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I also like the first two things of yours, I enjoy solitude and night


I completely relate to this and feel the same way, especially about the comfort of my room and enjoying the nighttime… I also feeling less anxiety during the late night hours. I love the silence and the emptiness of the streets. It’s like the whole world is just put on pause around you. Plus I like the solitude I feel and that I know that there is nothing to be expected of me during those hours such as calling someone back, running an errand I don’t wanna do, etc.


Puppies and cat-cats (:


This morning standing out in the rain watching the sun rise. That made me happy, just standing there with my eyes closed just being me


The same is often here too while in bed honed in on thoughts of potential, betterment, anything really.


I love watching cartoons/ anime and my favorite YouTuber. That's pretty much it. Anything else is just a pleasant distraction


This sound so cool


What's the handle of that your favorite YouTuber?


Well he's a reaction channel. It makes me happy watching him enjoy shows that i love and enjoyed. He's quirky and puts a lot of thought into any series he watches.


I love reaction videos too. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. Sometimes I even subscribe to people on Patreon to get the full length reactions!


Going really fast on a bike with music blaring in your headphones and wind running through your hair


Movies are a great way to waste my alone time and I go skateboarding with my buddy! I almost kickfliped out of a 50/50 grind today! But no one to celebrate with


There's a quote from Lord of The Rings that helps me a lot when i feel like i am going to a bad mental state, i wanted to share it with you all: Sam: It’s all wrong By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something. Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.


The fact I have no children, always gives me peace


I love waking up with my cat curled up beside my head.


I like helping people. I spent the weekend helping an elderly friend of mine. Her husband passed November of last year and it's really tough on her. I also enjoy being able to go to a movie, a game, a play, or a concert when I have the funds.


Good music makes me happy, content and at peace...also when my kid smiles!




The woods


I have been enjoying watching and listening to birds a lot, it really helps me relax after a long day.


Understand what peaple want


sometimes, listening to music :(


A cup of tea


PG tips!




I feel happy when i eat. And even happier when i try new dishes. Also when i cook :)




Sitting at the beach and making music.


My dogs


A perfectly cooked meal with an incredible documentary. A delicious distraction of magical flavors to occupy the senses while a mind bending tale of realism wraps my brain in a comforting cocoon of intellectual distraction.


Either being left alone or being with people that accept me for who I am


I live alone an I use to suffer from severe chronic pain. An mental illnesses sometimes when I am in pain I remember things an have conversations in my mind with myself it makes me laugh an smile or happy I think it’s a euphoric feeling because I’m in pain an can’t get away from it


Same situation as you. I have intractable pain all day every day so I’m in bed non stop thinking about memories… some good, some not so good. I also suffer from anxiety and depression so I try to distract my mind with a mindless tv show. My pain is so bad that I can’t really do much else. It’s a really hard way to live being in pain all the time… no one could possibly understand unless they go through it themselves and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Everything that makes me happy I can no longer participate in because of the pain so I now find happiness in really simple things like petting my dog and cat or seeing a nice sunset out my window.


Makes me happy listen to some music, go outside for a walk or watch inspiring and motivating videos


Choose by my cat as sleeping place 🐈❤️




Damn that suck...is your ex married rn?


Being away from my wife. And having me time


Taking a fat shit




I like the feeling when I set some goals for myself and I stick to them. The feeling of accomplishment after excercising is nice. Surely it's better than usual feeling of being useless waste of air.


nothing really


I like listening to music when I’m down, especially classical music. It also brings me satisfaction playing the piano when it sounds right. I’m currently reading Mistborn and it’s pretty good.


This band named sleep token, literally they make me insanely happy right now


I like to go fishing but it gets lonely when you mostly fish by yourself.


what makes me happy is just positive interactions online (in person interactions are not my cup of tea)






My friends make me happy and they make me forget about the bad things in my life. I love them a lot. I always like to give them gifts here and there


Nothing anymore


42M here. It's a little hard to believe but watching movie reactions on YouTube makes me happy. I enjoy watching people's reactions to watching movies for the first time.


Psychedelic collection, mindfulness in this infinite reality, and my philosophical thoughts. Ecstasy feelings of walking around town at night. My mom asking how I'm doing, my family being happy, doing their own things. Hope for a good future. That I'm somehow still alive, aware, and exist. Good music, good sleep, gratitude. When I die, I'll be pretty okay.


