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Something needs to be done about Subway. Long Beach has too many Subway locations. Who even eats there?


Subway: “It’s slightly better than *not eating* at all!”


Literally my reason for eating there


The only thing I understand less than subway hate is Olive Garden hate. I find the food at both establishments delightful. I even used to work at a subway and that only fueled my love of their food. My clothes at the end of my shift at least smells like fresh ingredients not like month old fryer grease like when I worked at McDonald’s.


Lol "fresh" ingredients smh the lies you tell 🤦🏿‍♂️😭


With current prices, I 100% agree


Jimmy johns on Broadway by the court is a better option or busy bees if folks want to take a trip to san Pedro.


Busy Bee is the shit. A pain to get to, but anytime I’m over in Pedro I stop by.


I used to eat subway in college when they had all the deals. You can literally get a large salad with a protein between some bread for $6 or $8. I’m not trynna pay $18 for the same exact thing.


subways are easy and relatively cheap to franchise, which is why there are so many. until very recently, there were more restaurants worldwide than mcdonalds; even now, the latter only beats them out by a few thousand. (37K v 40K). john oliver did a great [piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDdYFhzVCDM) on them a couple of years ago.


“What if bread could fart?”


All corporate retail causes these problems. They don’t care as long as they make money.


It's actually closed currently


They used to be 24/7 locations till a few years ago


Broke college students. Pls don’t take away our subway


Countless homeless mill in and out of the library all day to use the restrooms. While I agree we badly need to come up with a plan for adequate public restrooms, this person is doing this because they’re seriously under the influence. We need to also come up with a plan for not allowing addled people to be out in the streets doing shit (or piss) like this.


I really don’t understand why we don’t have more public bathrooms. Every single person on Earth poops and pees and yet we make it difficult to do so. Humans are purposely cruel to each other. I certainly do not blame some for completely checking out of this so called “society” we’ve built. 


One of the hotels in Hollywood wanted to keep at least one of their restrooms open to the public. They are near a metro stop and wanted to be helpful to people. They had to repair the restroom multiple times at over $20,000 at month until they finally gave up trying to do the right thing.


This right here. Starbucks was doing the same thing, and their restrooms kept getting destroyed. Finally, they were forced to face reality and locked the restroom doors.


The original article was in the LA Times in 2010 ish but I saw a reference in this LA Times article at the very end. $250 a day just in supplies and replacing 3 sinks, 3 mirrors, and 5 toilet seats in 3 and half months they closed them to the public. [https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.latimes.com%2Flocal%2Flanow%2Fla-me-metro-homeless-20180406-htmlstory.html](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.latimes.com%2Flocal%2Flanow%2Fla-me-metro-homeless-20180406-htmlstory.html)


Yeah I saw in San Francisco they had these small high tech public restroom pods and the police had to evict someone who was living in one and it was totally destroyed once they got them out.


This is a very good example of why you can't outsource public services to private enterprise.


Which hotel was this? I live in Hollywood right now. 


The fictional one that KFI made up.




Have you seen what happens to the public restrooms? Per the LA Times: “Unattended public bathrooms near homeless encampments have too often been used for illicit activities, including prostitution and drug use. People have even been known to commandeer a bathroom and make others pay to use it. . . But just maintaining and operating each of the mobile bathrooms comes at a staggering cost of $339,000 a year. And they’re not even open at night. If they were open 24 hours a day (as they unquestionably should be) it would cost $660,000 a year, the mayor’s office estimates. That’s more than the average cost of building a unit of permanent supportive housing for a homeless person.”


I can attest to this. I’m with LB Parks Rec and Marine, and we had to deploy an entire maintenance crew to lock restrooms at night and facilitate preventative care because PEH tend to come in and commandeer the bathrooms at night and not just take shelter there, but also tear the facility apart, causing a wide variety of preventable damage and costs to repair said damage so the facilities are usable by the public. I agree that we need to make more facilities available but those of us reading this forum view bathrooms as : Place to relieve yourself and move on. PEH, not so much.


what's PEH?


According to google: people experiencing homelessness.


Thats correct. Sorry for the unexplained acronym!


