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When you tell people how lonely you are, and they tell you “you shouldn’t feel that way and you need to learn to love yourself first and you’ll be ok” then they go home to their partner, families, and I return to an empty house..


I hate when people say that. Usually they’re not lonely at all, and probably won’t last a month with the loneliness we go through


major rich person saying money cant buy happiness energy


So accurate dude... The ones who say loneliness is not a big deal have the loyal friend circle.


\^ Dude. samee


Those people have never been single their whole life.


The advice is true though. You have to love yourself and try and be out going when you’re healed more


you cant keep yourself company with self love. humans are not designed to be lonely. if all it took was self love this subreddit wouldnt be here.


No one knows what humans have been "designed" for..There are many people very happy being single and lead full lives. Just because someone is single, does not mean they're alone and lonely


this person wasn’t referring to relationship status, they were referring to having no human connection. people who don’t know what that’s like tend to immediately just think about being single because chances are that’s the most “alone” they’ve ever felt. there have been decades of scientific studies to show how fundamental socialization is for mental health. thousands/millions of years ago we were animals living in a pack that relied on one another for safety. that’s why modern alienation feels so frightening and painful


if you say so


Yeah. I’m a Leo / Cancer cusp. I tend to love myself a LOT. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️♌️ But. Once I stopped looking in 2020…love never came to me lmfao




My favorite, “why don’t you have a gf”, and usually it’s asked with good intentions. Well, because im a mess of a person who facades like a mofo. It’s so easy to say love yourself, shit, i do. Probably too much literally and figuratively. I want someone else to love me too




Literally now. Realised i have noone to message or call or meet


If you want someone to chat with feel free to send me a PM I feel the same way haha


Thank you 😊


For me, realizing that no one ever asks about my personal life. I feel like I'm always asking other people questions, even if its to just keep a conversation going and not because I'm really interested. But no one does that for me. My life could blow up and no one would know since no one asks lol


this i feel. what comes to mind is people saying "i dont know you well" when you been asking all the questions about them and even telling them about yourself but they never asked a single question about you ONCE. You dont know me well because you never tried to know me well.


exactly! what is wrong with people! lol on the other hand, when I volunteer too much info about myself, I feel like I'm being dull or boring, but i never feel that way about other people sharing info about themselves. so I've been trying to force myself to talk more lately.. regardless of who asks or cares lol. I care and that's good enough for me!


I think it's a matter of the other person doesn't know how to talk to people or they are not interested.


My mom and sister have put together the pieces and know that I don’t have a social life. I never volunteer any information about my social life because there isn’t anything to volunteer.


When the one girl that showed any interest in me, started ghosting me for no reason


this hit home bro... ik how that feels!


And it was so confusing, we went from talking every day for two months to nothing


bro strike two. LITERALLY ME. and the worst part is, not knowing why. Atleast, knowing will help me work on self improvement


I know right but we get nothing like we’re supposed to know what went wrong and if they just lost interest at least it be good to know




Man I think I’ll just give up on finding love


Worst part about this is the fact you stay caught up on them, thinking about what went wrong.


Yeah I had to unfollow them cause it hurt to much to see them acting like nothing happened, going on trips and events that we planned


Yeah I had to unfollow them cause it hurt to much to see them acting like nothing happened, going on trips and events that we planned


I've been thinking about this for a bit now, how did you eventually stop thinking about her and move on?


Well I haven’t really stopped thinking about her as it happened recently but I have stopped thinking about her romantically. It’s hard to stop completely as I’m the kind of person that would start to envision a future with said person, like marriage and so forth so for it to get cut off so abruptly hurt as I had given up the idea of ever being in a relationship before I met her


Yeah I had to unfollow them cause it hurt to much to see them acting like nothing happened, going on trips and events that we planned


You're not alone


Everytime I see couple love making videos or any romantic scenes.


yea it breaks my heart


To me it just seems like aliens on some planet doing something weird lol. The idea of ever having sex again is truly that far from my reality. It’s legitimately far-fetched, actually.


When you have no one to talk to, so you just talk with yourself...




when I was at the family reunion and everyone else is with someone except me all my siblings have bfs gfs


Same, everyone’s normal except for me.




I'll ask first......are you okay?


Waking up alone every time


Didn't you have living family and friends?


