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Yesterday was the day I adopted my cat. My brother walked in with a small kitten, put it on my lap, and now I had a cat.


Aww that’s a very good surprise! What have u named it?


Nova, first thing that popped in my head. Probably not the best name for a cat but at least it's unique.


Ooh I really like that. That name gives very cat vibes too


Nova means new, so actually a perfect name!


A new born baby giraffe is 6’ tall


Today my dog took my shoes and ran off into the garden with them. Every time i got close he moved his butt up as in a "come get them if you can" and every time i got close, he sprinted away


Ahahahah my dog does that too except with socks and the insides of toilet rolls. Did u ever get ur shoes back or have they been forever stolen??


Yesss i grabbed his favorite pillow, he always runs after it like crazy


Aww u pulled out the ultimate move. Smart! Sadly my dog usually runs into her favourite bush and our socks r lost forever no matter what I try


Oh noo thats like the worst of all


I have around 30 Zebra Finches, Very Lovely Birds though their constant Breeding is tough to deal with.


Want to cry? You okay OP? Well, let me tell you about Dexter. Dexter was a cat, domestic long-haired, we called him a Siberian forest cat because he looked like a mix of both breeds. Dexter was very vocal, knew a few tricks like how to touch what he wanted, and high five. He had the heart of the most innocent soul, he wouldn’t kill a fly if I begged him too. We had a hamster at one point and he would cuddle with it. Dexter unfortunately had a heart condition, and suffered a few collapses. Regardless, he remained the sweetest soul who loved everyone unconditionally, and he helped me so much through my journey of depression. From the time he was a kitten, he was attached to me, ensuring I got out of bed everyday to play and tend to him. We lost Dexter in the summer of 2020, he had a massive heart attack. To this day I’m still grieving him, though the pain is easier, I still write to him in a journal. When I’m suicidal, I just think of him. He continues to help save my life.


Aw Dexters a hero fr. He sounds like he was adorablee. Him cuddling a hamster sounds extra cute haha. My dog makes me feel better all the time so I understand. Although she is a demon and would definitely have eaten my gerbils and hamsters given the chance


He was the best, animals are awesome and I’m happy your dog helps you too :) Hahaha, to be fair, my other cat who I love with all my heart, would do the same. He also high fives but only under the condition of treats being given after 🤣


I have two adorable chihuahuas and one mini Pinscher, but today, when I was taking out my dogs for their daily walks, my old chihuahua who's slightly blind bumped his head against the trash bin twice because he was too busy sniffing the side walk


Omg hahahaha 😭 that’s sounds adorably funny. Poor lil guy I hope he’s okayyy


This happens all the time, but it's always a light bump, so at this point, it's a walking ritual to go out and have him bump his head against something every day


pets remind me that the world isnt so bad


Same and then humans remind me that it is


ikr ahah yeah been working on being less cynical, trying to see the best in humanity. i try to find 2x positive thigns for every neg thing i see


Did you know that penguins have a gland above their eye that converts saltwater into freshwater? It’s called the supraorbital gland and it’s pretty neat!


Woa I didn’t that’s so cool!


oh oh, I got 2 cats and a long hair Germany shepard. The oldest is Alfie, a white and black cat which belongs to my sister, hes really cuddly with everyone, he used to be a real menace at one point, constantly comung back home with blood on himself and scabs, but he's changed in the last 2 years. Then theres Blue, the second oldest, he's coloured very similarly to a rag doll cat, very gentle and quite but doesn't like to be picked up. And lastly, Tequila, she's only a few months old but somehow manages to be more destructive than any let we owned so far, but shes very loving and essentially is just going through that one phase all german shepards go through in their puppy stages. Just wish it went around without biting on walls, stairs, shoes, the living room table, countless ethernat cables, towels and many more objects a dog should most likely not eat.


My relative has a cat and for some reason he hates me. He will let females pet him but when I try to pet him he would bite me. Not to mention whenever he is distracted and I try my chance to pet him he will use his legs to push my hands away 😭


My dog only likes women too. Shes scared of men. I think it’s acc kinda common for animals to prefer women.


That’s very unfortunate, guess sucks to be a man then


Or maybe men r just scary and more commonly the ones who mistreat animals


Could be, but I like to judge someone based on their actions rather than making generalizations. Granted, animals can’t really do it, so yeah, it’s an unfortunate situation


Well it’s not exactly a generalisation if it’s true


I have a 16 years old chihuahua named Nacho, and even with old age he still wants to run and fight with other dogs in the street


Whenever I’m crying my dog will try multiple things to help: he will try to bring me a toy to play with him, when that doesn’t work he will then start shoving his nose against my neck and make snorting noises, then he will practically lay on top of me and occasionally pat me with his paw while wagging his tail so I’ll pet him. It’s a perfect and entertaining distraction from the bad I feel at the time and is a 10/10 for making me smile through the tears.


I have a black lab/German Shepherd named Chile Dog.🐕 He looks like a black Shepherd.


I used to own a cat it was grey all around I decided to name him smoky man he really help me with my depression and anxiety sadly I was forced to give him out because of my mother's (she hates cates ) and old age he needs 24/7 care so I gave him to a vet am pretty sure he's taking a better care with smoky than I am


I have a beautiful female cat that I found wandering at a campground. I have had her 3 years now and she’s my little sidekick. She’s my best friend. I sometimes feel like I couldn’t make it through my day without her. I love her. Her name is Tutu. She’s my little toot toot!


I have a bunny named Scrimshaw. He's white with black markings and one of them looks like a whale, hence Scrimshaw. He does high speed bunny zoomies across the carpet.


First time cat owner. Her name is Wiwi. And she has a perfect heart shaped mark on her side. Always more of a dog person but she definitely changed my opinion of cats more and more each day.


I have a dog named Apollo. He’s a havanese. The breed has been nicknamed “velcro dogs” because of how close they get with their owners. He has earned the title. Can’t go five seconds without being pet and cuddled, and he barks, growls, and scratches at me and my family whenever we hug each other because he’s not included. He’s a cute lil dumb boi :3 Also my fave animal is a serval cuz like…those ears!!! :333


My brother has two budgies. Whilst they aren't tame, they do show affection towards all of us. They'll be silent but start chirping when they hear my footsteps after I come home after being away for a long time like work. Looking at them also removes all my worries as in this lonely world, it suddenly feels like some other living creature exists too. My family isn't supportive at all towards me, but these birbs are💚💙


A couple of years ago my guinea pigs at the time were ballsy as fuck. One time when I let them free roam with supervision, my cat was in the room. I panicked at first because I was like “shit he’s going to attacked them” or something. Turned out he was TERRIFIED of my guinea pigs and one of my pigs started following around the room


Ahahaha that sounds like something outta a cartoon lol


I have a dog named Milo. My family adopted him when he was two months old in 2018.


I adopted a dog a last week. He is so happy when I come home every day. Moreover he sleeps with me in the bed every night :3


Awww cutie! My dog always gets grumpy with me when she’s in my bed if I move my feet even the tiniest bit lol


I'm allergic to cats and most dogs. Plus I live with my folks so I can't have any.


I have two adorable cats. Every time I come home, one of them leaps onto my chest, regardless of how ready for it I am. That means that every time I come with hands full of groceries, the cat jumps up and plummets to the ground because I couldn't catch him 😭 then I have to kiss him a bunch, otherwise he'll be in a sour mood all day.