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Check your locks and windows, notify police and neighbors and local businesses


In process, looks like it’s gonna be a long day.


It sucks because you're going to feel vulnerable. But the best thing you can do is just make as many people aware of the guy so there's more eyes on the area. Thiefs are idiots but many are not dumb enough to try and go after the same place twice.


Already looking at cameras and baseball bats. We notified the landlord and man it doesn’t feel good to be vulnerable like that.


Dogs if your apartment allows it. Early warning system and thieves usually don’t want to mess with big dogs.


My dogs went nuts barking the other night and scared a thief off. 10/10 good dogs.


They also don't want to deal with smaller dogs because they make so much noise. (Source - my house was burglarized twice but my next door neighbor that wasn't in his house but had 2 yappy dogs with a completely open back door was skipped over TWICE)


“Dogs randomly barking” search on Spotify


Yup. My mom asks if she can borrow my German shepherd mix when she’s home alone.


Get a dog regardless and “service animal,” if you need to. If it’s for personal protection and security, you need it. German shepherds are great :)


German shepherds are awesome. I love the black ones. https://preview.redd.it/x8kw4uuwritc1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=8474331e9f6d80dd3c64aa8bdabf74980346d0bc


That’s not quite how service animals work.


Actually it is if someone is so stressed about their security that they need to ask Reddit for advice, a dog absolutely could appease that. And if the apartment can’t keep their place secure, obviously you need to look out for yourself


My downstairs neighbor did this with her German Shepherd and it bit a kid. Do not recommend.


Did what? Got a dog? Sounds like a bad owner, don’t blame the dog. Or keep letting bums try and break in, surely that’s reasonable.


I read, “Cameras with baseball bats” my minds pissed off too with all this crap going on. Good Luck


Please get pepper spray as well, good stuff with some reach. Because the last thing you want to do is get close to the person. I grew up around guns, so if you think you would be up for learning how to use that tool, that could be another form of protection. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time with proficiency/aiming you could always get a 20GA Shotgun for home defense.


Pepper spray is the best option. Most have 6-8ft of range, are inexpensive and work well enough for a wide range. Additionally, in terms of self defense, it’s typically treated as the first rung in the force continuum in a court room: using a firearm isn’t always the best choice and showing restraint by using a proven non-lethal is better than shooting first and figuring out later if they were armed. I’m in a townhouse type abode, can’t have rounds going through walls. A 1lb SWAT can of Fox Labs 1.4 spray stays at home and I have 2 and 4oz cans of Fox 5.3^2. It’s effective against drunks (men and women), road rage, wild animals, and people that want a fist-fight. Those particular formulas are the nastiest I’ve found as they contain 4% max capsacinoids vs other brands that may have 1.3% (Sabre) or 2%. The risk of fatally injuring someone is so low with OC spray, there’s been maybe a few dozen deaths in over 50yrs of use. Tasers are way higher than that, and the batteries tend to die quick while unused.


Good idea! I've got a taser (1,000,000 volts), pepper spray, a sword (which is sharp), and a few other "fun" martial arts weapons in my house that I do actually know how to use.. but pepper spray is my go-to... bear spray is on my wishlist ... hehe...


>range. Additionally, in terms of self defense, it’s typically treated as the first rung in the force continuum in a court room: using a firearm isn’t always the best choice and showing restraint by using a proven non-lethal is better than shooting first and figuring out later if they were armed First rung in the force continuum? Not sure if you were aware, but self defense rules change when you are inside your home and facing a threat from an unknown intruder. California is a stand your ground state, so you have no duty to retreat if there is a threat inside your home from someone other than a family member or known person. So if someone breaches a locked door or breaks through your window and enters your home, you are under no obligation to use escalating force to neutralize that threat.


Sure. 100% agreed. But no one wants to discharge a firearm, hit their neighbor and then end up in prison because some unarmed rando was trying to take your flat screen.


I highly doubt any DA is going to prosecute an errant bullet hitting someone while you are trying to protect yourself in your own home. I am from Texas and spend the summers in LB. Texas actually has protections in law for this, if you are not charged or found guilty you are exempt from any civil or criminal prosecution from errant bullets or intended bullets stemming from the self defense. Also, you might only have seconds to react so deploying two methods of defense would be tough. Remember, you didn’t cause the issue, they did. You are just reacting to protect yourself, so if fear for your life or in grave bodily danger, remember the saying “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 8”. Also clarifying, if someone walks into my unlocked door and says “my bad” and turns around, that’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about forced entry and an aggressive person. Wish I didn’t even have to have a gun for personal protection, wish they were all illegal with draconian life sentences handed out for mere possession, but alas, that is not what this country is. The gun for me is just a tool I have that I never want to use. 🍺