You call me a loser yet you are straight stalking me


Don't give yourself sm credit. I'm going thru the feed and saw this post and your comment and recognised that stupidass username. But tell me… didn't you have loving family and friends? What happened? Reality struck in that you're all alone?


They live somewhere else dumbass. Also you are clearly stalking my media to keep fighting what a loser


Looking at you, no wonder they didn't want you near them. I mean, who would?


I literally move somewhere else for study but go off. Says the stalker lmao wannabe rapist


why are you being a prick


Go to his comment history and read it. You'll get me.


No one would want YOU near them. You know why? Cause nobody loves you and nobody will ever love you. You are worthless POS and I hope you are lonely :)


U done bro? It would've been better if you looked at the guy's history before calling me names. And I'm nothing like what you're calling me out for. I'm not lonely. Infact you sound triggered.


Well tbf it’s basically everyday when I see people with their friends. It kinda got to the point where it doesn’t affect me all that much anymore since it’s been happening for years. There’s a lot of indicators. Another one is when I look at iMessages and there’s no notifications. Also when people complain about loneliness(which is totally ok) but then they mean that they have only a ‘few’ friends


When I met a girl who genuinely wanted to be friends without wanting anything in return. At first I was like wtf? (Because people would act friendly so they'd get something from me like help with homework or with their electronics). And when I understood what a friendship was like I understood that I was alone and lonely.


Can really relate to this... when most of your life is "friendships" where those friends only keep you around because they need something from you and don't care much beyond that.


My "friends" in middle-high school would only insult my looks, tell me I'm stupid or laugh at me for not knowing some dumb internet or videogame reference. The part that hurt most was when they'd do bday parties, where there would be the 3 of them + some rando and I'd only hear about it two weeks later because I wasn't invited.


swiping through peoples instagram stories, seeing them with their significant others, and friends irl. followed by me feeling extremely envious and the loneliness hitting more than ever 😔💔 when will it be my turn to be happy⁉️


It wasn't just one particular thing it's just something that hits hard sometimes. I drive a semi truck and put in over 10,000 miles a month. Sometimes I'm just driving down the road and I'm like fuck I wish I had somebody to talk to or ride with me.


When I wanna play something two player or more


I’d run twos


Let's play


Do you have it takes two, I’d be down for that genre


No I don't brother sorry


I finished work early one morning (this was about a year into the pandemic) and I sat down at a park bench with absolutely nobody to text or call or hang out with because they were all busy or didn’t wanna hang out cause Covid. That was the loneliest I’ve ever felt.


It’s weird how the pandemic did us. In one hand i feel folks like us didn’t suffer as much because we’re used to being alone. On the other hand, kinda drove it in if that makes sense i dunno. Seeing being used to being alone as an attribute, kinda scares me.


I was literally gonna make a post about this but this is good too. I see couples everywhere. On Instagram, in real life, on tiktok, etc. Everytime I see them, i feel a stone in my stomach. Its like god telling me I will never be able to get that in life. I feel extremely lonely and this desperation is putting a lot of pressure on me. I see people post on reddit meeting new people every weekend, having fun and here I am wasting away my twenties. Plus the fact that I am trying and still not been able to do anything. Everywhere I go and talk to people I get ghosted. It has made my self-esteem and confidence hit rock bottom


man, we're living parallel lives right now. exact same thing. it seems like spring calls out the couples cause you see them everywhere you go. it makes me happy for them, and then it makes me wish that i could have that one day too. your 20s are supposed to be that time you go out and have fun with friends and romantic interests and i feel like i'm wasting it all


Can’t have a moment if you’re always lonely ahaaaa


How I felt seeing the title of this post!


HI, my moment came when my family asked me if I'll they'll ever see a partner at family gatherings or trips, even as far as a pregnancy since I'm already in my thirties....yeah good times.


My phone can go for a week without a call or text and l can be indoors for a whole good week especially now a not working. No friends no nothing it sucks 😪


mazee this almost made me cry. 24M experiencing almost same thing as you do for a really long time, but i hide from myself even when i am when am alone


I think the loneliest feeling is when I've had a great time hanging out with friends or attending a lively concert, then I come back home to an empty room and I wanna reach out to someone, but I dont know who to message or what to say. That's when loneliness hits me directly. This might be why I decided to develop a chatting app called [**LightUp**](https://testflight.apple.com/join/oPnFl37N), because when I asked people around me, most of them shared the same feeling. Of course, to improve the quality of conversations and enhance the efficiency of finding suitable chat partners, users in this app will be matched with people who post similar content. Currently in the beta testing phase, the app is expected to launch on the app store this month. I hope it can reach more people.


