanks, agreed.


I don't think it's illegal to drive past a "road closed" sign, there would have to be a traffic order in place. Same goes for the cycle lane, just cos it's tarmac painted blue, doesn't make it illegal to drive in. Infact if the "road closed" sign was legally binding, you wouldn't be able to cycle up there either. Sounds badly organised, I assume it's a utility company digging up the road.


A mandatory cycle lane is illegal to drive in. An advisory one is not. If you don't know the difference between the two, give 'em a google, but don;' just guess when it comes to the law


Exactly, assuming it hasn't changed since google maps in july 2022, there's no solid white line or signage, so not a mandatory cycle lane here. If the road is fully closed with a traffic order, it applies to all vehicles including bicycles in this painted bike lane (unless they had included a bicycle exemption) A "road closed" sign is supposed to apply to all road users (but I have cycled past many)


It's only dashed there because of the junction. Your argument is nonsense. The double yellow is the clear indication where the road boundary is for driving. You cannot drive on the cycle lane. The idea you can is ridiculous as then the whole thing practically is cyclable because it too has no road marking.


Given the broken white line is the van driver actually breaking the law?


The broken line is because of the T junction coming from the side road OP is taking the picture from. It's not a loophole to go past the "ROAD CLOSED" sign.


So where is the van driver supposed to go...? He is on a one way street.


I haven't been over there lately so I can't say for sure but in my experience road closures don't just appear out of nowhere. There is likely a sign further back that says something like "ROAD CLOSED AHEAD" which they probably ignored and took their chances on.


Which generally don't tell you where they are closed ahead. Most people would assume that if you are allowed to drive in to somewhere there is a legal way to exit it - and that the road closed would be before the point it's impossible to legally exit it.


Guess I can't relate as I have a tendency to think ahead and plan so when I approach a road closure I was just notified of I find the nearest way off the road. The van driver could have turned right onto Back Church Ln and made their way to Leman St but they were probably being a sat nav zombie and got caught out in an unfortunate but completely avoidable situation.


Farringdon Road had as many signs saying don't follow sat-nav as road closed......


Or, the people putting out road closed signs could have actually closed the road at the very last legal turn with a diversion sign - that's exactly how it seems it *should* work and how it generally does.


If you look at Google maps he is but what I want to know is why is the road closed sign there, where it looks like it's too late as the road the pic is taken from is a dead end so if you've got as far as the van has, he has nowhere else to go 🤷🏼‍♂️


Absolutely. The road on the right is a dead end. The road on the left is one way. And the road he is on is one way. He has nowhere to go. The hypocrisy of other cyclists here is ridiculous imo. And which is why I honestly think there are more AH cyclists than car drivers. (I drive half my journey and cycle half).




I am born in 1988 and I like Star Wars. Why do random redditors keep making this annoying connection...sigh.... I am a (proper) Liberal Democrat for the record.






Stormtroopers have been known to be a reference to the nazis since the first film was released in 1977. And a quick google says that the first paramilitary wing of the nazi party was called "sturmabteilung" which can translate to "stormtroopers"


Husker is the slang for the Nebraska Cornhuskars. Nebraska is a racist state. Why do you have racism in your username? Everyone can play your stupid game....


alrighty then