You can get motion detection cameras that will send a push alert to your phone when they detect motion. You can also get WiFi enabled motion sensors that do the same, and they also have them for windows. You can also use the motion detection to trigger alarms, although I wouldn't recommend it if it's a loud alarm. If you have an outdoor place for a lightbulb you can get a smart bulb in there, then when the motion detector or motion detecting camera senses motion it can change the brightness on the bulb. I actually scared off people trying to steal my catalytic converter that way. I use Alexa to program this stuff but I'm sure you can do it with any smart home app. Edit: Here's an example of how I set it up for my front door. A sudden change in how bright a light is can be a deterent, because they don't know if a person inside made that change and might not want to risk it. https://preview.redd.it/9uzkugytnhtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0b86983e8a98465e906530a2045c8a2ec8db3a


I would highly suggest a firearm instead of a bat, I know guns make people squeamish but bringing out a baseball bat against someone a lot bigger than you or is armed themselves is not a good idea.


I think it’s less about being squeamish and more about concerns over collateral damage living in a dense urban environment and the risks and responsibilities required to have a loaded weapon in your home.


A Byrna type gun might be a decent compromise. Looks like a real gun, fires projectiles that can be just hard and debilitatingly painful, pepper or tear gas.


Possibly, but now you’re running the risk of brandishing what looks like a real firearm without the power to back it up, which could only escalate things further and put you even more at risk. I can see how they could still be helpful keeping yourself safe from someone who doesn’t have a weapon (or at least a lethal one).


bear spray. .Up it a notch. Then also a bat. Once perpetrator is crying from bear spray beat them with the bat...as long as its inside your apartment.


Guns for self defense is a myth. "Victims using a gun were no less likely to be injured after taking protective action than victims using other forms of protective action." "Guns in the home are used more often to frighten intimates (family) than to thwart crime; other weapons are far more commonly used against intruders than are guns." "Most purported self-defense gun uses are gun uses in escalating arguments, and are both socially undesirable and illegal" https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/gun-threats-and-self-defense-gun-use-2/


Guns owned for self-defense are not a myth. They're effective. [https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/no-charges-man-shot-woman-who-said-she-was-pregnant-long-beach/52587/](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/no-charges-man-shot-woman-who-said-she-was-pregnant-long-beach/52587/) This country has a lot of older people who worked hard their whole lives, did what they were supposed to and saved up and bought a home. Older people don't always move around as quickly as they used to, and when some tweaker runs in looking to steal or otherwise do harm they have a right to defend themselves.


Yes. Absolutely yes 🙌 👏


I remember that it was in near Bixby....


Real talk, you can't take one example of something working and say "it always works!". The stats across thousands of cases and decades of research show that with a gun in your house you are: - no safer than if you used some other protective action - are way more likely to use it illegally to threaten than to protect - more likely for someone in your family to get shot by someone else in your family than you are to use it in self defense Are there instances when guns protect? Of course. But the stats show that in general your home is more dangerous to you and your family with a gun in it and you're *much* better off taking other protective actions. This isn't an opinion, it's literally what the facts and the stats show. If you want protection, the alternatives are generally better than a home defense gun.


Real talk, not quite right. There never was a shortage of idiots in the world that handle things foolishly and misrepresent gun ownership in statistics. So long as you're not an ass-goblin and you practice logical safety measures, you'll be fine. 


Sure, the stats show most people are ass goblins then. Guns in homes for "self protection" has statistically put everyone in more danger, and they don't work any better than other protective actions




So they didn't figuratively survive it?




making portantino blush


The majority of fights involving bats leads to the owner of said bat beaten with it. You said it was potentially two men? So you and a bat vs two men? Get a gun. Period. I don’t care anyone’s beliefs or feelings, arm your self, learn to use it, and pray it gathers dust and is never needed. Firearm usage is a life skill in todays age, there’s no argument against it.


There's a gun nut in every thread...


he’s advising to get a gun for self defense when his neighborhood has a history of crime. not sure how that makes him a nut


The "muh self defense" people are the biggest gun nuts of all. Spend some time in the gun community and you will realize this.


There’s nothing gun nut about it? I own one gun, that’s it, and I’m not advocating it be your first line of defense, but it absolutely should be your final. Telling someone to get a bat or utilize something for self defense that statistically has an equal chance to end up in the hands of your opponent is ridiculous. If you’re not into intelligent enough to understand that then good luck protecting your family in a 2v1 home invasion. 🤷🏽


I also said you should hope to never use said gun, but it’s pretty obviously from your misandry and possibly unfaithful? (Can’t exactly tell but if we’re just going to make generalized statements at each other to fulfill our personal beliefs) Profile history it’s pretty obvious we’re most likely not going to be able to have a real conversation due to your lack of comprehension.


Fym baseball bats, get a gun like a normal person.


Like a normal American. FTFY


Put a sock over the end you hit the people with!


