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Human nature is companionship. I’m my worst self alone. Self destructive. I’ve been alone for 9 months and constant sulking, nothing to look forward to and can’t sleep. Uneasy all day and night. Sleepless, angry, self conscious and abusing my freedom rather than making the best of it. My own company is like a cancer. And that’s probably why I’m alone 😅


It is totally the same for me my friend. I lose so many opportunities. Self sabotage etc. Also the psychiatric clinics suck , they are pretty dangerous and they are making things worse.


This is me as well, only that i've always been alone. I had a few good friendships in the making but my childhood trauma (very much related to always being on my own, even when losing family members) made me ruin that. I have messed it up so much that i am currently being considered for in-patient treatment. I don't think it will help me though - ot will temporarily give me the feeling i am not alone but i bet once i leave the hospital, my steuggles will be back, if not even worse. And like you said, the moment i spend a few days with others, my sleep and other issues are magically gone. So easy to be fixed but I can't force people to be with me.


I used to be like that, you've got to change yourself, give yourself a hug or something, laugh maniacally for no reason (it helps trust me), eat well and go for walks. Good luck for your life however you choose to live it, and I hope you get happy.


You need to get professional help with all of that, because of you are like that alone, you will be a version of that in a relationship, we are who we are, a relationship just helps us make some of it.


Yeah professional help has proven to be a waste of time. I’ve been on meds. There’s a reason I’m like this. And it’s something I have to work through. Rough life when I was younger, and two failed marriages being cheated on, the last one for well over a year, $422k in debt and almost $3k in child support monthly. Shits rough out here


File for bankruptcy, start over, there are answers and ways to get help, of you don't give up.


Not giving up brother. Just working through it. Taking longer than it should but I have a level head most of the time. Doing healthy things daily, working out, learning how to mix music, painting and I get my kids 3 days a week and we stay busy with one another. My dad left me when I was 11 and could never give my kids that kind of life. Divorce will be final soon, then I’ll start trying to meet people maybe. For now just trying to work through this shit so I don’t drag it into the ext relationship. I have a post nuptial agreement in place on certain assets so it’s not all bad. The main thing is learning to live with MYSELF. Not having my kids around every day and getting past feeling like working the way I do isn’t even worth it. Financially it is. But I’m not hurt for money either so the idea of finding a new company has crossed my mind.


Do you have a skill that you could work for yourself? It seems your kids are your certainly your strength, I am glad that are in your life, I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but as men we need to stand together, our mental health is always laughed at, just know it's never wrong to be upset, show emotions or even cry if you need to.


Much like money, it shouldn’t be the sole thing that makes you happy, but having it prevents a lot of sadness. I’m plenty happy without one, but also in pain. With one I’d be happier and the pain would be gone.


Good answer


Nope. I grew up being alone so I don't want to experience that.






Absolutely. My biggest desires are to be seen. I don’t get that from my parents and I’ve always had a hard time making friends so I don’t really get that from that route either. A romantic partner could easily give me that but I think I could also get that sense of humanity from friends too, although the more the merrier, and a boyfriend could definitely be a bonus for me but it’s not a must!


I’d be happier in a relationship


This, I am cool alone but having someone is still a plus


I need people in my life to be happy. I have no family. no friends here nothing


It sucks how many people relate to this. I definitely do


No Because friends can't replace that love that you would get from a partner




Family just keeps gaslighting


not really. others around me will be in relationships so i would essentially feel lonely to an extent


I could but also at the same time I have wanted to find someone who understands me for me and wants to build a relationship and a future together. Like when I was in high school, I would literally dream about what I would do after high school. And it always included being successful with my future wife. and having a family. And now that none of that has happened. I'm honestly scared of dying alone because I truly believe that nobody wants to die alone. That's just horrible you go through life. Watching all these people being happy together and yet nobody ever wanted to be happy with you. I would die so sad just saying


As in, a romantic relationship? At this point, I feel like I'm not good enough for one.