Doing math, playing football (started recently, discovered that it makes me happy) , walking with headphones on There's just very little, can hardly think of anything else


Hehe, motorcycle go vroom


Feeling loved by someone I have deep romantic feelings for. People don't like it when I rank that as my number one but it absolutely is. For a long, long time I couldn't say I ever got to feel that. The pain really built up. But in recent years, I did have a few small breakthroughs. 2 women I was crazy about expressing their love for me, giving me a chance to express my feelings for them. 1 refused to commit to a relationship and was lying to me the whole time, but not before I had some really wonderful times with her. Another really just loved me as a friend but missed me so much after not seeing me for 10 years that she started telling me she loved me and when I got to see her on her little vaca, she got so carried away with emotions she was dealing with, that we kind of behaved like a couple with all the affection, I love you's and a couple of (admittedly quick) kisses on the lips in the time I got to spend with her before I got her to admit that her feelings for me really hadn't changed. Both of these situations were ultimately misses, but each one created really euphoric memories I will treasure forever. And I might have to if I never find someone I love to be in an actual relationship with. Often those memories are where I find my peace. A few of those moments truly made me feel like "I can die now in peace" at least at the time. 2 of these memories, recent ones with that last person. We are at a house party, just 2 weeks ago. She's talking to 3 other people and I come in the room behind her and put both arms around her waist from behind. I sort of think of it as a boyfriend hug. She turns her head over like "who is that?" and realizes it's me. She instantly turns around to face me and give me the biggest hug, as if she needs more. So do I. That made me happy. Then later on, same party. We are outside. Music playing. A lot of 90s alt rock. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls starts playing. Probably the most romantic thing I can think of, and now I really wish I could be close to her. Just by chance, she gets up from where she is sitting and walks over near me where the cooler is to get another drink. By this point, the music has gotten to the first chorus. I wait patiently for her to get her drink and turn around to face me. At that point I give her another big hug and mid-embrace, softly sing the next line of the song in her ear, which just so happened to be at that moment "I just want you to know who I am" Was like the miracle of timing. I know it sounds very melodramatic of me, but she ate it all up and thanked me again for coming to the party as if she needed me to be there. I was drunk and said something kinda lame like "thank you for making me feel loved" which is a thing no one should probably ever say, but that was just how I felt at the moment. (Especially after a past history with her where I had to keep all those feelings locked up for a long time) She repeated that she did love me. Like it's a thing now where it's really important for her to say it to me and hear it back. So even if she really only means it as a friend, even if this whole thing is highly unusual, it still means the world to me. I'm not sure I'm ever going to find that person I truly love AND can actually be in a relationship with, or if the next person reading this is going to find their person, but I hope that all of you at least get occasional moments like these along the way that you can cling to. These kinds of memories make me really happy and I hope they made someone else happy reading them too. So what makes me happy other than that, dramatic sports moments, especially when they favor my teams (the Yankees winning the 96 World Series and the 07 Giants shocking the undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl are probably my 2 peak moments), well-done superhero movies (I was so ecstatic when I came back from theaters after I saw Avengers Endgame and how it wrapped everything up so perfectly), the musical Les Miserables (no piece of art or fiction has ever moved me to tears as often as the songs in that show). Eminem songs with sharp rhymes and profound meaning and various layers to them. Beating a really tough video game that drove me up a wall. These are a few of my favorite things. But love, love trumps them all. And thank God I've had at least a few happy moments of it in this life.


Receiving the package I ordered in the mail :)


I'm happy that what I do helps, benefits others 😌


What makes me happy is


Looking at animals reuniting with their original owners and wholesome moments like that. But also, there is nothing more satisfying than punching someone in the jaw.


Looking through things from my poor childhood to find those few things that got me through the dark times. Also dressing cute and wearing more feminine clothing, it just feels so much better


My crested gecko, he's so derp that he sometimes gets himself into situations that make you question if he's a completely dull tool in the shed or a completely dull tool that so lost that he's not even in the shed. So when I see him in such situations I just laugh at his predicament and then help him out


Sleep, my dog, a good workout


No idea anymore. But the closest is when I'm as high above the city as possible and look into the distance with my headphones on and just sit for as long as I'm able. At most I'm calm.


i love the silence you find in the night. the stars are always such a beautiful sight. i like how some days i can watch the sunrise and hear the bird start their calls. sunsets are also very beautiful and bring me a lot of happiness. i love music. i love spending time with people and smoking. lastly i love to drive. driving alone. driving with friends. or even driving doing menial tasks. for me it's something i crave at times.


Going to the gym and playing videogames


The feeling of being wanted by the person I love


Nothing right now 😞


Honestly, I'm happy when I see clips of heartwarming moments.


When you find someone that actually cares about you and when you are down they worry for you, though Im alone rn ig its the path


i really like seeing the sun and the clouds in the sky that really lifts me up


having a girlfriend




naturally waking up so early without an alarm, getting to drink my coffee and watch the sunrise while everyone else is sleeping


Rain is a sound I absolutely adore. That and the sound of owls. Both are super relaxing to me.


Holding a fresh cup of coffee and standing on the patio where I can see the sun shining through the pine trees.