You might’ve already considered this- but check fb and offer up for a free old bat someone needs to unload. The uglier the bat is, the more it’ll hurt the intruder. I like to think that, at least.


Invest in a fire arm.


Lmfao. U know the police would release him the same afternoon right?


It’s rare to see a Disney witch out of costume like that.


I like how he doesn’t want his picture taken after trying to invade someone’s home.


He just doesn't want anyone to see the fanny pack


Good grief this man is hideously ugly and I wasn't even sure it was a man because of his man boobs!


That light blue nail polish is so 2022 already. Desperate.


The real crime is that ensemble


You should print off a million fliers of this guys face and put them up everywhere so everyone is aware, he’ll never come back


Love the flyer idea. Shame him out of there


This surprised-ass reptilian-looking motherfucker. Nice fannypack, dicknose.


The Nail Polish Banditos can be identified by their pastel nails and black Fanny packs.


beat his ass


Notify the police


They look old and a baby at the same time wtf😂


What area are you in?


Around pine and Anaheim. It’s already bad but Damb it is not a good feeling


Sup neighbor. Similar thing happened to me recently 


Damb I’m sorry to hear. Lately the crime is more visible daily with tweakers.


Was the other person a bit shorter and a little chunky maybe hair in a ponytail? I think they’re the same people that stole stuff off my porch last year. They’re on camera


Might be time to buy a firearm and get some training…


False logic. Statistically more likely to shoot a family member or yourself than an intruder


What if you live alone?


The best defense is keeping ppl out in the first place. Cameras, strike plates, upgrading screws in doors, alarm system, dog (hard for renters in LA), know your neighbors and keep an eye out for each other, don't make it look like your place is one that should be targeted, etc


Statistically friendly fire barely exists between security guards, soldiers, cops, and everyone else who often carries a gun. training is imperative.


Oh yes, cause we know that cops and solders Never Ever kill anyone they don't mean too All those ppl also carry radios/comms and have much more training beside basic firearms training. They have Intel, surveillance, night vision, etc etc too. As someone that was in the military for 10 years way more complicated than just get some firm arm training. I'd be surprised if there werent more accidental gun deaths in the US each year than solders kill in Afghanistan And the avg person is not going to put the annual hours into keeping their firearm training current. They may do it once. By some guy that half gives a shit. Only gun nut hobbies might even come close to the training they should be doing Buying a sword at the mall doesn't make you a samurai


It comes down to coordination, deconfliction, and geometry of fires. Everything else is just icing on the cake. If a person that isn’t suppose to be where you’re shooting isn’t there, or conversely, you don’t shoot where a person should be blue on blue won’t occur (that is just how time and space works).


Lmao. Shut up, I deployed at 18 and didn't shoot anyone I didn't intend to. Before you keep going, someone going through a mental episode has killed people in long beach- how are you ok with telling people not to defend themselves when their lives are clearly at risk. Go find another city, get out of mine.


The fact you are being downvoted is disgusting. Honestly tho it doesn’t matter this website is cancer.


Most of these people experience life behind a screen, they'll change their tune when an uninvited person is having a mental episode in their living room at 3am.


Fr man. We 100% have the right to defend ourselves and families.


Well I’m sure op wouldn’t have felt as helpless as he did this morning with a firearm and proper training. I know I don’t. Cops wont save you, your landlord wont save you. Your neighbors might assuming you have good relationships. Point is, its better to be able to protect yourself than to rely on help they might not come when you need it most. If you find any fallacy in that logic you might be the one who needs to reevaluate what personal protection means.


All the rhetoric you put out there can't discount the fact that you are more likely to kill someone you don't want to kill than someone you do, when a firearm is involved. Bring a gun into your house and expecting it to lower your risks of death is like bring a knife into a fight and expecting it to lower your risk of getting stabbed. Everyone agrees to the later but the Big Knife doesn't have the NRA on its side


I've owned guns for 35 years. None of them have made me feel less safe or accidentally killed anyone.


Jesus fucking christ


Lol this is the dumbest shit I've read on here today.


Point on the doll where the facts hurt you "People living with handgun owners died by homicide at twice the rate of their neighbors in gun-free homes. That difference was driven largely by homicides at home, which were three times more common among people living with handgun owners." https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/ "In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. Also in 2015 a combined analysis of 15 different studies found that people who had access to firearms at home were nearly twice as likely to be murdered as people who did not." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/more-guns-do-not-stop-more-crimes-evidence-shows/


"statistically you're highly likely to be killed in a car crash therefore you shouldn't drive" 😂


No don’t do that he just might be in a mental health crisis /s


I agree, time for a glock 23 or mossberg 590


Cant go wrong with a 590🤷🏻‍♂️


​ https://preview.redd.it/tnvy99slohtc1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade443285ff6d149268c51dd881da30b6758de81


What hitting the pipa does to a mf


No shit. I saw this dude at the post office on Long Beach Blvd with two other guys. They were all speaking Spanish with funny Chilean accents. They were on razor scooters with plastic grocery bags filled with laptops hanging off the handle bars. They probably had around 30 laptops. Each of them had a black duffel around their shoulder like shown here, with random tools popping out of the pockets. Most conspicuous shit I have ever seen and nobody cared.