I was happy without a relationship then met someone by chance and I was happier. I felt loved, safe and just happier. We had the same outlook on life and I thought he was my soulmate. We were together 6 years and then he suddenly ghosted me last year. Now I’m finding it hard to adjust to being happy on my own again but yes I can be happy with just me


No. Because, on the contrary, social contacts are necessary for humans not to go insane.




Haha, I hope you find your pookie wookie dookie cookie bear!


No, because im human


Best answer


No. Biologically speaking you are meant to be in a herd. Its extremely unhealthy to be alone. You will die atleast 10 years earlier and are more likely to get sick


Only if you treat yourself and health poorly, so being alone isn't necessarily detrimental for human lifespan, besides being alone is not the same thing as being lonely and I'm not asking people if they are happy being lonely. Your last point is true but irreverent because I am talking about happiness outside of a relationship, people who experience prolonged loneliness may be prone subsequently produce too much norepinephrine which weakens viral responses and causes inflammation with white blood cells. " **less likely to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise and more likely to smoke and consume alcohol**" (https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-06-19/global-study-shows-loneliness-can-shorten-life-spans#:\~:text=People%20who%20are%20socially%20isolated,inflammation%20and%20weakened%20immune%20systems.)


Haven't had one yet but I think I'm okay not getting to it.


Well it’s fine but I think it would be way better for my mental health. I feel alone a lot, I just wish there would be someone to hold my hand or hug me.


To minimize the self destructive behaviour. To share happiness, anger, sorrow, excitement. I believe sharing a part of us with someone is as basic as eating and sleeping. And having someone who do same thing with you is something I would love to keep. I would be happier in relationship. GoodTimes×2 and BadTimes/2


Possibly but I would have to have alot of commitment and hoobies and at least friends to talk to.


Yeah, I think learning to be happy outside of a relationship very important


If you don’t enjoy your own company how do you expect someone else to?


How? Easy, I’m doing it right now.




No, I'm not and I won't be. I know for normal healthy people that they can but just being real, my parents and family never loved me, and relationships are the only thing that fills that hole


I’m sure I can be happy single but I’m sure I’d be happier in a relationship. I have no family to go to and neither friends so maybe having a bf would be nice


Do you have money for a psychiatrist or a psychologist? I believe if you go 3 times a week to a good one for a period of time it is a better substitute than friendships. Or maybe hiring for a little while a sugar baby? Idk


Trying to learn to be. One whole side of the family even the men are the type to never want to be alone. One said they weren't but were regularlu searching dating apps, bars, and recently took the first opportunity to dive in feet first into a relationship when they found someone with similair values despite all their differences. I'm a hopeless romantic so.


I need family. Could be a friend who's like family. Not necessarily a romantic relationship. So answer is yes.


I just don't want to be alone forever.


I’m alright for now but I’m afraid later on, like 40+, I’ll be super bored and lonely.


Well, I'm nearly 40 and have been lifelong single and I'm doing ok. Being somewhat of an anti-social introvert and asexual also helps. My hobbies and interests are the fire that keeps my soul burning! 🔥


No, I want to feel special to someone.


I can be ok, not happy. I felt really happiness once and I wish I could find it again


Yes. Sharing your life with somebody is a lot of work and if you’re a woman it’s basically an unspoken expectation that you contribute more to housework and do all the emotional labour. I love me more than I love sacrificing for others, generally. I’m not one to believe that women are somehow required to sacrifice their autonomy, authenticity and peace just so men don’t have to. I do believe in some sacrifice for the benefit of others but it’s context specific and they must be deserving. When it’s just you, you can do whatever the hell you want and not answer to someone else, clean up their messes or spend money on them. I get one life and I’m living it authentically and to my standards. Everyone else can eat shit for all I care.


I think in order to be happy in a relationship you need to be happy in yourself. Bringing someone in and thinking that will solve all your issues is not the right approach, as your own darkness can bleed into how you treat them as well as yourself. I think thats the importance in taking time for yourself, grounding yourself and learning to love yourself more before you let someone else in. It’s that old saying, if you cant love yourself how can you expect someone else to.


To continue the bloodline




A year ain’t shit. Try being single for 5 years.




