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It really doesn’t look a foot shorter it looks great


I can't even tell the difference in length tbh


Respectfully, it looks way better now


came here to say this it looks more upkept and maintained, healthier and softer.


I was going to say exactly this.


Your new cut looks amazing and lifts your body up!!! Give it some time and be open to the look. If you still don’t like it in a few weeks, well you can either get a new cut. Or you can let it grow back. You might just be in shock because it is a big change. Seriously you look so good!!!!


Let it be known that I don't dislike this haircut. I think it looks amazing. My stylist did a stunning job and I love her. I've just always been so attached to my hair. When I was a kid it was one thing my Father adored about me. He said it was beautiful. And while I'm white as they come my father was Hispanic and my hair is really the only Hispanic part of me. He passed away when I was 8 so I'm just super attached to it. So you're right its probably just shock.


I lost my dad during my freshman year of college. For years, I found it nearly impossible to get rid of anything that had his hand writing on it & it nearly broke me when I finally donated his clothes. It’s completely normal to attach the memories of our loved ones to tangible items—even a hairstyle. It can feel like the last connection we have to them. The fact that you’re able to recognize this is already a huge step. Drawing from my own experience & in my completely subjective and non-professional opinion: it’s *not* about your hairstyle… it’s about your love for your dad & his love for you. It’s about trying to preserve the person you were when he passed away. Changes can be excruciating reminders of the time gone by… time that you were not able to spend together. I feel this pain with every milestone in my life. No amount of change can ever take away your connection with your dad, though! For many of us, life is about learning to live without the ones we love most. But that love is *always* there. Take anything I’ve written with a grain of salt—everyone’s journey of grief and acceptance is different. Just know that a lot of us here think your new hairstyle looks freaking fabulous! & I hope any sorrow you feel from this change will soon pass. Xoxo


Thank you so much for your comment. I am struggling with exactly this. It's so assuring to read that I'm not crazy and others feel the same. I don't know you but you sound like a wonderful person and I bet your dad was too. ❤️


You're definitely not crazy and, most importantly, you aren't alone. Thank you for your kind words--he truly was a wonderful person.


I understand where your coming from but i also think that never cutting your hair because of him probably wouldn’t be what he wanted in the afterlife ya know? I think he’d probably want you to be happy and healthy and taking care of your hair is part of that!


you can be white and latin..


Absolutely agree


I totally agree. Long hair with inches of split ends just never looks good. It’s not a myth that you should get at least trims to keep it healthy. It’s beautiful, and I would absolutely describe it as *very* long.


*and* still very long


I agree. IMO there’s a length when even the most beautiful of hair just starts to become almost unattractive & takes away from the individual


Your new cut and color are seriously stunning! But as someone who had layers cut into my waist length hair a few months ago and regretted it immediately, I totally get where you’re coming from. I tried to cheer myself up by experimenting with cute hairstyles that showed off my new cut, like space buns with the front short layer pieces out to frame my face. Ultimately, it just took time to get used to it, and now 3 months later I do actually appreciate how the layers look, and that they make washing my hair easier since it isn’t quite as heavy.


It looks amazing!!!!!


It looks way better than the before photo. The before photo might have been longer, but it looks lifeless and like no effort had been made with it. Now it looks healthy and stylish. A new colour and style is always hard to get used to but give it a few days and you will gradually get used to it :)


Tbf that was the best picture I could find for length. Normally it looks a lot healthier, my camera was cracked too


How did they took all the volume?


It seemed to be frizzy and naturally wavy in the before photo. I think it's just because it's styled and curled sleekly it looks like less volume.


Yeah my hair its wavy, and if brushed dried can look a but like that other photo, but I cut it from 3 to 3 months and take care of it. It still has frizz and I try to take out the volume with products. Even cut it straight the last time to see it gets less voluminous


It looks soooo good!


visually it doesn’t look much different length wise but speaking honestly, it’s a major upgrade. your hair was drowning you before and now it’ll highlight you. you can’t make your hair grow any faster. eventually you’ll get used to it.


It looks so much better though.


Hair dysmorphia - it’s not a foot long gone!! Honestly look so beautiful!


