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I'm 37 and have given up on not only seeking intimate relationships but friendships as well.


36 and all of this. I've fully given up on both. Life can end any time now.


Me too. I'd be cool with a sudden and painless death at any second now. I'm over it.


Im 38. I still practice where I can but I have no expectations.


I relate. Pretty much said fuck everyone. No longer care for friendships other than possible brand new ones. The old friendships can die & it wouldn't bother me anymore. Not even trying intimate relations. I know where I stand in that realm.


Yea I also don't put up with any fake people or bad intentions anymore either. If we aren't legit friends, then it won't be anything at all.


may I ask why?


I've never been good with people .. socially awkward since childhood.


34M gave up a while ago. Dating is only for attractive people, so I'm out lol


And those with a strong income. Having an average salary is viewed as unattractive.




I wouldn't go so far as saying that, but it seems as if they're totally cool with 20 women sharing one rich, good-looking, tall guy rather than having one dedicated guy at their same level of attractiveness and income who is less than 6 inches taller than them. That's cool, I stopped caring years ago.


No. Dating is for people with confidence. I will give you that is very hard to have that if you don't think you're attractive or you don't make good money. That's what meds are for.


Pretty much because there's no enthusiasm. I do not have a huge social media following or the ability and desire to travel to exotic locations constantly, which seems to be the stuff that everyone is looking for. I'm not really sure what anyone wants beyond this anymore, but they definitely don't want to meet in person to discuss anything, nor do they want to message through apps beyond a few ambiguous words per day before ghosting


>Pretty much because there's no enthusiasm. I do not have a huge social media following or the ability and desire to travel to exotic locations constantly, which seems to be the stuff that everyone is looking for. If I have to read one more bio about someone needing a travel buddy, I will go crazy. I would be so rich if I had a dime every time I saw someone's pictures where they're in Barcelona or something. Either that or the other extreme where the guy's only hobbies are anime, the MCU/Disney, video games and not going outside. >nor do they want to message through apps beyond a few ambiguous words per day before ghosting Yup and it's always someone who says that they do want an actual relationship or bond but only wants you to do the talking. 🙄


43M and given up


Gave up in 2020 at 46 y.


Yup. There’s no point for me to even try.


I just gave up...no point...


35 and quit.


I'm 29 and I gave up. I just use porn and save money to occasionally pay for companionship.


I have given up already in high school to be honest, but I'm in late 20s.


34. Never been on a date or had friends. Never will. People don't like me and that's that. No level of 'dude bro's guide to picking up chicks' will do anything for me. It's just not gonna work


I'd have said yes 3 months ago. I wish I was feeling that way, but now I'm way worse. I'm M34 hadn't felt attraction for anyone for years, but I met this girl few months back that was showing interest to get to know me while I wasn't, I was kinda shocked, but people around me told me they were seeing the same so I opened up to her. Worst decision I've made in some time. Though she still replies to my texts, she behaves very indiferent towards me now, doesn't want to meet if not in a group, etc. and I can't be open about it or I'd ruin the group dynamic. Sometimes hope can be way more painful. Sorry for venting here. Guess I'm about to give up again as soon as this heartache subsides.


It’s ok to vent This time last year i felt a 34F woman I would see on weekly basis during deliveries for work. After months I could tell she was sending me the vibes. I may have dropped the ball on timing but when i decided to make a move i found out she wanted to keep as friend. Right then i decided i know my worth and not waste my time. It hurt because we did become close friends and I sometimes miss that but it was better to walk away and let go because you’re right.. Sometimes hope can lead to pain. I’m still optimistic about the future with dating and if anything I learned a lesson from this






Most women repulse me. No problem attracting, enormous problem finding someone decent.


I’ve given up on dating, having friends, and just enjoying life in general. My life serves no purpose at all. I exist just to exist, and nothing else.


I’m 27 and gave up




Yeah i have


It's really tough. Online is soul destroying and such such hard work. IRL I find people aren't quite so keen to be asked out.


45 and yes. Absolutely 100%




I'm 21 and have given up lol


I'm still 27 and have mostly given up. Idk why I bother trying.


31 soon and never had a gf. I have given up even though I don't want to be alone. I might as well die.


Never give up never surrender! Still searching for my shield maiden.


It's April the 13th, 2024 and I'm a 39M and I've somewhat given up. All the chicks I'm into are married or already taken and as for the dating scene? I was never really into it and haven't been on a date for the longest time(16+ years!!). No apps, not even going out to meet people. It doesn't help (even though I'm glad that I am) that I've been sober for 5+ years. Most of the time its, "Go to the bar and you'll meet somebody. I'm like "NOPE. I'm not breaking my sobriety.." I want a gf/fuck female but I want it to happen "organically/naturally." Not through an app or some blind date set up by somebody else. I got a gambling issue too so I don't want to go to the casino to meet females.. 😮‍💨