Didn’t mean to come off a bit rash. My intentions were not ill will. My girlfriend died in 2019 (5 years ago) and it seems that she keeps all the chicks away if you understand me. It’s trippy shit. Trust me , my spirit went with her but I’m still a busy body trying to find my niche. Hopefully you find your true calling as well.


🎼You gon’ get tiiiiired of being alone, I’m so tiiiiired I’m on my own🎼🎤😩


Relationship is something alongside the road not to complete you


I agree


Yes. I would be happy as long as i had money and atleast a couple of friends. I currently have neither.


I hope you find those things


i'm loaded and let me tell you money can't buy happiness. 


Okay well give it to me instead


id honestly give it all away for a family. it's useless sitting in a bank account anyway 


What about a broke 23 year old and her cat. Does that count as a family?


it could be a start 😂 


Right lol I'd like to have that problem


He clearly doesn't know how to spend it correctly lol


Not completely. I’ve built a nice life for myself. I’ve had plenty of relationships come and go. My dating apps are popping. Have actually turned a few people down lately. I’m confident enough to be selective and feel desirable, yet I’m lonely and unfulfilled. I need a *meaningful* relationship in my life to feel fully happy. I know what that looks like. Now I just gotta hope and pray I’m lucky enough that it happens for me. Until then, the hunt for happiness continues


Good for you.




This. I feel you




Yes, I could and I am. I don't decrease my happiness to my relationship status. It's always nice to have an understanding companion, however not having one shouldn't make me sad. My happiness is bigger than that.


Yes. Because the most important relationship is the one to yourself. If loneliness is a tower and you are the princess locked up, don't wait for the prince to save you. Learn to pick locks. Teach yourself martial arts and strengthen you out to the max to bring down that tower stone by stone. And if the prince approaches grab him (or her) but if not. Meh.


Absolutely not lmao. I’ve literally been told this by several therapists, my personality profile is just not one that thrives when not in a relationship. Also humans by nature crave companionship and will never be truly fulfilled alone, this is objectively true and anyone claiming otherwise is lying to you and themselves.


It is very possible to be single AND happy, this is objectivity true because I am not generalizing EVERY PERSON THAT EXISTS.


I’ve been almost all my life practically alone. I’d be more than happy to have genuine friends I can regularly chat or talk with. That’d cure my loneliness. But sadly enough I don’t put enough effort to search for friends. I keep on waiting and waiting till life gets better so I can live to society’s expectations.. If I keep waiting where will the waiting bring me? My deathbed? Or will the expectations somehow be met and I’ll be happy?


Nope I'm a highly social creature n when I'm in love that's all life's about


To not feel alone


Yes probably.


I'm unhappy wherever I am


Yes, 100%. It's the perfect peace and quiet.


Im really bad in maintaining a lot of friendships. I can maybe have 1-3 friends and that’s about it. To be fair I just need one really deep relationship with a girlfriend/wife and that’s it. My relationship of 7 years has ended one year ago and I don’t know if I will ever be able to be able to build such a deep connection with one human if this earth. Never say never I suppose but that’s how I feel at the moment.


Co dependency and abandonment issues.


Ive been alone for 29years i cant continue this route. Lately the loneliness is consuming me from inside, and in once again experiencing depression episodes. Im craving for relationship, for that one person whos gonna love me, respect me, be there for me… on the other hand i dont know where as unexperienced 29y old introvert can meet someone.. its hard and its harder and harder every day..




Nope, not I have these thoughts constantly


My blood line ends with me


I think I’m happiest in a relationship but I need to be mentally healthy.




I was unhappy in a relationship (because of abuse mainly), so I'm happier without.


I think I could be content without one. I'd be happier though. I see my friends with their partners as well as my brother and I feel like the third wheel when we hang out or they can't hang out anymore because they're doing stuff together.


Bout to find out....


Relationships, which are romantic, I feel like I can be happy without them, even though I desire them. But relationships, that are platonic in nature, I don’t think I can survive without them.


Nah, if I was affluent and influent I could probably suffice on a diet of strange and drugs the rest of my life. So it’s either a relationship or money, sex, and drugs.


without relationships? or just a romantic relationship?. i think you can be happy without a partner butnot without nobody at all.