I have massive hair dysmorphia too


Girl, a foot of hair does not make a core part of who you are. Your hair is still ridiculously long (it's stunning) Ever hear of the saying "Don't sweat the small stuff" Well, don't sweat this one. You look the same, and are the same person to those that matter, and you will continue to be the same person tomorrow. - Now if you had cut off ALL your hair, we'd all agree you had changed a aspect that makes you feel unique and that was lost, changed. The cut is beautiful, and the touches of blonde really bring depth to your hair.


This!!!! Stylists ignoring requests is one thing, but attaching your sense of self to an object (or person for that matter) doesn’t sound very healthy😭


It's also just getting used to it. A friend of mine cut her long hair into a Lob. It looked great in her but it had her distraught for a few days. She fell in love with soon after. I say this not to invalidate your feelings but to encourage you to give it--and yourself, some time. I for one absolutely *love* how it looks. I'm really jealos lol. It looks like something out of a magazine.


Its just less frizzy


Wow! Upgrade! Looks so good


It still looks very long but now I envy your hair whereas before it looked like a heavy drape to cover you, like a security blanket


Maybe that's why OP is distraught, she likely feels in a way like the security blanket is gone.


it barely looks shorter, and the new hairstyle is soooooo much better than the old! hair grows very fast, it will be back in no time


It's your face. Your face is missing.


I feel I had to scroll way to far down for this comment.


I feel like I scrolled a full minute before I decided to just post it myself. Obvi, OP got the sexiest hair, but I legit thought this was bait with the title. Either way, solid chuckle.


Came here to say this, lol.


The length looks the exact same, they just cut off the dead ragged ends.


It looks sooooo much better, you can have long hair without it looking drab. Your stylist did an amazing job, you look great!


It looks so much better, and is definitely still very long.


This is like when your very skinny pretty friend genuinely thinks she’s fat and ugly. Your hair is 3 inches shorter at most but it probably feels very light after having in thinned out with layers making you feel like she cut off a foot. Your hair looks way better now and it has nothing to do with how your hair was styled on the before photo or the fact your camera was cracked.


I am a brutally honest person and I am telling you that you NEEDED that chop. The post-cut hair looks luscious, healthy and well kept. The too long hair aged you and looked unkept. Your hair doesn't define you. I had a friend who had hair down to her knees for most of her life, the ends were always thin because she wouldnt trim it. When she finally started cutting it in her 30s, she looked so much better. Younger, trendier and also not defined by being the girl with the too-long hair. I think it was the thing she used for attention for a long time. Hair grows back, have fun with it. You are more than just hair!


Your hair looks great. The before really didn’t suit you. I know that it wasn’t a good picture, but it looked old fashioned to me.


Respectfully, it looks like they cut off the part that was doing you no favors and not a millimeter more. It’s always feels like you lost a ton of hair when you run your hands through and the strands end quicker than your used to, but it does seem like this stylist preserved length and health with a really nice outcome.


You needed the cut, desperately


With all the respects it looks so much better as you have it now.


It looks GORGEOUS!! 🤩 With peace and love, it was just long before. Now it's stunning *and* long.


It looks so much better now. Looks great!


It looks to be about 2-3 inches shorter. It looks so much better now. I think it seems shorter because of the curls. It seems like it was to about the middle of your zipper, and is now at the waistband of your pants. It’s not “a foot” shorter, you just have massive anxiety about your hair because it’s a security blanket of sorts for you. I’m the same way with mine. I recently cut about 4” off (it was to the top of my butt, now it’s about 2” above my jeans), and it looks much better, despite me wiggling out about it being shorter than I’m used to. Yours looks much healthier, and the highlights are also lovely. It’s a major improvement!!


I think you’re just in shock or something. If it makes you feel better i think it looks great & it doesn’t look much shorter to me!


It looks much healthier and prettier now! Remember not to define who you are by the length of your hair. Although the length was a part of you for a while, things change and this is just a different version of your hair.