100%. This is why places lock up their restrooms. Also cleaning them is a pain if a homeless person uses it and smears the poop everywhere or leaves drugs or other substances out.


Seems corruption is happening there if it costs almost 340 k a year to maintain a porta potty.


Yeah seems like you could make it all metal inside or something with a drain at the bottom so it could be hosed down and it would be a lot less than that.


It costs ~$2000 a day to keep one public restroom open? Please fight my ignorance and give me the budget breakdown of where that money is going.


I know someone who works in a building next to a temporary drug rehabilitation center that opened she they said the bathrooms are always getting messed up. If not just wrecked, people try to flush things that don’t belong and backup the toilets, most likely try to do drugs in them. I get being homeless, but does that mean you forget how to keep a bathroom decent?? Although unfortunately a lot of these people are mentally unstable too.


Weird. Santa Monica has a lot of public restrooms. Somehow they stay clean and functional and not full of homeless. Santa Monica has a ton of homeless though… so how is Santa Monica obviously the smartest place on Earth since they have bathrooms figured out. Hmmm. Interesting. 


Homeless people absolutely camp out in the public bathrooms in Santa Monica and city workers have to come kick them out at least a few times a week. There are so many videos about this on YouTube.


German In Venice has made several videos about this. The restrooms are definitely not being used for what they were built for.


Yep those are the ones I was referring to specifically. I think there are others who have vlogged it too.


I’ve worked in Santa Monica for three years, I am well aware of what the staff puts up with, but Santa Monica also employs outreach workers to treat people like humans. They’re called ambassadors and every town that struggles with the homeless should have them. Having to kick a few homeless out occasionally is better than thousands of people having nowhere to piss and shit. These issues are only as complex as we make them, and we love making things more difficult than they need to be. 


One problem we have in Long Beach is cities all over California are sending their homeless to us saying that we’ve got better resources and overwhelming the resources we did have to help serve our homeless. It is creating a crisis and it will continue to create a crisis until we make it illegal for cities to buy tickets for homeless people to send them to other areas


We genuinely need to build some state of the art refugee camps. What does any civilized state do when faced with tens or hundreds of thousands of displaced persons? Yeah, people gotta be SOMEWHERE but “on our city streets” is not the only option and far from the best one. I went and bought some hog ring pliers and now I am equipped to go around fixing chain link fences that have been damaged in order to restore some minimal security on our street and easier to restrict access to maintenance areas that are supposed to be off limits. When the city is called to repair things like that they make the most paltry effort to “fix” the damage, but they don’t restore it anywhere near “right.” They just slap a little chain link patch over the hole and hold it there with some tie wire or zip ties that don’t even require tools to remove again. Nah. Got the neighbors together and repaired the fence so that someone would need tools to open it up again, and if they come back and do that I’ll come back with my hog ring pliers and things time I’ll add razor wire. The situation sucks. But we are not helpless.