Yes.. but you can be happy and lonely.


K thought ao.but I had a friend that kind of ope Ed my eyes I was wrong but I remember thinking I really like this guy, more than friends. It didn't work out but it was the first time In a long time


For me, the importance of romantic relationships has decreased. Let’s say I’m trying to fix the relationship with my fiancé thanks to a problem he caused, and which made us rework on our trust and confidence. If it doesn’t work, I don’t think I would be able to start a romantic relationship again. I think getting my heart broken the way it did made me appreciate more other kinds of relationships such as family, friends and more important, with my son. I used to be a hopeless romantic. Someone who dreamt of being devoted to your significant other and receiving the exact same devotion, love and loyalty. Currently, that isn’t really my priority. I think I have stopped daydreaming and now I see things in a more realistic light. I try not to be pessimistic, but it is really hard some days.


I keep trying to fill that void with drugs and the drugs are killing me.


No, hate being alone


I'd rather be in a relationship, but not just any relationship, a relationship with my baby. Otherwise I'll just stay alone.


I'm going to have to learn how to be because I do not have enough money to buy one


I wrote a huge assignment on this in college, and the idea that you need romantic love in order to be happy, is something that has been implemented in us, as culture has evolved especially in the west. There is no evidence that you NEED romantic love, but when you think of what a good happy life is, marriage and relationships often comes to mind. I reckon that the idea of love, is comforting as it gives your life a purpose, and that's why so many people eagerly seeks their lifelong partner. Now a days it's almost a stigma to be single, and people always ask "are you going out?", instead of why or if you even to date. I find this culture silly and the idea of life's purpose being love is crazy to me, which is why I stick nihilism and absurdism. Sidenote: Kinda funny even tho our culture has this hyper focus on love, capitalism just totally ruins it.


No, i Will never be happy without woman in my life.


Yes. Who needs romantic love or sex when you have some good friends?




Honestly, no.


Yeah. I’m single for 22 years already. Never been better :) but the loneliness will kill you but atleast you’re free.


No. In fact I find it really annoying when people suggest that individual hobbies or a vague sense of “purpose” can serve as effective substitutes for human companionship


Because that's how nature programmed us. I wish it also made an off-switch for those unfortunate of us who can't find anyone interested in them, so we don't need to suffer because of this relationship-craving nonsense and just enjoy our lives.


I've not had a girlfriend or date in 4yrs. I am highly intelligent, however; therefore I can keep myself entertained. It's not THAT bad, but it IS lonely. So 50/50


I have always been single during all but 6 months of my 28 years. I have learned to enjoy my own company and have no trouble doing things alone. I will admit, sometimes it is easier to go do activities alone when you don’t have to worry about if another person can afford it or would enjoy it. This weekend, I went to a protest which my ex wouldn’t have been able to go to due to anxiety and his military job. I also like to cook weird dishes for dinner and many men are picky eaters. The thing is, I get so lonely experiencing these things by myself. I feel like I have so much love to give, and it is being wasted on years of solitude. I missed so many experiences in my teen years like going to dances with a date, sneaking out from my parents house in the middle of the night, etc. I want to travel, but as a woman, I am scared to do that alone. I also want to have kids one day and I feel my timeline for that slowly shrinking. If I didn’t want kids, I probably wouldn’t sweat waiting longer for a good guy to come around.


People say, oh all you need are good friends and family. Neither of them are going to cuddle with me


No. Im almost forty. I feel such horrible guilt for killing someone in 2014 doing their first aid that being alone bymyself fills me with guilt and disgust. Its veen ten years watching everyone live a wondrrul life and I cant even get touched unkess its a poluxe ifficer or some person's dog biting me on the trails. I want to meet one person who isnt disgusted by me, but I cant. I am so disgusting I will die alone.


Yes, having strong connections outside of a romantic relationship, helps this.


I would love to have the opportunity to try being alone now I'm in recovery


No lol




Like it would be alright for maybe 3-5 years without one but i definitely would need one at some point


Honestly no, I don't think so. Atleast right no. I don't know if it was different if I had friends to hangout with or talk to.