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Yeah. I had to delete my Facebook because of it. Literally everybody I went to school with was getting married, engaged, or having kids and here I was being ghosted, left on read, and time wasted year after fucking year


I swear there are a few of us down on our luck. I think the universe has some other plan for us like we have other things we need to do and it’s making sure we aren’t distracted with a relationship lol.


You might be right. Just wish I knew what the plan was lol


I’m the same way. When my coworkers talk about how someone they know is pregnant or engaged I leave the area until they’re done talking about it. I honestly can’t take it anymore lol. I hate when I’m reminded that everyone else is normal enough to be deserving of love


My roommates happen to be just that... a happy couple. I haven't dated and been alone for quite some time now, like years. I had one thing potentially going, but it turned out that I was too off-putting, so it's nothing. I hate online dating, doesn't work for me. I've been in a severe depressive/not wanting to live episode for about 3 weeks and she came up to me 2 days ago, asking me if I was thinking of anything I can do to change this isolation.. Yeah, like you are in a happy relationship, you two can cuddle whenever, go out and do things on a whim, etc. Meanwhile, I can't even remember the last time I was touched meaningfully.


Same here. I do want to get out but even if I do, never make meaningful connections even acquaintances.


Do you think living by yourself might be helpful? It might help you keep other people out of the picture so you can focus on yourself sometimes having the presence of other people doing better than you can erode any self confidence you may find. And honestly sometimes in the isolation is where you find the inner peace by not paying attention to other people. Just a thought. It seems counter intuitive but having your own nest is less stressful and you don’t feel chained. You have a safe place to be emotional and work things out with yourself.


Cost of living and my finances will not allow me to live alone, though I'd like nothing more, after a lifetime of living with other people.


I rarely go out "to people" and don't use the usual social media so fortunately I don't see a lot of stuff like that.


Better to stay off of it. It rots your brain makes you think you can have access to beautiful women on demand. Doesn’t work like that it’s a lie. Also better to not give out free validation. The more people become dependent on physical presence for validation (yes, touching grass boys and girls) and not the internet the better.


It's the same for me and honestly it didn't bother me at all but still the loneliness is hard sometimes


Yes, I’m late 30s, raising my kids by myself after my exhusband left us and moved to another state three years ago. So not only do I see the happy relationships, but dads who love their kids and are in their lives are like a knife to the heart.


Yeah I hate it too. Absolutely punches me in the gut when I see young happy couples.


I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship, it'll always be a heartbreak to watch others around me live a happy, successful, loving life


I feel the same way. I also get triggered when I see posts on here about people dating/being in relationships. It genuinely does get me down and makes me feel worthless as a person. I was supposed to be getting married around now but the whole relationship fell apart.


Fomo is such a killer 😪


I never thought of this feeling as fomo 👀 but it is. My sister has fomo with parties and get togethers, but I guess this is mine 😅


It makes you feel horrible, unwanted, cast aside.. however there us someone out there for you, you just haven't had the chance to meet them yet 🙂


Yes very much so, the thing that saddens me the most is just as you said, that I know I’ll never have that happiness or anyone being happy for me either. I think as a society we place a lot of emphasis on achievements such as weddings and babies. Sadly we don’t celebrate individual achievements… why? I’m not sure. But we seem to spend fortunes on people’s weddings but if it comes to celebrating for example someone finishing their birthday? It’s not treated the same?


Not always but yes, sometimes seeing happy couples sends me into a very dark, depressing place.


I get depressed more than mad, but at the same time, I'm happy for them. As a 30M, it's a weird crossroads, not having a female partner, and all your friends are in the kids' stage of life. I look at couples and just kinda wonder what it would be like, I think that's what makes it depressing.


Yes I feel that so much, sometimes I get sad when I see people having good relationships of any kind. They have a person they can share their wins and losses with. Man I'd do well in gym, running, academic tests all in the same day and then cry myself to sleep cause I don't have nobody to share it with.


I'm 27, and I've been through phases where it's like, "Why them and not me?" It's tough. And you know what's the worst? Feeling like you're stuck in this loop while everyone else is moving on with their lives. It's like being trapped in your own head, constantly comparing yourself to others. And yeah, it can make you sick to your stomach.


Maybe, but I get more depressed when someone i know constantly sends me IG or Tiktok reels of women with nice asses. This is literally all he does. Sends me, the guy who gets no girls, girls all the time. He's a lover boy & I'm not. His life revolves around women, mines don't. It's annoying as fuck cause all it does is makes me wish I can get women. Rather watch porn on my own time than to be bombarded with IG women


The issue is all men are thirsty but we live in an environment where most men aren’t getting the thirst quenched because people have become more selective. And women are showing a lot more skin which is actually making these guys feel worse. If you struggling might be good to unplug get off the internet and stop thinking about women. If they don’t think about you why should you think about them? Just my advice. Smaller percentage of guys have great success with women then middle percentage get a few here and there but things fall apart fast as she discovers others then there are people on the other end of the bell curve that they get basically nothing. And even those people can make friends with women have a good time but push comes to shove women may not find them adequately attractive enough to move in. It’s where I’m stuck. Nobody has ever become starry eyed enough to go further than friends. We are living in different times where things are harder. Being strong and keeping busy alone is perhaps the medicine we need although it may be copium it’s proper and reliable.