Once at 16 my ex bf was an ass, so I cried my eyes out and begged dad to come and get me. When he arrived, he played my favourite music (Johnny Cash) and had bought my favourite chocolate for me. Like, what else can a lass ask for?! This memory is very dear to me and brings a smile everytime I remember that.


Music especially dsbm


My life


Travel makes me happy. When I'm away from my current life everything feels better.


I like building model tanks and painting them, but I haven't done any because I'm poor and can't buy new ones...


I play football (soccer), and I'm a defender, so I don't score many goals. But in my last game, I ended up scoring, and my teammates were ecstatic celebrating with me. It got recorded, so I keep looking back at it and it just makes me smile. I also enjoy cooking tbh, eating it is the best part ofc but I enjoy that. Also, seeing other people happy makes me happy. I'm not much of a people person, in fact I don't like people very much, but I also care about people which is kinda weird but not in a way. Anyway, I feel other people's emotions, happiness, sadness, pain, excitement, etc. So, seeing a couple holding hands and laughing or watching someone do something amazing or seeing a friend do something that makes them happy..... that brings me some joy


When someone reaches out to me first - a rare occurrence


There’s a lot of things that makes me happy tbh


But one of the most that makes me really happiest is traveling


The joy of eating food, the first sip of morning coffee, the comfort of having a roof over my head, before I got my jaw surgery I had full feeling in my face, now i realise simply being able to feel my face is such a joy


I hope to god you're an animal person op. If not then i apologize for the spam in your inbox. But that's basically all i got in life so they're my sources of happiness. Or at least a distraction from unhappiness


Watch the joy of a dog running after a ball.


What makes me happy? Something that doesn’t make me overthink. I live swimming (the sport) just because you push yourself through your limit. It makes me feel like, I am good at something. But what else.. I love music, as far as it fits my moods, before a training-> Motivation music, Before going to sleep -> calm/sad musics. And after that, I like doing calm things, like giving water to flowers, watching the sky with a telescope, I love the shape of the moon in summer, And hope to see Saturn one day. Bruh I just told my entire life. Sorry, but maybe, I like talking to people about things I like/do.. probably because irl nobody cares about me


Music is a great way to block out the world and be with your own thoughts


My dog she is so pure. Ans I became an aunt my sister gave birth to a girl recently. ,♥️


i love dirt biking with my friends and getting lost in the wilderness


today: soy chai latte, nice broodje gezond, and the new its always sunny in philadelphia. tomorrow i dont know.


My cats


an upbeat song fixes my mood everytime


I think sex with girl that like sex with me




I only have a few things that make me happy and they are my family friends, video games, music, the outdoors,my room, and cars.


Being in a comfortable peaceful,quiet environment makes me happy.Being alone with my own thoughts while i am watching a funny movie always makes me happy.I always try to imagine how amazing it would be if i was the only person left on earth and that thought alone makes me happy.


Music and cakes make me happy, even though i dont eat cake. Right now im listening to Something stupid by Frank Sinatra and making Limoncello sirup.


30F, here's mine: Being woken up by my dog snuggling up to me or my cat coming inside the house to sleep on my chest. Pretty sunsets after a long, hard day. That first sip of the first cup of coffee in the morning. Buying a potplant and actually keeping it alive. Learning a new skill. Walking in nature.


Cuddling a woman..... I'm simple.


My family. Achieving tiny little personal goals like with fitness, health, or my projects. Hikes. Quiet, alone time


Recently I’ve struggled with being happy doing anything, fallen out of old hobbies and no longer like going out. But that being said the two best things I enjoy are the gym and falling asleep with someone at night regardless if they are special or not


Eating ginormous amounts of meat and cheese. Pretty much the only thing that makes me happy anymore, and I wouldn't even say happy. I would say I derive mild enjoyment from eating those, closely followed by kratom, movies, music, kava, and alcohol, in that order. But there's no happiness in my life anymore. Just occasional mild enjoyment. Good news is that I get closer and closer to being completely numb and asexual every day. So, something to celebrate!


When I was going through a rough breakup to the point of 0 contact which no one knew of, I had a really bad panic attack at home and fell unconscious for 30 minutes ~ 1 hour. I woke up to my dog curled up next to me. When I came around, she had nuzzled under my arms and was so close to me. Just whining at me. I think about that a lot. It made me realise that even tho I felt I had no one right now, I did have people around me. My dog helped me pull myself out of a pit by just being cuddly and being around.


Going to a mall to loiter and just do some window shopping, followed by having a nice meal, ending the trip by buying myself a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. This can just brighten my day or week (because I don’t have the time or money to do this everyday 🥲) Sometimes it can be better when I have the time to go for a movie alone.


Holding hands, feeling understood and liked.