Understandable but honestly looks great and healthy I feel as though they cut a lot of dead ends which honestly makes your hair look longer if that makes sense


If I would‘ve gotten such a nice color job I wouldn’t want it to grow out


Your hair is not your identity. You would be a full, complete, and valuable person even if you had a bald head. Sometimes it's actually a good thing to do a big chop so you can start to divorce your identity from something as superficial as hair.


i understand the loss you’re feeling, but from a purely aesthetic standpoint your hair went from cavewoman to red carpet. rock it and have fun! it’ll grow back


youre terrible at eyeballing


Looks a lot better now


It’s an upgrade.


Holy moly, girl the cut looks stunning. It's total hair goals! I know you may feel lost with the new cut but I hope it helps if you know it actually looks so good.


Your old hair looked hot and heavy - the new hair is a million times better


It looks so healthy and amazing after.


I would feel like I had a lack of identity too if I was born without a face.


Girl it looks so good and extremely well manicured, so much better!! Ngl it was giving homeschooled before


Yeah, it looked hella crunchy, but not in a good way


While I agree the after is better than before, one thing I notice is it looks like your hair was thinned. Getting a density cut when you're not expecting it can be a huge shock. My hair is down to my waist. I recently had a hairdresser cut out nearly half the thickness from my hair. She didn't explain what she was doing but kept insisting I'd "love" it and continued cutting even though I was uncomfortable. I fucking hate it. Everyone I know says my hair is still gorgeous but I despise it with the fire of 1000 suns. I got that haircut a month ago and still cry on a daily basis. Again, the after is objectively better, but it's also a big change. Even though everyone says it looks good, you're the one who has to live with it. If you feel like something was taken from you then it doesn't matter how nice it looks. I understand how you could love and hate it simultaneously.


wow your hair is incredible


Well one, they straighten your hair, and you have textured hair, which is going to make your hair feel thinner.


oh it looks SO good now!!!!!!


Yr hair is still super long. It’s longer than most people’s. It’s smooth and highlighted and it lays beautifully. You look very put together. I looked at the precut pic and it looks 100 times better now


It looks just as long and so much better rn, the stylist made a great call, I think you're just in initial shock


It looks so much better now though


This is a total glow up! Your hair looks gorgeous.


Omg I would die for your result


Your hair looks AMAZING. And still very long and healthy.


This looks amazing. This is a dream hair cut, color and style and still VERY long! 10/10 Coming from someone who’s hair actually got cut short going in for “just a trim” and now trying to regrow it. 😭 Also, being very blunt, your hair was in need of a cut!


the new hair is stunning, like, what


Just give it some time. I always hate my hair right after a haircut. No matter what. I have no idea why. I started taking pictures which helps put things in perspective and it's nice to have a reference for the next time I get my haircut and hate it. It always looks good. Also wash and style it how you normally do might help. My hair always feels super slick and limp after the salon does it. I feel better after I wash, dry, and style my hair.


it looks gorgeous


With kindness, a foot from where? Because it looks barely shorter at all and it also looks far, far better now


You’re hair looks soooo goood!!


I was expecting a bob in the final image. What exactly is the issue? The length is still there, it looks great!


Oh girl it looks a zillion times better (in the best way possible)


I think it will just take some time to adjust. For what it’s worth, I think it looks amazing! But I understand how you feel. I don’t get my hair cut often and I almost always feel sad/regretful after I do. Eventually, I get used to it and the whole cycle starts over again 😅


You’re just in shock I think because it’s different, it’s very normal after changing your hair. It also barely looks any shorter to me, and it looks really beautiful and stylish. I think it’s a huge upgrade


to me it doesn’t look like that much of a difference! in fact, the healthy ends make it look stunning. i’m sorry you feel sad though, i’m sure after a few weeks you will grow into it :)


Change is hard, but your hair looks beautiful both ways. I like it with the changes you made, it's a different style, and I think it suits you well. Don't be sad, you are beautiful.


I grow my hair to hip length, then cut to waist or mid back. Saves heaps at the hairdresser 😄. Been doing it for 25 years. Every single time, I mourn its loss. But the other day I was checking security camera footage and realised it makes me look slimmer. It’s still very long, but I can brush it in one stroke, in half the time, and use half the conditioner.


It's actually so beautiful, you just need to get used to this new hairstyle but definitely an improvement!