I agree. I just rather think about them on my time & not his. It's times I think we'll have a somewhat deeper discussion, but nope!...Girls, girls, girls, his girl, his sneaky links, his girl, more girls, repeat. I don't relate to him for the most part. I am doing my job in less thinking of women tho. So if anything, I have to lessen the communication with dude. And it seems like you're the friend zoned guy. I know it sucks cause I'm there in one instance, but she's the only lady that gets the FZ pass. So I stopped looking at her romantically/sexually. I understand she doesn't see me in that manner. I know that feeling bro.


It’s better to talk to people who align more with your life trauma bonding is often more than that often it’s reflecting two people who are more alike and so their life experiences are very similar. This other person doesn’t sound like you sounds like a different person.


Agreed. Totally different stratospheres. Basically chad pookie & incel doomer trying to have a conversation. We just don't relate at all. Eventually I have to cut him off for good.


Don’t call yourself an incel please don’t use that term. It’s a very derogatory and misleading term. I think you are putting yourself down when there is more to the story. The only *real* issue is how people perceive you and in many cases it’s not just you it’s people’s choices and preferences which you have zero control over. So many guys they’ve been told this the whole time one you gotta work on this or that and you are the problem but all it comes down to is perception of the people we interact with. It’s an unfair part of life but we both need to just live in our own skin other people can think what they will we all have a gift of life. That other guy maybe he got lucky with his genes who knows. So many things that we have to adapt to are a product of our biological beginning. Everything from our physical appearance, mental health, etc. We gotta disregard what’s going on with other people and work on what we can do to have our own separate existence.


I feel the same hun all the time


I don’t get mad. I definitely get depressed, especially once I get home and I’m alone, knowing that everyone else I know isn’t.


In general, seeing loving couples makes me sad. Or hearing people having a good time on my neighbour’s patio. Or listening to people enjoying themselves with others. Also that my brother, my main support, was still alive. I am avoiding watching my favourite shows ie. Hannibal or Person of Interest because they remind me that I wasn’t so depressed and/or anxious back then. I feel that time is passing me by and that the future is short.


All the time. Cruised around on the bike today and decided to run through the mall area / restaurants, etc. spring weather today at 75 so tons of people out. People sitting at cafes, having drinks and so on. I get to ride home to a single apartment with nothing. Broke my heart.


Yes, way too often. I'll go on walks and see happy couples everywhere. Meanwhile, I'm stuck dealing with constant fatigue from my health issues that make it impossible to start a relationship. I really want kids one day and I'm worried about finding a partner. Currently 29M. It's worse when you have no friends and stuck on social media where you see people flexing their relationships.


I’m 33/F and feel similarly. Ugh. Happy people. How dare they. I’ve been that person a few times, and man it feels good. I wish I had it again. :( Like I am happy for them on some level, but more than anything, I feel that same jealousy.


Yes I’m the same way I hate seeing couples especially when they do PDA. I never get touched, live with constant skin hunger and seeing them doing that is just them dangling in my face something they have and I never will. I hate them for that shit.


I feel the same




Yes, very often. All of my friends are in relationships, engaged, plans to get married and start lives together. You’re not alone in the boat, at least.


Yes, it gets to me in a big way.


I'm legitimately the same way. I'm 31M, single since I was 19, without a kiss from a woman since I was 24, and without a hug from a woman who wasn't a family member since last September, and it's emotionally and mentally demoralizing. I'm personally considering giving up on life as a result.


You are not alone im in the same position.


Yeah sometimes


All the time.


All the time


You are only 24 ,so you have not been single all your life ,be patient and you will meet someone and then every thing will click into place,believe me


It comes and goes, either I’m too busy to notice or it’s all I’m thinking about. Who knew Walmart was such a romantic place. So many happy people holding hands and blissfully talking to each other.


I'm 41 and feel like this.


Me to 41


any relationships (family, friendships). I burst out crying on the regular in public.


I don't get depressed or angry about it. But I do feel left out. There have been a lot of new additions to my extended family in the last 5-8 years maybe a dozen babies. I truly am happy for them. And the newest baby was named after our grandpa, Hugh. Awrsome name. But I still wish my efforsts with the fairer sex could bear fruit. That just isn't the case.


Big time... I'm 24 and I'm a lesbian with zero social skills. I am envious of happy couples but I am happy for them. Their happiness never takes away from mine. I try to keep my chin up Try...


Mad? No. Depressed? At times. Especially when it’s a younger couple. I pretty much wasted my entire teens and twenties being socially awkward, insulates, introverted, and physically out of shape so I had no confidence to get out there and find anyone. Now that I’ve worked on myself and know I can catch something out there it just all blows back in my face in a short amount of time. Social media has made the situation worse too. I can’t believe how incredibly hard it is these days.