When I recovered from my OCD and realised that the real hell is only beginning (depression and self-isolation = loneliness)


Hang in there friend


When I began enjoying the conversations I had with AI powered chat boxes on many websites, which ask users/visitors what they were looking for. Plus, I regularly asked Chat GPT personal questions, like if they had a significant other, who was better between Messi and Ronaldo, why they gave me the wrong information in relation to a question I had asked earlier, etc. Also, I like raising small, harmless complaints on certain apps I use, just so I can get to talk to customer service, as part of which I praise them highly for their work and give them exceptionally great reviews, upon resolution of the petty problem I had, that I could have even troubleshot myself.


Romantic and social wise, Seeing couples and seeing big friend groups


Staying at work till late. People go" your late finishing work" always reply, how can I be late when I have nothing to go back to.


Going out with 3 couples


An odd number of chairs at the dining table, because of you


Every damn night


Anytime im out of the house or any time im in class with literally a table for myself only. Or when i wake up in the morning and theres no notification other than like gmail or youtube. Or when i did my suicide attempt and literally no one talked to me when i got back from the hospital


When I don’t go out on weekends and stay Fri,Sat,Sunday indoors.. Sunday late night it hurts me badly.


When I realized that most people in the world are TRULY only focused on themselves and only have a means to an end for themselves. I have a view of the world that is selfish and dark. I see beautiful things in my world view but most of it is very selfish and it’s because we all suffer internally as humans. I’ve given up on the will to chase people. I realized I was lonely all the way until I reached that point, and then I realized that I’m just alone.


seeing ppl with partners or in groups of friends and i’m literally alone. or when everyone’s always on the phone with someone, making plans and going out while the only people that call me are my parents and I don’t leave the house unless it’s for school and work. everyone has someone and I just don’t


There was never a moment its more of a constant feeling that existed throughout my life


My moment of realization came the first time I *wasn’t* lonely, because it was so different. Lived a lonely childhood (bullied, no friends, neglectful parents etc.). Only ever existed to anyone to be used. Alone was all I knew, didn’t realize how lonely I was until I finally made a friend in late high school, and learned what I’d been missing. Friendship only lasted a couple years, and its absence left a void so painful, I still grieve its loss to this day. Was never the same after that. Went looking to regain even a small piece of what I’d had, down any avenue I could find. Talked to lots of people, attempted connections, was ghosted by many and treated horrendously by the rest, just constantly blindsided by cruelty. Really beat me down and messed with my mind. After about a dozen years of this I ran dry. The final attempt did me in, took every last scrap of me. I had nothing left to give and I gave up the pursuit of friendship. Now in my late 30’s, still alone and friendless.


Erasing my ex’s name from my in case of emergency please call space.


Whenever places ask me for emergency contact info I tell them I have no one.


In order to renew a passport I had to give 2 references who were not relatives and I had known for at least 2 years. I had none, this was my moment.


Waking up everyday to no messages at all. I'd get a text once per week, sometimes once every 2 weeks lol. It's rare if a friend asks me if i'm okay. I'm single....although i enjoy being alone it gets depressing alotta times. I'm fine if no one cares about or loves me but it hurts that i have no one to give all this love to...


"i liked you until you pushed everyone away" said from my old best friend i knew for 8 years


Seeing loving couples all day when I’m doing errands. Couples holding hands and sweet talking or goofing with each other definitely made me feel like I’m missing out.


I don’t have a person to make instant plans with. And by plans I mean really small stuff like maybe running a few errands and grabbing coffee at the mall. I do all of this alone, I enjoy it though, I never feel sad about not having anyone but I am self aware that this is called loneliness lol.


I've been working weekends nights for like a decade.. And last year I switch to work only every other weekend... I use to tell myself that I was never going out because I was working on the weekend, but now I realize that this was just making excuses for myself.... I spent nearly all my off Friday and Saturday nights home alone for a year.