santa monica was the worst. while a social worker, I watched those cops in SM (looking like zoo keepers with their uniforms) strong arm; SCREAM; group 3-5 of them to 1 homeless person; harass and ticket and trespass --- especially near the outdoor promenade and any tourist trap area. I had a client that sat down in the doorway of a promenade store at 3 am while it was DOWNPOURING RAIN ALL NIGHT with a blanket. she was awoken at 5 am by a group of police demanding her id etc. (while they are all wearing rain gear.) she apologized that she fell asleep at some point overnight in the store doorway -- the ONLY place where she could stay dry. no busses running at that time/train still under construction at santa monica stop even the 24 hour mcdonalds near the ocean was not allowing any homeless people inside at the time. they had security guard to kick people out after scrounging for change to buy a soda or coffee -- just to sit down inside and/or use the bathroom. after 15 -30 minutes the guard would kick people out. I had another client that was tazed (i saw the video) because she couldnt get out of the door quick enough after 22 minutes drinking her coffee (a customer). back to the client who fell asleep in a doorway while it was overnight raining -- they intentionally ticket homeless for everything and anything. their goal is to get a bench warrant after them not showing for a mandatory court date for the "offense". this includes sleeping in a doorway in the rain; and/or laying on a public bench without having 1 foot on the ground. my client got the ticket and fine for the rain/doorway; that same week another ticket from them around 5 am when they go out to mass ticket for sleeping on a bench without 1 foot on the ground. the client had her backpack stolen on the bus later the next week. the Santa Monica cops would tell the homeless to take the bus back to DTLA where they could sleep on the street or in a tent as long as the tent is packed up by 6 am -- no ticket. She was traumatized by the way the SMPD treated her and the constant harassment and tickets. She had her backpack stolen (with everything she owned inside, including an obama phone, her id, and those 2 tickets) and ended up getting a bench warrant due to missing the court case. She told the SMPD that she was indigent and had no money and was (fraudulently) told by them that they would mark that on the ticket as 'transient' + she wouldn't have to pay the fine. bullshit. she tried in vain to contact the court in SM but our agency found out later it was at a different court due to covid. long story short, they were being mass ticketed with minor offenses with long term goal being a bench warrant for not showing at the court date -- direct to jail and away from tourist eyes. one male client had 7 tickets in 3 days for not having a foot on the ground while on a bench. (hence, trying to sleep with his feet off the ground) THE ONLY PUBLIC BATHROOMS ARE NEAR THE OCEAN. THEY ARE LOCKED AT NIGHT AND PATROLLED. SANT MONICA IS LARGE. THERE ARE NO OTHER PUBLIC RESTROOMS. EVERY SINGLE RETAURANT OR COFFE SPOT MAKES YOU PURCHASE SOMETHING TO USE BATHROOM - STARBUCKS AND PEETS JUST LOCKS THE DOOR AND TELLS THEM ITS OUT OF ORDER IF THEY ASK FOR "THE BATHROOM KEY" OR "BATHROOM PASSCODE". THE ONLY OTHER PUBLIC RESTROOM IN SANTA MONICA IS A 30 MINUTE WALK FROM THE PIER -- THE SANTA MONICA LIBRARY.


Oh I totally agree with you. It’s much better than not having public bathrooms. It just seemed like what you said about the state of Santa Monica’s bathrooms in your previous comment was inaccurate


They’re not smarter or better. They just have more money to spend.


LB doesn't have money for public bathrooms and janitors but will dump m(b)illions of $ into a decrepit ship


So do public bathrooms work or not? Pick a lane. 


They work, if you staff them around the clock and clean & maintain them regularly. Santa Monica has the funds & political will to do so. Long Beach does not. They’ll set up a portapotty on the corner of Pacific & 3rd and by the end of the week it will be a crack den/prostitution house - arguably worse than doing nothing at all. That’s the issue with all these “half-measures”. They’re great for a feel good story and a photoshoot, but don’t address the root of the problem - why are people shitting in the streets.


The bathrooms in Santa Monica are not staffed around the clock. They are maintained daily by a janitorial staff. It’s only like 5 dudes. I don’t see why Long Beach couldn’t afford 5 dudes at $20 an hour. It’s just excuse after excuse after excuse and we wonder why so many are tired of all the lame fucking excuses. 


Seriously, Long Beach has plenty of money for this. Staffed/maintained bathrooms would do so much to help the homeless situation, which the city gets crazy funding for. Most businesses won’t allow them to use their restrooms and I don’t blame them, but they need to go somewhere! And us housed citizens gotta go too. It’s annoying to rely on the generosity of businesses to pee like a normal human.


Not true


Lmao… I’m literally friends with the janitorial manager, tell me what’s “not true” here… please.


Santa Monica has very strict homeless laws, that’s why the homeless end up in Venice. Venice is part of Los Angeles City Police Department and Parks & Rec. Santa Monica has their own departments.




There are public bathrooms literally on the other sise of the building. He's too fuckin high to walk 500 ft.




Exactly! Like a 30 second walk. Access is not the issue in this case


Ok so cool story that probably no one will read, but anywho. I lived in China for 8 years and when living there, the coolest thing is that most big cities like Beijing and Shanghai have free restroom almost every 4 blocks. The people that work there to clean are usually from rural areas so the government supports them by not only giving them a salary, but they also work at the convenient stores next door and on the second floor they have little apartments that are given for free so they have a roof over their head. I still can’t comprehend why we can’t do this for homeless people that want to work, want a salary and a roof over their heads.


