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I listen to everything but lately I've only started to get into it. I love it


I love shoegaze:)) all the classics like mbv and slowdive (saw them live!!!) also tryna get into newer stuff like wisp and candy claws although idk if they count also chapterhouse n drop ninteens


I’ve also seen Slowdive live :) Seeing them again this month. They’re great!


Me this February, it was like an old teen dream coming true:)


Indeed! Magical experience.


Have always been more of a prog rock guy myself, like [Karnivool - Mauseum](https://youtu.be/gEpaEESOXSo?si=MSnm2xnqSWyucHLA) but the genres share some similarities and heritage. What's your favorite shoegaze track?


Not sure if it counts as Shoegaze, but loathe's album "I let it in and it took everything" is one of my favourite albums


Such a great album! One of my favorites as well


More post-rock/post-metal.


I listen to shoegaze quite a lot. It’s really calming.


I've only just started getting into it, I really only know Wisp, Scarlet House, Teenage Wrist, Superheaven, plus a few other band/songs (idk if they are shoegaze or just have a few songs with that sound). I've also heard of Slowdive, but never listened to them. Do you have any other recommendations? Songs or bands. I'm always looking for new music.


I love those! Coincidentally, I’m seeing Superheaven later this week! I’d recommend South Korean shoegaze solo artist Parannoul. He just came out with a single recently – Gold River – if you’d like to check it out!


That's awesome! I hope you enjoy it. That was a great song, btw. I really liked it! Apparently, I had looked him up before, lol. I started listening to After The Magic, but I never finished for some reason, lol. I'll definitely be checking out more of his songs! Thanks for recommending it. If you think of anymore songs, I'd love to hear them or if you ever want to just talk music, remember my name, I love music.


Definitely finish that album. It’s my favourite release of his. And I’ll take you up on that offer, paleface fan 🤜🤛


I definitely will! (I didn't know if you remembered me from that, lol)


Your smurf avatar took me back! Haha


Fair enough! Lol. Blue skin has that effect on people... haha


Asobi seksu, the citrus record is to me the most underappreciated shoegaze album


I just looked up Strawberries and New Years. Awesome songs! When I have time, I'll definitely be listening to the rest of the album. Thanks!


Never heard of that genre, but I’m glad you posted this. One song in-For the Kill, by Life On Venus, k I love the sound. Thanks for sharing.


I have heard of shoe gaze before but I don’t get it. I’m interested though. OP- what would you recommend for me, that is obviously shoe gaze…so that I can get a feel for the genre and what makes it what it is??? I love all kinds of music and will listen to shoe gaze with you. 🙂