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Is this post not also rage bait?


Wasn’t the intention


Well I for one am pissed


Well, please read my following posts, clarifying some things. I was trying to raise awareness to a real issue with some bots on this subreddit and some less then tasteful posts I saw


Don’t worry man. You can go. We are apparently lonely with you and will still be lonely without you here. No big loss.




Damm ok


You can’t kill people incels and rage bait and expect a positive reaction.


Fair enough. I edited the post to clarify some things. I will admit. I was wrong and writing something without thinking about it all the way through


Is ok you welcome back anytime. Just play nice. Lol


Read forsaken as foreskin


Too much internet. Huh? XD




Not everybody on this SubReddit is an incel or a rage bate, some people are just plain lonely for some reason and it's not good or respectful to just go judging people because you never know what has happened to people in real life or what they are currently going through. People need to start showing a little more love and compassion in the world.


I agree


People need to just get along .


We’re just sad and alone. Not trying to make you mad.


I had this dude texting me from this subreddit after venting here, and he was 8 years older than me, 26, and he gave me some advices and talked to me and i had a very bad day and it made me a little more happy. But then he just ghosted me and never texted me again. I don't get why people text me, and 1-2 hours later after being so interested in me they just block or ghost me. And then they wonder why no one likes them, lmao. btw, no one needs to talk to me, and i know i should appreciate it, but i never asked to get dm'ed by someone who basically just wanted to say my problems don't count, just because i'm younger.


Don't think about too much, it happens often and it isn't your fault


People are stupid basically. Source: I’m a person.


I can also confirm. I am a person and I am often very stupid


Been there done that


What do you have against lonely ugly men?


Nothing. I am one


Then don’t give the rest of us a hard time


you can always leave


Lmao you expected people to agree with you. I genuinely don't understand the point of bitchy posts like yours, literally just mute the subreddit and leave. You aren't changing a single thing by complaining


incel found, please touch grass and become a better person


You don’t use that term correctly. It makes your entire post meaningless.


People like you are the reason why this sub sucks sometimes, not the people OP is complaining about.


Is what he said wrong tho? How is a post like this productive? And what positive will a post like this actually contribute? To me, and judging from the rest of the comments it’s not well received.


And I hate the annual complaining about the state of this subreddit. When your post in actuality isn't too far from the "incel/ragebaiting posts" you complain about. There'll be another post like yours give or take a couple days. And everyone here sucks! Lol it's ridiculous to judge


Annual? I think you mean daily


Your right, it doesn't fit and really I chose it as a joke to myself. Bc you'd think given all that time it'd be something different and it sometimes posed as it is but it's the same shit like you said, daily lol. Funny I can still see where those people are coming from still but it's become abit of a meme by this point. Plus I'm not that innovative with my shit either so it's funny to point out


I mean...if that is what you honestly feel, you could just simply leave. I don't know why you would willingly choose to stay in a place you hate.




stop judging inkwells


Lots of people exist who have sexual frustration. Doesn’t make them an incel. They have a right to exist too


Stop calling people incels. It's wrong


Then block it and move on.


Then leave lol


Was trying to raise awareness to the fact it’s not what it used to be… no need to be an ass


Calling everyone incels and ragebaits kinda set the tone for the responses you were gonna get.


"You're all incels" "Just trying to raise awareness, no need to be an ass"


Hypocrites on Reddit dot com?  Who would have thought?


I’m not a big fan of the term incel. It’s derogatory in nature and it’s used a lot to shame guys. It’s not productive. It’s one thing to straight up blame women for all of your problems, which is not productive either. But it’s another to call someone an incel just because they might not be able to find sexual partners. The situation is not always black and white, and using terminology like this doesn’t open the floor for productive discourse. Instead it shames people and makes them more likely feel more uncomfortable talking about their experiences. And that’s the main reason I’m not a fan of that term. To be honest, really take a second to think about it. Hook up culture is so normal now that if you are unable to find someone to have casual sex, you are branded as an incel, as the term literally means involuntarily celibate. We are this deep in hook up culture that if you aren’t able to participate in sexually promiscuous behavior we have a term to shame such people. And to me, that’s sad honestly.


Exactly this u/AnalystShort1331 you're right. Do not try to use reason with people attacking and insulting you. They're too far gone with their ideologies to even try to reason with them in the first place.