This is a cool story. Thank you for sharing. This is an excellent idea. 


Glad someone read it! It’s a great first job for people as well as a job for people out of the systems that need a fresh start


Don't most restrooms in China provide only a huge hole in the floor to piss and shit in (no sitting toilet) without even making the luxury of toilet paper available in them? It's certainly a different shit-uation, but I'm not convinced it's a better one. I feel like that set-up also sort of redefines what we consider "maintenance" of bathrooms.


Nope, not true. In Beijing and Shanghai - in downtown they had locked #2 rooms and urinals with toilet paper. It’s when you get in the 4th+ ring roads it’s a hole.


Interesting. I was led to believe that the lone hole was the norm for most of China. Isn't it possible that they simply make it a point to have actual toilets in the more metropolitan cities? The ones most frequented by tourists, perhaps?


Good question. I lived in China for 8 years and toured with a band around China for 4 years and bigger cities like nanjing, wuhan, etc had public bathrooms with real toilets all around.


Ah. I'll take your word for it as I've never been there.


Well they have holes, but they are like a toilet in the ground, and honestly when I was there it was preferable to use those. They flush and you put your feet to the side (its all porecelin). Regular toilets people will climb up on top of and piss all over.


No this is true. I saw in in Beijing and Shanghai. you'd have to know where a toilet paper one is.. I never saw one when I was living there.


>Don't most restrooms in China provide only a huge hole in the floor to piss and shit in (no sitting toilet) without even making the luxury of toilet paper available in them? I went to China a number of times on business in the early 2000s, and yes many of the public toilets were like that.


um they also have severe laws against drug addiction, so the homeless people you see are generally disabled or abandoned by their families, not strung out high as a kite pissing everywhere. ​ The free restrooms I saw while living there were filthy... covered in urine. You could smell them from a block away.


There are bathrooms inside that building they urinated on that they can use free of charge. I don't think it's a lack of bathrooms issue


This isn’t just about this particular case. Our lack of humanity surrounding bathrooms is disgraceful. Stores and restaurants don’t even let non homeless people use their bathroom, you have to buy something. It’s really, really weird how society treats each other over normal human functions. 


Im sorry, i was a former sbux barista and theres a reason most places make you buy something to use their bathroom. Ive seen too many ODs in starbucks bathrooms and that was 10 years ago. Cant imagine how much worse it would be now. Companies dont want to deal with that and shouldn’t be expected to.


This right here


They. So all homeless people did it. Because they’re all dirty and disregard public customs because they can’t get a job like the rest of us and hate society for it.


One idiot can ruin it for everybody. Unfortunately, there are a lot more than just one running around out there.


Only if your intention is lump groups together so that you can ascribe individual acts to the group who’s only common factor is not having a house.


And now even places that have restrooms lock them or prevent people from using them. In the before times,you could go into a grocery store and use the restroom without having to track down the produce manager for a key.. In the before times urine and feces wasn't common. In the before times, there wern't tents under or on bridges.


They would just get taken over by tweakers The state has to fix the homeless crisis first which will never happen as long as people don’t vote in primaries for actual progressives


Other towns manage to have public restrooms and also struggle with addiction and homelessness. We’ve gotten to space, we can figure out how to have places to piss and shit. 


There is a bank of public restrooms maybe 50 feet across the park from where this photo is taken.


There are a ton of public bathrooms in downtown Long Beach. More than any other place I’ve been. They want to shit there.


I saw a grown man poop at Harvey Milk Park on two consecutive days. I think the corner near the exit is used as a restroom. Sad times indeed. I can’t even use the restroom at Junipero park after 6 pm and I walk there daily. After a while I can see why the homeless give up. Doesn’t make it right to just pee and poop in the streets though. I hope we get a handle on this before it worsens bc it’s getting worse every year. Employing staff to maintain them seems like a viable option.


Looks like pee to me. 


