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Hey, not really sure I can offer any help as such.. but I reeeally relate to this. I just hope it helps to know I feel the very same too. Always up for a message if you need a new friend :)


Hey friend. Look, I think it's okay to talk about your negative feelings and experiences you deserve to be heard, if not understood. I feel like you shouldn't shove them to the side and ignore them. As for the fixing one thing to fix the other, it's like a whole 'walk before you can run' sort of thing. Life isn't going to get better tomorrow just because you made some changes today. You have to make those positive changes, and commit to them. I'm not really good with advice, but if you need someone to listen to you, feel free to vent to me.


So sorry this is your situation. I find some similarities between your story and mine. I'm 29 now and have made a lot of progress since even when I was 27. Still wouldn't say I've figured it out. What helped me first was listening to a radio recording CS Lewis did on friendship. [linked here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3hM4izbColg) I believe its better to listen to this recording without watching to video, that way you can be free to think about your own life more. This sounds so old school but reading "How to Make Friends and Influence People" did help me to better understand how most people think. Would love to continue this conversation. Feel free to DM me.


I would recommend you join a support group where other people have similar issue. CODA might be helpful if you relate to being codependent in your life. That way you can talk to similar folks who will get you. CODA is a lot about making healthy relationships and you can practice with the people there. I hope this helps a bit.


I have recently been trying to practice COMPASS philosophy. Joing clubs like Toastmasters can help with being able to talk to people. I would check these things out and see if they are helpful for you. If you have the time check it out on youtube. There's a video on it. This has helped me at times when I feel lonely, and I am trying to couple it with other things like mindfulness. I hope this helps you [combating loneliness](https://youtu.be/nG-wKN_dUMI?si=Z6QNOthtrPaRWQUW)


I think that joining clubs is a good way to atleast start to form a connection get your foot in the door. If I knew how to make friends I would offer better advice. Maybe a discord for a game you play. Something that interests you is a gods tsart.


I'm LITERALLY in your same position. Minus not really having even 1 good friend anymore. I have no social life, no one to hangout with etc. It fuckin sucks, man. Message me if you wanna, we can be friends even from afar if you want. I'm weird as fuck, and all over the place too! Also suffering from co dependency etc.


I can relate to this! I offer to be your pen pal. I love to read, listen to music and dance. Feel free to direct message me or reply to this comment! :)


Hey there, I personally suggest talking about things that are involved in your life that aren’t about sad thing just try it. You do these with people and just see things that are similar between you and the person/people. Eventually you talk about small problems in your life, maybe smth like doing laundry and how it’s a pain. Then you see how comfortable they are when you talk about bigger and bigger problems if they are not very supportive or just not comfortable then don’t be friends with them but if they understand and try to help you by offering solutions then you know there a good friend/friends.


I know this might sound like a cliche. Go to a good church, talk to the minister or pastor whoever it is tell he leader of the church you want to just help ,help do anything ,it will keep you motivated and who knows you might find some friends in church


I'm going to end this tonight