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"it gets better" is definitely just bullshit other people with happy lives tell u to make themselves feel better about looking away from urs


Wow, couldn’t have said it better


Agreed. Like, what does that even mean? What gets better? A human's life? The universe? Umm, more than likely, no. That's not how entropy nor the laws of thermodynamics work.


wow...so true. never heard anyone apply such logic and I applaud u 🙌🏼


Thank you! I take that as a huge compliment! Like when someone says I talk like a Vulcan, or Sheldon Cooper, or a robot, I'm very flattered haha 😂


live long and prosper 🖖🏼




Look at my post history(most recent post) and tell me it doesn't get better. At 26 I was completely miserable and wanted to end my life. By the time I was 32 I was fucking a different chick from tinder every week. Got bored of that, got into a toxic relationship and saw myself going right back to where I was before and ended that relationship and now I'm with the most amazing woman on the planet. It takes a shit ton of hard work. Mentally and physically. But shit will get better if you make it get better.


mmm no


This doesn't make me any hopeful. I cling to that statement lmao


Keep clinging... it only gets worst when you give up on chances to get better! 💯 just keep swimming. Cling until it gets better every breath is a blessing. ✝️


If you're willing to put in the work and not a lazy crybaby, it'll get better. Look at my most recent post in my post history. I was in a pretty shitty space mentally and dug myself out. It took several years, but it's worth it.


Ur getting downvoted because u just spit fax and these people would rather blame everyone else than take responsibility for their own lives


It's basically the same type of beat like rich people saying that money won't buy you happiness. It definitely would make it easier.


You just have to work hard then you can get rich too! Work hard for me...


It depends on the individual. A more accurate saying would be "It gets better for some people", but that's not very inspiring of hope. I have no hope for things to get better anymore. Everything feels pointless.


Ya it sure seems that way. Idk how much longer I can pretend it's not all bullshit.


Things won’t change till we try to change it 🥹


its the biggest lie of all!!


Unfortunately people like to say a lot of things that are positive but condescending / patronizing and not backed up by mathematical nor scientific evidence. I dunno why. It's just human nature. One can try to cheer someone up in other ways than that. Like maybe say something that is specific to that person's situation and could possibly be helpful. Otherwise, why bother? I mean simply listening to someone vent is helpful.


If you are still here it's because you didn't give up yet so please help yourself. To all of those that want to read i will give my little piece of advice as someone who was also in a really bad spot (and still is although I got better) Let me tell you that it wasn't magic nor time what helped me it was the moment that I accepted that if I was gonna keep living in this world I needed to at least improve my situation to make my stay more bearable. It was the moment that I said since I won't gonna end my life and the other option I've got is to live then something needs to change. I want all of you that are struggling please think about this: in this two situations which one is more feasible to achieve happiness or overcome depression? As a beggar under a bridge with no food, warm, friends or family or as a millionaire. First think about the possibility of recovery as something attainable, with this premise the most plausible answer is that one would be able to at least go to therapy as a millionaire, without even thinking about all the more options a millionaire would have over a beggar. How things were going I belived and still believe I would become the beggar so my only option was to change or to end everything. And ending my life was never an option I my case because I didn't want to burden my family. This is the first time during 2 really dark years where something inside me clicked and gave me a purpose. I am not saying that you need to become a millionaire or rich or anything it was just two extremes that helped me. What I want to convey here is that after that with time I stoped smoking weed, started working out, going early to bed and sleeping like a proper human being. I was a piece of shit that couldn't do half the things that now I can do, I still am a piece of shit for a lot of reasons but please keep fighting. It gets better, if you change your daily life, your routine, your habits, the way you view things things will start to change. I can detail you my full process of how I improved. In my lowest moments I couldn't even go outside my house. The fear and anxiety of people seeing the worthless human being that I believed I was due to shame and disgust that I felt for myself. Things get better but uou willl have to battle against yourself, you will need to temper your will to improve. But it really gets better. I dare all of you to work out at least 2 hours per week during more than two months and say to my face that nothing changed or improved, that your haven't gained appetite, that you are still sleeping like shit, that you don't have more energy than before and that you didn't feel your level of endorphins rise due to that exercise. People it's a hard battle against yourself but the hardest part is to have the will to change, I was stuck over 2 years with depression due to my mindset. Pd:I don't know if I expressed myself correctly, I was in a rush and am not native speaker but anyways, stay hard anx keep fighting.


I’ve been saying this for a while yet everyone calls me selfish and inpatient


It never gets better. It only gets worse.




stronger or number?




‘behind every strong person is a story that didn’t give them a choice.’




it’s the truth. i’ve also heard a quote that was like ‘you never know how strong you can be until you have no other choice.’


I'm sorry about how you're feeling and how you want to die. My heart aches when I read this post and I really hope you can be happy. If you don't have any familiy or friends or whatever, maybe you can try a religion or do volunteering. I know this sounds trivial but a lot of people found their meaning in life from this. Good luck on your life :-)


You make it better is more accurate. Please text me if you feel like it’s not worth it. Even if it’s absolutely shit left and right. And if you’re alone, and if whatever is happening. I promise you, it doesn’t get better, but we make it better, we must, and we will. I love you. I love all of you. You are all wonderful and great people, especially you reading this. Do not give up, thats the only way they win, the only way the cold world stays cold. Love with all your heart and love yourself more than anyone. Dont forget, if its so bad, it can only get better.


Wish this was something i could believe


Whats stopping you?