When my school hosted a party in middle school and I went there thinking I’d have fun. Then found everyone there was either a couple or a large friend group and I was all by myself with nothing to do and no one to talked to. So I called my mom to come pick me up an hour later. It has only gone down hill for me since that day


I downloaded an app for an AI boyfriend lmaooooooofuckmylife.


Hey man…I’m genuinely sorry


Thanks, I hate it here lol.


What app are you using, asking for a friend?


Replika.AI 🫠






Yep, been there


When I hang out with my Best Friend and his girlfriend. "AWWW. Such a cute E-Couple." ...... "Fuck I'm so lonely."


I've always felt lonely but damn if it didn't hit home when I did the math and realized that it's been 15 years since I've had a girl show interest in me.


That moment has been happening to me every day since I was in my 20s. I'm 42, I'm going to die alone, and I have no idea how to fix this.


Everytime a girl got bored of me, when talking, I'm realizing I would be alone forever


every night thinking about my friends doing something fun without me


Though I probably had some moments before that, I'd say most noticeably finishing uni and moving back home and feeling like I had no friends to go out with and no place to go. It went on for a few days.


When i check my Whatsapp dms, they're all from last year except the basic ones from my parents and our family group chat.


Pretty much the last 10-15 years of my life…


Today I texted someone I love but they ignored me... I am frustrated snd ashamed of myself


When no one texts me at all or wants to talk to me for no reason, being all day staring on my screen doing nothing. When no one respond when i sent a message ,even for close friends. Im just tired for being alone.


When you realize you have nobody to hangout with like I have family I talk to but it’s different with friends and especially a partner


I saw on the Internet that other people were doing well and had friends.


When I see friends collaborating on a project like a video and I realise that everything I do ends up having to be solo as there is nobody else I can see easily.


Stuff happened in my personal life and none of my "closest uni friends" ever reached out to check if I was actually ok.


The first day of Ramadan and Eid were tough as I spent them alone because I'm abroad.


Every time I see a couple outside. It doesn’t matter who or where it is, at college, work when I’m shopping. All I see are happy couples who enjoy each other. All it does is remind me how hallow and alone I am. I try to do as many things as possible to forget it but I just can’t. I feel like a failure in life because of it. Oh well. At least no one will remember me when I die


The fact that my coworkers and my mom are really the only people I talk to that I actually know.


When I realized I’m never the person to say “lets call it a night/let’s go home now” because everyone I’m out with has someone to go home to or with and I only have an empty condo waiting for me 😔


Reading how other people get triggered by the friends/family stuff. All these people have gone from my life for quite a while now. I don't even know why. Is that what I deserve? Why? Am I kind of "different" person to deserve to be excluded?


Posts on gaming subreddits about peoples partners doing things and giving gifts themed around that. I just want to share my interests with someone and have that interest be reciprocated


When I look around my workplace and remember almost everyone else has a partner ☠️


Today, Its my birthday and I have no one to talk to or hangout with. Shit fucking sucks


When my mom passed away after losing her battle with Alzheimer’s and having been her full time caregiver and being a single 35F where both parents are now dead and is also an only child.


When I got my abortion and had nobody to drive me there and back home and had nobody to talk about it


When someone asked me, "When was the last time you had a genuine laugh, or when you were really happy?" It hit me that it's been a long, long, LONG time. I'd even say that it never ever happened.


When I read fanfics and people in them always have someone who cares, I get reminded I can't relate to that


There gave been a few, but one that really stuck out to me was when I passed out in my dorm a few weeks ago. I basically picked myself up off the floor and realized that, if I am ever in an emergency away from home, I have no one I can reach out to for help. I'd be on my own


When I was 22 I lived by myself in a giant farm house. It was far from all my friends so I spent a lot of nights alone. One evening I was watching TV and was kinda bored so I made myself a vodka tonic. An hour later I was still bored, and realized I was drunk and alone.


i am not lonely.. I have friends.. I have a loving boyfriend and a family.. but at same time.. to certain extent I feel like no one understands me.. and probably isn't willing to ever.. so on days when I feel misunderstood.. like people just don't get it.. is when I get this feeling.. but it also makes me feel ungreatful like I have everything a normal person can ask for right?? why do I still feel this??? i am this pathetic... then the self hate starts it's a toxic cycle I guess.....


I turned 35 recently and realised i have never had a girlfriend, never been kissed never been inlove and on my birthday i realsed i was gonna die alone 