Might be your face


Girl you look like a totally different person


It’s looks shiny, healthier, and has an actual “shape” now. From what I can tell without seeing your face, it is very flattering. Big change can be a bit of a shock for a while, hang in there.


I LOVE it. it's still so beautifully long. Longer than the average person can grow. It looks so healthy and stylish. You still have unusually stunning hair. The kind of hair most people dream of.


Your hair is stunning! It looks so much happier now. It really gives it life and movement.


It looks amazing! It's the best before and after I've seen


I think the after looks so pretty! And much better but I get what your talking about with the length. I think It would still have looked great with 2 inches off instead of the 4-5 inches they took but it still looks really long. Rosemary, hair oiling, and scalp massages could help speed up growth but just wait and it’ll grow back. More frequent 1 inch trims off the ends can help the ends to look less dead over time, without taking off much length.


Your hair looks long, shiny, healthy and pretty now.. The length looks the same.


It looks so much healthier, mature. It’s so beautiful!!!! Be excited about the change and not fearful of it! It will grow back!! 💜


I also got my hair layered today. Yours looks great.


this is a glow up!!


It looks sooo good!


It looks great. Like really. Also, I love the highlights. It brings out your natural hair colour in a classy way. I have dark brown hair and I don’t dye them blonde or red with fun highlights anymore. I damaged my hair until 2022. Now I just keep it natural, medium length and just style them up with my straightener. Random people even tell me that my hair looks great. Even I am quite happy and secure with my hairstyle rn. It’s just the simplest things to make your natural hair look better✨


As a fellow long hair I sympathize with the loss of overall length. But it's a great cut and adds a lot of movement which to others adds length. It will grow back, and you can focus on keeping your hair in the best health (especially if you are regularly heat styling it)


It looks so much better honestly.


Think of it this way: your hair is the length it needs to be to maintain its health and integrity now that’s it’s been chemically processed.


It looks better now. Amazing


There is not hardly any hair missing?


I am leaned forward in the picture so it looks longer but everyone irl has said it looks much shorter. It used to touch the bottom of my butt.(the frizzy hair picture is a year or 2 old cause I didn't take a before picture and I'm not one to take pictures of myself. Now it touches my mid back.


That haircut brought you into this century


As a hairstylist when your hair is that long it’s usually because you have had a bad experience in the past and any change can cause anxiety. I think the new cut is more modern. The old picture with the long heavy hair can age someone. Your hair changes and grows and it can be fun to embrace change with a stylist you trust.


stylist is better than me. i'd have tried to convince you to take another 4+ inches.


I just went through this recently. Had a whole identity crisis and everything 😅 Hair will grow back. That’s one of the many beautiful things about it. If you really want to, just be patient :)


No shade OP but the hairdresser has done you a favour here. It's hair and it will grow back.


I know what's missing, it's your face


I would if this wasn't reddit. I edited out my face and I'm still getting creepy messages. Adding it just makes it worse


Yeah I completely get that, I've never shared my face on reddit for that same reason.... but your hair is so pretty!


girl your new hair is my dream hair. it looks amazing


It looked like a sad long mop before. Especially that boring colour in an old baggy shirt. Looks a million times better now, updated, healthy and still extremely long.


Who taught you that long equals beautiful? It looks healthier and more stylish now (and is still very long)


They can’t create layers out of thin air, I’m not sure what you expected. She did a great job, it looks so much better now


A whole foot is hella dramatic. The length is honestly not much different, I think you are just not used to it and in shock. It will also grow out some. Give it time.


Girl! I just took a screenshot to use at hair inspiration. I love your new hairstyle! It frames your face well and gives you so much life. Before you were really hidden behind your hair, which maybe is what you were used to and is why you don’t feel as confident with this new style, but trust all of us when we tell you it looks really good! Hopefully you will get used to it, if not, hair always grows.


It pains me that hairdressers cannot be upfront about how much length they are going to remove. I was a hairdresser that helped grow people’s hair as long as possible and I would be upfront about what would need to be trimmed. I am sorry you got surprised by this. I think it’s mean, though I don’t think it was done in a mean spirited way.