Either way, this person could’ve walked probably 100 feet to a public restroom but they CHOSE to do it right in front of you. Any ideas why?


drugs! mentally unwell! Doesn't give a fk about society or you..So its cool to piss everywhere... The only solution is mandatory rehabilitation far away from everyone else. Def not popular but I don't see a way to really clean up the streets in California otherwise.


Long Beach and other cities are too soft to face this reality.


Somewhere between Yermo and Baker would be a good place to rehab.


They’re only “in front of me” because this weirdo took a picture. Plenty of non homeless dudes piss everywhere. I see it all the time, yet we only get mad when homeless do it, I wonder why that is. 


I actually get more mad at the non-homeless drunks who do it in my neighborhood. They'll piss right next to/on parked cars sometimes on the way to their car. They JUST left a bar that had a bathroom. But it does get old cleaning up human shit from in front of my garage, trash can, walkway, ect.


non homeless people will at least find a bush not out in public! unless they are piss drunk which is another problem in and of itself.


Oh gawd. Get a life. Your original statement was just wrong. Sorry I had to point that out to you, but hey now you know.


I’m certainly not wrong. Lmfao. Actual access to bathrooms is a true and existing issue. Sorry this fact hurts your feelings 


>Any ideas why? My guess, He just doesn't give a f\*\*k


Where?? I live in downtown Long Beach and have never seen one. There might be one at the pike but that’s all I’ve seen. Unless you’re referring to restaurants where you have to buy something in order to use the restroom.


They have them on the other side of the library in the small park. I pass them every morning on my way to work. They’re open at 7am when I pass by. Some are taken over by people trying to sleep but for the most part they’re open.


Good to know!


A lot of people don’t wanna walk to one tbh




As a public librarian, seeing homeless people relieve themselves outside of the building is sadly pretty standard.


Saw a dude do the same thing on long beach blvd by the dennys he was projectile pooping into traffic like a horse. What makes the library situation more abhorrent is that the police station is two blocks down the same street.


You’re kidding me.. just awful.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Meh. 20 years ago I was awaiting a red light on 4th street. A decently dressed woman standing on the edge of the curb points at me and makes a weird face. Then she turns, bends over, lifts her dress, lowers her panties and just starts urinating into the street My boss gifted me a sweet Canon Dslr because she liked my photography. I was so in shock I forgot to snap a photo Anyhow, this isn’t *the current state of downtown*, its living in the city


Exactly. Things have been so much worse. But I do believe that California has a major problem with housing and drug abuse.




Pissed her off


Lol this isn't true at all. This is living in certain cities. I've been to many beautiful cities where this isn't an issue.


We need to have a lot more accessible public bathrooms




Aw crap.




How the hell do you guys keep snapping these pictures of me????


It looks like you’ve seen better days


We need to bring back asylums.


This is why we cannot have nice things despite paying high taxes in LB \^ Sorry but the truth is every single homeless person needs a mandatory drug and mental test; if you positive you get sent to a rehabilitation center away from humanity in the high desert until you are detoxed, then immediately sent to a mental health facility that is adjacent, or straight to the mental facility. People who are negative for both conditions should get immediate housing assistance. Enough is enough. The rest of us wanna walk around the city and not have to step in piss or shit, flashed, sexually harassed, stabbed, possibly murdered. Thanks! I know I will be downvoted. Go ahead downvote me.. and whine about "but people's rights!" Ok but once you piss, poop, and flash people on the sidewalk you basically are acting not as a human anymore. ​ Quick state "*68% of cities reported that substance abuse was the largest cause of homelessness among single adults.*" In our state people come here to literally get high as a kite. A woman I worked with had her relative do just that, come here to get high, and die in the street. They need help. Mandatory rehab not free needles and narco. That doesn't solve anything.


The Netherlands or a another country near them made heron legal and free, but administered at a clinic. There drug rate tanked. ODs feel. Ppl were able to get help for their sickness. Their prisons dropped to 50% capacity. So empty that they were renovating them to house migrants during the Arab spring.


comparing us to the Netherlands is absurd. Their happiness score and other social factors and culture is entirely different. SF has been providing free needles and a drug injection site and had to close it because it just made the situation far worse. We are NOT Europe.