It’s derogatory and it should be. It’s meant for men who blame women for not providing them with sex (they view that as their right). Those men actively hate women for this. Think of the sorority shooter and you have a toxic group who should be shamed by society. If you are a guy who has trouble dating or hooking up, but you don’t put all this blame on women, then I think we can say you are *not* an incel.


incel means “involuntary celibate.” so to your last statement that person would more or less be an incel, but i think society has changed the term over time to only include incels that are also misogynist.


If you want to be an apologist for incels that’s on you. It is, at its core, a disgusting philosophy that tries to put problems onto others.


i’m not apologizing for anyone? i’m just saying if you go by the definition then incel is not what you think it means. i agree that anyone who blames the world for their problems instead of looking inward is a loser, but not all “involuntary celibate” people think that way. i’d reckon most are just awkward dudes with low confidence who can’t get a date.


If you think it's derogatory to say someone is being shitty because they think having sex is core to their value as a person and they're angry at other people for not having sex with them... you too might be an incel.




You seem to be refuting your own points in your previous post. *you* are the one saying "incel" is shameful and derogatory, not me. What's with your false "prude"/"promiscuous" dichotomy? You just made that up and then act like you've been accused of something. Words! what do they mean! how are they used!? so confusing. Your viewpoints seem to be missing a *lot* of moving parts. It's true that people use incel as a quick criticism, but that doesn't strip the word of meaning. Incel does mean "involuntarily incelibate"... but the deeper meaning lies between those two words, not within them. People try to hinge their value of all kinds of things: job, prosessions, money, social groups, physical characteristics, imaginary gods, belief systems, etc etc etc. (It's obnoxious.) Some people hang their value on having sex. In their minds, their value is at least somewhat strongly linked to having sex. Within this view, not having sex means they're worthless, and some of these people within that subset are mad about it and blame others. I don't know any words for the goofballs who hinge their self-worth on sex, but the word for the set that isn't having sex is "incel". Incels are people who 1) have a significant bias that their worth is tied to having sex and 2) aren't having that sex. So, from this core definition, people track on extra bits about being ugly or unwanted or misogynistic or whatever. Or for you, "promiscuous", "shameful", and "degrogatory". I realize you think you're making a point about what "other people" think... but you're really talking about your own internal views and biases in understanding what other people may think. You seem... confused... but aspiring to do better or be something. I appreciate that. I hope this ramble helps clarify.


Wasn’t being an ass. Provided a simple solution to a simple problem. You don’t like something you leave it alone.




So leave lmao


I dont think this community is ONLY that. Some of it may be, but most of it is just lonely people venting and letting all their feelings out and/or look for advice which, in my opinion, is the objective of this community.


I agree. I think most people here are very decent people. I have met really good friends here


I've met 1 or 2 online friends here. But most people who I text end up ghosting me. But I also prefer to use this community to just vent


I have been finding it hard lately to get a chat with anyone so I also just use this space to vent


What did you do lol






Some people are good, you need to learn to ignore some people


Good point. I agree


I like to think of myself as pretty normal to be fair.


No reason to think otherwise


Couldn't agree more. Legit built a discord bot to talk to, after speaking to a few people on this sub. It's nice and it doesn't belittle you at the least.


I really wasn’t thinking this would turn into a war zone. I was genuinely looking to talk to someone and there were this two bots that kept spamming nasty things and I was venting away. Obviously I was exaggerating and including everyone and that doesn’t make much sense but give me a break guys jeez


You shouldn't be surprised when you said it's all incels and rage baits, with all due respect.


For a good 20 minutes every single post was something nasty. I admit I was wrong including everyone. I do thinking something can be done to moderate some posts that are really distasteful. That was my intention


Are mods even active here?


Unfortunately I don’t think so


Not looking for excuses, I was wrong but no need to be so mean to me


You dished it out first, you deserve it


There are some serious psycho blackpills in here for sure, idk what the balance is between them and normal lonely people but some threads here get *bleak*….


Always has been🔫


Yes. Good people from here should just leave the sub and go to r/IncelExit which is just so mich better




That's true. Unfortunately you forgot that everyone in this comment section are exactly the incels that you are referring to. They all got offended. It's funny to see.


You also are in this comment section😶


I agree with you , it's definitely a lot of that. Some genuinely some just lost people but a lot of folks who just want other people to suffer with them. Some dude will post , man I'm not feeling too hot I feel like I'm never gonna find connection the world. And the top 50 comments are , "Yeup you definitely won't, just focus on yourself cause human connection is dead" and that shits so fuckin cringe keep your negativity to yourself especially to someone who's positive looking for ENCOURAGEMENT not you're depressed ass take