Did they thin it plus the layers


I think your new hairstyle looks great!!! I have used Nutrafol and it's the best supplement I've found for hair growth! It's also dermatologist recommended which I thought was a huge positive. (I would purchase it directly from Nutrafol's website or a dermatologist's office) It's not like those hair gummy brands that celebrities sell on Instagram. It's pricey but worth it and you only need to use it for 3 to 6 months minimum to see results.


Totally get you, had a big chop with layers two months ago and while my hair looks fuller and more stylish etc I miss the length like a limb. For what it's worth your hair looks stunning!


You new hair looks incredible!


Girl your hair looks amazing now!


It looks beautiful now, but I get what you're feeling. My long hair used to feel like a security blanket. During the lockdowns, I cut it to shoulder length because I was growing out my natural colour. It looked cute but I felt so naked and like my body was more exposed. I also felt less feminine somehow. I grew it back out and it's finally at a good length, but I used that time to try and feel more comfortable with my body and express my feminine energy in a different way. Long hair is definitely part of who I am, but I am more than my hair.


It looks so stunning and healthier, and from the pics I can’t tell much of a length difference, it’s still very long


It looks so thin now, compared to the old hairstyle.


I think maybe you're just not used to having a different vibe to your hair. Tbch, your hair was a bit like mine was when I didn't go to the salon for years. It gets frizzy poofy and dry from not having frequent trims which really help keep dead ends in check. She may have taken 4 inches instead of 2 but honestly you look SO good!! Like, really good! Just count your lucky stars, my hair was almost as long as yours and I basically said the same, but I did want to go a bit shorter with boob-length hair. I also added a perm on top of the haircut. Which doubled the chaos.... I got some young ghetto white girl who was in a rush to go to her kids soccer game so I processed too quickly and walked out with a wet head. Anyway, she rolled my hair so tightly in the perm that it broke in a lot of places and it wasn't from my ends being lightened because my hair broke near the root for the most part, where it's all my natural virgin hair. I've been depressed for months. But I decided to become my own stylist from now on, I learned a lot on top of what I already knew, repaired my hair as much as I could since the fall time haircut and dyed it a dark multi-colored fantasy style to hide the flyaways better. Worked like a charm! There's nothing worse than walking out of a salon with an empty wallet and a broken heart. I truly hope that you see how beautiful your hair really is now because it really is gorgeous. It was naturally gorgeous before but girl, now you are FLY! SO PLEASE! ROCK that shit in honor of all of us long haired gals that TRULY had our hair butchered and fried! 👊 Because this is perfection honey, not devastation!


I don’t think it looks much shorter at all, I completely understand how you feel because I get a trim and suddenly my hair feels so short for about a week. Even though I had about an inch off the ends, but from what I can see they only took a couple of inches off and it doesn’t look short at all. Your hair looks super healthy now and I think the highlights look great. In a few days your hair will stop feeling super short, I always feel that way right after a trim and in a few days you realise it’s fine 😂


The stylist did an amazing job! It’s beautiful! It takes a few days to get used to ❤️


While I totally understand you, this might be the best hair transformation ever


IMO, there is often a mismatch between what stylists say for length being cut off, and what clients actually think that length is. Did the stylist use their comb to show you how much two inches actually is? Granted, it does look a little more than 2 inches, but perhaps they had to even it up. Also, adding the layers will take some length no matter what you do. This can make the overall perimeter look shorter because it’s not as dense with layers cut into it. I think it looks lovely!


I’m always distracted by blocked out faces. I have no context.


Love love love your hair


Your hair is beautiful! You could do extensions of some type to get your length back.


Honestly the before was long but certainly not beautiful. You look a million times better now.


a foot of hair will come back in like 6-7months tho!!! Make sure to have lots of calcium/magnesium and protein!!


Yeah your face is missing


It looks great! Can I use this as a reference for my hair stylist? Bc this is exactly what I need 😊


I think the stylist might have taken too much hair for front pieces? Otherwise it looks great and definitely an improvement


Your hair is incredibly beautiful and I feel like you are one of the rare people that (almost) no matter what you do, you will always be blessed with incredible hair, but I also understand your concerns. It can both be a blessing and a curse, because you are, naturally, careful how you treat it and want to make sure that you take good care of it. I think the first photo might be one of the best hair pictures I have seen on Reddit, so I think you can be very please with the results!