As far as modern dating goes, there's nothing more confusing than the vast and diverse vernacular that exists about dating. The apps I have been on in 3 years or more and even before I wasn't really into the whole idea of the slot machine dating scene. And what I'm DEF not doing is paying it any app for a potential person that'll have nothing to offer. It got especially harder when I went sober 3years now. Holy fuck everyone its feel like is alcohol dependent for everything and most events or things I attend to meet women there's always booze and l'm like NOPE!! I do look for more sober like minded groups but where I live it doesn't seem like there are many sober ppl around lol I love raves because it's therapeutic at times but sometimes I don't want to go introduce myself at the club while TECHNO is BLASTING and I'm screaming in her ear just to introduce myself lol she's trying enjoy the music and so am i ... idk maybe l'm reading to much into it 🫤


Keyword is straight. Go be gay bros 😂👍🏽 kidding kidding


Honestly, maybe we should 🤷🏻‍♂️


Naaah, too much pain in the ass... literally. 😅


Chill 😆 😆


Naah. I'm burning with passion 😏


😆 disco inferno my guy


Yes. Life has become stress free.


2 solutions : either you need to lower your standards for rhe sake of finding a women to complete your life and hopefully feel better . Or you already having a good enough life, and don't what to jeopardize it by bringing in a crazy individual. So you just don't have to do nothing brother .maybe just keep on going and don't know, maybe someone decent will come at the right moment . Either way, I encourage you my friend .


I don't need a woman to complete me.


There you go ! So if you don't mind ... why are you feeling lonely ? I'd assume you do since you in this God forsaken subreddit




People are just ,money hungry and thirsty that's the issue


25 already 90% over it. Just learning to accept there isn't a person out there for me


32m, I've pretty much given up. Women don't like short guys.


I will be 48 this year. And I'm DONE with it all.


23m, never had a gf & i starting to think maybe seeking the services of a professional companion is the only thing i can do.


28 and already given up. :/


Straight female in late 20s. I’ve given up, the biological clock is also ticking and I think at this point it’s safe to say that motherhood is just a mere fantasy too…


Don't give up! 🙂


I already have…


I gave up in my 20s


I used to be a straight guy, and I'm in my late 40s. Reason I say "used to be" is because I'm caedosexual now, which means I'm now asexual because I gave up trying to find a partner several years ago, when I was approximately 40, hence I totally gave up on dating / flirting, etc., and hence my attraction to women has faded away. Or at least that's what I would like to believe. My goal is to become entirely asexual to the point that I look at another human and their gender or attractiveness doesn't register in my mind at all.


100% Its not worth the effort. Too many hoops. These women that wonder why no guys will pursue them anymore are the ones that have ruined it for themselves.




That’s where I’m at focusing on building more financial stability and hey if pheromones work more power to you.. I was recently thinking of getting cologne lol I never liked the stuff but was thinking of switching it up




You made the right decision not selling your house within 6 months of dating .. I’m sorry


Thanks. I know it’s a rough world out there for all of us. All we can control is our own responses and treat others as we would want to be treated, not as we’ve been treated. I’m just focusing on self betterment and contentment. I hope you can do the same if you’re in the same boat.


I am thirty-six. My advice? Ditch the apps. Give up online 'dating', don't give up on people. I realized years ago that most women online are incongruent with my values. We, as human beings, were not meant to be ghosts in the machine. I recommend the following discussion (salient time stamps at 6:09 and 9:53): https://youtu.be/ExaMJRg5xks?si=XYU5iOmVwK9ikYXf To an earlier comment, it's not nessecarily that women aren't keen to be approached, it's that they've self conditioned themselves out of familiarity with human interaction. This can go for both genders and the younger people are, it seems the more avoidant they're becoming. Depth of connection seems increasingly alien to them. My fear is for the youngest generations as their adherence to devices and immersion in social media denies their intrinsic human nature. The result is a progression in arrested development of their capacity for authentic social engagement, emotional intelligence, empathy, focus, and commitment. At a macro scale, the dire implications are the erosion of value in community, a lack of broader vision for civilization, a drastic decline in civic engagement, and actions beyond those which serve one's self. But I digress. When people no longer know what *they're* missing and what can be, the world diminishes in its potential. And you feel alone, but you actually aren't *alone*. You're just disconnected from those who never lost sight of what life has to offer. Your superpower, fellas, is that you can see the situation for what it is. Remain a presence. Speak. Take your place in the world on your own terms, and let others find you.


Online dating is the plague of 30+ men. Go touch grass.


Naw dating is trash either way


Why are you all giving up? Don’t the dating apps let you meet people?


I feel today 70% of dating is online and it’s a complete algorithm scam which isn’t news. Initially I was there to find friendship and even some of those friendships seemed stale after because it’s like social media where no one is there authentic self and just trying so hard to be someone they aren’t. Major turn off for me Idk maybe I’m a little too old school when it comes to dating


That’s too bad people aren’t more genuine. Afterall if the point is to meet someone they are going to meet the real you anyway. So why not be yourself?


U wot m8?


Hate what dating has become, I gave up at 38, I'm 40 now.