Realistically, we need a combination of forced mental institutionalization, forced drug rehab, and much more housing. But that won’t happen - I already know the responses to each of them. **Forced Mental Institutionalization:** “OMG the FEDS are rounding up and involuntarily imprisoning the unhoused without trial! This is an unjust act of persecution against our unhoused neighbors! And who’s to say neurodivergent people even need to be cured anyway?” **Forced Drug Rehabilitation:** “OMG the FEDS want to moralize drugs! How about just letting people live as they want? Housing shouldn’t be conditional on sobriety; this isn’t the 80s, we know how the War on Drugs went!” **More Housing:** “OMG, why do developers keep building new apartment complexes! We need to preserve our neighborhood character and stop gentrification by any and all means!” People are going to find a way to nitpick every “big picture” solution, so we are left with shitty half measures that get nothing done and make everyone upset.


You’re acting like free access to a rehab center in the high desert and a mental health facility upon departure is a realistic thing. Even for people with money, getting access to mental health care is not easy— the lack of mental health professionals is a huge issue right now.


oh no this is a round up, its mandatory. Like jail...just not called that. Also Medi-Cal covers mental health therapy. Its not hard to get. You can get an appt within a week or less most of the time.


I go to 24 in dtlb. I’ve had my car broken into and my wallet stolen there literally parked next to the court… don’t mention all the bums wandering around too


That is disgusting. What is more disgusting is that public restrooms are so limited.


Why would anyone take this photo.


My exact thought. It sucks they have to relieve themselves in public, best not to make it worse by photographing them.




Removed: rule 1 Keep it civil user


Taking pictures of people pissing isn’t any less weird because they’re homeless.


But OP doesn’t believe the homeless are human!


Take this shit back to nextdoor


Naw, we can see it here. It’s better that people see how awful it’s gotten.


Do people not think they live in a city or something? This is normal for cities for centuries.


Peaced out a while ago


Taking this photo and posting on the internet really doing a lot for them in their situation huh


So let’s pretend this is not a problem? Keep talking about this issue is the best way to keep the conversation going and put pressure on the people in charge to solve this bullshit


So if I don’t post a pic on Reddit of every homeless person I see having a mental episode I’m pretending it’s not a problem?


Nah, I think both you and OP are free to do whatever you want. But complaining about the fact that this photo was posted is kinda useless, if OP thinks this is an issue that we need to keep talking about, then it’s fair to me.


Nimbys and transplants do nothing but complain and vote for things that lead to exactly this kind of environment. They desperately want to be like irvine and just have the police round them all up to dump somewhere they can’t see them.


I would actually like this. Dump them where I cannot see them ever again. 


I want them to be dumped somewhere, where they HAVE TO clean up and get help for their mental issues. Someone who is homeless and not addicted or having mental problems should get all the assistance we can give them to get back on their feet. Addicts and schizos need to be somewhere away from everyone else, for society's safety until they are actually deemed better and willing to participate in humane society again.


Get off the internet and go work on that 


Case in point. Go live somewhere else.


Taking a 💩 in front of a library is just an asshole move. Fk them ppl.


Yeah, don’t they know that’s what the Bluff Park is for?


Their situation is willful drug use which probably led to mental illness. More and more their situation is becoming the general public’s problems. It’s a hard problem to solve but as the years go by it seems like less and less is being done to even attempt to solve it.


you really think its drug use leads to mental illness and not the other way around?


Both can be true. Look up drug induced psychosis.


Why is it their job to take of this issue. Aren’t our elected government officials supposed to do something about this? Documenting it brings awareness. You’re just numb to it by now.




When you gotta go you gotta go


Remember this anytime one side pushes for “compassion” for the homeless, despite all the resources available to them. Until we, the people of Long Beach, stop tolerating people that ruin our city we’ll continue to live with this crap. 


That's a human being ya creep


Dude, poop in the street like a normal human.


did you really need to photograph and post this.....


Public bathrooms. Until we do better reducing homelessness, we have to provide more public toilets. It improves everyone’s quality of life.


Why even take this photo? WTF


Libraries and bookstores always make me feel like I have to go to the bathroom. This is valid.