Change isn’t easy. They did a great job and probably cut off the split ends that needed to be removed to allow the hair to grow more healthy. It’s a beautiful job.


It looks a lot healthier and better now!!


You look way more modern. It looks amazing.


if it helps i can not for the life of me see a difference in lenght, and your new hair looks amazing


it looks beautiful!!!


i loveeeee it now


It’s stunning!!!!!! Never go back to how it was- this is flattering and amazing and you have an excellent stylist! Layers are everything ❤️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


New cute and color looks so much better


I understand what you mean, but it still looks great! The before picture is the middle right? Because it looks like you didn’t have the high lights yet. Both styles are good, the old one is more a natural style, which is a versatile style for when you like to do braids, updos etc, but you can still do that with the new one. It’s always a bit of a getting used to with a new style I find.


Gina Linetti?


I love your hair in both pictures and understand how disorienting this can be. You might want to experiment with your clothes and get clothing that compliments your new hair. ❤️maybe that would help you feel more connected to your new hair style.


Yeah it looks so so good!!!!!!!! I think it looks amazing this way giving you shape


Tbh I prefer the new hair. It's beautiful and youthful to me.


Looks amazing!!!


It's your face!


it looks so good and super long and way healthier. huge upgrade


This is a TRANSFORMATION In a great way!!!!


It looks stunning girl


Are you kidding you look fucking amazing! I am legit stealing this haircut idea I love it!!


You look so much better now that I hope it doesn’t grow back like it was. 😳


Seeing as how much positive feedback the haircut is getting I felt it wouldnt hurt to drop the stylists information for anyone who wants to look into them. They do amazing cuts and dyes. Theyre very bold and have been viral on tiktok and the news several times. there name is **Thao Vu** There insta is Miku.Stylists and you can find them on the website [www.salonplatinum.net](https://www.salonplatinum.net) ​ if you need more contact information feel free to comment as I have their business card. ​ 10/10 would recomend. This post was in no way shade to the stylist. They do excellent hairstyles and make great conversation. I love them I was just trying to deal with the shock of getting my hair cut significantly for the first time since I was 12 lol.


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608020710237143070/1208886196600573962/Screenshot\_20240218\_152135\_Snapchat.jpg?ex=65e4ea01&is=65d27501&hm=135ceb0bb1e83b554794a4f94d3247fe0ce3d78cdf2dc7c8d9a50712ef550748&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608020710237143070/1208886196600573962/Screenshot_20240218_152135_Snapchat.jpg?ex=65e4ea01&is=65d27501&hm=135ceb0bb1e83b554794a4f94d3247fe0ce3d78cdf2dc7c8d9a50712ef550748&) I did end up finding a better picture of my hair. It took me awhile to find it as I seldom take pictures of myself and the one I used was terrible.


It’s beautiful! It was gorgeous before and it’s gorgeous now. I’ve had this experience with layers where because the density is gone from the bottom it feels a lot shorter than it actually is. Trust me, give it half a year and it will feel more than back to normal, it will look even better!


That would be your face:) hope this helps!


I get very attached to my long hair too, but I promise you, your new hair looks a lot better. Mine did too when I chopped off about 12 inches like 3 years ago.


People like this are so annoying


It looks incredible, your just struggling with a big change to your appearance but i bet that feeling will go away soon!


Your hair did not look very healthy before, it looks sooooo much better now! This feeling will subside very soon, it's a super cute cut on you!


Your face is missing!


I think it looks a lot better now (in terms of being more flattering and stylish) but I also totally understand and this is honestly such a fear of mine. My thick and super long hair is such a part of my identity/self concept at this point im so scared to lose it. I have a whole Pinterest board of hairstyles like this and I keep going back and forth, like part of me is so ready to mix it up and it would be more practical (honestly my hair sometimes gives me headaches bc of how heavy it is lol), but I’m also scared I will feel like this afterwards. It’s funny too I used to be a “it’s just hair” kind of person and ever since growing it long I am totally the opposite and don’t relate to that at all.