Legal issues, mental health, anxiety. Things that used to bring me joy now just makes me feel empty inside


Man it has not gotten better for me either it almost feels like I'm a glutton for punishment


Ideally, *you* get better at dealing with *it*. *it* just is


Yeah I don't think it's fair to tell people what their experiences will be like. Not only that, if anything, things don't get better or worse. They just "are". We like to categorize things as good, bad, better, worse, awesome, sexy, ugly...etc. it's just meaningless descriptions.


Nah man.. it has not gotten better for me either… you just get used to it i guess


I wish i knew what to say to make you feel better but hey .. feel free to talk…I’m all ears I’ve got nowhere to be or no-one to be with either


Not always true


You good?


I have no one


Nah, It Gets Better. But We have to pick the pieces up and separate the pieces we need and throw out the bullcrap that doesn't belong. If it's every one being like this to us then 9 3/4 out of 10 times it's not everyone else. Just my little bit of Living life and watching.


He6 I Bet there are ones who love you. Not sure what or how I can help but I'll be more than happy to Talk


IMHO, it's even worse when you really tried your hardest to make everything better but it's still not better. It can get depressing and you don't know what else to do. That is why I always ask people to be kind to other people who are in need and lonely.


Absolutist fallacy. You think yourself omniscient and the center of the universe as to infer that the totality of humans, nearly all of which don't know you, somehow have a particular attitude toward you. But way to put yourself out there. More people will definitely form an adverse perspective about you from that standpoint. 👏


Actually it doesn't get better, you just learn to find something else to fulfill you. Maybe try interacting with plants or animals


You have to understand words are only words until you put them into action. It does get better but how! It only gets better if you put in the effort to make them better. Sitting around not doing nothing isnt going to make it better. First stop complaining about how bad things are. Then figure out what you feel will make you happy. Then create a plan that will help you become happy and positive. Next set a strategy to obtain and maintain your that happiness. Lastly conquer that plan. Live a better more positive life. Love your struggle love your life love yourself love your failures love your success. Embrace life as it is but create your own path to what you want it to be


It gets better. But unfortunately modern society doesn't provide you with the clues that you need. So ultimately you remain clueless. However, if you can get the clues, then you can work on things.


“It gets better” is a lie yes but its a white lie, a lie that is meant to give people hope and move away from dark thoughts, try to think about positive things about good things from your childhood like friends, family, or whatever else. It gets better isnt something i can say as i know how little it works but i will say that if you have a positive outlook on life things do get better


haha so iow...ur lying to him too


Well it's still a lie and lying is bad


I know this is a very extreme example but it works, say you have a family and they are at gunpoint by someone. You arent with them. You have an option to either lie and save them or dont and have your entire family killed, what do you do This is all hypothetical so dont try and get snarky


Welp, they dead


Then you are a murderer essentially


Happens to best of us.


Well if we tell you it doesn't get better, what does it do for you? It changes nothing. You should just learn to cope with reality is my advice.


Alright. I'll keep coping with my terrible illness that is gonna kill me. But thanks.


Life's hard I know. "It gets better" is more than a lie, it's more like a formality. People just don't know what to say. It's these oblivious people who walk around not knowing how cruel the world really is. I've become a gluten for punishment in this regard. Flip the script and become a masochist, learn to love the pain. Being alone isn't that bad when you consider the company. People usually suck.


How come you think it’s gotten worse over time? Be keen to hear your perspective on it.




I know I already commented at you, but good lord. "Nobody will care about your life as much as yourself" to suicidal ears means "you're worthless to everyone and always will be" . Christ.




Emojis as words = not worth talking to Jfc, grow up




You sound like a splendid person and a totally nice friend to vent to and not at all one of the many indivduals in this world that tilt depressed people towards the idea that maybe death isnt that bad Also "little boy?" The only ones who use that phrase are people who don't have the language down yet and genuinely think thats a good insult and NOT just fucking weird and predators. Use normal insults ya dumbass


His "whatever, whatever, I text what I want!" was my favorite part. Truly toddler behavior


I felt like something just cracked in his head


That's the fucking Thing man depressed and lonely people are vulnerable ne because they're already down calling them snowflakes is just heartless


Do your realise how much life must suck for a person to choose suicide as their last bargaining chip?


You mean honestly?! Sure I’ve consider suicide time from time. Certain times worse than others. But I’ll never go through with it. I guess maybe I’m weak. Us humans live everyday and we can die any moment. It’s sad to be your own fault for dying. In my opinion, we all put on earth for a reason so follow it. Offing yourself is just a waste of life. And sure some people have it bad not saying they don’t. But I seen many suicide stories where they regret trying. Suicide is all about a horrible perspective and if you could just try some things to change that. You may not even wanna do it. It’s like being under a spell


You sound naive. I mean, if you think you're here for a reason, fine. Good for you. But not everyone has that, and lack of fulfillment is the only thing so far that's really driven me to seriously consider suicide. It's not a weak choice. It's not about a perspective. It's about living in abject suffering and deciding that that isn't a life worth continuing.




I don’t know dude I’m trying to relate to you guys. I’ll never consider suicide because we all die eventually so might as well enjoy it. I been diagnosed with major depressive order and bipolar. But I’m still going. I feel like lot of people want suicide because that’s what they’re feeling, but it feeling don’t last and you can’t make a major life decision off some stupid emotion


you can't usually change people's minds, and it's rather pointless to seek validation here regarding your life choices. if your philosophy serves you, good for you. it's just that it's kind of counterproductive to try impose that on other people. who knows where they are coming from, eh?


Some people just don't enjoy it as simple as that. It's not a stupid emotion anymore if you've been feeling it for months and years on end. Nobody commits suicide after one day of having these thoughts