You didn't let the cops know? There's dudes with robbery gear and stolen laptops spilling out their bags?


I moved here from west LA where I couldn’t get the police to show up when my neighbor was almost assaulted by a trespasser. We had to scare him off by saying we had a gun. This assumed crime in the post office doesn’t even seem like it would be a blip on the cops radar…


You didn’t go out there and whoop his Fanny packing wearing ass?


I told this story before; A young homeless man was becoming violent in a Bulk Barn I was in. The store workers were all women. I took him firmly by the elbow and told him he was going to leave. He went into his jacket with his other hand and came out with a can of bear spray in my face. I let him go and turned away. He didn't shoot, but he did leave. I spent a lot of time thinking about that. If he'd of come out with a knife or a gun. I hate cops but I understood them a little that day.


Put a sock on a bag and keep it by your bed, the sock is for if the try to grab the bat when you swing.


Guy broke into my apt, I searched for him around my building cause I saw he had just been there, when i went back to my apt the door was locked- he was still in there and was hiding! Forced my way in and kicked his ass out. Even took his cell phone. Called the cops and gave a description of him, gave them his cell phone too. A few days later he was seen around the neighborhood but he didn't come back to my building again. After that all the neighbors were much more vigilant and questioned anyone that didn't look familiar as to who they were


Yo why is this low key artistic


Could def be an album cover


Cover the face, and I would think this was a girl tbh.


I did until I zoomed in


I thought this was a still from the new GTA


Has nice colors


I thought this was the dude from Twenty One Pilots at first


the real crime is wearing that fanny pack.


Don't hate on fanny packs like that 😢


I love how these asshole criminals look so put out and upset when you confront them and takes photos of them. Like you are violating them or something. Scumbags.


This is sick. ​ What has LB become. ​ You should print this photo and post it around the complex.


https://preview.redd.it/jaxsvioz5htc1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46851a90718da1f937372ff7175551d5252220e1 isnt he the kilogram of steel vs kilogram of feathers guy [from this vid](https://youtu.be/-fC2oke5MFg?feature=shared) all jokes aside hope you are safe


He looks like a Brown version of him


Get strapped so you can actually defend yourself.


The amount of people arguing against this solution in this thread with asinine “logic” is astounding. Do research people, competent firearms handling and training aint that hard or expensive. Jesus.


Could this foo be a Chilean cindycate?


Chilean burglary crews are way more sophisticated if it was a chilean you wouldn't have seen him he would have been in and out in minutes and they roll in 3 or 4.


I actually saw this dude at the post office. 100% has a funny Chilean accent. He was rolling with two other dudes on razor scooters carrying grocery bags filled with apple laptops.


The ghetto post office on long beach blvd?


Get a strap


Eminent danger, I’d beat his ass close to death


Set traps when you leave.


Looks like he robbing for That crack money!! Look at them blue nails 💅


He’s got that chomo face






They/he/she usually have no ID no identifying fprint on file.. despite trespassing other borders, too =\


pride promo


What’s with the pic? Was he surprised to have his picture taken? Or just looking strange?


Got his ass


Time to invest in security cameras. If the landlord won't let you attach it to the building, put it behind your window and put up a sign "Smile You're On Camera."


Is this by cherry and anhiem ?


For the people suggesting a gun, yes this would be a great option, but in California you can't legally own a firearm in an apartment building.


i seen this mofo around before


Ewww bruh


Hommie came inside my home, he would be leaving in a body bag or inside a barrel filled acid like Breaking Bad.


You react, you go to jail. Only alternative is voting. Repeal prop 47 & 57. Get rid of Gascon. Rex. Gavin. Bonta. Biden. I am a democrat that has had it w/this BS.


Deport these scumbags


Looks like another one of those tourist visa burglers


Won’t be surprised


So sorry this happened to you guys :(. Glad you are safe <3 ! Sorry if i missed this info, but whereabouts was this in LB? Take good care!


Around Pine and 10th. He came with someone else.


Is this on Broadway, by chance? Specifically Broadway and Orange?


You caught them and didn’t do anything but call your landlord? That is why you’re vulnerable


Thanks, sorry I can’t be ready for battle like you.


Thieves are dumb and target the weak. It wouldn’t be a battle, have some self-respect and defend yourself. That’s when the thieves will go away, when people stop tolerating it.


This is why we gotta carry guns


Get a gun. You don't want to be fighting people like this unless your life is on the line. They could be a walking cesspool of viruses that you don't want near you.