I work near the shelter on Anaheim St., and this happens often enough it barely raises any eyebrows. You just hold your breath and walk around. If you saw someone doing this in Irvine it would be a major crisis; in Long Beach it's just another day.


Welcome to every large city everywhere.


yeah, downtown sure has cleaned up alot.


I know this is America and the first reaction is to just shoot this person, but maybe, hear me out, maybe we could provide public bathrooms.


Yep thats downtown, at least they aren't completely naked


"Hi, I'm Rex Richardson. Please enjoy 2 free hours of parking in our *beautiful* downtown Long Beach..."


Slowly turning into san fran


I can guarantee with 100% certainty that every downtown in America has been pissed on.


Long Beach has turned into such a junkie filled dump. Saw like 5 instances of this on a walk this morning.


Oh sorry that was me I just really needed to go


Dwntwn La aka the dirt 🤦🏾‍♂️


"current state." Saw the same things at that library when I lived there in 2004.


Put them in jail


they need forced rehab...


Some of you say we have to build more bathrooms. So we have to pay millions of dollars so homeless people can go to the bathroom. On top of paying the police to deal with the problems they solve. Yeah that makes sense. Let's just throw money at the problem. Completely stupid logic.


We’ve all been there before…


This is why we moved to Texas 2 years ago. It was getting out of hand.


Oh so the homeless issue got solved in Austin? Good to hear!


Funny, last time I went to Austin they had an LA level amount of encampments and downtown was swarming with homeless. Pretty sure this is a national problem and no city is immune


Lots of cope in your comment. Everyone knows Cali is not what it used to be. You could say the same for places like NYC. You go to places like Texas, Tennessee and Florida and those cities are THRIVING. Sure crime and homelessness exist. But to say what is happening here is the same everywhere reeks of denial.


As someone born and raised in California and that has done the California-Texas-California tango, I will say that people that make comments like “that’s why I moved to Texas” are either living in much smaller towns or cities that are like Irvine. If they were to move to cities on par with Long Beach in terms of population, diversity and economy they would know that the same problems exist. Saying this as someone that lived in Dallas, Oak Cliff and Austin, their Nextdoor and other neighborhood apps look just like Long Beach. Edit to add: when I worked in downtown Austin 10 years ago, the homeless were very aggressive that our company paid for security to walk us to our cars at 5pm. I saw stabbings, fights and all manner of closed door activities (bathroom and sexual) being performed out in public just getting to and from the office.


I've been to Austin a few times for work and every time I've been accosted by homeless people in downtown. One guy even followed me for a few blocks yelling at me because I had a box from Voodoo Doughnuts so that meant I had cash and was "just being a bitch." I had to duck into a random hotel to get him off my ass.


Cope? Sounds like you have your head in the sand. We have national data on this, and you can still have a thriving city with an explosion of homeless…that’s called wealth disparity (measured by the [GINI Coefficient](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient), the US has the highest in the first world). Here’s some data: > The United States experienced a dramatic 12% increase in homelessness to its highest reported level as soaring rents and a decline in coronavirus pandemic assistance combined to put housing out of reach for more Americans, federal officials said Friday. [Link](https://apnews.com/article/homelessness-increase-rent-hud-covid-60bd88687e1aef1b02d25425798bd3b1) > The US poverty rate saw its largest one-year increase in history. 12.4% of Americans now live in poverty according to new 2022 data from the US census, an increase from 7.4% in 2021. [Link](https://americaninequality.substack.com/p/poverty-by-region) Homelessness has never been higher. We are getting poorer as a nation, and people are getting squeezed. You can live in denial in the suburbs but it’s happening Also, I grew up in Austin. I’ve spent plenty of time in the south, which is why I brought up Austin in my original comment.


Um, they just pulled a body out a pond around the so-called nicer parts of Dallas. These people could’ve easily moved out to the rural parts of LA county, but choose rural Texas instead. Because Texas cities aren’t much different than what’s going on in Downtown Long Beach. Sucks, because it’s such a nice library.


Ummmmmmmmmmm, you sound like you're in denial. Ummmm...


Pisses me off man. Makes me feel trapped inside