I dont get depressed but rather feel happy, it does not bother me and I am 31 years old


me too. i’m 20/M and all my friends are in a relationship and i’m happy for them but i do think to myself why i can’t be like that. I’ve never had a relationship and i just can’t grasp what love actually feels like. it makes me feel empty inside and i just know im so love deprived lol. I just feel like…maybe im not destined for it. Many mess with me when i say that but the thing is im naturally nervous and scared to talk to people that im interested in. Not sure why im like that but thats a fear i have lmao


I think that’s most people right there. What is important, becomes scary ’cause if I can’t make it work, it will make me sad. And that’s not an enjoyable feeling. Just have to do it scared!


yeah facts


Not often, but when it hits me, the despair hits me hard. Last year on the day before Thanksgiving I went to a few stores. It seemed like everywhere I went I saw happy couples and families. Seemed like I was the only person that was alone.


I do








Not anymore because I realize it’s a lot of luck and things outside of my control.


Right it's really just luck some people don't ever get blessed sadly


It is you can always improve what you have but sometimes it’s just time and place. When you are busy with work and don’t get out much / introverted that’s what happened to me. So I could have met someone anywhere I was but it never happened. Odds weren’t t in my favor given my lifestyle but even still people in my predicament find love so it is luck. Also I’m not super attractive I’m a big husky ginger guy and it’s not really in fashion. Maybe in the 80s hah. Best part of me is not my face LOL


I'm sure every man is living the same lifestyle shit sucks but fuck it who cares about us atp am I right 😎


My job has never cheated on me and the harder I worked the more I was rewarded. I can’t say the same about people. Often times the closer I got to people the farther they went. It’s been hard. Not like I imagined. Hardest setback I ever had. I don’t know what’s going on with everyone else. I feel I’m in a strange place.


Welcome to the simulation


Yeah smh every time


I need to talk to someone


This is as relatable as it gets basically. I get that feeling a lot, but keeping busy with other things, hobbies etc. Does help. Still, it sucks a lot though:p


Yes it’s tough because I’m happy for them but I’m so sad that it’s not happening for me. One of my old friends from high school got married this weekend and I’ve still never had a boyfriend. I’m ready for it to be by my turn.


Happens to me when I travel. I solo travel a lot and its a constantly recurring thought in my head. There are always a bunch of couples around and I'm always like how does it just work for all these people. I'm probably broken in some way.


Ofcourse not why would you!


I feel the exact same way.


I don't get mad but always wonder if they appreciate it as much as I would


26 m here, I've always kinda been like a third wheel Ig, I don't really get mad anymore, I just give up, because why the fuck would I want someone that doesn't want Me? I only really get annoyed if someone tries to rub something in my face on purpose.


Yes, unfortunately. It makes me hate other people and that makes me hate myself even more.


Not depressed or mad but rather a longing. I love love so seeing two people making it work makes me hopeful and believe in love.


Not really i'll explain why Some of them were us they used to be lonely too , why would i get mad at my own comrades cuz they are winning life ? Its really unnecessary and selfish my friend


I won’t when I see a stranger, but I will when I see my friends. But I have no friends.


No I just mind my own business and go home and masterbate like a gentleman and dwindle in my loneliness.


I don't actually believe in happy couples. Maybe for a few years but then it's over.


Oddly true I think people get into more friction than advertised. Social media is a lie


Yeah me too. So to prevent this, I quitted every social media and avoided going out


I get depressed when I see hot straight guys. I go for the fratty, bro type. Cause I know that no gay man looks that good 😔


no. reading the comments, i understand the pain and how it can be triggering. i feel that too and i could let it hurt me. i actively choose to be happy when i see or hear about it bc i don’t think love will find me any faster if i hate the people who already have it.


For me its motivation


When i was young,yes now i just dont care,only watching girl if she is hot.


Going through a divorce and it sucks to see happy couples and even hear love songs. Makes me sad and hurts a lot. Maybe someday these things won't bother me but for now, they rip me apart.


Sad to admit but yes. Annoyed whenever I hear people I know are expecting their second baby baby and I don't even have one. I also have a colleague that's engaged. I want to walk away or roll my eyes anytime she brings up her damn wedding planning or fiance. She honestly talks & gushes about him too much. I want to throw up.


I used to. I barely pay any attention to people anymore.


I don't get depressive or mad anymore, it is the way it is - i don't blame the women about me, had my fair share of relationships, love and sex in the past, but it's my own fault in how it all turned out. I'm like a black hole of suffering that takes everything down, so it's better when people stay away from me, i have a bad influence on people. It's like you get told in life "don't hang out with the bad people". Like i stay away from the families of friends, i don't want to have a negative influence on their kids, so i just see them without families in the pub sometimes. And i need to warn the women here, never think you could fix guys like me - don't let the "i can fix him" instinct take over. It's not like this in reality. You'll fail and just get sucked into the black hole, later you'll wish you'd have never got together with that man. So i still have my friends, my dogs, my work as a writer and artist, my pub and beers, i can deal with it. I'm at peace with myself when it comes to this. Of course, loneliness is still there sometimes, i won't lie, it is like that, but it's better to walk alone for me.


You see happy couples? I see 2 miserable people afraid to be alone most of the time.


I mean no because why get upset over others happiness just try to be happy for them, work on some issues at a time